VOL.XXV. JULY 1920 B.S.N.S. QJJARTERIY CATALOG NUMBER, £23 r IXTH DISTRIC T BLOOMS BURG, PA. S D -rl 9 2 1 THE B. S. N. S. QUARTERLY CATALOG NUMBER Entered as second-class matter July 1, 1909, at the post Bloomsburg, Pa., under the Act of July 16, 1894 Sixth District BloomsDurg, Columbia County Pennsylvania 1920=1921 PRESS OF SUN PRINTING & BINDING WILLIAMSPORT. PA. CO.. INC office at Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/bsnsquar20bloo STATE NORMAL SCHOOL CALENDAR 1920 1921 FIRST SEMESTER The First Work will Semester opens Tuesday, September begin Wednesday, September of Christmas vacation, 1920. 7, 1920. November Philologian Anniversary, Saturday, Beginning 8, 27, 1920. Thursday, December 23, 1920. Work resumed End Tuesday, January of First Semester, Saturday, 1921. 3, January 29, 1921. SECOND SEMESTER 1921 The Second Semester opens Tuesday, February Magee Contest, Monday, February 7, 1921. 1, 1921. Calliepian Anniversary, Tuesday, February 22, 1921. Beginning of Easter vacation, Thursday, March Work resumed Wednesday, March 30. 1921. Recital in Music, Saturday, June 11, 1921. Baccalaureate Sermon, Sunday, June Junior Drama, Monday, June Class Reunions, Tuesday, June Class Day exercises, 12, 1921. 13, 1921. 14, 1921. Tuesday, June 14, 1921. Commencement, Wednesday, June 15, 1921. Summer School opens Monday, June 27, 1921. 24, 1921. VIEWS OF NORMAL STATE NORMAL SCHOOL STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION THOMAS E. FINEGAN, WILLIAM LAUDER, President and Chief Executive Officer. Vice President Riddlesburg, Pa. TEMPLETON MARCUS AARON JOHN P. GARBER ROBERT SHAW Greenville, Pa. E. S. Pittsburgh, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Greensburg, Pa. McGINNES L. E. Steelton, Pa. BOARD OF TRUSTEES SCHOCH JAMES C. BROWN A. Z. President, 1919 Vice President and Secretary, 1919 DAVID L. GLOVER, 1919 CHARLES W. MILLER, Esq., PAUL E. WIRT, Esq., 1921 HON. VORIS AUTEN, M. G. YOUNGMAN, 1920 1920 1921 DOWNES, 1921 BENJAMIN APPLE, 1920 D. J. WALLER, Jr., (Ex-Officio). WM. H. HIDLAY, Treasurer. F. E. STANDING COMMITTEES The President of the Board is a member of all committees Instruction and Discipline PAUL E. WIRT F. E. J. DOWNES C. BROWN Grounds and Buildings J. C. BROWN M. G. YOUNGMAN BENJAMIN APPLE Household HON. VORIS AUTEN D. L. GLOVER PAUL Finance C. W. MILLER M. G. BENJAMIN APPLE E. WIRT YOUNGMAN Credit and Collection M. G. YOUNGMAN F. E. all DOWNES PAUL Under the By-laws the President of the Board committees, and by resolution of the Trustees Household Committee. is is a E. WIRT member chairman of of STATE NORMAL SCHOOL THE FACULTY AND OTHER OFFICERS Arranged in Groups According to the Seniority Heads of Departments D. WALLER, J. of Appointment Jr., Principal ANNA FRANCES KINGMAN Preceptress WILBUR, A.M., Higher Mathematics G. E. W. SUTLIFF, B. A.M., Mathematics CHARLES L. WERNTZ, A.B., Mathematics JENKINS, F. H. A.M., Registrar J. G. COPE, M.E., Physics and Chemistry MARY A. GOOD, Chemistry ALBERT, M.E, C. H. A.M., Geography BAKELESS, O. H. Theory and Practice HELEN Critic Method, Critic Method, Critic A.M., Teaching CARPENTER, F. Method, of M.E., and Model School Teacher MABEL MOVER and Model School Teacher SADIE D. S. E. KINTNER, and Model School Teacher HARTLINE, A.M., Biological Sciences of BLOOM SBURG BESS HINCKLEY, Assistant in Biology STEWART WIANT, Assistant in Biology JAMES T. GOODWIN, Stenography, Typewriting and Commercial Branches A. BRUCE BLACK, Penmanship J. C. FOOTE, Litt.B., English CHRISTINE CARTER, E. A.B., English EDITH M. PERRY, A.B., Reading and Public Speaking SARA HARVEY BAKELESS, English MRS. JOHN KETNER MILLER, Pianoforte, Violin, Orchestration, and History of RUTH L. Music MYERS Voice, Public School Music, and Solfeggio HELEN Pianoforte, M. STACKHOUSE, Harmony, and Analysis EMILY ROBISON, A.B., B.L.S., Librarian and Instructor in Library WILLIAM BRILL, Economy A.B., History and Civics MRS. J. T. GOODWIN, Drawing, Painting, and History T. of Art W. POWNALL, Director of Physical Culture BERTHA SCHOOLS, Associate Director of Physical Culture STATE NORMAL SCHOOL H. G. TEEL, A.M., Latin and Greek VIRGINIA DICKERSON, M.E, Latin G. EDWARD ELWELL, A.B., Jr., French CLEMENTINE GREGORY HERMAN, Spanish H. GERTRUDE CRUTTENDEN, Household Arts J. FOOTE, C. Litt.B., Manual Training MRS. T. W. POWNALL, Nurse NEVIN T. ENGLEHART, Steward, and Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds STANDING COMMITTEES OF FACULTY Advisory Board in Athletics J. G. WM. COPE B. SUTLIFF C. J. J. FOOTE W. WEIMER Public Entertainments THE PRINCIPAL W. B. SUTLIFF C. H. T. W. ALBERT POWNALL STATE NORMAL SCHOOL 11 COURSES OF STUDY Adopted for all the State Normal Schools sylvania, March 23, 1920. of Penn- REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION Graduates of approved secondary schools who can present evidence of having completed 15 units of high school work will be admitted as regular students to the state normal 1. schools. 2. A unit shall consist of not less than 36 work requiring at least weeks of 4 periods per week of not less than 40 minutes per period or its time equivalent. (Subjects not requiring out-of-class preparation or study shall require double time 3. schools in estimating the units). Credentials of shall be all students entering the state normal received and evaluated by the normal schools and submitted to the State Department of Public Instruction for approval. Adequate knowledge of the subject matter in the 4. elementary subjects will be presupposed on the part of all students admitted to the normal schools. 5. Required units for admission English 3 units. 1 unit. Mathematics : Science 1 unit. Social Studies 1 unit, after Sept., 1923, 2 units. 9 units, after Sept., 1923, 8 units. Elective Total 15 units. The holders permanent and professional certifitoward admission as regular students to the normal schools for each subject of high school grade written on the certificate. 6. of cates will be given one unit credit 7. Advanced credit will be given for equivalent courses approved teacher training institutions, but no student may obtain a normal school certificate without a minimum residence of one year. For the present the normal schools shall, when 8. necessary, conduct a secondary department of first class in BLOOM SBURG 12 high school grade for those students who do not have similar high school facilities available in their home communities. CURRICULA OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE NORMAL SCHOOLS STUDENTS MUST SELECT ONE OF FOUR CURRICULA The four curricula that are offered to students have been organized upon the principle that teaching in the elementary schools can be classified into, sufficiently definite types to require specialization. Each curriculum prepares for a specific type of teaching position. The two work of the normal school is divided The work of the first semester is the students. A large purpose of the work of the years' into four semesters. same first for all semester is to acquaint students with the requirements for successful teaching in the different grades so that they may be able to decide intelligently in what grade or grades they prefer to teach. The course entitled "Introduction to Teaching", which includes observation and participation in the training school, is especially designed to aid students in a wise selection of a curriculum. At the end of the first semester, students are asked to one of the four curricula for the purpose of specializing in a specific field of teaching. The work of each curriculum must be completed in its entirety. Students may be granted the privilege of changing from one curriculum to another only on condition that the prescribed courses of any curriculum so selected must be completed before a cerselect tificate of graduation is granted. The Four Curricula Group I. 4, 5 and —for teachers of Kin— for teachers of grades Kindergarten-Primary dergarten and grades 1, 2 and 3. Group II. Intermediate grades 6. Group III. Grammar Grades and Junior High School —for teachers of grades 8 and Group IV. Rural — for teachers of rural schools. 7, 9. J . t WMNNNHNrtP f MMCqNNrtP I ^N^MNMM to I MNNMMMM? J«3a a o eo fl w.2 -si J££| ww +> eo 3J3J2 „. .= * 'i s c ^ Sf 2 SS.Sc.S§ >, 9 c •= •= «-3 a_£ £ ^ - o x « S % .S'g cE.o f£ a ~ P i S 5 * e -a 35 iw I y §.§• Jh J5 Xt-h 0) "3 :'.- »h o> > ~ - — -= - -L - ~ c <;o tf^KH ^ NNNhOI OMMIM-HM-HC < D u IS yi 5 e >> 3 r3 O 3 (3 d 15 .2 w.2 3 = 3 «-o >,2 S« .z •s-w D o = .5 3 0> O *£ c £•-=.- c c ~ '"': O & ;asz x: £.1 ® J a WNNC In loo 12 |J C 2 H , 3 |- * rt OMNNN-Hf o o « 1 - o co eo C BQ rr P 5Z -c.2 c - - .»-§ s= O iC s 'S « eo S i-i = " O C 3 EE rw l" ~ > -c3Si.r:o^-r C< ~Zc 3 = •' i 5 N N N N - «C <* eo S! O8 w E u :; ^E^_ Hh * c w t, "S A L and Educ ducatio nship trial •en's i&Obo-S^Cgaig 03 bC .2 "£ 3 S 3 -c 21- III CC^C<1>- Ego 3 r3 C 3 3 c Or E - .« 1R 2 a « 2E — Cxj=j= 3 3 I— S J3JS3U13S pUOD3g :•- - Healtl Stude > Electi Schoo g •y E Histoi Tellin Child. h Music Citize Indus Healt! ve Electi The >r> J3JS3UI3S JSJIJ HOixnr jajsauiag pJJMX jajsaiuas qjjnoj H0IN3S STATE NORMAL SCHOOL 15 ELECTIVES All electives are taught from the professional point of view and are of college grade of work. All electives are to be chosen with special reference to the group in which the teacher is preparing to teach and with the approval of the principal of the school. Each normal school required to offer at least one groups of electives. Additional electives of similar grade may be offered at the discretion is elective in each of the six of the principal of the school. Education Semester Hours Credit Educational Measurements 3 Educational Psychology 3 Kindergarten Primary Methods 3 School Administration 3 Psychology of Adolescence 3 Physiological Psychology 3 — English and Foreign Langua ge English Literature Latin Modern Language Mathematics Solid Geometry Plane and Spherical Trigonometry Plane Trigonometry and Surveying Intermediate Algebra Advanced Algebra Science Agriculture Biology Botany Zoology Chemistry Geography Geology Physics The Teaching Social Studies of General Science Economics History Sociology Arts Cookery Art Music Mechanical Drawing Sewing Woodwork 3 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 6 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSES OF STUDY THE STATE COURSE OF STUDY The state course of study is used as the basis for the courses in the teaching of the elementary school subjects. CLASSIFICATION AND NUMBERING OF COURSES All courses are classified in seven departments. courses numbered below 10 are common to all groups. All A decimal indicates that two or more courses of the same department occur in the same semester. A single digit or the last of two digits indicates the The occurs. first of two semester in which the course group in which digits indicates the the course occurs. EDUCATION Education 1. — Introduction to Teaching. All groups, 1st semester. The primary purpose 4 periods, 3 hours' credit. of this course is to aid students in selecting curriculum at the end of the first semester, and to imbue a strong professional spirit and high standards of professional ethics. It includes consideration of the different types of teacha specific them with ing service, the general aims of the public schools and, more specifically, the work to be accomplished by the primary, intermediate, junior high, and rural schools respectively, a brief sketch of the characteristics of children in these different types of schools and the qualifications required of teachers to meet the needs of children at the different age levels in these different types of schools. The broad social aims of each type of school and its relation to the state are emphasized. The visits of instruction in this course is closely correlated with frequent observation and participation in the training school. Education 2. — Psychology All groups, and Child Study. 2nd semester. 3 periods, 3 hours' credit. This is an elementary course in psychology combining the important topics of both general and educational psychology and forming the basis of the specific courses in educational theory and pracThe chief topics considered are: (a) instinctive tendencies; tice. habit-formation; (c) memory, association (including localiza(b) tion of functions), and economy of learning; (d) the affective life; (f) the extent and causes of individual (e) the thought processes; differences among children, and the use of intelligence tests in determining them; (g) the treatment of exceptional children. About one-third of the course is given to the study of the characteristics of BLOOM SBURG children at the different levels of growth. One laboratory period each week is given to the observation of children. While this course is practically identical in all curricula, there is differentiation in the observation of children and in the laboratory experiments, each group emphasizing the characteristics of children at the age level of its particular curriculum. Education 12. — Kindergarten Group I, Theory. 2nd semester. 2 periods, 2 hours' credit. This course deals primarily with kindergarten aims, purposes, technique, and equipment. Special attention is given to modern tendencies in kindergarten practice, and particularly to the relation of the kindergarten to the primary grades. Observation and participation in the training school is a prominent feature of the course. Education 13. — School Group I, Efficiency. 3rd semester. 3 periods, 3 hours' credit. This course correlates closely with the student teaching, deriving a large part of its meaning from the teaching experience of the student. The instruction is shaped by the aim and purposes of the kindergarten and grades one, two, and three, and includes such topics as: class room routine, the organization of the daily study and recitation program; hygienic standards for and care of class rooms; the making and keeping of records; and is followed by the analysis and study of such class room technique as: the significance of the play spirit in the prigrades; the management of primary grades; the use of seat of dramatic expression; types of class room exercises applicable in the primary grades; and the project and problem method as applicable to children of this age; and the practical application of mary work; the value educational tests and scales. Education 23. — School Group II, Efficiency. 3rd semester. 3 periods, 3 hours' credit. This course correlates closely with the student teaching, deriving a large part of its meaning from the teaching experience of the student. The instruction is colored and shaped by the purposes and nature of the work in the intermediate grades and includes class room routine, the daily study and recitation program, hygienic standards for and care of class rooms, the making and keeping of records, and is followed by the analysis and study of such class room technique as: methods of lesson assignment; types of class room exercises; efficient methods of study; types of questioning; the value and uses of intelligence and educational tests; and the project and problem method as applicable to the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades. cipline in these grades receives attention. The problem of dis- Education 33.— School Efficiency. Group III, 3rd semester. 3 periods, 3 hours' credit. This course deals with the principles of instruction common to the teaching of all subjects in the seventh, eighth, and ninth grades, and is closely correlated with student teaching. Consideration will be given to such topics as types of lessons, the rec-'tation, the assignment, the question, the project and problem method, the socialized recitation, lesson plans, supervised and independent study, the use of edu- BLOOM SB URG and scales, problems in discipline, economy in class A considerable part of the time of this course is devoted to a discussion of educational guidance problems. The course analyzes the processes and problems of the important types of human cational tests room management. occupations, the aptitudes and training required for each, the financial rewards, the hazards, the opportunities and avenues for advancement in each field. As far as possible typical occupations are studied at first hand, including occupations of agriculture, manufacture, transportation, exchange, public service, professional service, domestic and personal service, and clerical occupations. The pertinent printed matter in books, pamphlets, and magazines is examined and organized. Education 43. —Primary Methods. Group IV, 3rd semester. This a composite course is 3 periods, 3 hours' crediit. including the best modern primary methods in number, geography, history, and handwork. It is devoted to a consideration of environmental materials in geography and the development of correct geographical concepts; to the aims and purposes of history in the primary grades and the materials available for these grades, with emphasis on the selection of materials for patriotic and other special days; to the best methods of inculcating in children simple health habits; and to the best available means of seat work thru paper cutting, weaving, clay modeling, etc. Education 4. — History and Principles All groups, 4th semester. of Education. 4 periods, 4 hours' credit. This is an integrating course and aims to bring together and interpret the details of educational theory and practice represented by the preliminary courses, and to leave with the student a unified body of educational doctrine. The course begins with a brief review of the origin and development of present day practices and tendencies in public school education, the large emphasis being placed on these movements that have originated, or at least have come into prominence, since the time of Rousseau. The discussion of such topics as: the aims and purposes of education; the development of various conceptions of educat-'onal values; and the history and present status of such educational movements as: vocational education; the treatment of backward children; scientific measurements; the junior high school; the doctrine of interest; formal discipline; the transfer of learning; project and problem teaching; and the socialized recitation. Education 44. — Rural School Problems. Group IV, 4th semester. 