. S, NL S. Catalog' Quarterly Number. Bloomsburg Literary Institute and State Normal School, Sixth District, Bloomsburg, Pa. 1908— 1909, Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/caleooms08bloo Calendar —OF THE- Bloomsburg Literary Institute -AND- State Normal School, (CHARTER NAME) Sixth District, Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania, 1908-1909. Catalog Number of B. S. N. 5. Quarterly, June, 1908. BLOOM SIH'RC LITKRARY INSTITUTE Calendar. 1908. TALL 1909. TERN Weeks 13 Opens Tuesday, September 1908 8, Philologian Anniversary, Thursday, Closes Saturday, December 5, November 26, 190S. 1908. WINTER TERM Weeks 13 Opens Monday, December 7, 1908. Washington Excursion, Monday, December 14, 1908. Beginning of Christmas Vacation, Saturday, December 19, 1908. Work resumed, Tuesday, January Calliepian Anniversary, 5, 1909. Monday, 8:15 P. M., February 22, 1909. Gymnasium Exhibition, Friday, 8:15 P. M., Closes Saturday, March 20, March 19, 1909. 1909 SPRING TERN 14 Opens Monday, March Weeks 29, 1909. Memorial Day, Sunday, May 30, 1909. Recital, Music Department, Friday, 8:15 P. M., June 25, 1909. Junior Entertainment, Saturday, 8:15 P. M., June 26, 1909. Baccalaureate Sermon, Sunday, 3:30 P. M., June 27, 1909. Entertainment by Middle Class June 'io, Monday, 8:15 P.M., 28, 1909. Field Day, Tuesday, June 29, 1909. Class Reunions, Tuesday, 2:00 to 5:00 P. M., June 29, 1909. Day Exercises, '09, Tuesday, 8:15 P. M., June 29, 1909. Commencement Wednesday, 10:00 A. M., June 30, 1909. Class AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL "Board of Trustees A. Z. SCHOCH, 1910 - - - President. Vice President. JAMES C, BROWN, 1911 JOHN M. CLARK, Esq., 1910 Secretary. L. E. WALLER, Esq., 1909 N. U. FUNK, Esq., 1909 JOHN G. FREEZE, Esq., 1911 O. W. CHERINGTON, 1909 HON. VORIS AUTEN, 1910 - G. D. J. CLARK, J. WALLER, 1911 Jr. (Ex-Officio.) Trustees Appointed by the State JOHN R. TOWNSEND, 1911 CHARLES W. MILLER, Esq., DR. J. J. BROWN, 1910 ROBERT C. NEAL, 1910 C. C. R. E. PAUL HON. FRED H. B. PEACOCK, Esq., 1909 HARTMAN, E. WIRT, 1911 Esq., 1909 A. L. FRITZ, 1910 G. YORKS, 1911 CLARK, Treasurer. 1909 : I.ITKRARY INSTITUTE BLOOV. Standing Committees Finance JOHN CHARLES W. MILLER, FRED Grounds and JAS. C. "Buildings PEACOCK. Household : JOHN JOHN M. CLARK, J. J. Instruction E. : JOHN M. CLARK, BROWN, C. C. PAUL FREEZE, G. YORKS. G. TOWNSEND, R. BROWN. and Discipline WIRT, : C. J. BROWN, HON VORIS AUTEN. Furniture, Library A. L. and Apparatus FRITZ, : C. C. GRANVILLE J. PEACOCK, CLARK. Heat, Water and Light N. U. FUNK, O. R. E. Credit FRED G. W. CHERINGTON, HARTMAN. and Collection YORKS, : N. U. JOHN R. TOWNSEND. FUNK, AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL The D. Faculty. WALLER, J. Jr. PRINCIPAL. O. H. BAKELESS, A. M. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF TEACHING. WILBUR, A. M. HIGHER MATHEMATICS. G. E. WILLIAM B. SUTLIFF, A. M. MATHEMATICS. JENKINS, F. H. M. A. REGISTRAR. J. G. COPE, M. E. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY AND CHEMISTRY. C. H. ALBERT, M. E. GEOGRAPHY. JOS. H. DENNIS, A. B. LANGUAGES. DIRECTOR COLLEGE PREP. DEPARTMENT. D. S. HARTLINE, A. M. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. MARY ALICE PORT, PRECEPTRESS. VIRGINIA DICKERSON, M. E. LATIN. MARY A, GOOD, B. P. CHEMISTRY. J. C. FOOTE, Litt. B. ENGLISH. HELEN WINIFRED BRYANT, A. B. READING AND LITERATURE. NOBLE W. ROCKEY, A. B. ENGLISH. LILLIAN WALDRON, VOICE, PIANOFORTE, HISTORY OF MUSIC. EVA REED BURGE, M. B. (Pupil of Arthur Foote PIANOFORTE, HARMONY AND THEORY OF MUSIC. BLANCHE LETSON, M. E. PIANOFORTE AND VOICE. JAS. T. GOODWIN, STENOGRAPHY, TYPEWRITING AND COMMERCIAL BRANCHES. MRS. ELLEN SCHOONOVER, ENGLISH. MSBURG LITERARY INSTITUTE GRACE PAUL LBAW, DRAW1X6. BRYANT, V. B. DIRHCTOK 09 CVMNAMIM. SHAMBACH, Y, ARITHMETIC AND Al.GKbRA. K. MAUD SMITH, M PRINCIPAL OV MOD C AND FLORENCE TUTTLE, CRITIC CRITIC TEACHER. A. B. AND MODEL SCHOOL TEACHER. HELEN CARPENTER, CRITIC AND MODEL SCHOOL TEACHER. WM. L. CHASE, HISTORY AND MARGARET L. A. B. CIVICS- WALLER, A. B. LIBRARIAN. FRANCES V. FRISBIE, A. GERMAN. MYRTLE A. SWARTZ, B. A. B. ENGLISH AND LATIN. CLARA WALDRON, A. PIANOFORTE, VIOLIN AND ELEMENTS OF MUSIC. EDITH W. CASHO, INSTRUCTOR IN GYMNASTICS. LOTTA A. JONES, READING AND LITERATURE. CRITIC AND MODEL SCHOOL TEACHER. HOWARD R. RARIG, ASSISTANT IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. JOHN WESLEY SITLER. ASSISTANT IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. BRUCE SNEIDMAN, ASSISTANT IN COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT. H. J. FAUSEL, ASSISTANT IN GYMNASIUM. ELLA DEIGHMILLER, ASSISTANT IN BIOLOGY. MRS. KATE L. LARRABEE, CUSTODIAN OF STUDY HALL. F. V. FRISBIE, A. M. SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS. ) AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Courses of Study. (As revised and adopted by the Normal School Principals. Regular Course. PREPARATORY YEAR. Language— Orthography Reading Natural Science — Physiology and ; Historical Science — Composition. Hygiene. ; Geography, (Descriptive, Commercial and Physical); History of the United States. The Arts Penmanship, sufficient to be able to explain some approved system writing to be submitted to the Board of Examiners. Sufficient knowledge of Arithmetic, English Grammar, and Algebra is required for the Preparatory year to enable students to pursue the Junior studies successfully. — ; JUNIOR YEAR. Pedagogics — School Management. (See rule 2, p. 9.) for the — English Grammar Latin troduction of Caesar. Mathematics— Arithmetic Algebra. Natural Science— Physiology and Hygiene. Civil Government. History Historical Science — U. twentyThe Arts — Drawing, a daily exercise for Language sufficient ; in- ; S. ; at least four weeks, work to be submitted to the Board of ExamiBook-keeping, single entry, including a knowledge ners of common business papers, and a daily exercise for at least seven weeks Vocal Music, elementary principles, and attendance upon daily exercise for at least twelve ; ; weeks. Physical Culture. middle year. Pedagogics rule — Psychology and Methods of Teaching. Composition Latin, (See 3, p. 9.) Language — Rhetoric and Mathematics — Plane Geometry. Natural Science — Zoology Botany ; Astronomy. page 10.) (Laboratory and tive Historical Science The Arts— Manual Physical Culture. ; Three books War. of Caesar's Gallic Chemistry ; field — General History. Training. Descripstudy, see rule 6, ; UTKKAKY INSTITUTE BLOO.v. SENIOR YEAR. Methods and Practice Teaching; History of (Sec rule 3, p. 9.) glish Grammar (review); English Literature, Lav at least twelve weeks of work, including the thoro study -these being selected from those of four English gnated tor entrance to College by the Association of and Preparatory Schools of the Middle-States 9 Latin, Three Orations of Cicero, Three and Maryland Students having sufficient preparaks of Virgil. tion are admitted to more advanced classes in Latin.) Education j Bthics Logic. ; ; 1 v rule 6, p. 10.) MATHEMATICS Arithmetic (review) Plane Trigonometry and Surveying. Solid Geometry. NATURAL SCIENCE Physics; Geology. ; — Physical Culture. Thesis. Substitutions are allowed for certain branches in the MidSee pp. 1 1-12. dle and Senior years. Supplementary Course. (In Addition to the Regular Course.) Leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Pedagogies. Philosophy of Education ; Advanced Psychology. School Supervision, inDiscussion of Educational Questions Devices for Teaching Educational cluding School L,aw Theories, etc. School Apparatus and Appliances description, use, prepara; ; ; — tion. Leading to the Degree of Master of Pedagogics. Two years of teaching after graduating in the Regular Course. Professional Reading, with abstracts History of Education in the United States (Boone) European Schools (Klemm) Systems of Education, as found in Encyclopaedia Brittan; ; ; nica. Sanitary Science School Architecture, etc. Thesis. A full equivalent will be accepted for any of the text-books named above. The courses in reading and classics for all the courses are determined by the Board of Principals at their annual meeting, and are the same for all Normal Schools. ; AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Admission Middle and Senior Classes, Etc. 'Rules for Final Examinations, (For all Normal Schools the to the of Pennsylvania.) Admission to the Senior and Middle classes is deteri. mined by a preliminary examination conducted by the faculty, followed by a final examination by a State Board of ExaminThese examinations are held in June each year. The ers. date is fixed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and is usually announced in February or March preceding the ex- The aminations. results of the preliminary examinations are given to the State Examiners, with the recommendation of successful applicants. 2. In order to be admitted to the Middle class at any State Normal School, students must be examined by the faculty and State Board in all the Junior studies (except English Grammar and Arithmetic, ) and this examination shall be final. Persons who desire to be admitted to the Middle class without having previously attended a State Normal School, must pass an examination by the faculty and State Board of Examiners in the academic studies of the Junior j^ear (except English Grammar and Arithmetic), and Plane Geometry or the first Book of Caesar, and must complete School Manage- ment in the Middle year. Applicants tions at the 3. may same try the Junior time. and Middle year examina- In order to be admitted to the Senior class, students must be examined by the faculty and State Board in all the Middle year studies (except Methods), and this examination shall be final. Persons who desire to be admitted to the Senior class without having previously attended a State Normal School, must pass an examination by the faculty and State Board in the academic studies of the entire course, except the review studies and must devote their time during the of the Senior year Senior year to the professional studies of the course, and the review studies. ; If the faculty of any State Normal School, or the State 4. Board of Examiners decides that a person is not prepared to pass an examination by the State Board, he shall not be admitted to the same examination at any other State Normal School during the same school year. If a person who has completed the examinations re5. quired for admission to the Middle or Senior class at any State Normal School, desires to enter another Normal School, the BURG I.m.KAKY INSTITUTE IO of the school at which the examination was held shall ^-ml the proper certificate to the principal of the school sires to attend. Except for the re principal tting forth the passing of the Junior or Middle year studies shall be issued. dilation shall be examined by the the branches of the Senior year, incln They shall have the opEnglish Grammar and Arithmetic. portunity of being examined in any higher branches, inch: instrumental music and double entry book-keeping, and all studies completed by them shall be named in their cerird in all I ites. All persons examined by the State Board in the Natural Scithe Middle and Senior years, are required to present 3 of work done by them. Persons who have been graduated may be examined note books of the laboratory and field 7. at any State examination in any higher branches, and the secreof the Board of Examiners shall certify on the back of their diplomas to the passing of the branches completed at Said examination. A certificate setting forth the proficiency of all appli8. cants in all the studies in which they desire to be examined by the State Board of Examiners shall be prepared and signed The certificate by the Faculty and presented to the Board for the studies of the Junior year shall also include the standing of applicants in the review studies of the Senior year. Graduates of the State Normal Schools in the regular 9. course, and graduates of accredited colleges, may become candidates for the degrees of Bachelor of Pedagogics and Master of Pedagogics. To obtain these degrees, candidates must be examined by the faculty and State Board upon the studies of the supplementary course. Three years of successful teaching in the public schools of the State since graduation (or two years in the case of candirequired of all S who taught in the Model School) will be candidates for the degree of Master of Pedagogics, in addition to the branches of study indicated above. 10. Attendance at a State Normal School during the entire Senior year will be required of all candidates for graduation but candidates for the pedagogical degrees may prepare the required work in absentia* ; ) AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL I I Programs As arranged for this School. Regular Course. Trogram of Studies for the Preparatory Year. Winter Term. Fall Term. Spring Term. Arithmetic (including Arithmetic (practical measurements, &c. fractions) English Composition Eng. Comp. and Gram. Reading (thought an- Reading, (phonics, use &c.) in alysis) Orthography and Penmanship U. S. History (colonial, &c.) of S. Reading and Declamation, Supplementary Reading Pen- Orthography and Penmanship drill dictionary, Orthography manship U. and History (adminis- U. S. History (continued; trations. &c. Geography, (descrip- Geography (physical) tive and commercial) Physiology, Hygiene Algebra (begun) School Management Physical Culture Arithmetic (percentage, interest, &c.) English Grammar School Management Physical Culture Geography (continued) Algebra (to quadratics) School Management Physical Culture Trogram gf Studies for the Junior Year. Fall Term. Winter Term. Algebra (from quad- Algebra Spring Term. Algebra (completed) ratics) Arithmetic (from percent- Arithmetic (completed) Book-Keeping and age) Penmanship Reading and Spelling Geography Geography Declamation English Grammar Physiology U. S. History *Latin (beginning) Vocal Music School Management English Grammar Physiology U. S. History English Latin Latin (sufficient to begin Caesar) Vocal Music School Management Drawing Drawing Physical Culture Physical Culture *Note— When Civil Grammar Government School Management Physical Culture approved by the Faculty, German or French may be substituted for Latin. 1 i.rrr.KAKY institute 1 Program gf Studies for Middle ai.i. 1 Ti.K.M. Tkkm. \\']mi:k I I Plane Geometry nd Compo- Rhetoric and Etlocutiofl !' : Year. Spring Tkkm. Plane Geometry Botany *Cx*sar General Histon '- term General History Psychology and BiethodaiPsychology and Methods •Chemistry )z term Psychology and Methods Chemi Manual Tram. Manual Manual Train Traini; •: Physical Culture Physica] Culture Ph\ ska! Culture *\Vlu n approved by the faculty, Greek, German or French German or French for Latin. substituted fur Chemistry may be ; Program gf Studies for Senior Year. Winter Term Fall Term. id Geomel English i "Plane Trigonometry Grammar Spring Term. Surveying History of Education and Practice Teach- (review) ing Arithmetic (review) Literature Ph Physics, Geology English English Literature and Tin Latin (Virgil, 3 books) and Eng- Literature and lish Classics Classics "Latin (3 orations of Latin (Virgil) Cicero) Methods and Practice Methods and Teaching Teaching Phj Meal Culture Practice Physical Culture Methods and Practice Teaching Physical Culture *\Vhen approved by the faculty, Greek, German or French may be substituted for Solid Geometry, Plane Trigonometry, and Surveying German <>r French for Latin English History, Ethics and Astronomy ; ; . din. Substitutions in the courses are not advisable, except when necesGraduates who make them are not eligible for township High Schools and other good positions. sary. Teachers At 1 Classes. times classes are organized for the purpose of giving opportunities to public school teachers who wish to are- tham selves for better positions. The studies have been so arranged as to enable such persons implete the studies belonging to the Junior year, and review branches covered by the superintendent's examination at the same time. all special 3 AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL 1 The length of time required to thus complete the work of the Junior year depends upon the advancement of the teacher when entering. Some are able to complete it in a single term, while others require more time. Certificates and Diplomas. To each student on graduation is issued a Normal Teacher's Certificate entitling the holder to teach any two subsequent After conti?mi?ig his years in the public schools of the state. studies for two years and teaching for two full annual terms in the common schools of the state he may receive the second or permanent State Normal School Certificate. To secure this, a certificate of good moral character and skill in the art of teaching, signed by the board of directors by whom he was employed, and countersigned by the county superintendent of the county in which he taught, must be presented to the Faculty and State Board of Examiners by the Blanks for this certificate will be furnished on apapplicant. plication. They must be executed and returned to the school before the time of the State Examinations. Treparatory Collegiate Courses. Classical Course. (a four years' course) All the branches of the various college preparatory courses of the school are pursued with the same thoroughness required in the professional courses. Students completing these courses are ready for admission to the various colleges and are admitted to many without examination. Diplomas are granted to those who complete these courses. 