3 periods, 3 hours' credit. The aim of this course is similar to that of the course in School Efficiency in Groups I, II, and III, and includes in addition the defects of the one-room rural school treated constructively, not destructively; the advantages of consolidation; the organization of the rural school; the daily study and recitation program reducing the number of classes by combining grades, alternating grades, correlation, etc.; vitalizing the course of study; club work; community center work; heating and ventilation; play and recreation; and beautifying the school grounds. The discipline of the rural school is discussed. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Education 3. — Student Teaching. All groups, 3rd semester, 10 periods, 10 hours' credit. The Training School. The training school is the pivotal point of It functions as a laboratory for all the work of the normal school. every department of the school, and articulates with peculiar intimacy with the Department of Education. Observation and Participation. Altho student teaching is confined to the senior year, junior students are given frequent opportunities for participation in the work of the training school, and observation of expert teaching in the training school is a feature of all the courses in education and of many other courses thruout the curricula. One critic teacher is assigned to each two class rooms and demonstration lessons are taught from time to time in exemplification of the various phases of good educational practice. Distribution of Time. A minimum of two consecutive 60-minute periods per day for one semester is given to student teaching. Where two student teachers are assigned to the same class in the training school, the assignments are so adjusted that each student teacher has a definite problem. The distribution of teaching time is designed to progressively give to the student an increasing class responsibility. Lesson Plans. Plan forms are used upon which all lessons taught are planned. Critic teachers hold daily conferences with the student teachers under their charge and approve all lesson plans of student teachers before the lessons are taught. by student teachers Student Teachers. Every student teacher confines his teaching to the grades of the group which he has elected. Student teachers electing Group I and Group II have practice experience in all the subjects of the curriculum and, if possible, in all the grades of the group. Student teachers electing Group III confine their practice teaching largely to the subjects in which the student has elected to specialize and, if possible, have practice teaching in all the grades of the group. Student teachers e^cting Group IV confine their practice teaching largely to the rural one-room ungraded school and have opportunity for contact with the community problems. All assignments for student teachers contemplate the completion of a unit prob- lem. Training Classes. Training classes aim to have not less than 20 nor more than 30 pupils; that is, enough pupils to set up a normal social situation, and yet not so many as to unduly tax the limited skill of the teacher. Pupils. The pup^s in the training school by reason of the careful planning of each lesson and the close supervision of expert teachers, as well as thru the use of abundant and elaborate equipment of the normal school, are most favorably situated to secure the best possible education. The — STATE NORMAL SCHOOL ENGLISH English 1. — English Fundamentals. All groups, 1st semester. 3 periods, 3 hours' credit. The purpose of this course is to acquaint the student with the source of material in English and the forms of correct expression. A definite standard of written and spoken English must be acquired and maintained by all students. Further work in English without extra credit will be required of all who fail to reach and maintain this standard. A few periods of instruction are given in the method of classifying in the use of reference books, readers' guides, and cataloging books and etc. About a third of the time of the course is devoted to a thoro rein the basic principles of English grammar, and special attenpaid to the structure of sentences and the syntax of their various parts. The course includes a brief history of the language view tion is and the principles underlying its development. About a sixth of the time of the course is devoted to a study of words, including pronunciation, diacritical marking based on a generally recognized system of phonetics, and attention is paid to basic principles in etymology. English 1.1, 2.1. — English All groups, 1st Composition. and 2nd semesters. 2 periods, 2 hours' credit each semester. This course includes a thoro study of the forms of English prose composition together with much practice in writing. The four types of English prose narration, description, exposition, and argumentation are carefully studied and analyzed with reference to form, content, and technique. Special attention is given to the essay and the short story as media of prose expression, and students are required to write frequent themes illustrative of the various prose forms discussed. These are — the subject of class criticism and discussion. The teacher in charge of the class meets the students from time to time for personal made consultation. English 2.— Oral Expression. All groups, voice, and (2) 2nd semester. 2 periods, 2 hours' credit. designed primarily to insure (1> a good teaching effective address with facility and ease in oral expres- This course is sion. English 13. — The Group I, Teaching of Primary Reading. 3rd semester. 3 periods, 3 hours' credit. The primary aim of this course is to enable the student to acquire skill in the teaching of reading to beginners, including the development of skill in the use of phonics. The course includes a comparison of the principal methods of teaching reading, and the historical development of various methods of teaching reading is traced. Consideration reading. is given to the psychological processes involved in acquires familiarity with the means of meas- The student BLOOM SBURG uring efficiency in reading. This course is accompanied with observations of primary reading classes as well as the actual teaching of reading. English 23. — The Group Teaching II, of Oral 3rd semester. and Written Composition. 2 periods, 2 hours' credit. The aim of this course is to ascertain how to secure free self exin oral and written composition. Special placed upon oral composition as speech functions more largely than written composition in life. The prospective teacher is made to realize the necessity of assisting the pupil to form clear per- from the pupil pression stress is cepts and images as a basis for clear expression. The acquisition of a vocabulary by the pupil and his manner of applying it in the expression of his thot are carefully studied. Easy and natural transition from oral to written composition is the end sought in the teaching of composition. The use of standard measurements and tests in oral and written composition is taught in connection with this course. English 43.— The Teaching cf Oral and Silent Reading. Group IV, 3rd semester. 3 periods, 3 hours' credit. The aim of this course is to enable the student to acquire skill in the teaching of reading to beginners and the handling of the technique of silent reading with older pupils. Attention is given to the development of skill in the use of phonics. Consideration is given to the psychological processes involved in reading. The student acquires familiarity with the means of measuring efficiency in oral and silent reading. The course includes a comparison of the principal methods of teaching reading, and is accompanied with observations of oral and silent reading classes as well as the actual teaching of such classes. English — Children's 14. Group I, Literature and Story Telling. 4th semester. 3 periods, 2 hours' credit. This course involves the collection and study of literature in verse The selections are studied of this age. for the purpose of finding the elements contained therein that are The study of folk tales and likely to appeal strongly to children. fairy stories is included in this course. and prose suited to children The course in story telling covers the principles involved in telIt involves also the application of the prinling stories to children. ciples of child psychology and voice training to the telling of stories. English 24. —Juvenile Group II, Literature and Silent Reading. 4th semester, 3 periods, 2 hours' credit. This course is planned to give a foundation for teaching literature It aims to silent reading to pupils of the intermediate grades. give an adequate knowledge of those literary types that are most suit- and able for children of this age. Magazines and current literature are studied and selections made from these sources as well as from standard authors. A study is made of the difficulties that children meet in their Students are made effort to comprehend thot from the printed page. familiar with the scientific measurements of silent reading. BLOOMSBURG 26 English 34. —Juvenile Group III, Literature and Silent Reading. 4th semester. 3 periods, 2 hours' credit. This course aims to make an intensive study of the literature suitable for pupils of the grammar grades and junior high school. Emphasis is placed upon the ethical situations developed in the reading of pupils of this age. The course also aims to give students control over the technique of teaching silent reading. Students become familiar with the standard measurements of silent reading. MATHEMATICS Mathematics 12. Group — The I, Teaching of Number. 2nd semester. 2 periods, 2 hours' credit. This course covers intensively the work in arithmetic of the first three grades. Parallel with this, is a careful consideration of the approved methods of developing number concepts, of providing measurements and other forms of application, of correlating the number work with the work of other subjects, of conducting drill on number "facts", etc. The methods are illustrated by the observation of actual work with children, by demonstration lessons, and by the study and use of simple apparatus and materials, visual aids, etc. A sketch of the historical development of methods of teaching primary arithmetic is a feature of the course. Mathematics 22. Group — The II, Teaching 2nd semester. of Arithmetic. 3 periods, 3 hours' credit. This course aims to develop a systematic presentation of the facts and principles of arithmetic with special emphasis upon the topics that are most significant in the work of the intermediate grades. The treatment illustrates at every step the most effective methods of teaching arithmetic. Attention is given to the results of the recent experiments in the psychological processes involved in the teaching of arithmetic and to the measurement of efficiency in this subject by the standard tests and scales. Observation of the teaching of arithmetic in the intermediate grades is an essential part of the course. Mathematics 32. Group — The III, Teaching 2nd semester. of Mathematics. 3 periods, 3 hours' credit. This course includes important topics in the teaching of arithmetic Emin the seventh and eighth grades and in the junior high school. phasis is placed upon the commercial and industrial applications of arithmetic', with much practice in the making and solution of problems. Attention is given to the teaching of a course in composite mathematics in the jun'or high school. The use of standard measObservation of the teaching of urements is given consideration. mathematics in these grades is a requirement of the course. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Mathematics 42. — The Teaching 27 of Arithmetic. Group IV, 2nd semester. 3 periods, 3 hours' credit. This course aims to present a systematic study of the topics in arithmetic that are found in the course of study of the rural school. A special effort is made to have students understand how to use the resources of the country in supplying opportunities for the application of arithmetic. Attention is given to the psychology of arithmetic and to the standard measurements in this subject. Observation is an essential part of the course. SCIENCE Science 1. — Nature Study. All groups, 1st semester. The term nature study 3 periods, 2 hours' credit. in a broad sense to cover all phases of elementary science adapted to all groups. This course aims to give the student a definite body of knowledge of common forms of environmental materials, and to supply the principles that will guide him in selecting and using environmental materials wherever he may be located. The course includes as wide a range of observation as poss ble of materials which the prospective teacher may be called upon to use in his work. Field trips are supplemented by laboratory study. For teachers of the upper grades a differentiation is made in favor of materials that supply the basis for further scienis used : tific study, especially in the field of biology. Science 12. — The Group I, Teaching of Geography. 2nd semester. The emphasis 1 period, 1 hour credit. course is upon the use of environmental materials for the purpose of developing in the minds of the children correct geographical concepts as to direction, location, and geographical forms. Students have practice in choosing materials for study, as well as demonstrations of the materials and methods employed by others. An attempt is made to furnish instruction that will enable the student later to adapt his knowledge to the environment in which he is teaching. A part of the time is devoted to laboratory and field in this work. Science 22, 32, Groups 42.— The Teaching II, III of Geography. and IV, 2nd semester. 3 periods, 3 hours' credit. This is a general course in geography given from the standpoint of man's reaction to his environment, and aims to coordinate fundamental principles of geography. The course is developed from the viewpoint of causal relations rather than the mere enumeration of facts and principles. As far as time permits some study is made of regional geography as a type of further application. Students get training in the organization and the presentation of geographic data BLOOM SBURG thru the use of the project and problem method; in the preparation and the use of maps, graphs, diagrams, and other illustrative material; and in the problems and methods involved in teaching field geography. Students are made familiar with the use of standard educational measurements in geography. The observation of classes in the teaching of geography is a necessary part of the course. Such differentiation in the application of the above principles and methods is made for the different groups as the course of study in geography requires. Science 44. — Agriculture. Group IV, 4th 3 periods, 3 hours' credit. semester. A large purpose of this course is to give to the teachers of rural schools an insight into and a sympathy with the basic industry of the rural population and to appreciate the larger aspects of this industry as related to our national welfare. The rural teacher is instructed hew to relate a knowledge of agriculture to the experiences of rural children with a view to motivating the teaching of the common branches. Opportunity is offered for participation in agricultural projects so that teachers can initiate and supervise projects with their pupils. Thru this course teachers come in touch with the leaders of agricultural improvement and learn of the available sources of information on agricultural subjects. SOCIAL STUDIES Social Studies 12.— The Teaching of History. Group I, 2nd semester. 1 period, 1 hour credit. This course begins with the consideration of the aims and purposes of history in the primary grades. The course is devoted mainly to a study and practice in oral presentation and dramatization; and a consideration of the organization of material for special days, Particular advantage is taken of the festivals, and patnotic exercises. results of the work of Dewey in expressing historical movements thru industrial arts. This course gives attention to work in civics with a view to having students teach children the fundamental civic virtues and afford a basis of social experience for the interpretation of new social situat'ons as they arise. Emphasis is given to the teaching of significant civic virtues thru stories, poems, songs, dramatization and various pupil activities. Social Studies Group 22.— The Teaching II, 2nd semester. cf History. 3 periods, 3 hours' credit. This course includes a study of such history as will equip students to teach the history of the intermediate grades as recommended by the state course of study. Observation of teaching in these grades is a feature of the course. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Attention given to teaching civics in the intermediate grades. is The course for the fourth and fifth grades centers around the community cooperation, emphasizing those who furnish us of idea food, shelter, medical aid, light, work for the sixth grade centers transportation, protection, etc. The around the idea of industrial cooperation with emphasis upon vocational opportunities, study of community service thru occupations, and the qualifications required for each occupation. clothing, Social Studies Group 32.— The Teaching III, 2nd semester. of History. 3 periods, 3 hours' credit. A course primarily for those specializing in social studies. An intensive course in the teaching of American history with emphasis on the European background. The difference between secondary and primary source material is shown and the student gets acquainted with available source materials as well as acquires a knowledge of the principle text and reference books. The value and danger of historical parallels is shown as well as the importance of relating the study of history to current events. Students are taught to test historical data and to interpret historical facts. The teaching of community civics follows Bulletin No. 23, 1915, of the United States Bureau of Education. The larger responsibilities of citizenship and of patriotism as revealed by the World War are presented, and the student gets acquainted with the many books in these fields available for children as well as the proper reference material for the teacher. Social Studies 42. — The Teaching Group IV, 2nd semester. of History. 3 periods, 3 hours' credit. a composite course in the teaching of history and civics using as a basis the report of the Committee of Eight of the American Historical Association and Bulletin No. 23, 1915, of the United States Bureau of Education, entitled "The Teaching of Community Civics". Special emphasis is laid upon the opportunities for citizenship in rural communities and upon the ultimate dependence which all civilization has upon the products of the soil. This course aims to develop resourcefulness in the student in the use of available text and reference books. This is Social Studies — Citizenship. 