'Required Studies of the Classical Course. preparatory year. Fall Term. Arithmetic Algebra Winter Term. Arithmetic Algebra Spring Term. Arithmetic Algebra Geography (Physical) Geography (Descriptive) Geography (Commer- cial) 'English Grammar U. S. History Elementary Latin Reading and Spelling Reading and Spelling English Grammar U. S. History English Grammar U. S. History Elementary Latin Reading and Spelling Physical Culfure and Declamation thruout the year. LITER \RV INSTITUTE «4 JUNIOR YEAR. \i 1 Winter Tkkm. I ; metic Arithmetic ten Spring 1 Mi I jun) tin I I : - ii ji . m.ir \\ tin . Grammar rovernment Elementary Greek Reading an. Spelling Elementary Greek Culture and Declamation thrnonl the year. Civil • : : ( 1 il ! MIDDLE VKAR. Pali. Winter Tkkm. Tkkm. Spring Tekm. Plane Geometry Rhetoric Plane Geometry Rhetoric Plane Geometry Elocution Caesar Caesar Anal English Hi Anal'. on) Roman History Anabasis Greek Historv Composition during the year in connection with Caesar and Anaculture and Declamation thruout the year. SENIOR YEAR. I'ai.k Winter Term. Tkkm. Spring Term. Natural Philosophy ish Literature Cicero Natural Philosophy English Literature Cicero Natural Philosophy English Classics Cicero Virgfl Virgil Virgil Anal Homer Prose Compo- Latin Latin Prose Composi- Greek Prose Composi- Greek Prose Composi- Prose tion sition Prose k Homer Composi- Latin Compo- tion tion tion <>n .il ' Culture and Declamation thruout the year. Note. Work Phyai in German may be substituted for Greek as a second language. ologyor Geology may be substituted for Botany. Forty and Latin Prose Composition are specified, to- Provisions are made for r with translations of connected prose. meeting the special requirements of any college for certain selections of prose or poetry. 5 AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL 1 The Departments. I. The Professional Department. The aim of the school in this department is to make well rounded men and women, such as are needed to guide the development of children. All the departments of the school cooperate to this end by insisting on thorough scholarship. Throughout, emphasis is placed on the development of power to do and on ideals to be followed. In the Preparatory and Junior years careful studies are made of school hygiene and the general conditions for the successful organization and management of a school. In the Middle year the students study carefully the laws of mind in their application to daily life and to the problem of There is also a course in genetic psychology the schoolroom. in which they become acquainted with the more fundamental These courses lead directly results of modern child study. into and supplement the work in general and special method which prepares for the practice work of the senior year. Finally, in the Senior year the work of previous years is supReviews are given in plemented, broadened and applied. different branches for deeper insight, and to furnish a better basis for method. Psychology, Child Study and Method. All of these are connected as closely as possible with actual In Psychology emphasis is laid on its applications to In addition to a general questions of discipline and method. knowledge of the child study movement, and of the essential facts of physical and mental growth, the seniors are taught to test children for defects of sight and hearing, and to make such observations as will enable them to come into more help- work. ful relations with their pupils. The general methods are shown to follow from the psychology and child study. Sufficient emphasis is placed upon special devices to enable the teacher to be at home in her own school. Thruout, the students are led to see the principles on which the methods are based, that they may become more independent and self-reliant, and hence more ready to adapt their work in an intelligent manner to the conditions they will meet. Preparation for Work in Ungraded Schools. as many teachers begin their work in country districts, especial attention is given to their needs The arranging of programs and adapting of methods are considered, as Inasmuch BLOOMSBURG i.itkkakv mple but helpful pieces of apparatus, the nature, and in the maki making ami CBTC ol aquaria, the study of all the natural which location . ftfSTITI supplies for decoration the country school but offers to which the teacher usually overlo Careful Practice Teaching. periods each day for the entire year are given by the senior class to teaching and observation. Bach luate averages over five months, often an entire year, of The aim is to detl teaching under careful supervision. velop teachers who can plan and carry out their own work, v teacher is led to think over his work both before and He is given a class for a definite after the practice teaching. number of weeks, and prepares in advance a written plan of work for the entire period. This is examined and criticised, At the close of the re also the weekly and daily plans. teaching period he makes a summary of the work and indiI meml where it might have been improved. The opportunity is afforded for students to receive special training in music, drawing and gymnastics, under the superdepartments. Students showing :i of the heads of these unusual ability in any particular branches are given opportunity to specialize to an extent sufficient to enable them to con- duct departmental work. The Model School The Model School, like the graded public schools, consists Four experienced critic teachers in separate rooms have charge of two grades each. Thus the children receive tlie close attention of skilled specialists, and the teaching by the Seniors is under constant and competent inspection. The children are also under the instruction of the regular hers in Physical Training in the gymnasium. of eight grades. The //. College Preparatory Department. The College Preparatory Department of the Bloomsburg Literary Institute and State Normal School is by no means a departure. It dates from the original establishment of in [866, and is maintained in connection with the by special provision of the state charter. The community and the trustees of the Literary Institute unwilling to allow the institution, which they had founded and fostered at and personal sacrifice, to be1 7 AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL 1 come a state institution, unless the provision to furnish the young people of the community with a broad, general education, could be continued. has always been the policy of this school to urge upon its students and graduates the importance and advantage of a higher education than a Normal School is fitted to provide, and it is a source of pride and gratification to those in charge of the various departments, that the school is constantly represented among the students of the colleges and universities of the country, by large numbers of its former students and graduates. It The preparatory work done at Bloomsburg differs materially from that of the majority of preparatory schools. All the Preparatory branches, as well as those of the teachers' courses, are presented to the student with reference This necessarily to their didactic as well as academic values. results in giving students a broader conception of these subjects than is otherwise possible, and renders graduates better That these methods are practiable to think for themselves. cal is shown by the work done in college by those who have made their preparation here. strictly College A number of Pennsylvania colleges offer scholarships to graduates of this department, thereby testifying to the quality of its work. Diplomas are granted to all those who complete the courses and are accepted in lieu of entrance examina- satisfactorily, tions at many colleges. The growth of this department has encouraged the management to make important changes in the course and in the manner of conducting the work, and the department now does more effective work than ever before. It is well equipped with pictures, casts, maps, etc., to assist its work. An elecwith a goodly supply of lantern slides also belongs tric lantern to this department. Outlines of the courses of study provided by the department found elsewhere. (See index.) will be ///. The Music Department. The Music Department of the school number of competent instructors of a is of under the direction wide experience in teaching both instrumental and vocal music. The instructors have had conservatory training. The department is in reality a conservatory, and deserves that name much more than many of the music schools that have it. BURG I.ITKRAKV INSTIT' l8 Tiano-Torte Course. COURSE OF STUDY. — Elementary, Prei> divided into four grades Th« It includes Harmony, paratory, [ntermediate and Advanced. Theory, Musical History and the study of as many works of SlMe IH the given time. the masl BEGINNERS. tnd those not far advanced are especially welcome. principles, and as a rule They receive correct fundamental make steady and rapid progress. l-KKE ADVANTAGES. Pupils of the department preparing to complete the Course are of necessity expected to attend to ear-training and sightWhile for other students these reading classes, held weekly. classes are not obligatory, they are necessary for a thorough musical education. Instruments. The pianos in use are kept in excellent condition by frequent tuning and repairing. New instruments are frequently added. Lessons are given on the Violin and other stringed instruments. There are classes in sight singing, harmony, theory and musical history. r Vocal Music in the Public Schools. Music occupies an important place in the public school curriculum. In many towns and cities public school teachers are Thruout the required who can teach children to sing. Junior year of the Regular course classes are maintained, giving systematic instruction in vocal music. Students in other departments of the school are permitted to join these classes without extra charge. Pupils are given numerous exercises in sight singing and a thorough study is made of the rudiments of music, and practice is given in rendering the best music. 'Recitals. Recitals are given frequently and music pupils are required to take part in them. This gives confidence and ease in playing and singing before others, an accomplishment which music students often lack. Concerts in which the advanced pupils take part, are also held at frequent intervals. 9 AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL 1 Musical Organizations. Choruses and Glee Clubs are organized each year, affording a good opportunity for those desiring to become proficient in sight reading, strengthening of tones, accuracy in time, phrasing and expression. Besides, those who join these organizations enter more completely into the life and enjoyment of the school, and thus give pleasure to others as well as receive much themselves. The Orchestra. An is maintained in connection with this departopportunity is afforded to those who are far enough advanced in playing an orchestral instrument, to join the orDurganization and receive the benefits of weekly rehearsals. ing the rehearsals standard overtures, selections from operas, The Orchestra plans to give at least one etc., are practiced. public concert each year. orchestra ment. An 'Requirements for Graduation. Graduates in any of the courses in music are required to have a good education in English branches so that they will be able to make intelligent use of their attainments in music, and to hold any place in society to which their education in music may call them. Proficiency in all the subjects mentioned in the English branches of the College Preparatory course will be the minimum requirement. Students completing our courses have taken high standing on entering the leading Conservatories of America. No definite time can be fixed for finishing any of the Music It varies according to the ability of the pupil. courses. Some advance more rapidly than others, and can complete a course in less time than others. No one is graduated because of having Proficiency spent a certain amount of time in any course. is requisite. Lessons Missed. Lessons are charged from time of entrance. No deduction is made for lessons missed, unless notice sent to the instructor in advance. IV. is Department gf Thy steal 'Education. It is a recognized fact that the body needs education as well In fact, the body needs to be educated in order as the mind. to properly educate the mind. This department is in charge of special instructors for their aim the full and harmonious development who have of all parts BURG I.ITKKAKY INSTITlTi: 20 of the physical organism. Health beauty, and ease of movement are secured by matic training in a large and well equipped gymnasium. notion elsewhen Dta are taken and exercises prescribed for devel|f< The reoping the parts of the body that need especial care. sults of the training in the gymnasium alone are worth, to many students, more than they pay for their entire expenses in the .school. The measurements were unknown often reveal physical defects which beMany of these are promptly Known physical defects corrected by prescribed exercises. which have failed to yield to persistent medical treatment, often quickly disappear under this system of physical educaI to exist. tion. Special training in this department is sometimes given to men and women who desire to direct gymnasium or departments of Physical Training, according to the most approved methods, to do so. To this end thorough instruction is provided, not only in gymnastics, games and aesthetic movements, but also in those principles of Physiology, Psychology and Hygiene of the human body, upon which sound physical training must always depend. The excellence of this department has attracted so much public attention that we have had frequent calls for young men fitted to assume the directorship of Y. M. C. A. gymnasiums. In some instances we have been able to select suitable persons from our best students for these positions. enable The Art Department. V. Not only does the school make provision for the drawing required in the Junior Year of the Normal Course, but in the Model School and preparatory grades drawing is also carefully taught. No other subject in the curriculum is better calcuBesides, lated to develop and quicken the powers to observe. drawing, like music, adds to the enjoyment of life, and brings most pleasure to those who are skilled in this method of expression. Many who have studied drawing before entering the school, are able to do advanced work in drawing, crayoning, painting, ter coloring, and designing. VI. The Department gf Science. The growth of the school and the increased demand for instruction in science which came with the adoption of the ad- AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL 21 vanced courses of study, made it necessary to provide larger laboratories, and to furnish them with the best apparatus. This has finally culminated in the erection of Science Hall, described elsewhere, in which excellent chemical, physical and They are presided biological laboratories have been fitted up. over by able scientists, who are also skilled teachers of these The apparatus is ample, and of high grade. No subjects. old-time book work in science is done, but laboratory and field work with courses of reading and original research. Much use is made of the electric projector with microscope attachments to illustrate the work. The school is fortunate in its equipment and teaching force for the work in science, and the students who receive the instruction are still more fortunate. Prospective medical students find the work in these laboratories very helpful. (Outline of Medical Preparatory Course. See Index.) No tuition charge is made for instruction in science, but students pay a fee to cover the cost of necessary chemicals, breakage, etc. (See table of expenses.) Geography. The work in Geography presupposes that the students who enter the Preparatory or Junior classes in any course have had considerable training. When such is not the case or when the work has not been thorough before entering upon the Regular Course, this preliminary work must be done. The work as outlined for the Regular Course, covers at least three terms in the Preparatory and Junior years. THE WORK INCLUDES i. or, as A : Axis of each Continent, — "The World Ridge." Following careful study of the Primary some term it this, is a detailed study of the Physiography of each continent. This includes primary and secondary mountain ranges and peaks, river systems, and lakes. detailed study of "geographic forces" including their 2. effect on surface and climate, and their action rendering the earth habitable for man. The introduction and application of elementary Biology 3. and History, in their relation to Geography, and from this, and the relation of the mineral, vegetable, and animal worlds to the economic life of man. Note. In all of the foregoing, careful outline and relief maps are drawn of the sections studied. It is expected that students will thus come to have in their minds a "living pict- A BLOOMSBURG iiiv I.ITI-KAKV INSTITDTH portion of the world of which they may OT hear. fa] study of the commercial relations of the world, mmodities, divisions of labor, money, standand duties of consuls, great highways, flbc. \\ [th the aid of photographs and cabinet specimens, a study products, exports and imports, manufactured articles, centers of manufacture, historic outline of the growth immerce, and the like are carefully introduced. A carefully selected cabinet forms a prominent part It includes samples of the apparatus in all the foregoing work. of Leading exports, and also those of hundreds of imports from nearly every foreign country of the world. 90 made of geographic pictures, maps, instant n ad other teaching aids. m I Physiology. A state law requires the study of "physiology and hygiene with special reference to the effect of alcoholic drinks, stimuand narcotics on the human system" in all schools supWe, therefore, asported by state appropriation of money. sume that the more elementary phases of the work have been sufficiently well learned in the public schools to warrant our going on with the work adapted to Juniors iu a State Normal School, and as the time allotted to the subject is only twelve weeks, no effort is made to cover the subject as ordinarily proInstead such subjects vided in text-books of this grade. ( ) as can not well be handled in the public schools of lower grade, (both for lack of facilities and time and because of the immaturity of the pupils); and (2) as have also an important bearing on the subjects that lie ahead of our student-teachers in the Regular Normal Course, are more thoroughly studied. The objects especially held in view are (1) The knowledge of the matter; (2) training in laboratory, lecture, and text book methods of getting the matter. On this basis the material selected for work in our Junior course consists of the following The cell and the development of the many-celled body (1) from the cell, explaining the organization of tissues, organs, Study of microscopic and systems, and their relations. mounts, and lectures illustrated by lantern slides. Study of gross structure of Central Nervous system, i : : by dissection of calf's brain, cat's brain and spinal cord, and comparison of both with models of human. Crania] and Spinal Nerves. !ia. End organs of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch, — AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL 23 demonstrations from dissections byDissections by students study and drawings of microinstructors, and from models study scopic slides and lectures illustrated by lantern slides ; ; ; examinations. The Lymphatic system. (6) Excretory system. (7) The Reproductive Apparatus and Reproduction. (8) Foods, stimulants, narcotics. (9) (10) Emergencies. experiments text-book quizzes and Illustrated lecture examinations. Applicants for Junior work must pass an examination on the matter usually included in the text-books provided for the of text-books ; quizzes ; ; ; ; common school course. Provision is made for students whose course in common school physiology has not been sufficiently thorough to enable them to proceed with the Junior course, by a preparatory course given in the fall term preceding the Junior course. The State Board recognizes no distinction between Preparatory Junior courses as implied in the above, but covers the entire ground in a single examination. The Department of VII. 'English. The Course for the Junior Year. I. Students beginning the work in Junior English must have had preparatory grammar. To complete the course requires the following attainments : 1. A A mastery close study the oral and the exercises in the attention is paid 2. of grammar. made, and analysis, both by diagram methods, is emphasized. Practical construction of sentences are given, and due of the sentence is to the modifications of the parts of speech. Reasonable skill in composition. Throughout the course occasional themes for connected composition are given to the student, whose work is criticised both as to substance and form. The student masters the mechanics of expression, and a working knowledge of paragraph structure is acquired. Sufficient attention is given to wordanalysis to arouse the student's interest, and thus lead him to observe the more common facts of etymology. 3. The Some acquaintance with good literature. course requires a reading knowledge of various short poems, with occasional memory work, and of some one or more of such classics as Snow-Bound, The Vision of Sir Eaunfal, Enoch Arden, and The Merchant of Venice. BLOOMSBUKG I.ITKRARY INSTITUTE 1 Course 1 for Middle Year. principles of composition and rhetoric in their application to the Various forms of discourse are studied by means of Constant prac:ul analysis of masterpieces Of literature. tice in writing is designed to train the student in methods of The simple, direct, and accurate expression. III. Course for Senior year. for the Senior year requires the study of the English and American Literature, supplemented by The object is reading of classics and training in expression. to develop in the student the power to appreciate and enjoy For literature, and to form correct standards of judgment. college-preparatory students, the full course of college entrance requirements in English is provided. 'Flu •v of The Commercial Department. VIII. This department has been organized in answer to a steadily Its object is two-fold. increasing demand. First To give students taking the regular normal course an opportunity to prepare for teaching the commercial branches, in which field of work there are exceptional openings for competent instructors, the call being largely for normal school graduates who have specialized in these subjects. To give special students an opportunity to fit Second : : themselves for commercial positions. The The equipment "Equipment. is excellent, and students not only have the opportunity of gaining a thorough knowledge of the subjects taught in the best business schools, but also have the benefit of high grade instruction in other subjects which are essential, such as English grammar, composition, and geography, which subjects do not usually receive sufficient consideration by those who are taking commercial of the department courses. Demand for Teachers. Concerning the demand for instructors in the commercial branches, one of the largest educational publishing houses in the country wrote as follows Replying to your esteemed favor of Novem"Dear Sirs tli in regard to the demand for normal school graduates ber who are competent to teach the commercial branches, will say that the demand for teachers so qualified has been far beyond * * * the supply for the last three or four years. * * We ourselves amid find positions for any reason* * * able number oj teachers every year. : i — : 1 Very truly yours." AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL 2$ There are undoubtedly excellent opportunities in this branch of teaching, and students will do well to give the matter serischedule of work will be arranged so ous consideration. that students taking the regular course may be able to complete the special course in the commercial branches during the three years of their normal course without adding too greatly to their schedule. A Special Students. A one-year course has been arranged for students who can devote their entire time to the commercial studies. This course is very complete, and should appeal to special students who expect to go into office or commercial work. The demand for well trained office help is great, but the applicant for a position in a commercial house must be thoroughly prepared. The demand for good stenographers is very great, and the cultured young man who takes such a position has every opHe is in close contact with the portunity for advancement. men at the head of the business houses, and if he has ability, Hundreds of prominent men in it is likely to be recognized. mercantile and professional circles throughout the country commenced life as stenographers. Shorthand has been the stepping-stone for many successful lawyers and newspaper men in the United States, who started low and kept their eyes and ears open and worked conscientiously. Special Classes for Graduate Students. There will be special classes during the spring term for graduate students of the Normal School who wish to return and prepare for teaching the commercial branches. If desirable, these classes will be carried on into the early summer, so as to give teachers the opportunity of taking up the w ork after r their schools are closed. Latin-Scientific Course. (a four years' course.) This course is provided for those desiring to enter upon a Additional Mathematics and Sci- scientific course in college. ence are here required. 'Required Studies of the Latin-Scientific Course. PREPARATORY YEAR. The work of the Preparatory year is the same for the Iyatin- 26 I rUTE the Clu-Mcal Course-, except that Klerequired. for I JUNIOR YEAR. Wl KM. Arithmetic (Metric Arithmetic tem I Klitn I • in % i ra Algebra Blementary Latin Drawing I r I ram mar Bngliab Civil -i-l ! >£ M Grammar Government Blementary Latin Drawin Bngliab >£ Grammar GeogTaphy (review) Spelling Physiology leal Spring Tkkm. M. Physiology Botany Culture and Declamation thruout the year. MIDDLE YEAR. Wintkr Term. Fall Tkkm. Spring Tkrm. Advanced Algebra Geometry Plane Geometry Rhetoric Plane Geometry Elocution Rhetoric Caesar Caesar begun Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Roman Greek History ; it History Bngliab History Physical Culture and Declamation thruout the year. SENIOR YEAR. Winter Term. Fall Term. Solid Geometry Solid Geometry Natural Philosophy Natural Philosophy Bngliab Literature Blementary German English Literature Elementary German Cicero Latin Prose Cicero Latin Prose Compo- Trigonometry Natural Philosophy (Laboratory Work) English Classics Elementary German Virgil Composi- tion sition. Spring Term. Latin Prose Composition Physical Culture thruout the year. Geology or Biology may be substituted for other Science course. work in this Medical Treparatory Course. In fulfillment of its duty as a preparatory school the institution has constantly endeavored to show its students the advantage to be derived from a college course, and to those who COQtempl vise is ring the medical profession our invariable adentering the medical to take a college course before AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL 27 It is unfortunately true however, that there are many school. who, for financial and other reasons, find themselves unable to do this and feel obliged to enter upon their medical work without the preliminary training of a college course. To meet the needs of such persons the school offers the following course, which while not intended as an equivalent of the more desirable college training, has nevertheless, in the case of many, proved itself a very satisfactory and helpful substitute. For the students taking this course, completely equipped laboratories such as few schools possess, have been provided and a course has been arranged which enables our students to prepare for entrance to any medical college. The very latest and most practical laboratory methods are employed and abundant opportunity is afforded for original independent work. The value of this training can not be estimated save by those who have taken it, and in consequence have gained standing in their medical work far in advance of those who have mistakenly entered upon medical courses with no better educational foundation than that provided by the public schools. diploma is granted to those who complete this course. A 'Required Studies of Medical Preparatory Course. A Three Years' Course. PREPARATORY YEAR. Same as for Classical and Latin Scientific Courses. MIDDLE YEAR. Arithmetic completed (including Metric System.) Algebra completed. Caesar or German. Natural Philosophy. Botany. Physiology. Human Anatomy (begun.) Zoology. (Including work on Invertebrates dissections, and slide mountings. Vertebrates dissections and class demonstrations of ; ; vertebrate types.) Civil Government. Rhetoric and Composition. Physical Culture and Declamation thruout the year. \R. .hi. I ) anpleted. my. itOTJ u<>rk.) Histology and Embryology, CLaboi il idtnre and Declamation turnout the k.) > Commercial Courses. BUSINESS COURSE. kkeeping -Doable and Single Entry. Business Papers, tests and practice in the simpler forms of bookkeeping, etc. v. UK i-d Bookkeeping— Sets of lxx)ks illustrating Retail, Whole- ale, Commission and Brokerage, Manufacturing and Banking Accounts. Business Practice and Office Methods. COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC. Rapid Calculations, Fractions, Denominate Numbers, Percentage, Discounts, Profit and Loss, Commission and Brokerage, Interest, Insurance, Banking, Exchange, Etc. Drills in PENMANSHIP. Drills in movement and form, and ing. SPELLING, exercises in plain business writ- Daily practice. COMMERCIAL LAW. ENGLISH. Every student in our Business and Shorthand Courses is required English Grammar, Rhetoric and to take a tlioro course in 1 lish Literature. Stenography. SHORTHAND. Graham System. This system is very largely used by the rapid writers of the country, most of our court reporters being ham" writers. "Gra- AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL 20 The course of study is carefully arranged. Particular attention is given to theory, every student's work being subjected daily to Simple dictation matter follows theory in critical examination. connection with the study of word signs, phrasing, etc. Speed work and practice in all business and legal forms follow. TYPEWRITING. The "Touch Method" of instruction to each student for practice. is used. Ample time is given Only high-grade machines are used. Writing, Spelling, Correspondence, English, same as in Business Course. Students completing the Business and Shorthand Courses will be awarded Diplomas. The course requires two years' work. Either the Business or Shorthand Course may be completed in one year, for which students will receive Certificates. Students are urged to take the complete work if possible. Piano-Torte Course. To those seeking a Musical Education and to those desiring to fit themselves to teach music, this school offers superior advantages. Instruction is given by competent teachers, of broad and successful experience, whose training has been obtained at the best American and European music centers. The equipment of the department is in every way modern and complete. The aim is to make the musical education as broad as possible by using compositions from the writers of old and modern schools, together with the study of Harmony, Analysis, Theory of Music, and Musical History. In order to complete the course in music all applicants must take a thoro course and pass satisfactory examinations in the foregoing subjects. This applies also to those completing the course in Vocal Culture and Violin. The following list is an outline of studies indicating the standard of technical difficulty in the various grades. 'Elementary Grade. PIANO. major Weekly scales, Class — Work Including table work, five finger exsimple arpeggi and chord work. Primary Technical ercises, Work — Ear-training, sight reading and memoriz- ing. Simple Studies and pieces by Bach, Kullak, Gurlitt, Heller and others. [TUTE Preparatory Grade. i. v. th Work. - All ii : tad diminished u-chnic and memo- rnoy, Heller, Cserny, Knhlin, Clementi, Lichner, Pnitek, Reinecke, Bach. rl Preludes end Fngnef Handel. etc. Kun/.. nd Btudes—Jensen, Schytte, Grieg and oth Intermediate Grade. I t technical work. — War Harmony. -Kasv Sonatas Haydn, Mozart, etc. Two and three part inventions. Selections from English and French Suites. Btndei Cserny, Kessler, Cramer, (Bulow.) Kullak Octave Studies Book I. Simpler Preludes and Pieces Mendelssohn, Chopin, Schubert, Schumann and modern composers. First — Advanced Grade. need Technic. — ond Year Harmony History of music, Preludes and Fugues, Mendelssohn and Bach. Studies, Kullak (octave) Clementi, Tausig, Hnmmel, Moscheles, Kessler, Chopin. Sonatas Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann. Weber, Chopin. Concertos Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Liszt and others. The best classic and modern compositions. — — Pupils completing the course in Piano with two years of the of Harmony, receive a diploma, but no diploma is granted to students in music who do not have a good Literary education, such as is comprised in the English branches of the College Preparatory Course. Elements iduates also must study Theory of History. Music and Musical index for further information about this department. 