4. All groups, 4th semester. 2 periods, 2 hours' credit. This course aims to clearly define the meaning of democracy and to discuss the fundamental problems in a democratic social system; to point out the community relationships as expressed in family, church, school, industry, and state to the development of democracy; to emphasize the responsibilities of the individual citizen in his vocation, in his political activities, in his use of leisure, and in the many aspects of social intercourse to the life of democracy; and to all the phases of democracy to make clear the responsibilities of teachers and of public education. BLOOMSBURG Social Studies 44. — Rural Sociology. Group IV, 4th semester. The primary aim 2 periods, 2 hours' credit. of this course is the inculcation in the minds of the students of a love for, and just appreciation of the importance of a healthy country life, and includes consideration of such topics as: defects of present day country life, treated constructively; the lack of rural pride and rural cooperation; land tenantry; migration from the country to the city and its causes; cooperative buying and selling; the need for scientific agriculture; the country home; the country church; good roads; and the country school as an agent in intellectualizing, socializing, and spiritualizing country life. ARTS Arts 1. — Drawing. All groups, 1st semester. 4 periods, 2 hours' credit. The aim of this course is to enable students to teach the public school course of study in drawing, including the representation of common objects, the elementary principles of design, lettering, composition, and color harmony in their application to dress, home, school, and community interests; to give students facility and confidence in their ability to draw and illustrate on the blackboard a wide range of school subjects; to develop appreciation of art and ability to teach pupils the appreciation of art, including the study of pictures. Such differentiation is made in this course for the different groups as the course of study requires, including the teaching of the elements of mechanical drawing for the upper grades. Arts 1.1. — Handwriting. All groups, 1st semester. 2 periods, 1 hour credit. At the beginning of this course the handwriting of students is measured by one of the handwriting scales, and if they fall below the standard set for teachers they are put in special classes for practice. The time of this course is devoted largely to methods of teaching writing and to developing skill in blackboard writing. Students are instructed in the results of the recent investigations in the psychology of writing. Thru measuring their own handwriting and the handwriting of children, students become acquainted with the use of handwriting scales. Arts — Handwork. 12. Group I, 2nd semester. 4 periods, 2 hours' credit. This course aims to instruct students in the use of various materials that will enable them to work out simple problems as they Stuarise out of the daily necessities of food, clothing, and shelter. dents learn to appreciate the problems that are within the interests of children and how such problems may be graded according to the The course includes clay modeling, child's control of technique. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL paper and cardboard construction, and simple problems in wood and textiles. Students observe demonstrations of this work in the training school and participate in such work. Arts 23.— Sewing. Group II, 3rd semester. 2 periods, 1 hour credit. The aim of this course is to enable students to teach simple stitches to pupils of the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades, and to handle projects in the making of various articles for personal and household use. Arts — Handwork. 14. Group I, 4th semester. 4 periods, 2 hours' credit. This course gives continued attention to the use of handwork as an illustrative factor in the teaching of nature study, geography, history, literature, arithmetic, and the industrial activities of life. Emphasis is given to technique and the organization of such forms of handwork as may be used successfully in the regular class room. The course includes work in paper and cardboard, bookmaking, basketry, Students observe demonstration of this textiles, pottery, and wood. work in the training school and participate in such work. Arts 4. — Music. All groups, 4th semester. 4 periods, 2 hours' credit. This course presupposes a knowledge of the elements of music. The purpose of this course is to fit students to teach music in the public schools. The salient features of this course are: a treatment of the child voice, a study of the tonal and rhythmic problems of each grade, ear training, melody writing, sight reading, and part singing, a study of the song material adapted to each grade, the use of the phonograph to develop musical appreciation, and the development of musical programs. Students are taught how to apply the standard musical tests to discover musical talent. Observation and practice teaching are a requirement of the course. Arts 24. —Prevocational Group The aim II, Education. 4th semester. 3 periods, 3 hours' credit. of this course is to enable students to develop for the pupils of the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades an elementary knowledge of the industries concerned with the fundamental needs of clothing, food, and shelter. The construction of a house is the objective of the course. It includes the making of paper furniture, the stenciling of patterns and the weaving of fabrics on small hand looms, simple carpentry work necessary for the erection of a one-story house and its partition into rooms, problems of distribution of size and space, convenience of access, and discussion of the question of lighting, heating, and ventilation, and the industries of carpentry, plastering, plumbStudents are taught to motivate ing, brick laying, stone masonry, etc. the handwork of this course thru their ability to discuss industrial processes, thru excursions with their pupils to industrial plants or observation of workmen engaged in industry, together with the description and examination of materials. &3I STATE NORMAL SCHOOL HEALTH EDUCATION Health 1.1. —Personal and School Hygiene. All groups, 1st semester. 2 periods, 2 hours' credit. Personal Hygiene. The aim of this course is to secure in the students settled habits in the care of the body which will lead to stronger, healthier, and more efficient lives. The course aims to have students understand the hygiene of posture, nutrition, clothing, exercise, fatigue, rest and sleep; the causes of ill health and disease together with their control and prevention. Only those facts of physiology and anatomy which have special significance for hygiene are considered. The instructor will hold personal conferences with students as a part of the course. School Hygiene. The aim of this course is to equip the student with the knowledge of school and child hygiene necessary for a teacher. The following topics are included; normal growth and its standards; the ill effects of malnutrition, bad air, lack of exercise, excessive exercise, lack of proper rest, defective vision, defective hearing, adenoids, diseased tonsils; remedies for various defects and the best methods of treating them from the school standpoint; hygiene of program making; school sanitation, including school furniture, ventilation, heating, lighting, water supply, toilets, etc.; regulations of state and local boards of health; the problem of nutrition as applied to school children with laboratory exercises in food values and food preparation. Observation of good hygienic school conditions and of good hygenie teaching is an important feature of this course. Health 12.— Health Habits. Group I, 2nd semester. 1 period, 1 hour's credit. This course deals with the best methods of inculcating in the child proper habits of health, and includes methods of teaching cleanliness, value of bathing, care of the teeth, proper diet, tooth brush drills, proper clothing, protection of the eyes, importance of fresh air and sunlight, protection against contagious diseases, causes of fatigue, and the value of rest and recreation. Health 1.2.— Health Education. All groups, 1st and 2nd semesters. 3 periods, H Education. — Floor hours' credit each semester. Two hours each —Physical semester work; apparatus; marching; rhythmic work, including clubs, wands, and folk dancing; games, athletics, including track and field events, tennis, hockey, hiking, skating, etc. Corrective work including proper exercises for students unable to take regular gymnasium work. — One hour each semester a graded) course in health education including physical exercises and games arranged to meet the needs of children at various stages of development thru the grades. Discussion of the different theories of play, and the management and equipment of playgrounds. First aid in emergencies is included. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Health 3, 4.— Health Education. All groups, 3rd and 4th semesters. 3 periods, lg hours' credit each semester. — — Two hours each semester Physical Education. Floor work; apparatus; marching; rhythmic work, including clubs, wands, and folk dancing; games; athletics including track and field events, tennis, hockey, hiking, skating, etc. Corrective work including proper exercises for students unable to take regular gymnasium work. — One hour each semester the graded course in health education Demonstration lessons and student teaching. for children continued. Athletic activities for use on playground. Physical examination of school children. — Social Hygiene. A part of the time of this course is devoted to a discussion of problems of heredity, environment, sex hygiene and eugenics. BLOOM SB URG INFORMATION CONCERNING OUR SCIENCE EQUIPMENT AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR COURSES IN SCIENCE Consultation of previous catalogs will show details of Nature Study and Agriculture Courses given in the years covered by the older curricula, beginning in 189/. Biological, Equipment in housing, apparatus, specimens, slides, reference books, and facilities for field, laboratory and lecture methods of study, have been developed constantly thru the years with changing needs, until now we can say that in these respects our school is not surpassed, probably not by any similar equalled, institution in the State. Students expecting to elect any of the science subjects which is to be of college grade in in their scholastic work the new Normal courses are invited to examine for themselves or make detailed inquiry relative to our facilities for giving our students high grade work in these lines. — — We 1. have Three large laboratories, one with photo dark room; one working museum room, including botanical mounts, birds and mammals, thousands of insects variously preserved and mounted, and hundreds of dollars' worth of photographs; one large lecture room equipt with projecting lantern of modern type, several thousand lantern slides, and facilities for opaque and miscroscopic projection. 2. More than 3. A pond and 4. 50 a thousand dollars' worth of micro slides, and facilities in the way of reagents, stains, oven, and culture apparatus for making any others. stream for biological purposes; a campus treed and planted otherwise for biological studies and nature study; an apiary; a mammal house; a green house; an aquarium and reptile room with provision for temporary aviary and for insectary. compound microscopes B and L. and Spencer Lens Co. cost in pre-war times; 50 dissecting simple microscopes; 25 working desks accommodating 4 students each; a 3 inch telescope; an orrery and a planiscope. of make, averaging S35 each in All these have been in continuous use by students from the time of installation thruout these courses not kept in cases to be displayed as equipment, or because time was too — short. BLOOMSBURG THE COLLEGE PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT The College Preparatory Department of the Bloomsburg State Normal School is by no means a new departure. It dates from the original establishment of the school in 1866. has always been the policy of this school to urge upstudents and graduates the importance and advantage of a higher education than a Normal School is fitted to provide, and it is a source of pride and gratification to those in charge of the various departments that the school is constantly represented among the students of the colleges and universities of the country by large numbers of its former students and graduates. It on its The preparatory work done at Bloomsburg differs materially from that of the majority of preparatory schools. All the strictly College Preparatory branches, as well as those of the teachers' courses, are presented with reference This necesto their pedagogic as well as academic value. sarily results in giving students a broader conception of these subjects than is otherwise possible, and renders graduThat these ates better able to think for themselves. methods are practical is shown by the work done in college by those who have made their preparation here. A number of Pennsylvania colleges offer scholarships to graduates of this department, thereby testifying to the quality of its work. Diplomas are granted to all those who complete the courses satisfactorily, and are accepted in lieu of entrance examinations at many colleges. The growth of this department has encouraged the management to make important changes in the courses and in the manner of conducting the work, and the department now does more effective work than ever before. It is well equipped with pictures, casts, maps, etc., to assist its work. An electric lantern with a good supply of lantern slides also belongs to this department. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL COURSES* The may be changed to suit individual needs in preparation for special work. Diplomas are granted for such special courses, provided sufficient points are covered to equal those of the specified courses. A full term's work in a subject with daily recitations is counted one point. For graduation in any College Preparatory Course forty-eight points are required, in addition to the work of the Preparatory Year. courses According to this system the preceding courses may be thus specified: Classical Course English History 9 Points 10 Points 6 Points Language 20 Points Mathematics 3 Points Science Total 48 Points Scientific Course English 9 Points Mathematics 13 Points History 6 Points Language 12 Total The Points 8 Points Science 48 Points some and universities which have accepted the entrance credits offered by graduates of this school who have taken either the College Preparatory Note: following is a list of of the colleges Course or the Normal School Course: Bucknell University, Carnegie Technical School, Colgate, Colorado University, Cornell, Columbia University, Dickinson, Elmira, Goucher, Grove City, Haverford, Lafayette, Michigan University, Mt. Holyoke, Oberlin, Oklahoma University, Penn State, Pittsburgh University, Princeton, Renessalaer, Smith, Syracuse University, Toronto University, Trinity, Ursinus, University of Pennsylvania, Wellesly, Wesleyan, Williams, Wilson. *The courses here given are to be rearranged to harmonize with the new plan of dividing our school year into semesters. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT The Purpose of the Department. (1) To give pupils preparing for business a thoro training for work as stenographers, bookkeepers and office assistants. (2) To give teachers and students of the regular Normal Course an opportunity to specialize in the commercial branches. The course for pupils preparing for business positions is arranged to give a thoro training in bookkeeping, office methods, arithmetic, commercial law, penmanship, stenography, typewriting and English. Pupils are given credit for subjects as they are satis They factorily completed, irrespective of the time taken. are graduated with the class of the year in which they comThe average pupil completes the plete all required work. course in about two years. There is a constant and increasing need of teachers of commercial branches for public school work. It is a field that offers exceptional opportunities to Normal School graduates who have specialized in stenography and typewriting or in bookkeeping, commercial Lw and penmanship. Strong students of the Normal Course may arrange to carry one or two of the commercial branches in connection with their other studies. Teachers engaged in school work may very profitably pursue some of these studies during their school year. The department will aid such persons in planning their work, and they may have the opportunity of doing some work here during the last weeks of the spring term. Subjects Required. 1. Stenography. Graham-Pitman. writers, writers. many (This system is very largely used by the rapid the best court reporters being "Graham" of The "Graham" and "Pitman" systems are very similar, and persons who have studied "Pitman" theory will experience no difficulty in continuing their studies here.) A thoro study of the theory is followed by study of word signs, phrasing, well graded work written in shorthand, graded dictation work to develop skill and speed, new matter to be transcribed, and final tests for speed and accuracy. Requirements in Stenography A for Graduation. dictated at different rates of speed, from 80 to 140 words a minute, from which typewritten transscripts are made, will determine the final rating in stenography. Speed in taking dictation and accuracy in transcribing are given equal weights in the rating, the rating for speed being series of practical tests, STATE NORMAL SCHOOL as follows:- 80 words a minute, 707c; 100 words a minute, 80%; 120 words a minute, 90%; 140 words a minute, 1007c The rating for accuracy is determined by the transcripts. (Pupils are informed of the method of marking errors, and of the penalties imposed for the various classes of errors.) 