1 AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL 3 Vocal Course. Students completing this course are prepared to appear on concert programs, and secure church positions. ARRANGEMENT OF THE VOCAL GRADE COURSE. I. Tone Placing. Correct Breathing. True Intonation. GRADE II. Blending of Register. Exercises of Flexibility. 50 Exercises of Concone and Nava, GRADE III. Velocity Exercises. 25 Exercises of Concone. Luetgen Exercises. Easy songs from standard composers. GRADE IV. Embellishments. Marchesi, Bordogni, Aprile and others. Selections from Operas, Classic Songs, and Oratorios of Old and Modern Composers. Instruction on the Violin. The method employed in violin instruction is a combination of the French and German Methods. Particular attention is given to an easy, correct hand position on the violin, a flexible, loose bowing as applied to both the wrist and arm, perfect intonation, breadth of tone and style, and general finish. The works of the best composers are studied and memorized with a view toward acquiring a good technique and true musical playing. TEXT BOOKS. I. to Should a re than this sum. have been damaged beyond ill be den lxX>ks Bible. Anthui. W< tic niir. Went worth •a nool, rth. — : mis. Calculus i.« omifl P. ' h. J. P., Heck, Pan- ish Literal j I! Natural Philosophy ipplemented b work from Internal. s'lntrodn Chemistry to Chemical Science. tin MinerBlank. on,Linville& Kelly ick cc WilBioloj \ Maxwell's Webster. ; i Entomology Analonn rtin. — Comato Unman. parative. M Literature Latin Grammar—Allen & Green- h. Latin McEarland, Muir and Kit Histology— Pieraol, Stohr. Embryology— Foster and Balfour; Abbott, Bacte: Dennis' Onthne Lessons. Marshall. Ooll Greenongh'a Allen vV An'' Latin School Composition. Grammar, Goodwin aabasiB. Composition. French Eraser ,X: Sqnair El. Fr. Grammar. Grammar — Duerr's Es- — Principles of Teaching. Parker's Talks on Pedag Psychology— Halleck'a Psychology and Psj chic Culture. sentials. Mailer ne. and Thinking Learning to Think. Methods McMurray's Method of Thorndyke's the Recitation — Iliad. Jom German — Sabin's Com- Sense Didactics. Schaeffer's Greek Primer. mour'a Philips. Management mon Shi Inductive tie Astronomy — Sharplessand Nature Study — Hodge. & Wenckebach's Gluck Auf. Immenaee (Hoheralsdie Kirche) Baldwin's Story of the Mind. Halleck'8 Education of the Brain and Central Nervous tnelahaasen. Der James' Briefer Course. her. ; Home's aalisti n. r Psychological Home's Philosophy Conway. Tell. Reading—Selected C raphy—Dodge's Die Jungfrau von Orleans. I. ice. Adv.': Tarr and McMurray. Tilden's mmercialjFrye; Davis 'Physical; A-pgar's Drawing Outlines Montgomery. tor\ of Education. Education—Willi History of Das Lied von der Glocke. Wilhelm Principles of Education. Pinch der Schonheit M I Civil Government J^r eminent Peck's Pennsylvania. , . —Brinhlej , Blaisdell. Bud- Book-keep ;" get S\ stem. — Stenograph} Graham's Standard Stenography. AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL 33 Location, Buildings, Equipment, Ltc The Tolvn of e Bloornsburg. is an attractive town, in one of the most beauregions of Pennsylvania, has a population of about seven thousand, and is easily accessible by the three largest railroads The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, the in the state It is also connected Reading, and the Pennsylvania. Phila. Bloomsburg tiful : & with neighboring towns by electric railroads. The town has the district S3^stem of steam heating, a perfect public sewer system, pure water from a mountain stream, illuminating gas, and both the arc and incandescent electric lights. It is known as one of the thriftiest and healthiest towns in the state. The school property attracts much attention, being situated on an elevation of over 150 feet above the Susquehanna. The view from this elevation is almost unrivalled. The river, like a ribbon, edges the plain on the south, and disappears through Rising immedia bold gorge three miles to the southwest. ately beyond the river is a precipitous ridge four hundred feet high, backed by the majestic Catawissa mountain. The town lies at the feet of the spectator. Hill and plain, land and water, field and forest, town and country, manufacture and agriculture, are combined in the varied scene. Nineteen acres of campus afford ample space for lawns and athletic grounds, and include a large and beautiful oak grove, while seven large buildings are admirably adapted to their difdescription of these buildings and their acferent uses. companiments follows. A Institute Hall. This building stands at the head of Main street, and is plainly visible from all parts of the town. It was built in The interior and exterior have been remodeled. On 1867. The approach the first floor are five spacious class rooms. to the building is very imposing and beautiful, and has recently been made much more so by the erection of a handsome bronze fountain, the gift of the class of '04. The Auditorium. This beautiful audience room on the second floor of Institute is comfortably furnished and tastefully decorated. It contains one thousand and twenty-five opera chairs, and when occasion demands, can be made to accommodate many more Hall people. The acoustic properties are apparently perfect. The Model School 'Building. It stands next to Institute building. It eighty feet by ninety feet BDOttt twenty eight BChool and recitation room-, well ventiand supplied with Light, black-hoard surface, and the It is here that the seniors acquire roved furniture. the And practice in the art. twent\ The basement fitted up especially for their work. room floor of this building is used for the industrial depar tment '>' 'fh II. ill it I ' The Main Dormitory. The Dormitory is four stories high and was originally in the form of a having a front of one hundred and sixty-two The buildings are feet, and an extension of seventy-five feet. lied with steam heat, gas, electric light, and sewer connectiona On account of the steady growth of the school, this building was finally enlarged by the addition of a wing extending south from the rear of the described above. Its dimensions are one hundred and four feet by forty feet, and it furnishes accommodations for about seventy students. Extending across the end of this wing and forward to the front of the building is a long piazza, about 140 feet in length. This fronts the river, and from it may be obtained one of the grandest views in eastern Pennsylvania. T T The Dining 'Room. This large room on first floor of the dormitory has a floor space of over four thousand square feet. The kitchen, which adjoins it has been entirely remodeled and supplied with the latest and best culinary appliances. Its floor is of cement. Clean and vermin proof, it approximates the ideal place for the preparation of food. The food is well cooked by a proional cook, and is of the best quality the market affords, while it is the study of the steward, and those who aid him, to furnish the table with as great a variety as possible. a recently adopted plan meals are served by individual order as in hotels. As ample time is allowed for the serving ich meal, much of the rush and hurry of boarding school life is avoided, and provision being made on the bill of fare for delicate us well as vigorous appetites, a degree oi comfort hitherto unknown is introduced. These arrangements enable tlie school to realize more fully a long cherished theory that well nourished students make the best intellcctu.il prog An excellent cold storage room adjoining the kitchen, provides for the preservation of food. AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL 35 The North End Addition. A large addition to the north end of the dormitory was built It extends southward to within twenty feet a few years ago. of the Model School Building, to which it is connected by a two story covered passage way. This building contains class rooms on first floor, a large study hall and library, and sevon third and fourth eral class rooms on the second floor floors, additional dormitories for young men. ; The Gymnasium. At the southwestern extremity of the foregoing addition, extending northward, is the gymnasium, ninety-five feet long and forty-five feet wide. It is fitted up with the test apparatus made, is complete in its equipment, and from the first, took its place among the best gymnasiums in America. It has a running galley, baths and lockers for girls and boys in the basement, and a parcels check room. A competent director and associate with their assistants are They make physical examinations and prescribe in charge. proper and regular exercises for the students. The Library. On the second floor, in the new building, near the gymnasium, a large room, forty-six by sixty-eight feet in size, with shelves, desks, tables, easy chairs, &c. It serves the double purpose of library and study hall. This happy arrangement has the advantage of placing the student near the cyclopedias and other works of reference during his periods of study. On the shelves are the school library, the libraries of the literary societies, and those of the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. These libraries contain the standard works of fiction, history, the leading cyclopedias, dictionaries, and books of reference. The reading tables are well supplied with all the important local and national newspapers and magazines for the free use of the students. The value of the library is greatly enhanced by a card catalogue of the most approved kind, and the constant attendance of a trained librarian to assist students in their research. Several hundred dollars worth of new books are added to the library each year. is The Students* "Rooms. Each room for students is comfortably furnished. Spring mattresses are provided for the beds. The walls are neatly papered, and have moulding from which to suspend pictures. The rooms average about eleven feet by fifteen feet in size. OM8BUW 36 M.niv studenl Dg them and I The I IT1TUTH their r kc-t_i>iii^ them neat. Rooms and h gentlemen arc made, and their I pride in decfrequently arc- ited. ro< I for daily. A Passenger TLlebator ;t a time ble of lifting twenty-five to thirty grown Climl ider the management of an efficient operator. stairs, which is always BO difficult for ladies, is a thing of the I the top iloor are sought in preference to are more comfortable, quieter, and command a more extended view of the surrounding beautiful country. The elevator was built by the well known firm of Otis Brothers, and is the best hydraulic elevator, operated by the duplex pump and pressure tank system. those below. ms 0U They The North Dormitory. a This beautiful structure, a three story brick building with at the west corner was recently burned, but It has been used as a music •ecu replaced and improved. ervatory and chemical laboratory until recently. handsome tower Science Hall. This large and handsome building was recently erected at a cost <>f 575,000, to provide additional recitation rooms, and especially to afford facilities for the latest methods of work in The large laboratories are fully equipped with the sciences. In the basethe best furniture and appliances manufactured. ment which is mainly above ground, are the music rooms used for practice and teaching in connection with the music depart- ment. The first tloor is devoted to the biological departments, and has large laboratories fitted up for the stud}' of Zoology. Phys\, Botany, and Geology. There is also a laboratory for Students taking the Medical Preparatory Cou: The second floor has laboratories for Physics and Chemistry. There are two modern lecture rooms for the use of these departments, with lanterns, screens and modern equipment for demonstration, and illustration. In the third story are large rooms 45x44 feet each, devoted two literary societies, a commodious, well and properly equipped Art studio, and two recitation to the uses of the lighted, as. AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL 37 9 The Students Lecture Course. This course is one of the most important educational features of each school year, and is organized for the purpose of bringing before our students some of the leading lecturers of the day. It is the aim, by means of this course of lectures, to give the students entertainment and culture, and the price of tickets for the entire course is one dollar and twenty-five cents. The talent costs frequently five or six hundred dollars. Every student of the school above the Model School is charged for this lecture course ticket. The Athletic Association. An athletic association, composed of students, has charge of out-door sports, such as base ball, foot ball, and the like and the directors of the association have done a great deal to foster and encourage an athletic spirit in the school. Several clay tennis courts under the care of a tennis club, form a promThe strength of the school's base ball, inent attraction. basket ball and foot ball teams is well known. all ; The A Athletic Field. new and greatly enlarged athletic field has recently been enclosed with a high fence, and is situated north and east of the grove. provided. It is The Societies. There are two literary societies, devoted to the intellectual improvement of their members. Weekly meetings are held, the exercises of which include essays, readings, declamations and debates. Among the benefits to be derived from membership, by no means the least is the training received in the conducting of business meetings, and the knowledge acquired of Parliamentary rules. Debates form a distinctive feature of these societies. The School Periodical. In recognition of the need of a regular means of communication between the school and its alumni, a school periodical, the B. S. N. S. Quarterly, is issued. The paper is a magazine of from 16 to 20 pages, and appears in January, April, Its editorial staff includes July and October of each year. members of the faculty and students. The Alumni, Athletic, Society and Local Departments of the paper present the work IURG of the icbool in each I.: • numb r, The Alumni department is sent free to all QUARTBl :.'. I is nieiii- Association. Graduates who do not receive iper will please Inform us of the Uumni I Discipline. All students are expected to observe such regulations led from time to time, in order to secure to themselves and other students all the benefits of the institution. Such regulations are purposely kept as few in number as possible, in order to develop a feeling of responsibility and independence of character on the part of every student. Gentlemanly and ladylike behavior are matters of necessity, and no Student is allowed to remain in the school who docs not show by his devotion to work, his behavior, and his personal habits, that he is in earnest in his efforts to get an education. Students who, without permission, absent themselves from the building at times when all students are required to be in their rooms, are dismissed also. The system of discipline used is not preventive, but rational, and has for its object character building. Visitors to the school whether graduates, former students or friends, are expected to conform to the regulations that apply tudents, and to preserve toward teachers and others in authority the same attitude that the customs of good society everywhere require of guests. 'Religion and Morals. The school proceeds upon the principle that careful religious training is essential to the proper development of character. The religious teaching is evangelical but not sectarian. Chapel exercises are held daily. All students are required Service of Song or to attend church on Sunday mornings. The a Bible Reading is conducted each Sunday evening. students sustain a Young Men's Christian Association, and also a Young Woman's Christian Association, which hold separate prayer meetings each Thursday evening. 'a Sundays many of the students meet in small groups, called "Bible Bands," for the study of the Scriptures. Atmce upon these is voluntary, of course, but it is very gratifying to note that each year it is increasing in numbers A ( and interest. The Student's land-Book published by the Christian A ciations is a valuable aid to new students. It is for free disI tribution. AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL The 39 Faculty. A Preceptress has been secured whose especial care is the development of careful habits, favorable to health, as well as those of neatness, industry, refined manners, and of high moral and religious character. The trustees of the school realize that it is the teacher that makes the school, and they have spared neither pains nor money to secure teachers of successful experience, broad culture, and established Christian character. As a result, the graduates of the school are young men and women who command good positions and good salaries, and who stand high in They may be found in all parts the estimation of the public. of the United States, and some in foreign countries occupying prominent positions of usefulness and influence. The culture and training of the following institutions are L,afayette College, Haverford represented by the faculty College, Smith College for Women, Chicago University, Pratt Institute, Dickinson College, Amherst College, Harvard College, Albion College, Ohio State University, Ohio Wesleyan University, Clark University, University at Bonn (Germany), Klmira, Vassar, Wellesley, Yale, various Schools of Music in America and Europe, New England Conservatory of Music, : and several Normal and Training schools. Visiting and Going Home. Parents are requested not to call pupils home during TERM TIME, except in cases of absolute necessity. such cases written permission from parents or guardians In is required. Every recitation missed places the pupil at a disadvantage, and seriously affects his standing. Giving permission to visit friends is equally distracting. When home or elsewhere is contemplated it distracts of departure, and it takes the first day after returning to get the mind back to work. This causes, practically, the loss of two days in addition to the time lost while absent, and makes the pupil lose much of All w ork missed as the the benefit for w hich he has paid. result of absence is required to be made up, but this does not entirely restore the standing of the student. the a visit mind on the day r r 'Boxes From Home. Parents and friends are requested not to send boxes of cookMany cases of ill health may be traced ed edibles to students. Besides the ill effects of to eating stale and indigestible food. keeping food in a living room, boxes encourage eating at ir- :ti:rakv instit; 40 liar times and produce other irregularities that interfere Ti. with good health and intellectual advancement. furnishes good, wholesome food, well cooked and in plenty, it variety as the markets ail". and to have nding food to students. there is no J • When adents to Enter. may There are cl 4 enter at any time. idvancement, and students in nearly all SUDJ amodated, even in the middle of a term. v/i one / - all rk to finish any particu- to attend during the term, as during that term they will receive instruction in the essentials of the various branches. • will find it to their advantage fall The Washington Excursion. For many years it has been the custom to take as many of The time the students as can go, on a trip to Washington. The ted is the week before the Christmas Holidays. special excursion train leaves Bloomsburg on Monday mornreaching Washington in time to spend the afternoon in Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are spent sight seeing. in visiting the Capitol, Congressional Library, National Museum, White House, other government departments, Mount spend return to Philadelphia Thursday evening Vernon Friday visiting points of interest in Philadelphia, and return me special train to Bloomsburg Friday night. The cost of the entire excursion covering railroad fare, hotel charges, lunch en route, guide fees, baggage transfers, Mount Vernon It is trip and other necessary expenses, does not exceed $16. Alumni, iueational trip and is worth many times its cost. patrons, and friends are permitted to join the party, within ; ; limits as to number. Applications for Teachers. The Principal frequently has applications for teachers for both within and outside the state. Graduates who want schools are at liberty to put their names on his list, but they should inform him as soon as they secure a position while those who need teachers are urged to apply early that they may get the best. •ions, ; Outfits. expected to furnish for personal use the folTowels, table napkins, a bed comforter, a pair of blankets, slippers, overshoes, an umbrella, a pair of gymnasium slippers and a gymnasium costume. Bach student talent lowing articles is : 1 AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL 4 should provide himself with knife, fork and spoon, as silver The gymnasium will not be sent out of the dining-room. slippers and costume may be ordered after students enter and The use of this costume is obligatory. learn what is needed. Health and decency require it. Damages. All damages done to rooms, halls, furniture, or school propcharged to the students who do it. No nails, pins or tacks of any kind are to be driven into the walls or All pictures must be suspended from picture moulddoors. Pictures or other decorations pasted, tacked or pinned ings. to the wall subject the occupants of the room to the expense of papering the entire room. erty, will be Laundry Regulations. Each student is allowed twelve articles of plain clothing or weekly washing. Note the following their equivalent in the regulations IT : Have your names on every article of clothing. Write PLAINLY, AND USE NOTHING BUT INDELIBLE INK. Most i . lost because of defective marking. a large clothes bag, so that ironed clothes need not be folded much when put into it for delivery. Be sure to have your name on the clothes bag. The personal wash must be ready for collection by six 3. o'clock on Monday morning. On Saturday morning, after breakfast, the personal 4. wash will be delivered. Exchange soiled bed linen (one sheet and two pillow 5. cases) for clean linen on each Friday morning after breakfast. For all clothing in the wash in excess of the twelve ar6. ticles allowed, an extra charge will be made. missing articles are 2. Have State Aid. The is a copy of the clause in the general approrelating to free tuition in State Normal Schools "For the support of the public schools and Normal Schools of this commonwealth for the two years commencing on the first day of June, one thousand nine hundred and three, the * * * sum of And provided further, that out of the amount hereby appropriated there shall be paid for the education of teachers in the State Normal Schools the sum of five hundred thousand dollars or so much thereof as may be following priation bill : . ipplied as follows indent over reement bind Pol : :. •!i lull the common anno schools of this state two - dollar 1 k in full payment of tl for each student in a State drawing an allowance from the State must re.led that tuitioi .1 ceive regular instruction in the science and art of teachi: ...ted tO that object for the whole tin* twn, which amount shall be which such an allowance of the Superintendent of Public In- struction." has the effect of making seventeen years of age who in the common schools of the of the State Legislature Tl. TUITION PRBH for all pen will sign an agreement to teach r school y« Expenses. Those who are seeking an education should exercise the same judgment and foresight in selecting a school that they use in other business matters. There are to find cheaper schools than this. degrees of cheapness, just as there are articles of merchandise varying in quality. It le i schools of all This school gives to the students, in benefits, every dollar income both from what students pay and from state appropriations. Added to this is the use of buildings and apparatus accumulated that are now worth probably half a million of its dollars. The tabulated statement on the next page gives full inforin regard to charges. One-half board and tuition plus registration fee is payable at the beginning of each term, the remainder, at the middle of each term. mation Note that the state aid is never deducted from the half-term payment due at time of entrance. The tuition for the Commercial Course is the same as for the regular Normal Course. Frki: TUITION is granted to all students over seventeen age who promise to teach two years either commercial or other subjects in accordance with the provisions of the law on page 41-2. Commercial students who avail themselves of this opportunity are charged fifty cents a week for the "state subject" which the law requires them to take, in as much as this "state subject" is not included in the Commercial Course. AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL 43 'Expenses. Winter Fall Term Term 13 Wks, 13Wfcs Spring Foil Term U Fraction of Year. WKs Per Term WeeL FOR BOARDING STUDENTS (All courses excepting music.) Board, furnished laundry room, heat, light and $ Tuition Registration fee 1 Total. Amount due on entrance (>£ Board and Tuition plus Registration State Aid (State Aid is 52 00 19 50 $ 52 00 19 50 00 1 $ 00 56 00 21 00 1 $ 160 00 00 60 00 3 00 $ 223 00 3) 72 50 $ 72 50 $ 78 00 $ 36 75 $ 36 75 $ 39 50 $ 35 75 $ 35 75 $ 38 50 $ 19 50 $ 19 50 $ 21 00 $ 16 25 $ 16 25 $ 17 5° $ 19 50 $ 19 50 $ 21 00 4 25 fee) not credited until end of term.) Amount due middle of term. FOR DAY STUDENTS (All courses excepting music) Tuition Registration fee 1 $ Total. 00 20 50 $ $ State Aid ("State 1 Aid is 00 $ 60 ©o 3 00 22 00 $ 63 00 1 20 50 $ 00 60 00 19 50 not credited until end of term) Amount due middle $ of term. 1 00 $ 3 00 FOR MODEL SCHOOL PUPILS Tuition, (payable at middle of term) No charge to pupils under 9 years of age Registration fee $ 3 50 3 75 50 $ 10 50 2 25 75 $ 4 25 $ 4 2S $ 4 25 $ 12 75 Piano or Voice, (2 lessons per week) $ Use of Piano (for practice one period daily, 16 00 $ 16 00 $ 16 00 $ 48 00 Total. FOR MUSIC PUPILS per term) Class Lessons in Private lessons Class Lessons in Harmony Harmony same as Piano. 1 50 I 50 1 7 00 7 00 7 00 50 in Theory 5 00 EXTRAS Lecture Course Tickets Fee, Chemical Laboratory, (for course) Fee, Biological Laboratory for courses I 5 in Zoology, Physiology, Botany, Geology, special Biology, each $ 400$ 400$ 400 25 GO 30 ^ky 44 A i • mSTlTUTB ich branch per week is mad phy, wlio tndents In music, typewritin two branches with their Bpecial subjects. • made for class instruction in vocal mns] n on account of Por absence two comeculi Of permanent withdrawal from school, a deducNo other deduction is tion for board and tuition is made. No deduction for absence is made during made f<>: first two or the last two weeks of a term. r A cl i is 15 cents per piece is made for hauled by the school only on rangeville, Bloomsburg, Bshleman, C«>lu:: ColUfl Columbia. Charle Mae, ""7 dwin M , '07 N Rarig, Howard, Shaman, Edith, '06 R., '98 Wendt, Lilian. >msburg, Mt. Carmel, mbia. Northumberland. Calkins, msburg, lie. Colombia, Columbia. Berwick, Shamokin Dam, .bia. Bnyder. UNDER-GRADUATES. wart B. [ eds, Bdw. B. Adams, Frank Turhotville, Northumberland. Forkston, Rupert, Wyoming. Columbia. Grande, Cuba. Bloomsburg, Columbia. Bloomsburg, Columbia. Columbia. Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Columbia. CaguaSj Porto Rico. Bloomsburg, Columbia. Lansford, Carbon. Parsons, Luzerne. Caguas, Porto Rico. ille, Montour. Hoyo Manicaragu, St. Clara, Cuba. Bloomslmrg, Columbia. Bloomsburg Columbia. Luzerne, Luzerne. Stillwater, Columbia. Benton, Columbia. New York, N. Columbia. Briar Creek, Columbia. Mifflin ville, Columbia. Bloomsburg, St. Blena 75, Cienfuegos, Cuba. Bloomsburg, Columbia. Bloomsburg, Columbia. Bloomsburg, Columbia. Bloomsburg. Columbia. Columbia. Bspy, Columbia. Catau Columbia. Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Bloomsburg, Columbia. Columbia. Bloomsburg, Mayagnez, Porto Rico. Columbia. msburg, Columbia. Bloomsburg, Lackawanna. Elmhurst, Lalla Albert, Ruth Albertaon, Hazel mder, Beulah Alexander, Florence Alvarez, Abelardo Andres, Helen Andrews, Kthel V. Anwyl, Lila S. Aponte, Raphael Appleman, Rebecca Areay, Kdward Armstrong, Harriet Arnold, G eorgia Arnold, Ina A. Ash, Bessie Ash, Blmer B. Ash, Bsther A^h, h..u M. Aten, Norman Anrand, Helen Azpiazn, Tnsto A. Bailey, Cnas. Carroll Bailey. Will Bakeless, John B. Bakeless, Kath Baker, W. H. Baldv, Sara Bankes, Floyd Bankes, Ha/el Bankes, huther I'.ankcs. Barletta, Marv Ana M. Barnes, Abbie i harm i, .la Margaret . AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL NAME. Barnes, Walter Barrow, Harrison Beaver, Stella M. Beddall, Fannie Beddall, Florence G. Beddall, Josie Benford, Edith Bennett, Sue A. Benscoter, Laura M. Benscoter, Ralph O. Berman, Elizabeth Betts, Bessie B. Betts, Clyde E. Bevan, Mary F. Beyer, Ida Bidleman, Ercell Bidleman, Ralston Bierman, Ethel Bierman, Katharine 47 POST OFFICE. COUNTY. Blooms burg, Ringtown, Columbia. Schuylkill. Danville, Montour. Port Carbon, Schuvlkill. Schuylkill. Schuylkill. Tamaqua, Tamaqua, Danville, Montoursville, Hunlock's Creek, Shickshinny, New Montour. Lycoming. Luzerne. Luzerne. York, N. Y. Galilee, Galilee, Wayne. Wayne. Mauch Chunk, Eyers Grove, Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Carbon. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. M. Nicholson, Wyoming. Bingaman, N. G. Glen Iron, Birth, Jennie Bishop, Madeleine Nescopeck, Luzerne, Union. Columbia. Luzerne. Anna Pottsgrove, Northumberland. Billings, Ella Bitler, Black, Martha H. Bloom, Bruce W. Bogert, Harry M. Bloomsburg, Sunbury, Rohrsburg, Bogert, Nellie Danville, Bomboy, Ruth Bloomsburg, Boody, Boody, Boone, Boone, Rupert, Rupert, Berwick, Willow Springs, Booth. Letty Mary Laura E. Rush Sherman Dallas, Bower, Alice B. Box Harold C. Bradbury, A. F. Brandon, Adda M. Bredbenner, Florence Breisch, Bird M. Mooresburg, Clemo, Espy, Huntington Mills, Shickshinny, Breisch, Reba Broadt, Albert Broadt, Elsie Broadt, Harry Brobst, Bertha Brown, A. Clifton Ringtown, Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Brown, Bissell H. Brown, Eleanor C. Brown, Fannie Brown, La Rue E. Bryant, Burton Bryant, Leon D. Bryfogle, Bernice Burdick, Lucille M. Burdick, Luella Burke, Agnes J. Burlingame, Chas. E. Bush, Tillie Mainville, Berwick, Tunkhannock, Thompson, All en wood, Wilkes-Barre, Lewisburg, Bloomsburg, Susquehanna, Bloomsburg, Carbondale, Carboudale, Carbondale, Almedia, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Northumberland. Columbia. Montour. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Luzerne. Montour. Wayne. Columbia. Luzerne. Luzerne. Columbia. Schuylkill. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Wyoming. Susquehanna. Union. Luzerne. Union. Columbia. Susquehanna. Columbia. Lackawanna. Lackawanna. Lackaw anna. T Columbia. Columbia. . RY INSTITUTE CODNTV. Columbia. :nsburg, Bloomsbi Coin... tnbia. tlley, I pbell, i:< ae. ). 1 i Cuba. Bloomsbnrg, M. i Christian, Fannie Christian. Luen-tia Chi Charm, Jerseytown, Stella 1 Cintron, Pram Clancy, Mai a et Clancy, Nora .. Clark, Boyd C. Clark. Mabel P. I I Boyd's Mills, Wayne. Wyoming, Luzerne. Columbia. Scranton, Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, ( Mertie M. Cooper, Carlos :. Washingtonville, use Correll, Florence C j . . J I M. Nellie sy, ret Mt. Carmel, Bloomsburg, Pred J. Luther P. Susan Mifflinville, dispell, Elizabeth M. Biargaret Cryder, J. A ( Cummings, Anna Cummings, James E. I Dailey, Union Bloomsburg, Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Ethel L- sy, I trangeville, Bloomsbnrg, Brooklyn, X. Y. ilie : ene A. L- Catawissa, Catawissa, Dallas, Bloomsburg, Willow Springs, Shenandoah, Shenandoah. Waymart, Plymouth, Town l'a\ in pert. )scar Davis, Clayton ( Line. Wilkes-Barre, Bloomsbur-, ths, Anna R. miller. Nellie Bloomsburg, M. it in, bin* Lackawanna. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Montour. Susquehanna. Columbia. Northumberland. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Luzerne. Colui: Columbia. Schuylkill. Schuylkill. Wa\ James Bloomsbnrg, Exchange, I insbnrgi •".Ma. tnbia. tnbia. i abachi G Diehli Pred \\\ Diemer, Atta ne. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Montour. Bloomsburg. Cataw msbnrg, I ieph Elliott ne. Luzerne. Luzerne. Luzerne. Columbia. Ha/.leton, Deighmiller, Bllie R tauphin. I Biargaret iir ( Porto Rico. ha Lie . ille, tnbia. Columbia. Montour. Bloomsbnrg, Cole, Robert . Columbia. Steel ton, Steelton, Clement, Dorothy ty, )an\ .. I). . Clohei i.iv.tna, ulsburg, Mabel istian, Luzerne. Northumberland. Lackawanna. Mayaguez, Porto Rico. Columbia, unsburg, rique . Valley, urg, 1 I )anville, Columbia. Montour. C mbia. . , AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL NAME. POST OFFICE. Bloom sburg, COUNTY. Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Rohrsburg, Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. McCoysville, McCoysville, Glen Carbon, Juniata. Juniata. Schuylkill. Laceyville, Mehoopany, Wyoming. Wyoming. Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Columbia. Drennan, Gertrude Dunkelberger, Anabel Dunkerley, Beatrice F. Dunn, Pearl E. Duy, Albert, Jr. Duy, Josephine Dye, Laura B. Carbondale, Paxinos, Jeddo, Lackawanna. Northumberland Eaton, Emma Eckroth, Thomas Edgar, Frank M. Edgar.. Hazel Edwards, Erne E. Dallas, Catawissa, Diemer, Robert Diemer, William E. Dietrick, Josepha Dildine, Paul H. Dillon, Charles Dillon, Harold Dobbs, Clara Mabelle Dobbs, Elsie Belle Dolan, Thos. C. Donovan, Anna K. Doty, Ruth E. Dreibelbis, Ida Dreisbach, Ida M. Edwards, Mary Edwards, Thomas H. Egan, Michael J. Eisenhauer, Edward Emmert, Marguerite Englehart, Margaret English, Bessie Erdley, Carrie E. Erikson, Carl Escanaverino, Aida Escanaverino, Gines Escanaverino, Ursula Eshleman, Emmaleen Everett, A. R. Ever, Elizabeth Fagan, Elizabeth Farley, Jennie M. Farley, Lera Fausel, Harry J. Faust, Ethel Faust, Sara C. Fegley, Mary Feinour, Katharine Ferber, Sadie M. Fetterman, L. Orval Fetterolf, Howard Finn, Ruth M. Luzerne. Emmons, Sullivan. Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Strawberry Ridge, Columbia. Columbia. Montour. Luzerne. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Luzerne. Columbia. Luzerne. Columbia. Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Benton, Kingston, Bloomsburg, Coalridge, Miminville, New Oxford, Adams. Almedia, Columbia. Luzerne. Mifflinburg, Union. St. Benedict, Cambria. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. Bloomsburg, Columbia. Colwin, Centre. Eyersgrove, Columbia. Milnesville, Luzerne. Union. New Columbia, New Columbia, Union. Wyoming, Camden, N. Bloomsburg, J. Barnesville, Catawissa, Ottawa, Scranton, Bloomsburg, Miminville, Fisher, Howard H. Fisher, Martha V. Fisher, Maud E. Fisher, Scott Plymouth, Northumberland Bloomsburg, Lynn, Ringtown, Flanigan, Hannah V. Fleckenstine, Jessie R. Silver Creek, Orangeville, Columbia. Schuylkill. Columbia. Montour. Lackawanna. Columbia. Columbia. Luzerne. Northumberland Columbia. Susquehanna. Schuylkill. Schuylkill. Columbia. 49 . '• riTUTE M.J. .1 a. .e. - •ma. on, I. I imsburg, ..: t, . . Orwell, M. ambia. Funk. tnsburg, P. . . nee M. Catherine irt, i • Paul P. Charlotte . m, Shickshinny, •our. '.ambia. Danville, Benton, York, York. Linley, Montana. Northumberland, tharine Gibbs, Ali Pauline Mary allon, A. Gilli N< rthumberland. Columbia. Columbia. me. Wilkes- Harre, Bloomsbu] Columbia. Plymouth, IyUZ< Sterling, lie. Wayne. Grai . inna. me ne. eph Graham, John Bloomsburg, Gray, Carrie M. Montrose, u, ingtonville, Pearl Ella Grimes, Jay Grinn tie, M. Light Street, Millville, II. Bloomsburj:, Gruvcr, Helen Gulick, Elizabeth rrez, b'austo Gutierrez, Ruben Gutierrez, Yirgilio ..nes Hall, Camille Cornelia-. C. Handley, Alberta Haring, l'.thel ina Harrison, Neil Hartman. Hartman, Hartman, Hartman, Hartman, N.Y. Columbia, '.umbia. Colum 1 Bloomsbu Bloomsburg, .via Han awanna. Columbia. Susquehanna. Bdward Prank Hazel Columbia. Columbia. Danville, Montour. S i^ua la Grande, Cuba. Sagua la Grande, Cuba. la Grande, Cuba. '.umbia. Bloomsburg, Columbia. Bloomsburg, i Towamla, Bradford. Scranton, Danville, Plains, Lackawanna. Montour, me. Porks, Carbondale, Lackawanna. Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, I Kimber Buekhorn, tnsburg, Wilkes-Karre, Kook Glen, lie Hart/ell. S . M. Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, ' ambia. .umbia. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. rue. Luzerne. Columbia. Columbia. ... , AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL NAME. Hawk, Hattie POST OFFICE. COUNTY. Bloomsburg, Heberling, Pearl Heitsman, Florence Heitsman, Frank R. Grovania, Columbia. Montour. Luzerne. Luzerne. Heller, Fannie Heller, Irma L. New Hendershott, Doyle Henrie, Ethel L,.' H.nrie, William H. Heermans, Edna F. Herring, Martha Hess, Carrie Hess, Edna Hess, Frank Hess, Geraldine Hess, Harry Hess, Miriam Hess, Stella Hetler, Geraldine Hicks, Bruce Hicks, Delilah Hill, Helen R. Hinckley, Bess Hippensteel, Lester L. Hobbes, Gertrude Hole*, Cecilia G. Northumberland Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Jackson Summit, Bloomsburg, Dallas, Dallas, York, N. Y. Bloomsburg, Trevorton, Bloomsburg, Berwick, Benton, Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Trevorton, Bloomsburg, Mocanaqua, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Columbia. Tioga. Columbia. Northumberland. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Northumberland Columbia. Luzerne. Columbia. Luzerne. Hazleton, Montour. Columbia. Danville, Light Street, Westmoor, Jeffersonville, Columbia. Northumberland Luzerne. N. Y. Hoffman, Jessie Almedia, Hohman, Holahan, Richard Hazleton, Silver Creek, Schuylkill. Holland, Josie Laceyville, Wyoming. Hartman Martha Bloomsburg, Houck, Ella Houck, Fred Houghton, Grant R. Houck, Maurice Catawissa, Catawissa, Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Montour. Columbia. Luzerne. Columbia. Luzerne. Columbia. A. C. Hourigan, Anna Howard, George Huebner, Florence Hughes, Florence Hughes, Mary I. Hull, Edith A. Hummel, Foster Hummel, Sara Hutton, Ruth Hyde, Pauline Ide, George Ikeler, Kenneth Irvin, Karl E. James, Martha V. Jaquish, Murray G. Jarrett, Boyd A. Jayne, Elsie Johnson, Adda Johnson, Fred Johnson, Howard M. Johnson, Laura Johnson, Margaret J. Johnson, Robert Exchange, Nescopeck, Wilkes-Barre, Bloomsburg, Gow en, : Bloomsburg, Columbia. Luzerne. Carbondale, Honesdale, Light Street, Lackawanna. Wayne. Milton, Northumberland Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Hunlock's Creek, Columbia. Columbia. Luzerne. Columbia. Columbia. Millville, Buckhorn, Scranton, Luzerne, Columbia. Lackawanna. Luzerne. Montgomery, Lycoming. Plymouth, Luzerne. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Luzerne. Catawissa, Catawissa, Catawissa, Catawdssa. Freeland, Wallsville, Lackawanna. 51 1 LITERARY INSTITUTE 52 oinci-:. :na. '.toll, maborg, . I :iton, jom Wataontown, mabnrg, maborg, Kahler, Mabel F. 1 Katharine A. Danville, Aakam, ii. mabnrg, Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Bloomabnrg, Rohrsburg, Seven Points, C. Marple . RooadcU : , >.inville, Benton, Keeler, Charief Samncl Kelchner, Jami Keller, Nellie Keller, Verna Kenna, Genevieve w. mbia. Lwanna. Northumberland. Columbia. Columbia. Mlil, Romnaldo Aquadilla, Rorto Rico. Oliver, Margaret R. Columbia. Columbia. ick, I ( Bloomsburg, hnan, Ernest » H. G. O'Nei >h Parker, Sajre, ;n, Arthm ; . Penn, iv, Tunkhannock, h B. rk, Charlotte i Columbia. Millville, K. 1 1 1 si .uri[, Evelyn Susquehanna, Jai Hazleton, agton, Flossa Bloomsbui la Frank Petrilli, Pi W. It, . John H. r M. : Lumberland, Wyoming. IR I .vn, . \ - lith K. M. \V. N ne. vne. rne. org, irvey B. I Susquehanna. Luzerne Columbia. rne. Skinner's Fddy, Ripple, Rippie, Nanticoke, I'itner, H. Col umbia. Grande, Cuba. I M. Lackawanna. Luzerne Grande, Cul 1 P. • tambia. Bradford. Luzerne. ra ille, Strawberry Ri msburg, msburg, M. I Wayne. •ur. Colui: Columbia. Colum R. Millville, ( Pnrseli Clifton Berks. mbia. >]\ pliant, Buckh Coluir. awanna. Colui: . AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL NAME. POST OFFICE). Pursel, Obert E. Pursel, Rena Quick, Ethel Quick, Mary Ramirez, Diego E. Rank, Sherman Rarich, William Rarig, S. Emory W. Reber, Ida R. Reese, Leslie J. Reese, Marjory Regan, May Remaly, Magdalen Reyes, Jose A. Reynolds, Josephine Cienfuegos, Cuba. Rhodes, Adda Rhodes, Reba E. Rice, Mildred Richards, Fred Richards, Horace Richardson, Catharine Richardson, Bmily Richardson, John L. Berwick, Daiton, Espy, Riddell, Earl W. Rinker, Harry Rishel, Earl Rishton, Myron Rittenhouse, Kathryn Robb, Mary Robbins, Pauline Roberts, Tracy Rogers, Laura Rohrbach, May Rosser, Olwen Rowe, Hazel F. Roys, Emily Ruckle, Elizabeth Ruhl, Jessie Ruth, Bessie M. Rynkiewicz, Sabina Sachs, Anna D. Sanders, Clyde Sanders, Edna Sands, Dietrick Savidge, William S. Schollenberger, Harrison Schooley, Emeline Scott, Jennie COUNTY. Bloomsburg, Columbia. Berwick, Columbia. Bloomsburg, Columbia. Bloomsburg, Columbia. Mayaquiz, Porto Rico Watsontown, Northumberland. Conyngham, Luzerne. Catawissa, Columbia. Miffliuburg, Union. Taylor, Lackawanna. Mt. Carmel, Northumberland. Duryea, Luzerne, Shickshinny, Luzerne. Mahanoy Plains, Columbia. Lackawanna. Bloomsburg, Light Street, Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Strawberry Ridge, Bloomsburg, Berwick, Hughesville, Light Street, Centremoreland, Berwick, Catawissa, Edwardsdale, Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Light Street, Bloomsburg, Hazleton, Mahanoy Go wen, Schuylkill. City, Northumberland, Bear Gap, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Montour. Columbia. Columbia. Lycoming. Columbia. Wyoming. Columbia. Columbia. Luzerne. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Luzerne. Schuylkill. Luzerne. Northumberland. Northumberland. Columbia. Turbotville, Northumberland. Drums, Luzerne. Luzerne. Trucksville, Northumberland, Seasholtz, Helen Seasholtz, Kate Seasholtz, Leonina Danville, Danville, Danville, Severance, Alvin Seybert, Victor Bloomsburg, Berwick, Northumberland Montour. Montour. Montour. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Laura Briarcreek, Sharadin, Abraham J.. Sheard, Lillie G. Sherwood, L. Maud Boyertown, Berks. Calkins, Wayne. Bloomsburg, Columbia. Luzerne. Shaffer, Shiffer, Anna M. Hudson, 55 LITERARY INSTITUTE 56 mat, vim, Will it* iman, Bd COUNTY. Wil burton, ::ibia. WilburtOU, .ninbia. org, • :a. msburg, Shum.iii, Geo. \V. Sluimaii, Jennie Miller, hi. . r, J. •ir, H. Wesley John ::ibia. Mainville, Columbia. msburg, msburg, Tamaqua, Columbia. bnylkill. Lehignton, McA< Schuylkill. Rendham, msburg, Lackawanna. Bnell, Mildred Snyder, Kmma I. Snyder, Bnola E. Snvder, Irene Pittston, Mifflinville, Solleder, Albert L. Bloomsburg, Mt. Carmel, Mooresburg, Columbia. Columbia. Luzerne. wanna. Columbia. Luzerne. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Luzerne. Columbia. Luzerne. Columbia. Columbia. Northumberland. Montour. Tunkhannock, Wyoming. Dallas, Dallas, Luzerne. Luzerne. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Slllit;: Bloomsburg, II. Parsons, ret Berwick, .ton, ! Oonyngham, Smith, M.u ion C. Smith, Merrill Smith, R msburg, Mainville, Ruth M. h, Bloomsburg, T. :. SlIloUT, Mifflinville, Bloomsburg, Almedia, I. Sneidmau Hruce Zenith. Mifflinville, Southwood, Mary .;. Stark. Steele, St tale, Kdna Mae Kva Maude ner, ner, L- Mae Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Samuel as, Gertrnde :;, Mary Berwick, Stroh. Rebecca Bloomsburg, Black Walnut, Black Walnut, Meshoppen, Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Stroud, Florence Stroud, J:i!!:rs (;. it« Bdith Suppk-e, Mabel Maud Sutliff, Thompson, M ; iry H. I ) anville, Mahanoy i Wyoming. Wyoming. Wyoming. Columbia. Columbia. Montour. Thnrlby, Marion M. Titman. Ruth Tobin, C. 'IVresa Bloomsburg, Mt. Carmel, Columbia. Toole, Su< Freeburg, Townsend, Ma' Townsend, John R. Townsend, Leon Wyoming, Snvder. Luzerne. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Luzerne. tt, I Jr. : . Julia C. Bdward Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Berwick, Wilkes-Barre, uehanna, Glen Lyon* Forest City, Udell Tucker, Jennie Tuck. Turek, Fredrick Tustin, City, B. Jr. Bloomsburg, Schuylkill, Northumberland. Susquehanna. Luzerne. Susquehanna. Columbia. . AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL NAME. POST OFFICE. COUNTV. Tustin, James Tustin, Joseph VanCampen, Carrie E. VanNan, Orson C. Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Throop, Columbia. Columbia. Vannatta, Miriam Vetterlein, Louise Villaring, Ismael Bloomsburg, Paupac, Vought, Sallie Wagner, Grace Columbia. Luzerne. Dorranceton, Luzerne, Clifton Heights, Del aware. Columbia. Bloomsburg, Luzerne. Dallas, Luzerne. Dallas, Scranton, Lackawanna. Lackawanna. Columbia. Pike. Caguas, Porto Rico. Catawissa, Hunlock's Creek, Wallace, Almah C. Wallace, Elizabeth F. Ward, Eleanor Wardan, Clara Wardan, Helen L. Washburn, Horace D. Weaver, Fred W. Weaver, Raymond Weaver, Wm. C. Bloomsburg, Catawissa, Catawissa, Susquehanna. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Weidman, Rhoda M. Stouchsburg, Berks. Welliver Charlotte B. Welliver, Christine Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Columbia. Susquehanna. Columbia, Watkins, Wm. D. Wei liver, Miriam Welliver, Walter Wells, Grace Susquehanna, Catawissa, Welsh, Bertha Hall stead, Orangeville, Wertman, Clarence Wertman, Ralph Quakake, West, Alan D. West, Karl Wharton, Gladys Wheeler, Lillian M. Whipple, Chloe I. White, Agnes White, Elizabeth A. Wiegand, Adam F. Wilkinson, Mabel Williams, Alice S. Williams, Beatrice Williams, E Katharine Williams, Frank B. Williams, Gladys Williams, George F. Williams, L'Nore Williams, Lydia P. Williams, Mae Williams, Marguerite Williams, Rhea Williams, Sara E. Will its, Margaret S. Wilner, Robert F. Wilsey, Helen M. Wilson, Alice W. Womeldorf, Paul Woodring, Erwin Woodring, Nora Woods, Margaret Wright, Edith B. Sittlers, Danville, Danville, Bloomsburg, Schuylkill. Schuylkill. Montour. Montour. Columbia. Shickshinny, Luzerne. Ricketts, Wyoming. Akron, N. Y. Bloomsburg, Wilkes-Barre, Mt. Carniel, Peking, China. Scranton, Columbia. Luzerne. Northumberland. Lackawanna. Bloomsburg, Bloomsburg, Peking, China. Columbia. Columbia. Drums, Orangeville, Luzerne. Columbia. Luzerne. Luzerne. Columbia. Falls, Wyoming. Bloomsburg, Edwardsdale, Nanticoke, Nanticoke, Luzerne. Sunbury, Plymouth, Northumberland Tyler Wayne. Hill, Plains, Luzerne. Luzerne. Nuremburg, Schuylkill. St. John's, St. John's, Luzerne. Bloomsburg, Honesdale, Luzerne Columbia. Wayne. 57 i . . [TUTE '.TV. : • K. aware. Maim B. nie tnbia. Mi. Carmel, Northumberland. tnbia. Coloni msburg, ibia. tnbia. Dalm Northumberland. . X. V. manual Zinun 1 ivid 11. Northumberland. Ringto* New Schuylkill. n, Vork, x. v. York, X. V. Summary @f Students. Number during Pall Term Number during Winter Term Number during Spring Term 559 562 623 Total for three terms Number of different students 1 during the year 744 700 Ladies 443 Gentlemen 257 ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. The Alumni CORRECTIONS IN THE ADDRESSES OF ALUMNI ARE REQUESTED. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. Annual Meeting Commencement Week. OFFICERS : Elwell, B. L. I. '67. Vice President, D. J. Waiter, Jr., B. L. I. '67. Corresponding Secretary, Prof. G. E. Wilbur. President, G. E. Recording Secretary, S. J. Johnson, Treasurer, H. G. Supplee, Executive Committee "~ '93. '80. : Prof. O. H. Bareness, '79, Chairman. Prof. C. H. Albert, '79. Miss Eva Rupert, '70. Mrs. L. P. Sterner, '82. Mrs. J. G. Harman, '92. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF LUZERNE COUNTY. Annual Meetinz Week gf (punty Institute. OFFICERS : President, G. J. Clark, '83. Treasurer, B. Frank Myers, '88. Nan S. Wintersteen, '98. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF LACKAWANNA COUNTY. Secretary, Annual Meeting Week gf (punty Institute. OFFICERS President, C. R. Powell, : '83. First Vice President, H. L. Morgan, '81. Second Vice President, Mrs. Bessie Davis Carson, Treasurer, Watkin Williams, '98. Secretary, Margaret Lewis, '87. Executive Committee for 1908 Banquet Stella Murray, '01. Mabel Jayne, CLASS OF '97. : '04. J 870. ELEMENTARY COURSE. Armstrong, Amelia, Teacher, Bloomsburg. Burrows, Albin S., Real Estate and Loans, 612 Belmont Ave., Grand Forks, North Dakota. Ehrhart, W. N., Prin. High School, Mahanoy City. Rupert, Eva., Goodwill School, Sisseton, So. Dakota. Schuyler, Lizzie, Manual Tr. Teacher, 102 N. 6th St,, Camden, N. J. Woolsey, Elsie (Mrs. R. M. Chambers) 451 Walnut St., Pastilia, Cal. LIST 871-2-3-4-5 CLASS OF 187J. KI.KMKNTAKY QOUKSB. ajkman, John H,, Light Street, Pa. Ailinan, Jerome T., Strut.!!;, Pa, st.r . Thompeonrown. 1. Collin), Baston. Angle, ivmm.i, Bartach, G. \\\, Lawyer, Salt Lake City, ctah. BerryhOl, Kate J. (Mrs. D. D. Wood), Norman, Oklahoma, R. P. D. Buckingham, German, John Race, If. Shelly, C. Riddle), \V., Physician, Port Royal. If., 5, Box 12. Fountain Springs. Lawyer, Wilkes-Barre. J. Era IL. (State Cer.) Amos CLASS OF 1872. ELEMENTARY COURSE. Bowen, Jennie E- (Mrs. F. A. Parker), Waverly. Herman, David A. City Supt., Hazleton. Stephens, Andrew. Welliver, Christie, Berwick. CLASS OF J 873. ELEMENTARY COURSE. Buckingham, Hugh, Physician, Mehaffey. Essick, Louisa S., (Mrs. C. R. Savidge), Sunbury. Holmes, Sarah L. (Mrs. M. F. Trippe), Salamanca, N. Y. CLASS OF J 874. ELEMENTARY COURSE. J. K., Printer, 615 5th St., N. E., Washington, D. C. Hower, Alfred, Farmer, Catawissa. Bittenbender, Mears, George V., Physician, 166 Sheboygan St., Fond du Lac, Wis. " Perkins, Lucy E. (Mrs. Geo. V. Mears) Sheep, Lloyd S., County Superintendent, Elizabeth City, N. C. Snowden, Mary S., (Mrs. John Metcalf), Forty Fort. Wilson, James S., Traveling Salesman, Box 504, Scranton, Unangst, Mary, Bloomsburg. CLASS OF 1875. CLASSICAL. Durham, J. Edward, Insurance Agent, 412 Stephen Girard Bldg, Phila. ELEMENTARY COURSE. Brnngard, Aaron W., Lawyer, Lock Haven. Cole, Ada M., (Mrs. H. C. Bittenbender), Lawyer, Lincoln, Neb. Cleaver, Wesley M., Farmer, Catawissa R. F. D. No. 3. ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. 