2. Typewriting. The "Touch Method" Careful instruction in the method is used. A series of well graded exercises is folof fingering is given. letter work, business and legal forms, etc. As soon as pupils have sufficient skill in stenography to take dictation they begin to make transcripts of their notes, the quantity of lowed by work being gradually Requirements A in increased. Typewriting for Graduation. from copy is given to determine speed and accuracy. A rating of 707c is given for abplain matter for ten minutes at the accuracy in copying solute rate of fifteen words a minute. This rating is increased 17c for every additional word a minute. Deductions are made for errors. (Pupils are informed of the method of marking errors, and of the penalties imposed). Tests in writing from rough draft, in tabulating, and in writing from dictation, will be given a separate rating. 3. series of practical tests in writing Bookkeeping. In the bookkeeping work pupils must prepare all outgoing papers involved in the various transactions and properly file and index all incoming papers. Neatness of work and good penmanship are essentials and are factors in determining grades. Elementary Set. Theory of double-entry bookkeeping and prac- Books of original entry used: Journal, Cash Book, Sales Book, Purchase Book. Accounting: Trial Balance, Balance Sheet, Trading and Profit and Loss Statement. tice of business forms. * * * Wholesale Set. Introducing use of Special Column in Cash Book, Notes Receivable Book, Notes Payable Book, Sales Ledger. Accounting: Trading and Profit and Loss Statements, Statement of Resources and Liabilities, Percentage Analysis of Trading and Profit and Loss Statements. Manufacturing Set, Cost Accountancy, Voucher Register, Re- quisition Journal, Finished Goods Journal. Accounting: Manufacturing Statement showing Prime Cost and Production Cost monthly, Trading and Profit and Loss Statements, Distribution of Profits, Statement of Assets and Liabilities. , Corporation Set. Cash Journal, Account Sales Register, Sales Book. Accounting: Trading and Profit and Loss Statements, Statement of Resources and Liabilities. BLOOMSBURG Jobbing and Commission Set. Special Columns in books Account Sales Book, Account Sales Register. of original entry, Banking ler, Set. General Cash Book, Teller's Book, Discount TickDiscount Register, Collection Tickler, Collection Register, Book, Remittance Register, Stock Ledger, Gen- Demand Loan eral Ledger, Individual Ledger. Daily Statement of Receipts and Payments. 4. English. Commercial students must meet the requirements in English Grammar and Rhetoric and Composition as given in the Normal School Course. 5. Orthography. Drills on 5,000 selected and denned words. Pupils are required to make rating of 97% in spelling on a series of tests aggregating 500 words selected from the lists studied. 6. Arithmetic. Drills to develop accuracy and rapidity in addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, common and decimal fractions, percentage, interest, etc. Practical problems in profit and loss, trade discount, commission, interest, bank discount, partial payments, averaging accounts, 7. etc. Commercial Law. A study of the general principles of contracts, and the special application of the principle of contracts involved in Negotiable Instruments, Agency Partnership, Corporations, Insurance, Real Property, Personal Property, Bailment and Carriers, Guaranty and Suretyship, Drills in writing and executing simple contracts of business. 8. Penmanship. Palmer Method. Pupils must develop "Palmer" certificate of proficiency. This school sufficient skill to earn the offers exceptional opportunities for acquiring skill in penmanship under an instructor who is himself an expert penman. When the work of students is up to requirements, it is sent to the A. N. Palmer Company, of New York City, for a Palmer Method Teacher's Certificate. MUSIC To those seeking a general education in Music and to those preparing to teach, this school offers superior advanInstruction is given by capable teachers of broad tages. and successful experience. Special attention is given to beginners and those not far advanced, as much depends upon the early training. The principles result of the establishing of correct fundamental is a steady, satisfactory growth and development. BLOOMSBURG 48 is a tendency on the part of many students of music to neglect the essential elements of a general education. This school furnishes ample opportunity to music students to pursue literary and pedagogical studies in connection with their regular work. Practice rooms are well ventilated, lighted and heated. The school endeavors to keep the pianos in as good condition as possible by frequent tuning. I. Courses for Special Students. There 1. Piano, Voice, Violin. The Course of four grades Study in Piano, Voice, Violin, — Elementary, Advanced. is divided into Preparatory, Intermediate and Xo definite period is stated for the completion of a grade; this depends upon the individual ability of the pupil. Those desiring certificates for the completion of any one of these courses must have a thoro and comprehensive knowledge of Harmony, History of Music, Solfeggio, and Harmonic Analysis. study of these subjects is recommended to all students of music for general musical development. A The lectures in History of Music are made helpful teresting by judicious use of the Victrola. 2. and in- Musical Appreciation. course in Musical Appreciation is offered to students of all departments, free of charge. This course extends throughout the year and is planned to give the untutored in music a general knowledge of the art, to teach them what constitutes good music and how to appreciate, understand and enjoy it. A 3. Ensemble and Sight-Reading. Courses in Ensemble and Sight-reading are offered during the year, free of cost, to those prepared for the work. Note: natural Certificates mus : cal ability. are granted to students who evince entitled to certificates upon only All pupi's are satisfactory completion of the Four Years' Course. Graduates in any of the courses in music are required to have a good education in English branches. Proficiency in all the subjects mentioned in the English branches of the College Preparatory Course will II. be the minimum Music in the requirement. Training School. Real zing the growing interest in the subject of music, the Normal School is laying special stress upon the training of the children of the Training School in vocal music. The children are taught the fundamental principles of rhythm, pitch, sight-singing, ear training, original melody writing. One lesson a week is devoted to teaching the pupils how to listen to music by means of illustrations on the Victrola. The various stages of metal develop: — ment and the work is presented in accordance with the conclusion of the leading authorities on "Child Study". are considered STATE NORMAL SCHOOL GENERAL INFORMATION The Town Bloomsburg of Bloomsburg an attractive town, in one of the most beautiful regions of Pennsylvania, has a population of about eight thousand, and is easily accessible by the three largest The Delaware, Lackawanna and railroads in the state Western, the Philadelphia & Reading, and the Pennsylvania. It is also connected with neighboring towns by is : electric railroads. The town has the district system of steam heating, a public sewer system, pure water from a mountain stream, illuminating gas and electric lights, and paved streets. It is known as one of the thriftiest and healthiest towns in the state. The school is situated 150 Teet above the Susquehanna. Nineteen acres of campus afford ample space for lawns and athletic grounds, and include a large and beautiful oak grove. Seven large buildings are admirably adapted to their different uses. Institute Hall This building, erected in 1867, stands at the head of Main Street, and is plainly visible from all parts of the town. On the first floor are five spacious class rooms. The approach to the building is very imposing and beautiful, and has been made much more so by the erection of a handsome bronze fountain, the gift of the class of '04. The Auditorium This room, situated on the second floor of Institute Hall, is comfortably furnished and tastefully decorated. It contains one thousand and twenty-five opera chairs, and when occasion demands, can be made to accommodate many more people. The acoustic properties are apparently per, fect. The Training School Building This It stands next to InstiIt contains about tute Hall, and covers about 80 by 90 feet. 28 school and recitation rooms, well ventilated and supplied with light, black-board surface, and the most approved furniture. It is here that the Seniors acquire the theory of teaching, and practice in the art, 21 rooms being fitted up especially for their work. The basement floor of this building is used for the industrial department. is a three-story building. BLOOMSBURG The Main Dormitory The Dormitory four stories high and was originally of 162 feet and an extension of 75 feet. The buildings are supplied with steam heat, On account of the electric light, and sewer connections. steady growth of the school, this building was finally enlarged by the addition of a wing extending south from the Its dimensions are 104 feet rear of the T described above. by 40 feet, and it furnishes accommodations for about 70 Extending across the end of this wing and forstudents. ward to the front of the building is a long piazza, about 140 This fronts the river, and from it may be feet in length. obtained one of the grandest views in eastern Pennsylvania. in the form of a T, is having a front The Dining Room This large room on the first floor of the dormitory has It has been most a floor space of over 4,000 square feet. tastefully beautified at an expense of more than $1,200. The kitchen, which adjoins it, has been entirely remodeled and supplied with the latest and best culinary appliances. Its floor is of cement. Clean and vermin proof, it approximates It is the study the ideal place for the preparation of food. of the steward, and those who aid him, to furnish the table with as great a variety as possible. An excellent cold storage room adjoining the kitchen provides for the preservation of food. The North End Addition extends westward to within 20 feet of the Training School Building, with which it is connected by a two-story covered passage way. This building contains class rooms on the first floor, a large study hall and library, and several class rooms on the second floor; on third and fourth floors, additional dormitories for young men. It The Library On the second room, 46 by 68 feet near the gymnasium, is a large with shelves, desks, tables, comfortable chairs, etc. It serves the double purpose of library and study hall. This happy arrangement has the advantage of placing the student near the cyclopedias and other works of reference during his periods of study. On the shelves are the school library, the libraries of the literary societies, and those of the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. These libraries contain the standard works of fiction, floor, in size, STATE NORMAL SCHOOL 51 history, the leading cyclopedias, dictionaries, and books of reference. The reading tables are well supplied with all the important local and national newspapers and magazines The value of the library for the free use of the students. is greatly enhanced by a card catalogue of the most approved kind, and the constant attendance of a trained librarian Students are given to assist students in their research. some training in library methods. The Gymnasium The gymnasium ninety-five feet long, and forty-five up with the best apparatus made, is complete in its equipment, well lighted, and from the first took its place as a standard gymnasium. It has a running track, baths, lockers in the basement for boys and for girls, and a parcel checkroom. feet wide. is It is fitted An Advisory Board, appointControl of Athletics. ed by the Principal, consisting of four members of the Faculty, for a general supervision of school athletics for each of the three ball seasons, constitutes a committee to legislate all matters concerning inter-school contests. An inclosed athletic field, situated to the north and east of the grove, contains a one-fifth mile cinder track, a baseThere are bleachers and ball diamond, and a football field. grandstand accommodations. Well kept tennis courts are provided for those who in this ideal form of exercise for students. en- gage The Students' Rooms Each room for students is furnished. Spring MattressThe walls are neatly paperes are provided for the beds. The rooms average about 11 feet by 15 feet in size. ed. Many students carpet their rooms. Rooms are frequently inspected and habits of neatness and order are inculcated. The beds of gentlemen are made, and their rooms cared for daily. A A new Passenger Elevator by the Otis Elevator Company, is under the management of an efficient operator. This makes it possible to reach easily the rooms on the top floor, which are sought in preference to those below, because they are more comfortable, quieter, and command a more extended view of the surrounding beautiful country. electric elevator, installed STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Recreation A Rooms room for the young ladies has been provided at an expense of several hundred dollars. A boys' parlor has been provided by the generosity of the class These are much enjoyed. of 1909. beautiful recreation Science Hall This large and handsome building was erected at a cost of $75,000, to provide additional recitation rooms, and espec- methods of work in the large laboratories are fully equipped with the best furniture and appliances manufactured. In the basement, which is mainly above ground, are the music rooms used for practice and teaching in connection with the music ially to afford facilities for the latest sciences. The department. The first floor is devoted to the biological departments and has large laboratories fitted up for the' study of Zoology, Physiology, Botany, and Geology. There is also a laboratory for the students taking the Medical Preparatory Course. The second Chemistry. floor has laboratories for Physics and There are two modern lecture rooms for the use of these departments, with lanterns, screens and modern equipment for demonstration and illustration. The third story has two large rooms 45x44 feet each, devoted to the use of the two literary societies also a commodious, well lighted and properly equipped Art Studio, and two recitation rooms. ; North Hall Two formerly used as a musical conservatory and chemical laboratory have been appropriated to students. They are fitted with all modern convenienThe unobstructed views from most of the rooms are ces. both wide and beautiful. floors of the building Infirmary been exceptionally good, an infirmary has been equipped with modern facilities for the care of the sick, and is in charge of a trained nurse. Students unable to attend recitations or go to meals are required to report there, that they may receive proper at- While the health tention. of the students has BLOOMSBURG 54 Hospital The Class of 1915 has enabled the school to provide, as their memorial, upon the campus, yet remote from all other buildings, a hospital for patients having contagious diseases. The building is fitted with all modern conveniences such as steam heat, running water and sewer connection, and is hygienically furnished in accordance with modern hospital standards. The Societies There are two literary societies, devoted to the intellectual improvement of their members. Weekly meetings are held, the exercises of which include essays,' readings, declamations and debates. Among the benefits to be derived from membership, by no means the least is the training received in the conducting of business meetings, and the knowledge required of Parliamentary rules. Debates form a distinctive feature of these societies. The Students' Lecture Course This course is one of the most important educational features of each school year, and is organized for the purpose of bringing before our students some of the leading lecturers of the day. It is the aim, by means of this course of lectures, to give the students entertainment and culture. The School Periodical In recognition of the need of a regular means of communication between the school and its alumni, a school periodical, the B. S. N. S. Quarterly is issued. The paper is a magazine of from 12 to 20 pages, and appears in January, April and October of each year. Its editorial staff includes members of the Faculty and students. The Alumni, Athletic, Society, and Local Departments of the paper present the work of the school in each number. The alumni department is especially interesting. The Quarterly is sent free to all alumni. Graduates who do not receive the paper will please inform us of the fact. Contests The Magee Contest in Composition and Expression, held as early as February 7, is open to all undergraduates who survive a preliminary contest. The prizes were originally provided by the liberality of Mr. James Magee, 2nd, now deceased. They are now being continued by Mrs. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL James Magec a first prize of $15, a of $5, are given. ; The Marion Evelyn Ames competition for which is open to 55 second of $10, and a third Miller Nature Study Prize, all students. Discipline All students are expected to observe such regulations as be needed from time to time, in order to secure to themselves and other students all the benefits of the institution. Such regulations are purposely kept as few in number as possible, in order to develop a feeling of responsibility and independence of character on the part of every student. Gentlemanly and ladylike behavior are matters of necessity, and no student is allowed to remain in the school who does not show by his devotion to work, his behavior, and his personal habits, that he is in earnest in his efforts to get an education. may Students who, without permission, absent themselves from the building at times when all students are required to be in their rooms, are dismissed also. The system tional, of discipline used and has for its is not preventive, but raobject character building. Visitors to the school, whether graduates, former students or friends, are expected to conform to the regulations that apply to students, and to preserve toward teachers and others in authority the same attitude that the customs of good society everywhere require of guests. Religion and Morals The school proceeds upon the principle that careful religious training is essential to the proper development of The religious teaching is evangelical but sot character. sectarian. Chapel exercises are held daily. All students are required to attend church on Sunday morning. A service of Song or Bible Reading is conducted each Sunday evening. The students sustain a Young Men's Christian Association, and also a Young Women's Christian Association, which hold separate prayer meetings each Tuesday evening. On Sundays many for the of the students meet in small groups, study of the Scriptures. Attendance is voluntary. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL The Faculty A preceptress gives especial care to the development of careful habits, favorable to health, as well as to those of neatness, industry, refined manners, and of high moral and religious character. The trustees of the school realize that it is the teacher that makes the school, and they have taken great care to secure teachers of successful experience, broad culture, and established Christian character. As a result, the graduates of the school are young men and women who command good positions and good salaries and who stand high in the estimation of the public. They may be found in all parts of the United States, and some in foreign countries occupying prominent positions of usefulness and influence. Deans of the Several Classes Senior— Prof. O. H. Bakeless. Miss Mary Good; Prof. H. G. Preparatory— Prof. W. B. Sutliff. Junior — College Preparatory Commercial — Prof. — Prof. J. D. Teel. Normal S. Hartline. T. Goodwin. Visiting and Going Home Parents are requested not to call pupils home during term time, except in case of absolute necessity. In such cases written permission from parents or guardians is required. Every recitation missed places the pupil at a disadvantage and seriously afTects his standing. Giving permission to visit friends is equally distracting. When a visit home or elsewhere is contemplated it distracts the mind on the day of the departure, and it takes the first day after returning to get the mind back to work. This causes practically the loss of two days in addition to the time lost while absent, and makes the pupil lose much of the benefit for which he has paid. All work missed as the result of absence is required to be made up, but this does not entirely restore the standing of the student. Boxes from Home Parents and friends are requested not to send boxes of cooked edibles to students Many cases of ill health may be traced to eating stale and indigestible food. Besides the BLOOMSBURG 58 effects of keeping food in a living room, boxes encourage eating at irregular times and produce other irregularities that interfere with good health and intellectual advancement. The school furnishes good, wholesome food, well cooked and in plenty, and arranges to have as great variety as the markets afford so there is no occasion for sending food to students. ill ; Certificates and Diplomas To each student on graduation is issued a Normal Teacher's Certificate entitling the holder to teach any two teaching for two full annual terms in the common schools ot subsequent years in the public schools of the state. After the state he may receive the second or permanent State Normal School Diploma. To secure this, a certificate of good moral character and the art of teaching, signed by the board of directors by whom he was employed, and countersigned by the county superintendent of the county in which he taught, must be presented to the Faculty and State Board of Examiners by Blanks for this certificate will be furnished the applicant. on application. They must be executed and returned to the school before the time of the State Examinations. skill in Applications for Teachers The Principal frequently has applications for teachers and outside the state. Graduates who want schools are at liberty to put their names on his list, but they should inform him as soon as they secure a position; and those who need teachers are urged to apply early that they may get the best. for positions both within Outfits expected to furnish for personal use the following articles Towels, table napkins, a bed comforter, a pair of blankets, slippers, overshoes, an umbrella, a pair of gymnasium slippers, a gymnasium costume, and a pair of strong high shoes suitable for climbing and walking. Each student should provide himself with a knife, fork and spoon, as silver will not be sent out of the dining room. The gymnasium slippers and costume may be ordered after students enter and learn what is needed. The use of this costume is obligatory; health and decency require it. Each student is : : STATE NORMAL SCHOOL 59 Damages All damages done to rooms, halls, furniture, or school property, will be charged to the students who do it. No nails, pins or tacks of any kind are to be driven into the walls or doors. Pictures or other decorations pasted, tacked or pinned to the wall subject the occupants of the room to the expense of papering the entire room. Laundry Regulations Each student allowed 12 articles of plain clothing or their equivalent in the weekly washing. Note the following regulations Have your name on every article of clothing. Most plainly, and use nothing but indelible ink. articles are lost because of defective marking. 1. Write is it missing 2. Have a large clothes bag, so that ironed clothes need not be folded much when put into it for delivery. Be sure to have your name on the clothes bag. 3. The personal wash must be ready for collection by 6 o'clock on Monday morning. 4. On Saturday morning, after breakfast, the personal wash will be delivered. 5. Exchange soiled bed linen (one sheet and two pillow cases) for clean linen on each Friday morning after breakfast. 6. For all clothing in the articles allowed, an extra wash in excess of the 12 charge will be made. State Aid To the regular course over seventeen sign an agreement to teach in the state for two school years, tuition is long as the Legislature's appropriasufficient for the purpose. persons in years of age who will common schools of the free, and will be free as tion is all Expenses Those who are seeking an education should exercise the same judgment and foresight in selecting a school that they use in other business matters. It is possible to find cheaper schools than this. There are schools of all degrees of cheapness, just as there are articles of merchandise varying in quality. This school gives to the student, in benefits, every dollar of its income both from what students pay and from BLOOMSBURG state appropriations. Added to this is the use of buildings and apparatus accumulated that are now worth probablyhalf a million dollars. The tabulated statement on pages 60 and 61 gives full information in regard to charges. One-half board and tuition plus registration fee is payable at the beginning of each semester, the remainder at the middle of each semester. Note that the state aid is never deducted from the halfsemester payment due at the time of entrance. The tuition for the Commercial for the regular Normal Course. Course is the same as Application for the filling out of certificates of admission to colleges or other higher institutions of learning will be granted on payment of a fee of one dollar. A charge of 50 cents for each branch per week is made to special students in music, typewriting, or stenography, who desire to take one or two branches with their special subjects. No extra charges are vocal music. made for class instruction in For absence two consecutive weeks or more on account of personal sickness, a deduction for board is made No other deduction is made for absence. No deduction is made for absence during the first two or the last two weeks of a semester. SUMMARY OF EXPENSES *Registration fee ($4.50 for each semester) Board, room, laundry ($7.00 per week for 40 weeks) Expense to students receiving state aid or free tuition *The $ 9.00 280.00 289.00 registration fee carries with it free admission to all numbers of students' lecture course and all regularly scheduled games of football, baseball, and basketball. Students not receiving state aid or free tuition pay a tuition fee of $2.00 per week, hence the expense to such students 369.00 for the year is In addition to the above expense there are laboratory fees to cover the cost of materials used. These fees are as follows: Agriculture, Geology, Physiology, each Biology, Zoology, Botany, each Cookery or Manual Training 5.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 Sewing 2.00 Chemistry STATE NORMAL SCHOOL PAYMENTS FOR FIRST SEMESTER September 7 First November 15 Final 7 First 15 Final September November payment including registration fee payment for those receiving free tuition payment for those not receiving free tuition payment for those not receiving free tuition . . $71.50 70.00 94.50 90.00 PAYMENTS FOR SECOND SEMESTER January payment including registration fee payment for those receiving free tuition .... payment for those not receiving free tuition Final payment for those not receiving free tuition 31 First November 15 Final January 31 First November 15 74.50 70.00 94.50 90.00 EXPENSE FOR DAY STUDENTS All day students will pay a registration fee of $4 50 for each semester. payable on the day of registration. The expense for day students receiving free tuition is $9.00 for the school year. The expense for students not receiving free tuition is $89 for the This fee is school year. EXPENSE FOR MUSIC STUDENTS Individual instruction in Piano or Voice $1.00 per lesson. Individual instruction in Harmony $1.00 per lesson. Class instruction in Harmony $10.00 per semester. Class instruction in Analysis $12.00 per semester. Class instruction in History of Music $10.00 per semester. Use of piano for practice (one period daily) $4.00 per semester. Use of piano for practice (one period daily) for those not taking special lessons $6.00 per semester. Preference in the use of pianos for practice will be given to students taking special lessons. Students will be charged for the full time they agree to take lessons and no rebate will be made on account of lessons missed by students. A charge of 15 cents per piece is made for hauling baggage. Baggage is hauled by the school only on the opening and closing days of each semester. The is made on the basis of two sturoom therefore students cannot be accorded the privilege of rooming alone without extra charges. Bills for one semester must be settled before students will be permitted to enter upon the next semester, unless by special arrangement. Diplomas will not be issued to those whose accounts scale of charges dents to each ; are unsettled.. Rooms engaged beforehand will not be reserved longer than Tuesday of the first week of the semester except by special arrangement. Students not living at their own homes are required to board in the school dormitories, except by special arrange- BLOOMSBURG 62 ment, made in accordance with conditions established by the Board of Trustees. The Principal will these conditions on request. make known When a student's room in the dormitory is held for his absence, and cannot be temporarily filled, a charge of $1.00 per week is made. him during Students are considered members of the School until is notified of their withdrawal. the Principal SUMMER Prof Monday, June W. SESSION B. Sutliff, 21, to Dean Saturday, July 31, 1920 Students will be enrolled on Monday, June classes will begin on Tuesday, Summer This School is June 21, and 22. designed primarily to provide teachers and others wishing to qualify for teaching an op- portunity to prepare for County Superintendents' examinations for Provisional and Professional Certificates, and for State Permanent school is Certificates. The management of the fortunate in having the cordial support and counsel of the Superintendents of the Normal School District. The school has adopted a Course of Study by a Committee of County Superintendents for students expecting to be examined for all grades of certificates. This course of study is based upon the Pennsylvania State Course for Elementary Schools. Examinations will be held here at the mer Term by Superintendents from a end of the Sum- number of the counties Some Superintendents will hold examinahome districts after the close of the Summer of the district. tions in their The State Department has arranged to have the examination for State Permanent Certificate held at the Normal School a few days after the close of the Summer Term. Term. Many of the subjects of the Summer Term will count new course of in part as preparation for entrance to the BLOOMSBURG 64 study for the Pennsylvania State Normal Schools. The credit will be given on the basis of work done rather than by number of weeks. That is, if intensive work is done in any subject, more credit may be earned than would be possible in six weeks of regular school work. believe this plan is fair to both the pupil and the institution. We Tuition will be paid by the Commonwealth for all students preparing to teach in the public schools of Pennsylvania. The Summer School teaching is done to a of departments of the Normal School. large extent by heads TERMS— 1920 Registration fee Tuition Board, room and laundry, per week $ 3.00 12.00 5.50 CLASS MEMORIAL FUNDS Rules and Regulations for the Administration of the Class Memorial Funds The funds presented by the several classes shall be 1. considered and treated as loan funds. 2. Loans from these funds, so long as any sums may be available, may be made in amounts not to exceed fifty dollars per year for two years, the same to be secured by note with one or more sufficient sureties, due and payable without interest in not exceeding two years after leaving If not paid when due, interest thereafter at six per school. cent, will be charged until paid. The beneficiaries of said funds shall be eligible to 3. the Junior or Senior class in the Normal, and shall be nominated by the officials of the respective classes and approved by the Principal. The obligations given for the loan shall be approved by the committee on Credits and Collections. 4. If no nominations are made by the selections are to be made previous regulations. classes, then the by the Principal, subject to all the STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Class Memorials Class Class Class Class of of of of Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of 876— Marble Model of Independence Bell. — Bible for Chapel, and Reference Books. — Fountain on Lower Campus. — Nucleus of Library — Library of Universal 879 882 883 Knowledge. for Study Hall. for Auditorium. 886— Model School Apparatus, $225. 887— Relief Maps and Tellurian. 888— Manikin. 884— Desk 885 — Clock 889 890— Stanford's Maps, Weights and Measures. 891 — Columbian Encyclopedia. 892— Curtain for Stage. 893— Scholarship of $144.38. 894— Scholarship of $159.95. 895—Scholarship of $150.00. 896— Scholarship of $103.05. 897— Scholarship of $161.72. 898— Scholarship of $150.00. 899— Sun Dial. 900— Scholarship of $203.85. 901— Scholarship of $200.00. 902— Scholarship of $150.00. 903— $100 for use of Dept. of Pedagogy. 904— Fountain at Main Entrance. 905— Scholarship of $200.00. 906— $300 for Department of Languages. $ 50 for Department of Natural Science. $ 50 for Department of Geography. $400 Class of 1907— $150 for Department of Higher Mathematics. $130 for Department of English $130 for Department of History. $410 — Beautifying and Improvement of School Grove, $379.15. Recreation Room, $350. of 1909— Class Boys' Class of 1910 Fitting up Dressing Rooms and Refitting Chapel Stage, $350. Class of 1911— Fire Escapes, $350. Class of 1912— Concrete Walks, Steps and Bronze Casts, $525. Scholarship of $100. Class of 1913 Stage Curtain and Rug, replacing Memorial of the Class of 1892, $450. Class of 1914— Class of 1914 Book Fund, $250. Class of 1915— Hospital, $350. {Concrete Pergola in the grove, Class of 1916j $394 Class of 1908 — — New Mam lilmg Corridor. Class of 1917— Botanical Conservatory, $362. I Class of 1919 (. —War Hero Memorial Pinery and Steel Flag Pole. — Fund for Tiling Corridor near Memorial Windows. Class of 1920 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL LIST OF STUDENTS-1919-1920 Resident Graduates Fry, Harriet, '02, Danville, Montour. Etta Hirlinger, '02, Fairmount Springs, Luzerne. '97, Bloomsburg, Columbia. '16, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Long, Bessie, '02, Catawissa, Columbia. Keller, Moyer, Mabel, Yetter, Martha, Under-Graduates Achy, Russell, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Agnew, Marian, Pittston, Luzerne. Agnew, Norma, Pittston, Luzerne. Ahlers, Betty, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Albertson, Larrabee, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Albertson, Donald J., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Ale, Ambrose, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Allen, Alice J., Alderson, Luzerne. Ailing, Dorothea, New Milford, Susquehanna. Allison, Josephine, Catawissa, Columbia. Ampudia, Lola, New York, N. Y. Annis, James Allen, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Annis, Madeline F., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Anthony, Agnes S., Alden Station, Luzerne. Anthony, Ivan B., Bear Creek, Luzerne. Anthony, Robert A., Bear Creek, Luzerne. Aponick, Lucy L., Nanticoke, Luzerne. Augenblich, B. I. D., Nanticoke, Luzerne. Austin, Louise M., Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne. Baer, Lorraine E., Scranton, Lackawanna. Bakeless, David, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Baker, Estella M., McClure, Snyder. Baker, Frances, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Baker, Lucia, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Baker, Robert J., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Baldauski, Margaret, Wyoming, Luzerne. Bankes, Edith K., Jeddo, Luzerne. Bankes, Lester E., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Bankes, Ruth, River Hill, Columbia. Bankes, Yiolus E., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Bardnt, Leon S., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Bardwick, Evelyn J., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Beddall, Gladys L., Hazleton, Luzerne. Bednarek, George J., Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne. Behr, Oda, Lopez, Sullivan. Bennett, Clifton S., New Milford, Susquehanna. Bennett, Mark H., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Berger, Karl R., Lehighton, Carbon. Beyer, Florence, Orangeville, Columbia. Billmeyer, Bertha, Danville, Montour. Bingaman, Jay F., Beaver