1875-6. Creasy, William T., Representative, Catawissa. Edgar, Martha, Assistant Librarian, 94 Academy St., Wilkes-Barre. Evans, Lorena G., Teacher High School, 916 N. Sixth St., Harrisburg. Graul, Martha E., (Mrs. Wm. Chrisman), Bloomsburg. Kisner, Jacob C, Physician, Carlisle. Lantz, David E., U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, 222 4th St., S. E., Washington, D. C. Moss, Alvin W., Teacher, High School, 526 S. River St., Wilkes-Barre. Raike, Sallie E. (Jones). Smith, Alice B. (Mrs. Chas. H. Ewing) 1712 4th Avenue, Altoona. Thomas, Mary M., Teacher, Bloomsburg. Thompson, Carrie (Snyder), Teacher, Box 95, Peckville. Vannatta, Sarah, Insurance, 258 S. Iron St., Bloomsburg. Wilson, AliceTE., Teacher, Bloomsburg. PIANOFORTE. Anna M. (Mrs. F. H. Jenkins), Bloomsburg. Kuhn, Alveretta V., (Mrs. J. K. Bittenbender), 615 5th St., N. E., Washington, D. C. Edgett, Lillian I., (Mrs. E. H. Witman), Jersey Shore. Miller, Sue, (Mrs. W. H. Andy;, Danville. Morris, Annie (Mrs. S. H. Sayre), Hampton, Va. Bittenbender, CLASS OF J876. COLLEGE PREPARATORY. Jenkins, F. H., Registrar, S. N. S., Bloomsburg. Tustin, G. M., Lawyer, Bloomsburg. ELEMENTARY COURSE. E., Farmer, Shamokin Dam. Creasy, Retta J., (Mrs. Alvin W. Moss), 526 S. River Baust, I. St., Wilkes-Barre. Dickens, Fr. E., (Davenport), Brainerd, Minn. Evans, Charles C, Judge, Berwick. Harman, Lizzie R., (Mrs. R. E. Leonard), 519 N. Vine St., Hazleton. Hunt, Mary J., Merchant, McAllisterville. Kester, Sadie, (Masteller), R. F. D. No. 4, Bloomsburg. Kline, Ella A. (Kennedy), Ida, Iowa. Low, Myron I., Banker, Lime Ridge. Alexander, Catawissa. Miller, Sue, (Mrs. W. H. Andy), Danville. Milsom, Annie M., (Mrs. W. S. Smith), Lawrenceville. Patton, Ida J. (Smith), Teacher, 318 West 15th Street, Tyrone. Schlicher, Martha, Mountain Grove. Smith, Sarah E. (Sherwood), Mansfield. Smith, William S., Lawrenceville. Stephenson, Mary M., Nurse, Hazleton. Lillie, • :\i ADDRESS LIST. J. P., Dean ol Colleges, State Ooll< Young, Charles P., Physician, Lynchburg, Va, .. CLASS OF J 877. CLASSICAL. Seller, C. B., Clergyman, R. No. 3, SCIKNTIl-'IC Eisner, Jacob C, Bos 95, Salisbury, N. C COURSE. Physician, Carlisle. I I I MJ-.N 1 ARY COURSE. Pinch, Mary S. (Mrs. Henry Sterner), Barnegat, N. J. Grimes, Josephm s. Bloomsburg. Helper, I.illie A. vBogart), Newport, Ark. Hower, Lizzie R. (McClure), Bloomsburg. IfcCarty, Sue H. (Hagg), Teacher, Peoria, Kan. Richards, Maggie N. (Lamb), Great Bend. Robbins, Honora A. (Mrs. J. S. Grimes), Physician, Bloomsburg. Suydam, Belle II. (McKelvy), Chicago, 111. Wallace, Medora K. (Mrs. C. B. Heller), R. No. 3, Salisbury, N. C. CLASS OF 1878. CLASSICAL. Welsh, J. P., Dean of Colleges, State College. SCIENTIFIC COURSE. Cleaver, Wesley M., Farmer, Catawissa, R. F. D. No. 3. ELEMENTARY COURSE. Andrews, C. D., Bank Cashier, Siegfried, Pa. Chrisman, William, Lawyer, Bloomsburg. Edgar, Elma II. (Tucker), Dentist, 477 West 140th St., New York Evans, L. Wallace, Merchant, Galveston, Texas. Jones, Emma J. (Mrs. G. S. Herring), Sunbury. Kistler, Ida A. (Mrs. John Mosteller), Bloomsburg. Meixell, P. A., Lawyer, 20 North Franklin Street, Wilkes-Barre. Raike, Frances E. (Shaffner), Kewanee, 111. ers, Ella Clementine, Lecturer, Gen. Deliv., Scranton. William II., Lawyer, 221 Cass Ave., Detroit, Mich. Sanders, W. J., Lawyer, Sunbury. Searle, Frances H. (Mrs. S. T. Hayes), 922 Olive Street, Scranton. Simons, Mary J. (Mrs. I>. \\\ Gillner), Sterling. Waters), Bloomington, Neb. Straus, I. Hess, Supt. and Agt. Penna. R. R., Box 751, Pittsburg. CLASS OF 1879. CLASSICAL. Herring, G. S., Lawyer, Sunbury. City. ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. 1879-80. SCIENTIFIC COURSE. Bartsch, G. W., Lawyer, Salt Buckingham, Agnes, (Mrs. Lake J. C. City, Utah. Biddle), Fountain Springs. ELEMENTARY COURSE. Albert, C. H., Teacher, S. N. S., Bloomsburg. Allen, Ellen M., Teacher, Bloomsburg. App, J. H., Principal of Schools, 483 East Buchtel Ave., Akron, O. Bakeless, O. H., Teacher, S. N. S., Bloomsburg. Hannah E., Teacher, Kodiak, Wood Island, Alaska. Cather, William A., Manufacturer, Pottsville. Breece, Cullen, William F., Teacher. Dean, Annie W. (Shaw), Buffalo, N. Y. Dox, L. Donna (Mrs. T. R. Petrie), Bellaire, Mich. Filson, Ira D., Inventor, 91 Sherman Avenue, Springfield, Ohio. Fisher, William I., Book-keeper, 1352 E. Walnut St., Des Moines, Iowa. Kern, Emily C, 617 Mapleton Avenue, Boulder, Colorado. Kimmel, Minnie (Mrs. H. Hoeler), 61st and Irvine Sts., Philadelphia. Lepley, William A., Clergyman, Coalport, Pa. Moore, C. H., Civil Engineer, 98 N. Broad St., W. Hazleton. O'Connell, Lizzie, Teacher, Shenandoah. Robbins, Louisa, Teacher, 203 W. Sixth St., Bloomsburg. Roxby, Annie E., Teacher, Swarthmore. Simpson, F. S., Lawyer, 2543 Hollywood Avenue, Philadelphia. Spencer, H. Maude, Teacher, Pittston. Turnbach, Ida J. (Mrs. J. C. Kunkle), 1422 55th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Wolfe, Lloyd P., Deputy Clerk of Court, Aspen, Colo. CLASS OF 1880. ELEMENTARY COURSE. Albert, M. F., Cashier, Payette, Idaho. Barton, Edith, Physician, 426 Adams Avenue, Scranton. Blum, Lotta, Teacher, 1311 Yesler Way, Seattle, Washington. Burns, Bridget, Teacher, 15 N. White Street, Shenandoah. Cavanaugh, Maggie, (Mrs. Jas. C. Bigley), 3727 Park Ave., Philadelphia, Cleaver, Kimber, Editor, Huntingdon. Coogan, Anna, (Mrs. Gilbert Ferguson), Pottsville. Faulds, Lena E., Teacher, High School, 27 W. Union St., Wilkes-Barre. Fisher, H. Alice, Teacher, Casilla 250, Concepcion, Chile. Glover, Robena F., Teacher, 126 Jardin St., Shenandoah. Golden, Ella T., (Mrs. M. Lally), 313 E. Lloyd Street, Shenandoah. Harter, M. M., Farmer, Nescopeck. Henderson, Belle F. (Mrs. J Reed), 10th and Chestnut St., Lebanon. Kimmel, Anne M., Teacher, 24 N. Jardin Street, Shenandoah. Kitchen, Celeste, (Mrs. W. F. Prutzman), R. F. D. No. 1, Trucksville. Kolb, Ida P., (Hart), 142 West 124th Street, New York City. Kinsi-1, Grant A . Supt oi Phannaceutical I ). w., hurch .1 i'\. r y, St. N. v. Bnilding, Scranton. John Creveling), Plymouth. Auburn. Simons, A. J., Physician, Newfoundland, Pa, irpenter, Paw Paw, 111. Smith, Smith, N. H., Clergyman, 222 Frederick St., Hanover. Young), Drifton. Sterner, Tillie M. Supplee, H <'•. Merchant, Bloomsburg. [rs. at, Ritt( I ' . Vannatta, B. P. Painter, 911 .Master St., Philadelphia. Wolf, John J., 947 Bdith Ave., Walla Walla, Washington. y, Laura A. (Mrs. W.Morgan), 35 Wistar Place, Atlantic City, X. J Young, B. W., Special Pension Examiner, 202 P. O. B'dg, St. Paul, Minn. t CLASS OF 1881. MKXTARY COURSE. M. (Whalen Miner's Mills. William B., Lawyer, Sunbury. Mrs. G. L. Jolly), Orangeville. lie Campbell, Mallie, 541 East Market Street, Sunbury. Bvans, J. L., Lawyer, Berwick. Faust, Carrie W., Teacher, 620 Adams Avenue, Scranton. lee, Mary, Music Teacher, McCook, Nebraska. Fellona, Susan R. (Poppert), Brooklyn, N. Y. Geddis, Ralph M., Superintendent and Engineer, Elmira, N. Y. Guie, Claudia B., Teacher, 5 East Elm Street, Norristown. Guie, Enola B., Teacher, High School, Wilkes-Barre. Harnett, Minnie C, Teacher, 3341 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia. Barrett, Li/./ie >, i. I Harrison, T. B., Town Line. Hower, Heister V., Physician, Mifflin ville. Jones, Cora E. (Grant), Box 59, R. F. D., No. 1, Wapwallopen. Kern, Estella L. (Mrs. H. S. Knight), 617 Mapleton Ave., Boulder, Colo. Pty, Mary A., Teacher, 313 West Center Street, Shenandoah. Lepley, M. O., Minister, Waterbury, Conn. de Mrs. B. F. Laudigi, S45 Prescott Avenue, Scranton. Mi'.. iy, Robert P., Revenue Clerk, Mineral Point, Missouri. Mansell, Annie E., Supervisor of Drawing, 519 RadcliffeSt., Bristol, Pa. Marr, Dora, Stenographer, Bloomsburg. McCay-Wenck, Mary, M. D. Maternity Hospital, 228 Chestnut Street, Sunbury. McKernan, Lizzie F. (Talley) Baltimore, Md. Morgan, Henry L., Teacher, 116 North Lincoln Avenue, Scranton. Ness, John Frank, Real Estate, Wilke.s-Barre. O'Donnell, Kate A., Teacher, Hazleton. ALUMNI ADDRESS I LIST. 881-2 Gwenny Powell, (Jones), Weatherly. Rankin, Mary E. (Mrs. W. W. Vandermark), 359 S. Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre. Robbins, Abbie E. (Mrs. Rev. W. H. Hartman), Millville. Sharpless, Harry F., Real Estate Agent, Seattle, Washington. Simons, Myron E., Lawyer, Honesdale. Spaulding, Mate K. (Borden), Tunkhannock. Stevenson, C. F., Manufacturer, Nescopeck. Vastine, Nettie- (Spencer), Houtzdale. Wells, May (Mrs. S. C. Creasy), Bloomsburg. Weir, Annie, Teacher, 15 Shawnee St., Plymouth. Wilson, Emma F. (Struthers), Wilkes-Barre. Wooley, Mary I., Stenographer, Philadelphia. CLASS OF 1882. ACADEMIC COURSE. Sickler, Stella (Mrs. Edwin J. Jorden), Tunkhannock. Stiles, N. Burnette (Mrs. Wm. H. Brooke), Bloomsburg. ELEMENTARY COURSE. Ayers, Emma F. (Mrs. Chas. Palmateer), 407^ Asbury Ave., Asbury Park, N. Beebe, Emorilla (Henstrant), Binghamton, N. Y. Bierman, Henry, Physician, Bloomsburg. Brown, Lillian (Mrs. R. M. Geddis), 301 Irvine Place, Elmira, N. Y. J. Mary A. (Mrs. James H. Mercer), Bloomsburg. Church, Lizzie M. (Mrs. H. W. Search) 202 St. Mark's Square, West Philadelphia. Crippen, Lue M. (Mrs. E. J. Moore), 47 E. 16th Ave., Columbus, O. Dilley, J. W., Teacher, Santa Anna, Cal. Evans, Esther A. (Mrs. Thomas M. Jarvis), Brandon, Texas. Feterolf, Emeline (Mrs. Charles Hood), Battle Creek, Iowa. Finney, Nora M. (Mrs. L. P. Sterner), Bloomsburg. Fisher, Tillie S. (Mrs. Howard Beasor), 526 Woodbine St., Harrisburg. Brugler, Gossler, Helen L-, Clerk, Northumberland. Halstead, (Sanders), Delta, Colorado. CM. Harkness, S. Ida (Mrs. J. M. Blaine), 347 Hall St., Portland, Oregon. Hill, Franklin E., Elec. Sig. Inspector, Tunkhannock. Helman, Jennie, Teacher, Catasauqua. La Shelle, E. Gert. (Mrs. Wm. E. Wagner), Gordon. Moore, E. J., A. M. Ph. D., Clergyman, 610 Hayden Bldg., Columbus, O. Pierson, Hattie L. (Mrs. Ogden DePuej, 81 N. 20th St., Franklin Forks. Ragan, Celia J. Reagan, May (Mrs. E. C. Hood), Battle Creek, Iowa. Robbins, Hattie, Milton. AI.r.MM ADDKKSS 1 I.I-T. 88. Dr. I). J. Pi > .rhanna. I Robin, H. urn. ili, Teacher, Wilk.1, Jennie, {Mr*. C. B. Roal ton. Dartmouth St., B Mahano\ Cit\ J. Ball Hower), Bloomsburg. cfaer, l 105 , Wenn< I B CLASS OF J . 883. CLASSICAL. Conner, John G., Pres. Conner Biillwork Co., Front and Stockton Sts., Trenton, N. J. SCIKNTIIiC COURSE. Cleaver, Kimber, E. W. a. Better) Oonyngham. Battle A. (Mrs. John Ruhl), 31 S. First St., Lewisburg. Maude Hill. M.t/ie B S. Front Humphrey, Catharine L. , , St., Lewisburg. eabeth, Teacher, 550 Centre Ave., E- E-, Pittsburg. Fetterolf), Lykens. (Mrs. LFlora B. Jones, Keiper, J. Claude, Clerk, Washington, D. C. Hugh M Kline, Marion A., Lawyer, Cheyenne, Wyoming. Eoser, Josephine R., 1112 North St., Harrisburg. Lambert, Jennie T. (Mrs. Michael Kehoe), Philadelphia. Leacock, Grace A., Philadelphia Hospital. Leckie, Adam E. L-, Lawyer, 344 D St., N. W., Washington, D. behe, Anna L. (Mrs. Martin Gruhler), Shenandoah. William R., Lawyer, 614 X. Main Ave., Scranton. C , Long, Melle (Mrs. Duval Dickson), Berwick. Low, Elizabeth A., Lime Ridge. Lowenberg, Stella, Bloomsburg. afcQann, Alice (Mrs. Philip Clark), Jeanesville. J. Luzerne Ave., W. Pittston. Moyer, Harry C, Minister, Wapwallopen. Mover, Lucetta (White), Weston, O. Murphy, Emma W. (Mrs. Thos. Main), Haddon Heights, N. J. Patton, Knima M. ,Mrs. Martin Bartley), Conneley, Spokane, Wash. M<»nie, Isabelle U. (Jones), 312 (Juinn, Michael BL, Physician, Scranton. Jeremiah, Teacher, 909 E. Sunbury St., Shamokin. Maine A. Mack), Wilkes-Barre. Sanner, Nolan H., Clergyman, Ligonier, Pa. Ler, Riley, Shaffer, A. Adella (Mrs. D. J. Broughall), 504 W. 14th St., Wilmington, Del. Annie M. (Balliet), Limestoneville. Shnlts. Ray, Bloomsburg. Shuman, C Bruce, Pharmacist, Spring Lake Beach. N. Shelter, . Bmma M , J. Teacher. 720 N. 6th Street. Harrisburg. Snyder, Annie C. Teacher, Bloomsburg. ler. Geo A.. Blectric Bng., Ft Lee. N. J. Stack, Mary A. (Mrs. II. M. Muldoou), Shenandoah- ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. 1886-7. Jennie M. Secane, Del. Co- Pa. A. (Mrs. Thos. Russell), Turbotville. "Williams, William A., Postmaster, Madera, Cal. Wintersteen, Eleanor, Teacher, Plains. Witmer, Emma J. (Mrs. H. B. Felty) Abilene, Kansas. Wood, A. Sue, Teacher, 418 S. Franklin -Street, Wilkes-Barre. Stiles, , , Ten Brook, Zeiders, William J.. Prin. Business Col., 5700 CLASS OF Germantown Ave., Phila. J887. ELEMENTARY COURSE. Breece, Dora E. (Mrs. Chas. Kesty), Bloomsburg. Brockway, Alice (Mrs. Clark Kashner), Bloomsburg. Brown, E. Clair, Teacher, 84 Academy St., Wilkes-Barre. Connor, Farver, May S. (Mrs. Chas. Petty), 334 So. Reuben T., Hancock St., Los Angeles, California. Book-keeper, 108 W. Orange Street, Lancaster. Foulke, Lizzie P. (Mrs. J. W. Creasy), Mifflinville. Johnston, Will C, Attorney-at-Law, Bloomsburg. Kisner, Eliza S. (Myers). Kratz, Marcius W., Clergyman, 731 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Kurtz, AnnaS., Teacher, 767 Union St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Laubach, H. Isadore, Teacher, Deep River, Washington. Lewis, Margaret A., Teacher, 535 Adams Ave., Scranton. Lynch, Mary Hoyt (Gaston), 145 W. 69th Street, N. Y. City. Martin, William E., Merchant, Freeland. Mathias, Mary D. (Mrs. H. D. Hermany), 75 South Main Street, Mahanoy City. McDonnell, Susan J., Teacher, Sheffield Ave. and Grace St., Chicago, Morgan, Mary S. (Ayers), Grant Street, Wilkes-Barre. Mullen, Edward J., Teacher, Plymouth. Nallin, M. Agnes (Roache), 1512 Gibson Street, Scranton. 111. Nolan, Emma B. (Gallagher), 818 Jeff erson Ave., Scranton. Nye, Beckie (Mrs. J. D. Lowry), Dewart. Palmer, Sallie A. (Mrs. B. H. Fiester), 330 W. 2nd St., Berwick. Petty, Mary, 213 W. 2nd Street, Berwick. Renninger, Lizzie, Librarian, Northumberland. Reynolds, Charles H., Dentist, Danville. Richards, Florence S., Teacher, Preceptress Troy Conf. Academy, Poultney, Vt. Sheep, Mary P., Teacher, Bloomsburg. Short, Eva G., Teacher, 224 Franklin St., Scranton. Smith, Maude K., Teacher, S. N. S., Bloomsburg. Snyder, Harris E., Postal Clerk, Kane. Sperring, Helen M., 25 W. Ross St., Wilkes-Barre. Stonebraker, Harry, Teacher, Altoona. Taylor, Charles W., Farmer, Mackeyville. ADDRESS Win. :< r. I-:., LIST. Merchant, Gordon. her, Port Carbon. her, Wilkea-Barre. . Whit Whitehead, Bluabetfa R. (Oberholtaer), 114 6th Ave., Troy, N. Y. Willi. mis, Wm. s., lierchant, Madera, Oal. better, Onral H., Teacher, Bloomabni Mrs. James l. Dod . < COJ.I.M.I-. Frederick, Ifd. . CLASS OF 1888. IKEPARATOKY. X. G., Lumber, Pottarille. -.-, o.o. Snpt. Steel Works, Joliet, Win 111. Merchant, Bloomsburg. lianrer, F. O., Merchant, Mahanov Plane. :iberg, , ACADEMIC COURSE. Bidleman, H. Howard, 907 St. John's Place, Brooklyn. ELEMENTARY COURSE. W. Fowler, Buck, Teacher, S. N. S., Geneseo, N. Y. Bynon, Mary (Mrs. Bruce Jones), Shenandoah. Campbell, Kllie M. (Mrs. John B. Houston), Mt. Carmel. Chrisman, M. Bertha, Teacher, Harrisburg. Connelly, Mary A., Teacher, Shenandoah. Croop, Phoebe A. (Mrs. J. B. Grover), Peckville. Crow, Harvey I., Clergyman, New Hamburg. Davis, R. X. (State Cer.) Prin. of Schools, 324 N. Blakely St., Dunmore. son, U. Grant, Electrician, Philadelphia. Dougher, Edward Physician, Midland, Michigan. J., m. Olrs. A. J. Harbaugh), Bellaire, O. 11 as, Florence G. (Mrs. N. G. Cool), Pottsville. Hine, Annie M., Conyngham. ttger, Jessie Jones, Lizzie (Sterling), Wilkes-Barre. Jones, Bruce T., Station Agent, Shenandoah. Jones, John T., Teacher, 63 2 X. Main Ave., Scranton. Kelly, Sarah, Teacher, Wilkes-Barre. ret R. (Hewitt). Tunkhannock. Kitchen, Blla M. 'Mrs. H. G. Sands), Benton. Lewi-, Lizzie (Mrs. Hugh Price), Plains. Lew R., Prin. M M . . :. Wm. P., Prin. Lncj L.. High School, Shenandoah. Business College, South Bethlehem. Teacher, 39 McBride, Blizabeth : . Mary F.., Oak Street, Wilkes-Barre. Compton, 111. Teacher, Scranton. 1 W. Dougherty), Steel ton. rence, Teacher, Mifflinvflle. ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. 1888-9. Myers, B. Frank, Lawyer, 12 N. Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre. Palmer, Sallie, Teacher, Shaft. Patterson, Harry B., Dentist, 3403 N. 20th St., Phila. Petty, Margaret P. (Mrs. H. B. Beatty), Port Murry, N. J. Quinn, Bridgetta L-, Teacher, Indian School, Pryor, Montana. Rawlings, Eva, Physician, 511 Fifth Ave., New York City. Reese, Hannah (Mrs. Robert O' Boyle), Sunbury. Richardson, Harriet H. (Mrs. John Gordon), Norwalk, California. Ringler, Ada M. (Mrs. Thos. \V. Evans), 2352 Kenton St., Cincinnati, O. Rinker, Minnie A. (Mrs. E. Y. Harrison), 101 N. Main Ave., Scranton. Shuman, Ambrose, Physician, Catawissa. Sullivan, Julia E Teacher, Boston, Mass, Supplee, Annie (Mrs. J. B. Nuss), Bloomsburg. Taylor, Mary (Mrs. J. T. Jones), 632 N. Main Ave., Scranton. Treible, Wm. H., Physician. York. Wendt, Mary S., Prin. High School, Lewistown. Wilson, May, Teacher, 13 E. South St., Wilkes-Barre. Wylie, Mary E. (Mrs. Chas. S. Exely), Derby, la. Yetter, Ada M. (Clapham), 351 56th Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. , CLASS OF 1889. COLLEGE PREPARATORY. Fenstermacher, W. A., Ely, Nevada. Miller, F. E., Civil Engineer, Needles, Cal. Whatenecht, E. L., Teacher, Forty Fort. SCIENTIFIC COURSE. McNiff, M. Kate, High School Teacher, 605 N. 2nd St., Harrisburg. ACADEMIC COURSE. John, Helen, Bloomsburg. McReynolds, Agnes, Bloomsburg. ELEMENTARY COURSE. Albertson, Mary E. (Mrs. C. E. Adams,) Berwick. Apple, Benjamin, Editor, 1120 Market Street, Sunbury. Barnes, Mame J., Teacher, 38 Mill Street, Pittston. Berninger, Martha, Catawissa. Black, Helen L- (Berkley), Harrisburg. Bowman, Alvin S., Teacher, Palmyra. Briggs, Lula C, Bloomsburg. J. J., Stevens Inst., Oakdale, N. Y. Brown, May, Teacher, 32 Lincoln Street, Wilkes-Barre. Brown, Geo. T., Teacher, Freeland. Bucke, J. L. L., Principal of Schools, Duncannon. Brower, ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. : Bloomsburg. Carrier, li. Wm. H r.)i Cnmn :n V. Pa, I Phyd kwell, l< > rional Norse, Philadelphia. Dr.,1 i her, Old Porf en, Minnie, Tcirhrr, Scranton. Dnnsmore, May a.. Teacher, 69 S. Fannie C. (Mrs. . J Wells St., Wilk< D. Treaaler), 537 N. Vine iazleton. Mrs. Price Thomas), Scranton. pare] Teacher, Jeddo. ( Gilbert, Sarah G. (Mrs. C. II. Reynolds), Danville. Lawyer. Pittston. Mary Mrs. K. J. Schlkher), Wapwallopen, R. No. in.