Springs, Snyder. Bittenbender, Kenneth, Bloomsburg. Columbia. Bitting, Catherine, Ringtown, Schuylkill. Bittmg, Yada, Ringtown, Schuylkill. Black, Lessing, Bloomsburg, Columbia. BLOOM SBURG Blackman, Beatrice, Kingston, Luzerne. Blackmore, Arnold, Dunmore, Lackawanna. Blossom, Edith H., Hawley, Wayne. Bocanegra, Jose F., Cifuentes, Cuba. Boetticher, Laura, Hazleton, Luzerne. Boguszewski, Adolph, Glen Lyon, Luzerne. Bohn, Lydia, Scranton, Lackawanna. Boody, Leonard, Rupert, Columbia. Boyd, Elsie B., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Boyer, Helen, Paxtonville, Snyder. Boyer, Isabel, Danville, Montour. Brace, Laura, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Brace, Molly B., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Brady, Margaret M., Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne. Breisch, Lillie, Ringtown, Schuylkill. Breisch, Florence, Catawissa, Columbia. Ruth A., Wyalusing, Bradford. Dorothy, E. Bloomsburg, Columbia. Eva, E. Bloomsburg, Columbia. Florence, E. Bloomsburg, Columbia. Robert, E. Bloomsburg, Columbia. Brower, Mary, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Brown, Harriet, Vanceboro, N. C. Brown, Marian, Hazelton, Luzerne. Brunozzi, Armeda, Glen Lyon, Luzerne. Buchinski, Adeline, Mt. Carmel, Northumberland. Buck, Miller, Danville, Montour. Buckalew, Louis W., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Burlingame, Clyde E., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Cadman, Elizabeth, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Cain, Paul M., Lime Ridge, Columbia. Carl, Aleta, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Casey, Albert, Benton, Columbia. Castro, Ignacio, Jr., Meride Tuc, Mexico. Brobst, Broadt, Broadt, Broadt, Broadt, Cataldo, Felecia, Hazleton, Luzerne. Chamberlain, Clarence, Rock Glen, Luzerne. Chamberlain, Viola, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Chapman, Thomas, Centralia, Columbia. Charnitski, George, Mocanaqua, Luzerne. Cherrington, Lawrence, Catawissa, Columbia. Christian, Mabel, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Church, Betty, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Church, Geraldine, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Church, John, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Clay, Arthur, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Cleaver, Emma, West Chester, Chester. Clementi, Aristedes, San Manuel, Cuba. Clementi, Felix, San Manuel, Cuba. Cloherty, Clare, Scranton, Lackawanna. Cocklin, Alice, Shickshinny, Luzerne. Cole, Arthur, Meshoppen, Wyoming. Cole, Martha, Jamison City, Columbia. Colley, Elizabeth, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Colley, Martha R., Bloomsburg. Columbia. Colley, Mary, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Marjery, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Conner, Dorothy, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Collier, ILOOMSBURG Conner, Frances, Orangeville, Columbia. Conner, Jean C, Wilkes- Barre, Luzerne. Conway, Vincent M., Wilkes- Barre, Luzerne. Cooke, Jennie C, Scranton, Lackawanna. Coolbaugh, Antoinette B., Dallas, Luzerne. Cornell, Beatrice, Alderson, Luzerne. Corse, Howard C, Susquehanna, Susquehanna. Costa, Isabel M., Santurce, Porto Rico. Cotner, Clyde, Strawberry Ridge, Montour. Crawford, Virginia, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Creasy, Jean, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Creasy, LeRoy W\, Espy, Columbia. Crevoling, Elizabeth, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Crowther, George, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Crowther, William, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Cruttenden, Gertrude, Scranton, Lackawanna. Davenport, Dale, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Davenport, Florence, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Davenport, Martha L., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Davenport, William, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Davies, Russell, Kingston, Luzerne. Davis, Anna M., Ringtown, Schuylkill. Davis, Samuel A Ringtown, Schuylkill. Deane, Mercedes, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Deaner, Hildred, Mainville, Columbia. DeBonis, Anna, Wr ilkes-Barre, Luzerne. Decker, Helen, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Deitrick, Margaret J., Mt. Carmel, Northumberland. T Dennis, Marion E., W ilkes- Barre, Luzerne. Dent, Myrtle, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Derr, Edgar, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Diemer, Helen D., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Diemer, Frances I., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Dildine, Esther, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Diseroad, Robert Lee, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Dobkavige, Victor E., Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne. Donnelly, Francis B., Locust Gap, Northumberland. Dormack, Walter, Mt. Carmel, Northumberland. Downing, Mildred, Trucksville, Luzerne. Drake, Lois, Espy, Columbia. Dreese, Mary E., McClure, Snyder. Eaton, Audrey, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Eaton, Dorothy, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Eckrote, Elsie, Conyngham, Luzerne. Edwards, Frederick C, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Edwards, Helen E Bloomsburg, Columbia. Edwards, Margaret, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Eisenhauer, Helen E., Mifflinville, Columbia. Eisenman, Edward L. Weston, Luzerne. Ely, Bertha E., Broadway, Luzerne. Ent, Anna Mary, Lightstreet, Columbia. Ent, James S., Lightstreet, Columbia. Escudero, Regina A., Santurce, Porto Rico. Eunson, William, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Evans, Angeline, Scranton, Lackawanna. Evans, Oliver, Nanticoke, Luzerne. , , ( Eyerly, Emma, Danville, Montour. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Eyerly, Mae, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Fagan, Jule M., Lattimer Mines, Luzerne. Fahringer, Blanche E., Catawissa, Columbia. Faus, Clyde E., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Felker, Chas. A., Beaver Springs, Snyder. Fernsler, Mary, Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne. Ferree, Margaret, Oak Hall Station, Centre. Fester, Mary, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Fetherolf, Elizabeth, Ringtown, Schuylkill. Fidler, John L., Espy, Columbia. Fink, Mrs. Chas., Catawissa, Columbia. Fish, Harold H., Richwood, W. Va. Fierman, Ben, Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne. Fischer, Thos. E., Glen Lyon, Luzerne. Fisher, Donald R., Rupert, Columbia. Fisher, Clara, Mahanoy City, Schuylkill. Fisher, Warren, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Flynn, Gladys, Great Bend, Susquehanna. Fole^/, Marie C., Pittston, Luzerne. Foote, Dorothy, Lightstreet Road, Columbia. Foote, Grace, Lightstreet Road, Columbia. Foote, Paul, Lightstreet Road, Columbia. Foresman, Wilbur S., Dewart, Northumberland. Foust, Beaver, Danville, Montour. Fox, Valara R., Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne. Francis, Elva B., Trevorton, Northumberland. Frantz, Delphine, Forty Fort, Luzerne. Freas, Margaret K., Berwick, Columbia. Frey, Nora Odessa, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Fritz, Chas., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Fritz, G., Benton, Columbia. Fritz, Kathryn, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Fritz, Warren, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Emma Furman, Frances, Bloomsburg. Columbia. Gabel, Miriam F., Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne. Gamble, Ethlyn, Sugar Run, Bradford. Garrison, Anna C, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Gearinger, Katharine E., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Gedrich, Leah, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Geese, Ethel M., Rupert, Columbia. Gerhard, Jessie, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Gerhard, Ruth I., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Getz, Laura, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Giger, Irene, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Gillaspy, Mary, Benton, Columbia. Gillespie, Jessie, Catawissa, Columbia. T Gilroy, Mary R., ilkes-Barre, Luzerne. W Godinez, Raoul, Saqua, Cuba. Gomez, Jose M., Saqua, Cuba. Gonzalez, Antonio, Santiago, Cuba. Gorman, Margaret, Girardville, Schuylkill. Gotshall, Grace, Bloomsburg. Columbia. Green, Alice, Ashland, Schuylkill. Green, Lydia, Scranton, Lackawanna. Griffith, Eleanor, Shamokin, Northumberland. Griffiths, Grace, Plymouth, Luzerne. Grimes, Joseph, Bloomsburg, Columbia. BLOOMSUURG Grimes, Stewart, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Gronka, Katherine E., Glen Lyon, Luzerne. Gross, Sarah C., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Grossman, Ben L., Hazleton, Luzerne. Gruver, Orval L., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Gunter, Harry T., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Gunter, Thomas, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Hackett, Cadwallader, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Harkins, Marie, Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne. Harman, M. Marguerite, Noxen, Wyoming. Harned, Margaret, Peckville, Lackawanna. Harris, Mary, Scranton, Lackawanna. Hart, Marion, Mountain Grove, Luzerne. Hartline, H. Keffer, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Hartman, Ned, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Hartman, Ruth, Benton, Columbia. Hassert, Claire, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Hatcher, Kenneth, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Haussman, Emma, Hazleton, Luzerne. Hayward, Robert, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Anna, Laceyville, Wyoming. Hemingway, Mary V., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Hendershot, Warren E., Jerseytown, Columbia Heller, Henrie, Hester, Nescopeck, Luzerne. Hensel, Hazel, Hazleton, Luzerne. Herman, Almira, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Herman, Camilla L., Mehoopany, Wyoming. Herman, Carl, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Herman, Claire, Edwardsville, Luzerne. Herman, Wm. G., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Herring, Dorothy, Orangevile, Columbia. Herring, Jessie, Orangeville, Columbia. Hess, Wm. J., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Hill, Olive L., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Hines, Margaret, Berwick, Columbia. Hite, Frederick S., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Hoag, Harry, Lopez, Sullivan. Hobbes, Marion R., Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne. Hoffman, Karleen, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Hoffner, Harriet, Hazleton, Luzerne. Holleran, Teresa, Pittston, Luzerne. Holmes, William H., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Hopper, Earl, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Hopper, Paul, Espy, Columbia. Houk, Robert, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Hower, Margaret, Catawissa, Columbia. Hower, W. Clair, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Hughes, Karl P., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Hummel, Foster M., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Hummel, Zelda, Espy, Columbia. Hutchinson, Winifred, Bloomsburg, Co^mbia. Hutton, Emily R., Bloomsburer, Columbia. Hutton, Helen, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Hutton, Neal, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Bloomsburer, Columbia. Hutton, Robert Hyde, Harold H., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Hyde, Jack, Bloomsburg, Columbia. M , STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Isaacs, Edna, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Jayne, Arline D., Wilkes- Barre, Luzerne. Jehu, Anna, Scranton, Lackawanna. Jervis, Caroline, Scranton, Lackawanna. Johnson, Donald, Mainville, Columbia. Johnson, Elizabeth, Olyphant, Lackawanna. Johnson, Muriel, Forest City, Susquehanna. Johnson, Pauline, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Johnson, Ruth E., Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne. Johnson, Sarah, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Johnson, Wm. B., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Jones, A. Fay, Edwardsville, Luzerne. Jones, Mary, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Jones, George, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Jones, Grace, Montrose, Susquehanna. Jones, Margaret E., Plymouth, Luzerne. Jones, M. Ruth, Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne. Juno, Irene, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Kahler, Harry, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Kahler, Josephine, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Keefer, Lawrence E., Catawissa, Columbia. Kehler, Miriam, Locust Dale, Schuylkill. Kehler, Ronald E., Locust Dale, Schuylkill Keim, Donald, Danville, Montour. Kelly, Alice E., Moscow, Lackawanna. Kelly, Jeannette, Plymouth, Luzerne. Kelley, Mary, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Kimbal, Alice, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Kimbal, Arline, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Kishbaugh, Robert R., Berwick, Columbia. Kitrck, Ethel, Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne. Kline, Lena, Berwick, Columbia. Kline, Ruth, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Kline, Sadie, Register, Luzerne. Koch, Ruth Margaret, Hazleton, Luzerne. Kraft, Mabel, Hazleton, Luzerne. Kreisher, Kathryn, Catawissa, Columbia. Kreisher, Margaret, Catawissa, Columbia. Kroberger, Elizabeth G., Sunbury, Northumberland. Kuehn, Karl, Dallas, Luzerne. Kulp, Helen, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Lage, Francisco, Havana, Cuba. Laguna, Antonio, Caibarien, Cuba. Lanning, Emma, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Lanning, Harriet, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Lanning, John, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Lanning. Robert, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Lanshe, Beatrice K., Allentown, Lehigh. Larish, Adda, Rohrsburg, Columbia. Lauven, Mary E., Mt. Pleasant Mills, Snyder. Law, James, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Lawrence. Mary L., Danville, Montour. Lawson, Andrew B., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Lawson, Kathryn, Shenandoah, Schuylkill. Leal, Carlos. Manaqua, Nic. Central America. Lemon, Karl, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Lemon, Kathryn, Bloomsburg, Columbia. BLOOMSBURG Lemon; Kelma, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Lenker, Harlan, Pillow, Northumberland. Lewis, Annetta R., Nanticoke, Luzerne. Lewis, Leona, Olyphant, Lackawanna. Llewellyn, Muzetta, Nanticoke, Luzerne. Lobez, Alice, Lakewood, Wayne. Logan, Ruth, Falls, Wyoming. Long, Clark, Berwick, Columbia. Long, Florence, Catawissa, Columbia. Low, Anna, Orangeville, Columbia. Low, Mary, Orangeville, Columbia. Lowe, Helene E., Montrose, Susquehanna. Lowe, Rachel, Plymouth, Luzerne. Lowenberg, Clare, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Lowenberg, Sarah, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Lyons, Sara A., Bloomsburg, Columbia. McBride, Mary, Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne. McCollum, Katharine, Bloomsburg, Columbia. McCoy, Sue, Hazleton, Luzerne. McDermott, Thos., Jessup, Lackawanna. McDonald, Anthony J., Centralia, Columbia. McDonnell, Alice M., Ashland, Schuylkill. McGill, Mary S., Jeddo, Luzerne. McHenry, Margery, Bloomsburg, Columbia. MacKeeby, Leroy, Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne. McKeown, Marguerite, Nanticoke, Luzerne. McKinstry, Chloe, Bloomsburg, Columbia. McLaughlin, Dwight, Bloomsburg, Columbia. McShea, Mae, McAdoo, Schuylkill. Mandeville, Emily, Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne. Manhart, Margaret, Berwick, Columbia. Manley, Alice T., Scranton, Lackawanna. Marchetti, Elizabeth, Nuremberg, Schuylkill. Marchetti, Violet, Kulpmont, Northumberland. Markley, Ira, Beaver Springs, Snyder. Marsels, Mary, Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne. Martin, Claire A., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Martin, Frances C, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Martin, Gertrude, Hazleton, Luzerne. Martin, Mabel, Mehoopany, Wyoming. Mauser, Mary M., Danville, Montour. Maust, Elsie M., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Mausteller, Grace, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Melick, Arthur C, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Mensinger, Clarence, Mainville, Columbia. Mensinger, Jessie, Aneida, Schuylkill. Merithew, Kathryn, Doranceton, Luzerne. Merrell, W. Cletus, Rohrsburg, Columbia. Metz, Betty E., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Metz, Laura I., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Miller, Chas. F., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Miller, Emma, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Miller, Gertrude E., Duryea, Luzerne. Miller, Laura, Catawissa, Columbia. Miller, Mary E., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Miller, Mary R., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Miller, Pauline, Mifflinville, Columbia. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Miller, Rachel, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Miller, Ralph, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Miller, Ruth L., Catawissa, Columbia. Montgomery, Clara, Orangeville, Columbia. Moore, Zack L., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Moran, Florence, Scranton, Lackawanna. Morgan, Jeannette, Plymouth, Luzerne. Morgan, Sarah, Frackville, Schuylkill. Morris, John G., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Moss, Alice L., Plymouth, Luzerne. Moss, Clarence, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Murphy, Joseph G., Hazleton, Luzerne. Murphy, Marian, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Myers, Ruth Elizabeth, Washington, D. C. Nagle, Christina, Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne. Naugle, Emma, Hunlock Creek, Luzerne. Nelson, Lillian M., Honesdale, Wayne. Nelson, Teresa, Avoca, Luzerne. • Noack, Rexford J., Moscow, Lackawanna. Nogues, Alexander, Saqua la Gde, Cuba. Nolan, Miriam J., Lewistown, Mifflin. O'Gara, Mary, Hazleton, Luzerne. Oliver, Mrs. H. R., Catawissa, Columbia. O'Malley, Anna, Scranton, Lackawanna. Oman, Glen, Bloomsburg, Columbia. O'Neill, Edith, Tunkhannock, Wyoming. Otto, John, Herndon, Northumberland. Owen, Marion N., Mehoopany, Wyoming. Park, Jane, Dallas, Luzerne. Patrick, Dorcas, Tower City, Schuylkill. Patrick, Paul, Tower City, Schuylkill. Patrick, Rachel, Tower City, Schuylkill. Payne, Wm. T., Girardville, Schuylkill. Pealer, Mary E., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Pegg, Eva G., Berwick, Columbia. Peniche Manuel, Merida Tuc, Mexico. Pensyl, Marie E., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Pettit, Katherine, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Petty, Mary E., Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne. Pfahler, Lois, Catawissa, Columbia. Phillips, Helen, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Phillips, Mary J., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Phillips, Ralph G., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Piatt, Beatrice, Mainville, Columbia. Pritchard, Bernice, South Gibson, Susquehanna. Pritchard, M. Teresa, South Gibson, Susquehanna. Pursel, Edna B., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Pursel, Edna M., Shenandoah, Schuylkill. Pursel, Frank, Millville, Columbia. Pursel, Marjorie, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Pursel, Russell, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Quick, Annie, Orangeville, Columbia. Ramos, Lucillo, Habana, Cuba. Reese, Agnes, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Reese, Maude, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Reichard, Harry C, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Reiter, Edward R., Berwick, Columbia. BLOOMSBURG Reitz, Harold W., Dornsife, Northumberland. Rhodes, Walter M., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Rinard, Margaret, Catawissa, Columbia. Ringrose, Fred, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Rishton, Thos. P., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Roan, Harriet E., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Robbins, Ernest L., Orangeville, Columbia. Robbins, Rachel, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Roberts, Helen, Jermyn, Lackawanna. Roberts, Mary, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Rodriquez, Rene, Cifuentes, Cuba. Roger, Harold, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Rose, Marjorie, Paxitang, Dauphin. Ross, Nedra, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Row, Betty, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Ruggles, Evadne, Pikes Creek, Luzerne. Rupert, Regina, Espy, Columbia. Sainz, Juan, Cifuentes, Cuba. Sands, Doyle, Orangeville, Columbia. Santee, Clara, Conyngham, Luzerne. Santee, Edna, Conyngham, Luzerne. Savidge, Dorothy, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Savidge, Mary, Northumberland, Northumberland. Ray I., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Wilmer, Berwick, Columbia. Schoch, Myrtle, Lopez, Sullivan. Schuyler, Mary F., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Schuyler, Thursabert, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Scott, Emily, Plymouth, Luzerne. Scott, Olive, Kingston, Luzerne. Seely, W. Leslie, Nescopeck, Luzerne. Seiler, Camilla, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Schell, Schell, Emma, Ringtown, Schuylkill. Irene, Berwick, Columbia. Seybert, Olaf, Berwick, Columbia. Seltzer, Seman, Shaefer, Gladys, Scranton, Lackawanna. Shaffer, Laura, Berwick, Columbia. Shaffer, H. Lucile, Rohrsburg, Columbia. Shafer, Myrlynn, Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne. Shannon, Elenora C, Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne. Sharpe, Regina, Ranshaw, Northumberland. Sharpless, Joseph, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Sharpless, Myra, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Shaughnessy, Sadie, Glen Lyon, Luzerne. Shaver, Donald, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Sheerer, Elizabeth, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Sheerer, Kathareen, Mattawana, Mifflin. Sheets, Grace, Catawissa, Columbia. Sherburne, Arthur, Jr., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Shipman, Mary Alice, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Wilmer L Jerseytown, Columbia. Shuman, John, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Shuman, Josephine, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Shuman, Ralph, Mainville, Columbia. Shumann, Rhea, Catawissa, Columbia. Shultz, Sickler, Siegle, , Mary Elizabeth, Dallas, Luzerne. Edna, Hazleton, Luzerne. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Slear, John, Belleville, Mifflin. Slusser, Ida C, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Smith, Alice, Dorranceton, Luzerne. Smith, Edmond, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Smith, Evelyn, Berwick, Columbia. Smith, Hervey B., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Smith, Margretta, Hazleton, Luzerne. Smith, Paul M., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Smith, Victoria, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Snyder, Robert, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Sosa, Miguel, Isabella de Saqua, Cuba. Souder, Erma N., Nescopeck, Luzerne. Stackhouse, Cora, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Stackhouse, Helen P., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Stackhouse, Mary A., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Stadler, Alice, Catawissa, Columbia. Stanton, Lydia E., West Pittston, Luzerne. Stouffer, Mary E., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Stearns, Louise, Kingsley, Susquehanna. Steele, Freda, Orangeville, Columbia. Stees, Caroline, Mifflinburg, Union. Sterner, Alice P., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Sterner, Alva, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Sterner, Edna, Tunkhannock, Wyoming. Stetler, Evelyn, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Stiner, Phoebe, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Stonier, Josephine, Montrose, Susquehanna. Strange, Earl, Minersville, Schuylkill. Straub, Isaiah, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Stroh, Jeanne, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Sutliff, Harriet, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Robert, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Helen E., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Sutliff, John M., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Swanberry, Anna, Wanamie, Luzerne. Sweeney, Harry F., Ashley, Luzerne. Sweeney, Marion, Scranton, Lackawanna. Sweetwood, James, Centre Hall, Centre. Sweppenhiser, Ella, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Taber, Robert, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Taylor, Edna H., Forest City, Susquehanna. Taylor, Marion, Forest City, Susauehanna. Terwilliger, Madge, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Terwilliger, Marion, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Thomas, Anna, Plymouth, Luzerne. Sutliff, Sutliff, Thomas, Beatrice, Kingston, Luzerne. Thomas, Gwen, Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne. Thomas, Norton, Forks, Columbia. Tirpak, Andrew, Glen Lyon, Luzerne. Titman, Ruth, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Townsend, Dawn, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Traub, Myron, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Traugh, Fern E., Berwick, Columbia. Treverton, Mildred, Hazleton, Luzerne. Trimble, Emily F., Kingston, Luzerne. Tripp, Ethel, Pittston, Luzerne. Unangst, Edward, Orangeville, Columbia. BLOOM SBURG Utt, Jessie Claire, Pottsgrove, Northumberland. Utt, Florence R., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Vance, Cordelia, Orangeville, Columbia. Van Gorden, Nora U., Moscow, Lackawanna. Vannatta, S. Margaret, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Vastine, Mary F., Danville, Montour. Vroman, Beatrice, Great Bend, Susquehanna. Wagner, M. Elizabeth, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Wagner, Evelyn D., Gordon, Schuylkill. Wall, Ethel, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Waller, Elizabeth, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Walter, Ira, Middleburg, Snyder. Walton, Caroline, Berwick, Columbia. Ward, Mary, Avoca, Luzerne. Warr, Eva P., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Weckel, Florence, Berwick, Columbia. Wiedeman, Wm. G., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Weiss, Arline, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Weiss, Helen P. C, Glen Lyon, Luzerne. Weiss, Preston, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Welliver, Gladys M., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Welliver, Helen M., Jersey town, Columbia. Welsh, Elizabeth, Orangeville, Columbia. Welsh, J. Louis, Orangeville, Columbia. Wendel, Hilda, Hazleton, Luzerne. Wentz, Eioise, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Wentz, Fillmore, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Werkheiser, Arline, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Werkheiser, Charlotte, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Werntz, Mrs. Chas., Bloomsburg, Columbia. West, Vera, Tunkhannock, Wyoming. T hite, Elizabeth, Almedia, Columbia. White, Helen, Scranton, Lackawanna. White, Jennie D., Olyphant, Lackawanna. White, Wilhelmina, Bloomsburg, Columbia. W Williams, Beatrice, St. Johns, Luzerne. "Williams, Ralph, Ashley, Luzerne. Williams, Thomas H., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Wilson, Frank, H., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Wilson, Melvin O., Barto, Berks. Winner, Arthur, Bloomsburg, Columbia Witchey, Blanche, Mountain Grove, Luzerne. Witt, Anna M., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Wood, Beatrice, Benton, Columbia Wolfe, Lewis, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Wright, Rolland, Sugar Loaf, Luzerne. Yorks, Kenneth, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Yost, Martha, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Young, Elizabeth, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Young, Ruth, Catawissa, Columbia. Zarr, Ben, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Zarr, Jean, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Zarr, Lucile, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Zehner, Clyde, Sugarloaf, Luzerne. Hazel M.. Bloomsburg, Columbia. Zeigler, BLOOMSBURG List of Students in Summer School Achenbach, Ruth, Jamison City, Columbia. Alexander, Cecilia, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Alexander, Gretchen, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Anthony, Ralph, Bear Creek, Luzerne. Annis, Madeline, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Arnold, Lillian, Shickshinny, Luzerne. Arment, Helen, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Baker, Dora E., White Deer, Union. Baker, Frances, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Baker, Paul, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Baker, Robert, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Bankes, Ruth, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Beagle, Mary E., Berwick, Columbia. Beagle, William, Bloomsburg, Columbia Beaver, Anna, Mifflinville, Columbia. Bardwick, Evelyn J., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Beishline, Hervie G., Stillwater, Columbia. Barndt, Leon, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Beishline, Mabel E., Stillwater, Columbia. Beishline, Vernie, Stillwater, Columbia. Berry, Edith, Wilburton, Columbia. Beyer, Ida M., Orangeville, Columbia. Billmeyer, Florence, Milton, Northumberland. Blew, Alma, Oneida, Schuylkill. Blue, Florence, Pottsgrove, Northumberland. Bock, Robert W., Shenandoah, Schuylkill. Bocanegra, F. Jose, Cifuentes, Cuba. Bogart, Lenna, Millville, Columbia. Bogart, Letha, Millville, Columbia. Bonham, Mildred S., Hunlock Creek, Luzerne. Boone, Vashti, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Boston, Clarence, Centermoreland, Wyoming. Bower, Leora, Berwick, Columbia. Boyer, Helen, Paxtonville, Snyder. Brace, Laura, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Brennan, Mary, Centralia, Columbia. Brown, Claude, Lightstreet, Columbia. Bucher, Dorothy, Catawissa, Columbia. Bucher, Frances, Catawissa, Columbia. Buck, Letha L., Stillwater, Columbia. Burns, Neire C, Danville, Montour. Butzner, Elizabeth, Scranton, Lackawanna. Carter, Clarice B., Duryea, Luzerne. Castellani, Peter C., Old Forge, Lackawanna. Cartwright, Elizabeth, Wilburton, Columbia. Clay, Arthur, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Cohn, Rosalind, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Coira, Josephine, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Cole, Emma, Benton, Columbia. Comstock, Nora, Jamison City, Columbia. Conner, Dorothy, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Craig, Emily, Catawissa, Columbia. Craig, Mary, Ottowa, Montour. Creasy, Jane, Catawissa, Columbia. Creasy, Mabel, Orangeville, Columbia. — 1919 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Creveling, Elizabeth, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Cromley, Ada, Strawberry Ridge, Montour. Crowther, Wm, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Crowther, George, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Cunningham, Anna, Avoca, Luzerne. Curry, Eloise S., Mooresburg, Montour. Curry, Margaret H., Mooresburg, Montour. Daniel, Letitia, Numidia, Columbia. Decker, Arlene, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Dempsey, Mary, Centralia, Columbia. Derr, Edgar, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Dent, Myrtle, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Derr, Lillian, Rohrsburg, Columbia. Dewold, Roy W., Turbotville, Northumberland. Dietrick, Dorothy, Riverside, Northumberland. Dildine, Gladys, Orangeville, Columbia. Ditzler, Leila C, Milton, Northumberland. Dougherty, Margaret, Ashland, Columbia. Doyle, Veronica, Centralia, Columbia. Durbin, Grace L., Milton, Montour. Eipper, Evelyn A., Alderson, Luzerne. Englehart, Hazel, Millmont, Union. Enterline, Elmer E., Turbotvile, Northumberland. Evans, Esther, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Evans, Eleanor, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Evans, Eloise, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Evans, Iona, Plains, Luzerne. Evans, Frances, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Eves, J. Harold, Millville, Columbia. Eves, Samuel R., Millville, Columbia. Eves, Pearl C, Jerseytown, Columbia. Fallon, Katharine F., Oneida, Schuylkill. Farrell, Cecelia M., Centralia, Columbia. Fennelly, Pauline R., Frackville, Schuylkill. Fenstermaker, Consuelo L., Nescopeck, Luzerne. Fermier, Amy E., Mahanoy City, Schuylkill. Fetterman, Pearl V., Catawissa, Columbia. Fierman, Ben, Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne. Fink, Mrs. C. F., Catawissa, Columbia. Fink, Ruth A., Roaring Creek, Columbia. Flanagan, Anna, Centralia, Columbia. Foote, Grace, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Foote, Paul, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Foote, Dorothy, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Fowler, Margaret, Riverside, Northumberland. Freas, Elva M., Millville, Columbia. Frey, Edna I., Catawissa, Columbia. Fritz, Alice, Benton, Columbia. Fritz, Cleora, Benton, Columbia. Fritz, Emma G., Benton, Columbia. Fritz, Laura R., New Columbia, Union. Fritz, Marie, Jamison City, Columbia. Fritz, Margaret, Jamison City, Columbia. Fuhrman, Ursula, Middleburg, Snyder Furman, Harry, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Gaines, Ruth A Sugar Notch, Luzerne. Gearhart, Erma, Bloomsburg, Columbia. , B L M S B I" B G Geese. Ethel Mae, Rupert. Columbia. Gedrich. Leah, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Gerhard, Jessie, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Gilbert, Elizabeth M., Pottsgrove, Northumberland. Gilbert, Miriam, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Gilchrist, Anna, Avoca, Luzerne. Gillespie. Anna. Centralia, Columbia. Grimes, Joseph S., Bloomsburg. Columbia. Gotshall. Mercy, Catawissa, Columbia. Hack. Florence, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Hackenburg, Ernestine, Northumberland, Northumberland. Hackenburg, Lydia, Northumberland. Northumberland. Hafer, William, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Hagenbuch, Pearl, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Haley. Kathryn M., Catawissa, Columbia. Harding, Helen, Avoca, Luzerne. Harger, Mabel, Beaver Valley, Columbia. Harman, Marion, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Harrington, Pauline, Jamison City, Columbia. Harter, Edna. Nescopeck, Luzerne. Harter, Lillie May, Nescopeck, Luzerne. Hart man, Thelma L.. Rohrsburg, Columbia. Hayhurst, Blva M., Orangeville, Columbia. Heath. Mrs. Nellie. Duryea. Luzerne. Hendershot. Zelpha M., Jersey town. Columbia. Helwig, Effie, Roaring Creek, Columbia. Helwig. Marie C. Catawissa, Columbia. Herman. Karl, Bloomsburg. Columbia. Hess. Mrs. Edith, Jamison City, Columbia. Hess. J. Ruth. Jamison City. Columbia. Hess. Marcella, Benton, Columbia. Hess, Mildred, Benton, Columbia. Hill, Anna, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Hill, Olive, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Hill, Rosa. Jerseytown, Columbia. Hippensteel. Marie. Orangeville, Columbia. Holmes, Wm. H., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Hopler, Alex S., Berwick, Columbia. Hoy, Harold L., Milton, Northumberland. Huddleson, Helen. Duryea, Luzerne. Huddleson. Hazel, Nescopeck. Luzerne. Hunselman, Charles. Jerseytown. Columbia. Ikeler, Helen, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Imboden, Nelle, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Jermyn, Emma J.. Junedale, Carbon. John, Hazel, Catawissa, Columbia. Johnson. Dora, Catawissa. Columbia. Johnston, Mollie McKee, Wasbingtonville, Montour. Johnston. Renzy D., Millville, Columbia. Jones. Ethel, Sugar Notch, Luzerne. Jones, George, Bloomsburg. Columbia. Jones. Mary A.. Centralia, Columbia. Jones. Mary, Bloomsburg. Columbia. Kaempfer, Rhoda E.. Beaver Springs, Snyder. Kahler. Harry. Bloomsburg, Columbia. Kane, Katharine A., Centralia, Columbia. Kane, Mary, Centralia, Columbia. BLOOMSBURG Karschner, Gertrude, Rohrsburg, Columbia. Kasnitz, Anna H., Berwick, Columbia. Kealy, Annie A., Centralia, Columbia. Keck, Beatrice, Berwick, Columbia. Keefer, Viola, Catawissa, Columbia. Kelchner, Ruth, Mifflinville, Columbia. Keller, Alda, Aristes, Columbia. Keller, Mae M., Orangeville, Columbia. Keller, Pearl, Berwick, Columbia. Kelly, Julia, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Kennedy, Emily B., Comptown, Bradford. Kessler, Lula E., Northumberland, Northumberland. Kessler, Zana B., Northumberland, Northumberland. Kimbal, Alice, Bloomsburg, Columbia. King, Mary, Avoca, Luzerne. Kleas, John, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Kline, Mary M., Rohrsburg, Columbia. Kline, Viola, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Klinger, Harold, Benton, Columbia. Kostenbauder, Mildred, Aristes, Columbia. Kreislier, Margaret, Catawissa, Columbia. Kreisler, Kathrwn E., Catawissa, Columbia. Lang, Anna, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Larzelere, Fannie C, Wilburton, Columbia. Lavelle, Margaret, Centralia, Columbia. Lee, Joseph, Orangeville, Columbia. Leiby, Ruth, Aristes, Columbia. Lehman, Leila C, Mifflinville, Columbia. Lewis, Florence, Danville, Montour. Lingousky, Estella L., Sheppton, Schuylkill. Loeb, Mabel, W. Pittston, Luzerne. Long, Lula Mae, Briar Creek, Columbia. Low, Anna, Orangeville, Columbia. Low, Mary C, Orangeville, Columbia. Ludwig, Pearl, Bloomsburg, Columbia. McGinley, Beatrice, Centralia, Columbia. McHale, Hanna, Centralia, Columbia. McHugh, Helen, Junedale, Carbon. McMiehael, Fannie E., Hunlocks Creek, Luzerne. McPhiilips, Josephine D., Avoca, Luzerne. Maddon, Olive E., Danville, Montour. Marcelonis, Margaret A., Duryea, Luzerne. Marks, Charlotte I., Catawissa, Columbia. Maurer, Myrtle M., Mahanoy City, Schuylkill. Maust, Mary M., Danville, Montour. Mausteller, Grace, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Meenahan, Jane E., Shamokin, Schuylkill. Mensch, Margaret B., Milheim, Centre. Mensinger, Jessie, Oneida, Schuylkill. Merrell, Cleo, Rohrsburg, Columbia. Merrell, Nola L., Rohrsburg, Columbia. Merrell, W. Cletus, Rohrsburg, Columbia. Miller, Emma, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Mills, Bernice, Exchange, Montour. Mohan, Irene, Centralia, Columbia. Monroe, Loretta C, Ashland, Columbia. Montgomery, Rebecca, Milton, Northumberland. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Beryl, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Moore, Ruth, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Mordan, Bessie, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Mordan, Gertrude, Millville, Columbia. Mowrey, Ada C, Mifflinville, Columbia. Moyer, Mabel, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Moyer, Mae, Danville, Montour. Moyer, Rachel, Freeburg, Snyder. Munson, Bessie, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Murphy, Nelly, Duryea, Luzerne. Mussina, Eva, Cowan, Union. Nealis, Mae, Avoca, Luzerne. Oliver, Mrs. H. R., Catawissa, Columbia. Parker, Lillian, Millville, Columbia. Moon, Patrick, Paul, Tower City, Schuylkill. Pealer, Mary, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Pizz, Esther, Sheppton, Schuylkill. Plieskatt, Edith, Kingston, Luzerne. Pollock, Mary A., Washingtonville, Columbia. Price, Edna, Ashland, Columbia. Pursel, Edna, Shenandoah, Schuylkill. Ramley, Harley, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Remley, Mrs. Romaine, Orangeville, Columbia. Reese, Agnes, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Reese, Maude, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Reets, Helen L., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Reichard, Harry C, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Rhodes, J. Gruver, Paxinos, Columbia. Rider, Marion H., Catawissa, Columbia. Rider, Muriel B., Millville, Columbia. Rinard, Margaret, Catawissa, Columbia. Robbins, Ernest, Orangeville, Columbia. Robbins, Mary L., Danville, Montour. Roberts, Cleo, Benton, Columbia. Robins, Leah M., Catawissa, Columbia. Robinson, Edna F., Danville, Montour. Roger, Harold, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Rosell, Victor Julio, Trujillo, Peru, S. A. Rooney, Ella, Centralia, Columbia. Rupert, Pearl, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Rupert, Violetta, Arictes, Rutter, Betty, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Sands, Doyle, Orangeville, Columbia. Sands, Mary E., Shickshinny, Luzerne. Sanders, Gladys, Benton, Columbia. Savage, Mrs. Leona, Benton, Columbia. Schell, Schell, E., Beaver Valley, Columbia. Lena, Turbotville, CoUimbia. Annie Schlegel, Harry D., Urban, Northumberland. Schu, Leo, Ashland, Schuylkill. Seely, Grace, Nescopeck, Luzerne. Seely, Merle, Nescopeck, Luzerne. Sees, Helen, Strawberry Ridge, Co'umbia. Shaeffer, Gladys, Scranton, Lackawanna. Shaffer, Laura, Berwick, Columbia. Sharpless, Phillis, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Shaver, Claire, Bloomsburg, Columbia. ILOOMSBURG Shaner, Hazel E., Millville, Columbia. M. Elizabeth, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Shearn, Mae, Centraiia, Columbia. Sheerer, Shipman, Patricia, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Shovlin, Katharine, Freeland, Luzerne. Shoviin, Mary, Freeland, Luzerne. Shultz, Sara L., Strawberry Ridge, Columbia. Shultz, Wilcner, Jerseytown, Columbia. Shutt, Mary, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Sitler, Edith, Berwick, Columbia. Sitler, Ethel, Berwick, Columbia. Sitler, Nora, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Mary Louise, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Smoczynski, Hetty E., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Snyder, Blanche, Strawberry Ridge, Columbia. Snyder, Edna, Numidia, Columbia. Snyder, Florence, Catawissa, Columbia. Sones, Grace, Millville, Columbia. Spangler, Cynthia, Yeagertown. Springer, Mary, Strawberry Ridge, Columbia. Stackhouse, Helen, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Stackhouse, Bessie, Benton, Columbia. Stackhouse, Cora, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Stadler, Alice, Catawissa, Columbia. Stiner, Phoebe, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Stover, Maude, Rebersburg, Centre. Sutliff, Doris, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Sutliff, Harriet, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Swartz, Kathrine M., Mifflinburg, Snyder. Sweetwood, James, Centre Hall, Centre. Taylor, Wm. D., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Thomas, Grace E., Millville, Columbia. Thomas, La Rue, Millville, Columbia. Thomas, Norton, Forks, Columbia. Thomas, Harlan, Espy, Columbia. Titman, Ruth E., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Titman, Sara, Berwick, Columbia. Ulrich, Marie, Strawberry Ridge, Columbia. Small, Llshafer, Jennie B., Brandonville, Vance, Erne M., Orangeville, Columbia. Vance, Gertrude, Orangeville, Columbia. Vosheska, Lucy, Glen Lyon, Luzerne. Vought, Viola, Catawissa, Columbia. Wagner, Anna, Pottsgrove, Wagner, Etta, Yeagertown. Wagenseller, Edwin, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Walter, A. Mae, Catawissa, Columbia. Walters, Sophia T., Danville, Montour. Warner, Julia, Danville, Montour. Warr, Helen, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Wasley, Stuart, Shenandoah. Watkins, Irene, Catawissa, Columbia. Watsloff, Mary, Wilburton, Webb, C'ifton, Evers Grove. Welker, Esther, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Welsh, Elizabeth, Orangeville, Columbia. Whitmire, Dola, Berwick. Columbia. BLOOMSBURG Weiss, Preston, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Wilkinson, Ida, Dornsife, Northumberland. Williams, Grace, Catawissa, Columbia. T Williams, Meda, atsonto\vn, Northumberland. Witmer, Alta, Beaver Valley, Wolfe, Elsie, Rock Glen, Luzerne. Wolfe, Mary M. J., Luzerne, Luzerne. Yeager, Lester, Roaring Creek, W Yanke, Selma, Eyers Grove. Yaple, Mabel, Dallas, Luzerne. Yeager, Bertella, Berwick, Columbia. Yocum, Jesse E., Benton, Columbia. Yorworth, Maude, Centralia, Columbia. Young, Elizabeth, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Hazel M., Bloomsburg, Columbia. Zeigler, Zeliff, Clare Washingtonville, J., Zydanowicz, Helen, Glen Lyon, Luzerne. Resident Graduates in Summer School Duryea, Luzerne. Imboden, Nelle, '05, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Moyer, Mabel, '97, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Carter, Clarissa, Roselle, Victor, Vance, '13, '19, Trujilla, Peru, S. A. Effie, '02, Orangeville, Columbia. THE ALUMNI Alumni Association Annual Meeting, Commencement Day OFFICERS President, Geo. E. Elwell, B.L.I., '67. Vice President, D. J. Waller, Jr., B.L.I., '67. Corresponding Secretary, G. E. Wilbur. Recording Secretary, S. J. Johnston, '93. Treasurer, H. E. Rider, '04. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Prof. O. H. Prof. C. H. Mrs. F. H. Harriet, F. Bakeless, '79, Chairman. Albert, '79. Jenkins, '75. Carpenter, '96. Mrs. J. H. Dennis. Mrs. D. S. Hartline, '92. Alumni Association of Annual Meeting, Week of Luzerne County County Institute OFFICERS President, G. J. Clark, '83. Treasurer, B. Frank Myers, '88. Secretary, Nan S. Wintersteen, '98. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Alumni Association of Annual Meeting, Week Lackawanna County of County Institute OFFICERS President, C. R. Powell, '83. Vice President, W. H. Jones, '00. Treasurer, John Jones, '12. Secretary, Mamie Morgan, '95. Alumni Association Susquehanna County- of Annual Meeting, Week of County Institute OFFICERS President, Edna Wilmot, '12. Vice President, Kathleen Kendall, Secretary and Treasurer, Annette Alumni Association '16. McCormick, of Schuylkill Annual Meeting, Week of County '16. County Institute OFFICERS President, Richard W. McHale, '90. Secretary and Treasurer, Anna Curtin, Alumni Association of '12. Dauphin County OFFICERS President, L. H. Dennis, '99. Vice President, Dr. N. B. Mausteller, Secretary, Annie Schlayer, '97. Treasurer, Mary Pendergast, '95. Alumni Association of '92. Wayne County OFFICERS President, Harold C. Box, '10. Secretary and Treasurer, Florence L. Walters, Alumni Association of Mifflin County OFFICERS President, Melissa Shaw, '95. Vice President, Edith Cole, '12. Secretary, H. W. Ramer, '12. Alumni Association of Snyder County OFFICERS President, Dr. A. J. Herman, '92. Secretary and Treasurer, Sue E. Toole, '09. '14. BLOOM SB URG Alumni Association Lycoming County of Organized at Muncy, December 29, 1910 OFFICERS President, Mary Truckenmiller, '98. Secretary and Treasurer, W. J. Farnsworth, Alumni Association '05. Wyoming County of OFFICERS President, Chas. L. Hess, '93. Vice President, Mrs. Adelaide McKown Hawke, Secretary and Treasurer, Susan Jennings, '14. Alumni Association '89. Northumberland County of OFFICERS President, Secretary, Benjamin Apple, Ruth '89. F. Nicely, '13. Alumni Association of Union County OFFICERS President, Paul C. Snyder, '02. Vice President, Nellie Fetterolf, '04. Secretary, Helen Bingman. Treasurer, Lauretta Latshaw, '96. Alumni Association of Montour County Organized December 23, 1915 OFFICERS President, Fred W. Diehl, '09. Vice President, Winifred Evans, '00. Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. Jennie Moore, Alumni Association of New York '84. City and Vicinity OFFICERS President, Dr. A. K. Aldinger, '04. Vice President, J. Conner Craveling. Secretary, Mabel Farley, '06. Alumni Association of Carbon County OFFICERS President, C. W. Keeler, '10. Secretary and Treasurer, Alice Fenner, '93. BLOOMSBURG GRADUATES OF 1920 Normal Course Anthony, Agnes S., 30 Pince St., Alden Station. Bednark, Geo., 439 Blackman St., Wilkes-Barre. Bennett, Mark, 165 E. Sixth St., Bloomsburg. Berger, Karl R., 192 S. First St., Lehighton. Beyer, Florence, Orangeville. Bitting, Catharine, Ringtown. Boguszewski, Adolph R., Glen Lyon. Boyer, Isabel, Danville. Brunozzi, Armeda, Glen Lyon. Cataldo, Felicia, 191 S. Pine St., Hazleton. Cloherty, Clare, 601 Fourth Ave., Scranton. Cocklin, Alice F., Shickshinny. Colley, Martha R., 435 Market St., Bloomsburg. Davis, Anna M.., Ringtown. Deaner, Hildred L., Mainville. Dormack, Walter, 143 N. Walnut St., Mt. Carmel. Eyerly, Emma R.^ 110 Spruce St., Danville. Ferree, Margaret, Oak Hall Station. Fox, R. Valara, 507 N. Penna. Ave., Wilkes-Barre, Francis, Elva, Shamokin St., Trevorton. Frantz, Delphine, Lehman. Gabel, Miriam F., 26 Abbott St., Wilkes-Barre. Gamble, Ethlyn Gerhard, R., Sugar Run. Jessie, 62 E. Main St., Bloomsburg. Gearinger, Katharine E., 232 E. Fifth St., Bloomsburg. Gotshall, Grace E., 518 W. Third St., Bloomsburg. Grimes, Joseph S., 239 W. 1st St., Bloomsburg. Harris, Mary E., 207 Stephen Ave., Scranton. Heller, Anna, Laceyville. Herman, Almira H., Bloomsburg, R. D. No. 1. Herman, Claire, 162 Summit St., Edwardsville. Hoffner, Harriet, 325 Keefer Ave., Hazleton. Holleran, Teresa M., 106 Railroad St., Pittston. Hower, Margaret V., Catawissa, R. 4. Hummel, Foster M., East First St., Bloomsburg. Jehu, Anna, 2106 Wayne Ave., Scranton. Johnson, Ruth E., 319 Madison St., Wilkes-Barre. Jones, A. Fay, 79 Washington St., Edwardsville. Keefer, Lawrence V., Catawissa, R. D. No. 3. Kehler, Ronald E., Locust Dale. Kehler, Miriam M., Locust Dale. Kelly, Alice E., Moscow. Kelly, Jeanette D., 52 Church St., Plymouth. Kitrick, Ethel M., 70 E. Market St., Wilkes-Barre. Kline, Lena A., 220 E. 11th St., Berwick. Kline, Sadie G., Register. Lawson, Kathryn, 115 N. Washington Ave., Shenandoah. Lewis, Anneta R., 334 Church St., Nanticoke. Llewellyn, Muzetta, 283 E. Broad St., Nanticoke. McBride, Mary, 430 Scott St., Wilkes-Barre. McGill, Mary S., 17 Highland St., Jeddo. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Marchetti, Elizabeth, Nuremberg. Marsells, Mary, Old River Road, Wilkes-Barre R. D. No. Martin, Gertrude R., 432 E. Cranberry Ave., Hazleton. Mensinger, Jessie, Oneida. Montgomery, Clara, Orangeville. Moran, Florence, 1110 Diamond Ave., Scranton. Morgan, Jennette H., 28 Fifth St., Plymouth. Moss, Alice L., Ill W. Main St., Plymouth. Myers, Ruth E., 9274 F St., S. W., Washington, D. C. Naugle, Emma J., Hunlock Creek. Noack, Rexford J., Moscow. Nolan, Miriam J., Lewistown, R. D. No. 1. O'Gara, Mary, 548 Atter St., Hazleton. O'Malley, Anna M., 2533 Pittston Ave., Scranton. Park, Jane, Dallas, R. D. No. 1. Patrick, Dorcas, Tower City. Patrick, Rachel, Tower City. Pegg, Eva G., 610 W. Front St., Berwick. Petty, Mary E., 93 Hanover St., Wilkes-Barre. Pritchard, M. Teresa, South Gibson. Rinard, Margaret, 223 Main St., Catawissa. Roberts, Helen, Madison Ave., Jermyn. Rose, Marjorie M., 3512 Rutherford St., Paxtang. Santee, Clara N., Conyngham. Schoch, Myrtle, Lopez. Scott, Emily Q., 25 Gaylord Ave., Plymouth. Shaefer, Gladys, 620 Prescott Ave., Scranton. Shaffer, Laura C, Berwick R. D. No. 3. Stearns, Louise, Kingsley. Sterner, Alice P., 18 W. Third St., Bloomsburg. Stroh, Jeanne, 2 E. Fifth St., Bloomsburg. Sweeney, Marion A., 510 Chestnut Ave., Scranton. Sweppenhiser, Ella E., Bloomsburg, R. D. No. 5. Taylor, Edna H., Main St., Forrest City. Taylor, Marion E., Main St., Forrest City. Titman, Ruth E., 140 N. Market St., Bloomsburg. Traugh, Fern E., 226 E. 11th St., Berwick. Unangst, Edward, Orangeville. Wagner, Evalyn, Gordon. Wendel, Hilda, 554 Peace St., Hazleton. West, Vera F., 19 Slocum Ave., Tunkhannock. White, Helen S., 2620 N. Main Ave., Scranton. White, Wilhelmine, 356 Center St., Bloomsburg. Wolfe, Mary M. J., 512 Charles St., Luzerne. College Preparatory Course Cocklin, Alice, Shickshinny. Hartline, Keffer, 603 E. Fourth St., Bloomsburg. Reichart, Harry, Bloomsburg. Titman, Ruth, 140 N. Market St., Bloomsburg. Music Course Supervisor of Public School Music Hower, Clair, 344 W. Fifth St., Bloomsburg. 1. iLOOMSBURG Commercial Course Creasy, Leroy, Espy. Dent, Myrtle, Bloomsburg, R. D. Xo. 5. Fidler, John, Espy. Griffith, Eleanor, 19 X. Diamond St., Shamokin. Hendershot, Warren, Jerseytown. Hoag, Harry, Lopez. Lage, Francisco, Habana, Cuba. Mauser, Mary M., Danville, R. D. Xo. 5. Mausteller, Grace, Bloomsburg. Reese, Agnes, Bloomsburg, R. D. X^o. 2. Shipman, Mary A., 221 W. Fifth St., Bloomsburg. Shultz, Wilmer, Jerseytown. Strange, Earl, 212 Oak St., Minersville. CLASS SECRETARIES 1870. M. Garman. 1871 1872 1873 1874 J. 1875, Mary M. Thomas. Mary J. Hunt. 1876. 1877, 1878 C. D. Andreas. 1879. 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 Celeste Kitchen (Mrs. 1886. Stella 1886. Elizabeth Low. Mary P. Sheep. Annie Supplee (Mrs. Helen B. John. 1887 1888 1889 1890, 1891 1892, Xora Fenney (Mrs. G. J. W. PrutzmanK L. P. Sterner). Clark. Cora Hagenbuch (Mrs. W. D. Holmes^ Lowenberg. J. B. Nuss). Lulu McAlarney. C. C. Major. Annie Stair. 1894. Eva Dintinger (Mrs. Mary Espy (Mrs. P. 1895. Mae Acherly (Alexander Mary Detwiler (Mrs. F. 1893 1896. 189! 1898, E. D. Frick). C. Stele > 1 . E. Bader). Florence Kitchen (Mrs. C. Fullmer Susan B. Bodmer. Clara Swank. 1 . 1899, Ira Zeigler. 1900 1901 Bessie H. Davis (Mrs. R. H. Carson'. Esther Abbott. 1902, Harriet Fry. Mollie Moran (Mrs. 1903 M. I. Pentecost K STATE NORMAL SCHOOL 1904. 1905. Maude J. Davis. Lee Tiffany. Mabel 1906. 1907. 1908. Hartzell Zarr. Bertha Bacon (Mrs. H. L. Wagner). 1909. Julia Simpler. Bertha Polley. 1910. 1911. Marion Smith. Mabel Van Reed (Mrs. R. 1912. Frankie Davis. 1913. 1914. Ruth Nicely Eda 1915. 1916. Beatrice Roth. Florence Maxey. (Sterner). Miller. 1917. 1918. Ruth Smith. Ruth G. Pope. 1919. Alva Seltzer. T. Layton). INDEX Page H Admission, Requirements for Alumni Associations 92-93-94 55 53 Athletics, Control of Auditorium, The Boxes from Home 61*-62 Buildings \\[ ^53.54 Calendar 3 62 61 68 69 98-99 and Diplomas Certificates Class Deans Class Memorial Funds Class Memorials Class Secretaries Courses of Study Contests Curricula of Pennsylvania' State Normal Schools Damages 11 58-59 12 63 Departments: 1. Normal Courses: Arts 2. Education 36 21 English 27 Health Education Mathematics 39 30 31 32 Science Social Studies Special Courses: College Preparatory 44 47 50 59 Commercial Music Discipline Electives Elevator, Passenger 18 55 63 Expenses Faculty, The Four Curricula, Tabulation of 7-61 14 53 General Information Graduates of 1920 96 55 58 57 63 58 54 58 53 62 57 59 42 57 58 Gymnasium, The Hospital, The Infirmary, The Lanudry Regulations Lecture Course, The Students' Library, The Literary Societies Location Outfits Recreation Rooms Religion and Morals Science Equipment, Information, etc Science Hall School Periodical Standing Committees State Aid State Board of Education Students' Rooms Students, List of Summer Session Teachers, Application for Trustees, Board of Visiting and Going Home Young Men's Christian Association Young Women's Christian Association • 5 63 5 51 71 66 62 5 61 35-59 34-59