-, Biattie, Teacher, Hunlork's Creek. Irvin, Florence (",., Teacher, 1512 Olive Street, Scranton. Glennon, David J., I 3. John, Helen, BloomSDUl ney, John C, Teacher, Parsons. Kennard, Fannie K., Teacher, Meshoppen. Kimble, Cera K. (Mrs. C. C. Mendenhall), Berwick. Lanfield, C. William, Bloomsburg. Lenahan, Theresa A., Teacher, Wilkes-Barre. McBride, Bell (Mrs. I). Z. Mensch), Shickshinny. Unm, Mary K., Teacher, 403 E. Main Street, Plymouth. BfcConnell, Minnie K., Teacher, 139 N. 13th Street, Harrisburg. McKown, M. Adelaide (Mrs. Francis Hawke), Tunkhannock. McNulty, Andrew M., Teacher, Freeland. McVicker, Laura A. (Mrs. J, H. Litchard), Strawberry Ridge, No. Mensch, D. '/-., Cashier, Shickshinny. Moore, Caroline W. (Mrs. L. J. H. Grossart), Allentown. Newhonse, Laura B. (Mrs. Henry L. Irwin). Phillips, Catharine, 1301 :;, Academy 2. Street, Scranton. Fred'): (State Cer.) Accountant, Pottsville. Ium trace Evans), Berwick. Renn, Roland, Railway Postal Clerk, 1249 Mulberry Robbins, Anna St., Harrisburg. Mrs, C. V. Gabbert), 115 S. Main St., Mahanoy City. State Cer.) Teacher, Salt Lake City, Utah. M. Ella, Teacher, Harrisburg. Scheohing, John B., Dr« 3. W. Cor. 29th and Huntingdon , Sts., Philadelphia. Slurp, S. Laura (Mrs. Benton Tyerman), Teacher, 117 Cypress Ave., Santa Anna, Cal. Shovelin, John P., Teacher, Wilkes-Barre. Smith, C. Bdgar, Clergyman, 225 Vine Street, Camden, N. ler, Wm. H Teacher, Cehler. ae (Mrs. A. B. Longshore), 145 J. , I >ewart St., Shamokin. ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST 1889-90 Stephens, Margaret A. (Mrs. John C. Taylor), 159 State Street, New London, Conn. Wintersteen, Bess T. (Mrs. Richard Shelly), Patterson, N. J. CLASS OF J890. COLLEGE PREPARATORY. Campbell, Ario. Miller, J. R., Civil Engineer, Tunkhannock. Miller, Willis, Lawyer, Scranton. ELEMENTARY COURSE. Adams, John K., Clergyman, 311 Walnut Street, Berwick. Baird, Mary E., 43 Davenport Street, Plymouth. Baxter, D. Karl, Lawyer. Bernhard, Laura (Mrs. E. H. Harrar), 80 Burnett St., Newark, N. J. Bidleman, M. Myrtle (Mrs. A. D. Catterson), Palmerton. Brown, Ira S., Prin. Business College, 46 Cannon St., Bridgeport, Conn. Burgess, Ida F. (Mrs. H. W. Davis), Berwick. Callendar, Clark, Clergyman, Taylor. Carrol, Elizabeth M. (O'Harra), Shenandoah. Colvin, Bertha A. (Mrs. A. E. Lister), Glenburn. Connery, Hannah T., Teacher, Scranton. Custer, EllaF., Teacher, Nanticoke. Davies, John F., Lawyer, 506-510 Phoenix B'ld'g, Butte, Montana. Dengler, Marg. W. (Mrs. W. B. Wilson), 710 Munroe St., Wilmington, Delaware. Duffy, Margaret T., Teacher, Matson Ave., Parsons. Dundore, Jennie, Teacher, 126 Queen St., Lancaster. Annie M., Bloomsburg. Evans, Margaret S. (Mrs. John Emory Eves), Millville. Fisher, Margaret E., Teacher, Nanticoke. Fox, Mary E., Teacher, Shenandoah. Gallagher, Grace U. (Mrs. L- D. Byron), 6 N. Main St., Pittston. Gaughan, Martin C, Teacher, Port Griffith. Gift, Foster U., Clergyman, 4216 Wyalusing Ave., Phila. Gilespie, Katherine, Teacher, Jeddo. Gregory, Clementine (Herman), Iquiqus, Chili. Gruver, Elizabeth R. (Mrs. Louis J. Townsend), 309 E- Front St., Berwick. Hartman, Eme L- (Mrs. Robert Vanderslice), Bloomsburg. Teacher, Bloomsburg. Hassert, Ellie Hayman, Adda, Teacher, Turbotville. Hay man, Eleanor, Teacher, Turbotville. Hawly, Elizabeth S., (Mrs. T. J. Porter), Miles City, Mont. Teacher, Catasauqua. Helman, Lillian Elliott, H , M Herman, James O , , Prin. of Schools, Edwardsville. 3 Al.l'MNI ADD] Clinton Am-. I [olm< • . jon< . . Newark, N. J. Bloomabnrg. Vostrille, Teaclier, Mabel P., Boys' Normal School, Philadelphia. :1k-. Ml, Minnie L Kline, Jennie i>.. Teacher, 301 MahanoyAve., Mahanoy C Lenehan, Nellie c;., Will ner, "Irs. J. J. Davi( 3, Main Ave, Sera:. Frederick W., Carlisle. M. Alinira. Nurse, 59 Oak Street, Wilkes-Barre. !>, . r, McAlamey, Lulu at., Teacher, 106Gaylord Ave., Plymouth. IfcHale, Richard A. Teacher, Shenandoah. Martin, Jennie A. (Mrs. John Leckie), Hazleton. Ment/.er, Sndie B., Teacher, Waynesboro. Mitchell, Margaret B., Teacher, Scranton. Moore, Mary A., Book-Keeper, Mt. Clare. Moran, Margaret B. Nelis), Philadelphia. Morrison, Hannah B., Teacher, Shenandoah. Moses, Bdith A., Teacher, Wilkes-Barre. Myers, Jessie, Physician, Cor. 14th and Market Sts., Washington, D. C. Theresa A., Teacher, Pittston. Palmer, Jennie (Mrs. M. F. Forbell), Rochester, X. Y. Pealer, W. Woodin, Dentist, Hazleton. :n, Jennie (Lowe), Wilkes-Barre. Reeder, Emory B., Mail Carrier, Sunbury. Rinehart, Daniel, Merchant, Waynesboro. Rinker, Ida C, Teacher, Bloomsbur^. Roberts, Mary K. (Mrs. Isaac Wagner), 227 W. Coal St., Shenandoah. Santee, Lulu L- (Mrs. J. K. Adams), 311 Walnut St., Berwick. ( . W. C, Shultz, Sears, Irene vS. Physician, Waynesboro. (Mrs. J. W. Barbour), Chambersburg Mame M. (Mrs. Dr. A. P. Seligman), Mahanoy City. Shaw, Margaret T., Teacher, Lewistown. Sickler, Rose (Mrs. E. T.Williams, American Legation, Tientsin, China. Smith, Carrie M. (Mrs. W. II Keislake), 36 E. Broad St., Hazleton. Shaffer, . Mary Stover, H., Teacher, Waynesboro. Taylor, Bessie, Patterson, X.J. Tempest, Conine (Parrott), Shenandoah. Tewksbury, Martha D. (Souser), Everett. Walborn, Geo. W., Preebnrg. Williams, Margaret (Mrs. Prank AnrandJ Bloomsbnrg. Minnie (Mrs. Geo. Bradley), Bird in Hand. • . CLASS OF J 89 J. ACADEMIC COURSE. k, Reuben, Lawyer, 400 L. Independence Ave., Shamokin. ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. 189I Jshn, Barton, Penna. R. R. Office, Altoona. Snyder, Grier, Lawyer, 32 and 33 Laning Building, Wilkes-Barre. ELEMENTARY COURSE. Black, Mae Virginia, Teaching and Ad. Writer, 374 S, River St., Wilkes-Barre, Bogart, Elsie S. (Fettimer), Frenchtown, N. J. Boone, Daisy M., Teacher, 223 E. 3rd Street, Duluth, Minn. Bynon, Margaret H., Physician, Wei Hsien, Shantung, China. Byrnes, Edward S., Lawyer, Seattle, Washington. Cavanaugh, Elizabeth V., Music Teacher, Shenandoah. Clauser, Anna W. (Mrs. E. J. Wasley), 115 W. Lloyd St., Shenandoah. Cohen, Rosa, Teacher, 76 Carey Ave., Wilkes-Barre. Connelly, Ella T. (Mrs. Thomas Grady), Pottsville. Cosper, Lucy A., Teacher, West Pittston. James B., Lawyer, Hazleton. Creasy, Mark, Prin Schools, Hawley. Costello, Crobaugh, Clarence D., Merchant, Easton. Crowl, Mary K. (Mrs. Philip Crimian), Conshohocken. Daniels, Eleanor, Teacher, Truckville. Davies, Emily (Mrs. W. P. Davenport), Plymouth. Davies, Mary, (Mrs. R. F. Williams), Wilkes-Barre. Devine, Sarah L-, 429 Prospect Ave., Scranton. Dillon, Alice M. (Mrs. Boyd Furman), Bloomsburg. Durkin, Jennie C, Teacher, 512 Brook Street, Scranton. Evans, Annie J., (Mrs. Wm. Wall), Plains. Evans, Margaret M., Teacher, Jacob Tome Inst., Port Deposit, Md. Evans, James, Teacher, Wanamie. Gallagher, Anna M., Teacher, White Haven. Gormley, Edward J., Law Student, 129 S. Wyoming St., Hazleton. Guie, Zua B., Teacher, Catawissa. Harman, John G., Lawyer, Bloomsburg. Hess, R. Harry, Berwick. Hess, Elmer E., Teacher, Winfield. Hunter, Olive, 222 Chatham St., Williamsport. Hutchison, Cora, Teacher, 3215 Hamilton Street, Philadelphia. Junkin, Sarah A. (Mrs. Geo. K. Landis), Pottstown. Kelly, Mary A., Teacher, 214 Ash Street, Scranton. Kennedy, Julia M., Teacher, Pittston. Kintner, Mary C. (Mrs. Chas. S. Harris), 7 E. 2nd St., Oil City. Krise, Warren S., Fire Ins. Agent, 82 Roxbury Ave., Johnstown. Kshinka, Marie W., Teacher, Berwick. Lesher, Anna F., Teacher, Northumberland. Leyshon, Josephine (Mrs. W. A. Mover), Kingston. Linton, Elizabeth (Derry), Hughesville. Longshore, Katherine, Teacher, Hazleton. ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. 1891-92. kfcAndrewe, /Luna L. (lira. ittle, IfcGuigan, P. a.. u p< : ie, Prank afcGowan), Wilkes-Barre. Washington. Lawyer, 439 her, l S. Rnrd St., thio State Univ., WDkee-B Columbus, Ohio. Teacher, Harieton. Hewn, Kate, Teacher, Scranton. Meyer, Carrie- T., Teacher, Hazleton. Nora, Teacher, Hartleton. . M., Teacher, Irish Lane. A. (Grauerb), La Paz. Bolivia. : lYnniman. Mabd Reilh. Anna B. Mrs. If. P. Shannon), 69 Nicholson St., Wilkes-Barre. Reilh, Agatha, Book-keeper, Honeadale. Rcilly. Iv. Etegina, Teacher, 36 S. Main St., Carbondale. Rinehart, Harvey B., Teller, 125 E. Main St., Waynesboro. Kate R. (Mrs. Geo. Wall), Carey St., Plains. . rader, Frona Sheep, Jennie J. If., (Bennett), Johnstown. Teacher, Bloomsburg. Shew, Phoebe (Mrs. Mark Creasy), Havvley. Shook, Julia A. (Mrs. Howard Scott), Virginia Ave., Niagara Falls, N.Y. Smith, Stella (Mrs. Walter Edwards), Moosic. Smith, Elizabeth, 114 W. Ave., Mt. Carmel. Spratt, Mary A. (Mrs. Allen Orr), Lewistown. Sullivan, Margaret, Teacher, 1805 Market Street, Harrisburg. Sutliff, William B., Teacher, B. S. N. S., Bloomsburg. Swartzel, S. Ida If. (Mrs. L. L. Leonard), Siglerville. Thorburn, Elizabeth (Mrs. G. E. House), Dorranceton. Townsend, Emma J. (Mrs. Edward Ever), 3526 Haverford Ave., Phila. Turnbach, William A., Lawyer, Hazleton. Walter, Meta (Mrs. D. Rinehart), Waynesboro. Ward, Eliza L. (Mrs. P. J. Loughran), Scranton. Weaver, Carrie A. (Mrs. William W. Brown), Fairport, N. Y. Weil, Belle, Teacher, 64 Mallory Place, Wilkes-Barre. Wenrich, Ida G. (Mrs. H. T. Bechtel), Mahanoy City. Wheeler, Mary E. (Mrs. Win. Levin), McKendree. Williams, Mary B., Teacher, Hazleton. Williams, Franklin, Teacher, Shenandoah. CLASS OF 1892. ACADEMIC COURSE. Button, William, Builder, Bloomsburg. Neal Grace (Mrs. Win. Ilutton), Bloomsburg. Zeiser, Harry, Ass't High School, 82 Cany Ave., Wilkes-Barre. ELEMENTARY COURSE. Baker, Nellie L. (Mrs. J. H. Adams), Stull. Becker, Katie F. (Mrs. Alvin Read), Delano. ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. 1892. Benjamin, Jennie G., Teacher, 333 Jefferson Ave., Scranton. Black, Caroline, Teacher, Harrisburg. Grace (Mrs. Chas. A. Kerstetter), Milton. Mary E- (Mrs. B. F. Wragg), 33 N. Rock St., Shamokin. Boyle, Joseph A., Student, Mt. St. Mary's, 111 W. Diamond Ave., Blair, Booth, Hazleton. Breslin, Annie, Teacher, Hazleton. Brodhead, L. B., Old Forge. (Mrs. D. H. Martin), 107 Paxton St., Harrisburg. Burrow, Bertha Campbell, Bertha (Mrs. Harvey E. Garrison), Beach Haven. Cannon, Kate A. (Mrs. Andrew Breslin), 8 N. Walnut St., Mt. Carmel. Cannon, Kate A., Teacher, Locust Gap. Carey, Myrtle E. (Mrs. E- L. Whatenecht), Forty Fort. Carlston, Eleanor F. (State Cer.) Hornellsville, N. Y. Chroswaite, Thos., Lawyer, Hanover. Cole, Lena E. (Mrs. Frank Field) Conner, Frances S., Teacher, Scranton. Conner, Pierce F., 222 Peare Street, Trenton, N. J. Crawford, Alice M. (Mrs. Hal Pierce), Junction City, Kan. Creveling, Sue R. (Mrs. G. W. Miller), Weatherly. Deaver, T. L-, Physician. 614 S. Warren St., Syracuse, N. Y. Dempsey, Marie G. (Mrs. John Ford), Pittston. Doney, Ellen, Teacher, 121 S. Market St., Shenandoah. Dougher, Katie, Teacher, Avoca. Downing, Margaret F., Teacher, 32 N. 6th Street, Allentown. Easton, Minnie F. (State Cer.) (Mrs. Frank Ames), Mehoopany. Fairchild, Edna L., 103 W. Main St., Nanticoke. W Mary I, (Mrs. R. S. Crosby), Noxon. Eva R. (Mrs. E. E. McKelvyj, Hastings, Fassett, Faus, Pa. Frederick, Lida, Teacher, Plymouth. Gavin, Annie J., Teacher, Mitchell St., Pittston. Hanlon, Edward F., Teacher, Freeland. Hawk, Cady I., Teacher, 154 Willow Street, Plymouth. Hendricks, Chas. G., Merchant, Selinsgrove. Herman, A. Jerome, Physician. Middleburg. Herman, Irvin L-, Salesman, Northumberland. Hess, Gertrude R., Teacher, Sheppton. Hooks, Herbert C, 129 N. 60th St., Philadelphia. Tasker), 221 N. Vine St., Shamokin. Jones, Lizzie J. (Mrs. John Keffer, Hallie F. (Mrs. D. S. Hartline), Bloomsburg. Kerns, John A., Lawyer, Fall River, Mass. H Kitchen, Anna R. (Creveling), Millville. Knittle, Ella, Teacher, Catawissa. Kostenbauder, Maggie (Mrs. Oswin Wilcox), 122 Rockwell Ave., Long Branch, N. Kutz, Sadie M. (Mrs. H. C. Phillips), 117 West Centre Street, Mahanoy J. City. ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. --3eter), Tunkhann. Lannon, Katie A., Teacher, Hazleton. Lattimore, Pauline L. (Mrs. W. C. Douden), Millersburg. Nellie T., Teacher, Plymouth. teller, W B., Dentitt, Attorney in, '.: I . St, Harrisburg. Freeland. McDonald, Belinda, Teacher, Penn. Ave., Scranton. tc T., Teacher, 519 Hickory St., Scranton. Merkel, Laura K. (Mrs. Prank Reynolds), Wilkes-Barre W Murray, her, \v. Locust St Scranton. Nyhart, Harry v., Snpt Newport Township, Glen Lyon. nnell, [gillie A., Teacher, 331 Green St., Scranton. O'Hara, Nellie i... Teacher, Shenandoah. Park Bangs), Millville, R. F. D. No. 1. Agxt< 1 1 2-> , . Patterson, M. Delia, Coal NTo. 4 Bxchange Building, Wilkes-Barre. Petty, Louise (Mrs. Willard Smith), 215 Pollock, Mary W. 2nd St., Berwick. K., Teacher, Osceola Mills. Porter, Hattie K. (Newlin), Mahanoy City. Ransom, Flora, Teacher, 1 12 Church Street, Plymouth. Rin^rose, Harriet M. (,Mrs. John Knies), Bloomsburg. Robison, Martha H., S. S. Field Secretary, Espy. Seiwell, Kudilia A. (Mrs. C. C Bierly). 212 Luzerne Ave., W. Pittston. Shaffer, William A., Lawyer, Stroudsburg. Sheehy, Anna L., Teacher, Shenandoah. Sherwood, E. May (Mrs. J. G. Harman), Bloomsburg. Spare, Carrie C, Teacher, Wilkes-Barre. Stair, Annie. Stenographer, Hotel Sterling, Wilkes-Barre. Taylor, Carrie M., Teacher, 521 E. Front St., Berwick. Tiffany, G. W. B., Teacher, Kingsley. Tweedle, Lulu, Teacher, Raven Run. Vincent, Frederick, Lawyer, Ashley. Walsh, 'Anna 1). (Mrs. M. B Golden), 84 Market St., Pittston. Walsh, Josephine M., Teacher, Wilkes-Barre. Walter, Ida M., Teacher, Catawissa. Weldon, Millie B Lewistown, R. No. 1. Welliver Leola M., Teacher, Jerseytown. ver, Mabel B., (Mrs. T. R. Huff), Town Hill. Williams, Catharine M., Teacher, Wilkes- Barre. N. W.. Washington, I). C. Willier, Michael L.. 2823 13th St Worrall, Mary B., (Mrs. W. S. Adler), 122 McLean St., Yonkers, N. Y. Wren, Mary B. CMrs. R. B. Gray), Port Carbon. Young, [/>uie, Trained Nurse, 438 Bead St., Plymouth. , , CLASS OF 1893. ACADEMIC COURSE. Price, Win., Druggist, 919 Girard Ave., Philadelphia. ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. 1893. Smith, H. Montgomery, Lawyer, Bloomsburg. Walize, Arthur B., Teacher, Sunbury. ELEMENTARY COURSE. Atherholdt, Maud, (Mrs. J. B. Anderson), Luzerne. Baldwin, Maud, Teacher, S. N. S., Shippensburg, Pa. Bates, John L-, Catawissa. & 8 N. Main St., Shenandoah. Bierman, Anna B., (Mrs. F. R. Bogdan), 2107 Arch St., Philadelphia. Blewitt, Teresa M., Teacher, Scranton. Blue, May (Mrs. W. J. Hehl), Berwick. Bogenrief, Margaret M., Teacher, S. N. S., Bloomsburg. Bowersox, Kate S., Dean of Women, Berea College, Berea, Ky. Bray, William R., Teacher, Freeland. Brubaker, Harry B., Teacher, Halifax, R. F. D. No. 1. Buddinger, Laura, Teacher, 37 S. Poplar St., Mt. Carmel. Burke, Anna P. (Mrs. T. F. Flanagan), Mahanoy City. Burns, Maud (Mrs. Rush R. Zarr), Bloomsburg. Cadman, Emma, Bloomsburg. Campbell, Mary E Teacher, 141 E. Dewart St., Shamokin. Cole, Edna, Teacher, 25 Timpson Street, Ashley. Connelly, Kate, Teacher, Shenandoah. Connor, Daniel P., Demonstrator, Moores. Coughlin, Maggie, Teacher, 32 N. White Street, Shenandoah. Crow, Harry E., Clergyman, Wilburton. Davis, Mary, Teacher, Plymouth. DeWitt, Irvin A., Lawyer, Sunbury. Dintinger, Eva E. (Mrs. E. D. Frick), 65 Loveland Ave., Westmoor. Donahue, Julia, (Mrs. Frank Dauk), Philadelphia. Drumm, W. H., Teacher, 118 Fairmount Ave., Sunbury. Drum, Philip L., Lawyer, Coal Exchange, Wilkes-Barre. Duddy, Kate, Sister St. Mary's Convent, Wilkes-Barre. Durkin, Kate, (Mrs. W. D. Edwards), Schlager Boulevarde, Scranton. Eves, Margaret Fahringer, Effie, (Mrs. W. N. Dennison), 12 Wellwood Ave., Merchantville, N. J. Fassett, Emily, (Mrs. W. B. Rainsford), Indian Head, Maryland. Fenner, Alice, Teacher, Lehighton. Fister, Lizzie C Teacher, Atlantic City, N. J. Flynn, Bridget, Teacher, Shenandoah. Freas, Kinney, Mine Lumber Dealer, Berwick. Beddall, Lillie, Book-keeper, 6 , , Gallagher, Celia, Teacher, Freeland. Gibbons, Minnie (Mrs. W. F. Hosie), 208 Broadway, Scranton. Girton, Irene L-, (Mrs. Samuel J. Johnson), Bloomsburg. Gotshall, Mercy, Teacher, Catawissa. J ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. >3.::, \V. J Hahn. Milnrsvillr. . II Deputy . Sheriff, 413 B. Chestnut St.. Hasleton. Nellie. Teacher, 444 N. 7th Street Allent Harden. Bdith M. John C Beaton, . I Mrs. Bolton Coon), 42 School. Wilkes-Barre. Mrs B Bffie, DorrancetoiL 'riii. C Hooks;, 129 n. 6oth St.. Phila. Henderson, May. Teacher, Stockton. Benton. Hirleman, C! Horn, Mary A. (Mrs. Win. D YarnalU Yeadon. knecht, W. M., Dept. Commerce and Labor, Washington, D. C. Hughes, Elizabeth, Teacher, 314 Garfield Ave., Sera: bes, Jennie, Teacher, 231 Montgomery Street, West Pittston. Edwards, William D., Teacher, L326 Schlager Boulevarde, Scranton. John. Lillian I., Stenographer. 497 Hlla St., Wilkinsburg Sta. Pittsburg. Teacher, Bloomsburg. Johnson, Samuel J Keiter, Win. S., Prin. of Schools, Medford, N. J. , Kelly, Patrick A., Teacher, Girardville. Kline, Reuben, Teacher, Mt Carmel. Krout, Jacob H., Reading Terminal, Philadelphia. Kurt/., Klla B., Professional Nurse, Brooklyn, N. Y. Learn. May (Mrs. Frank Buckalew), Trenton. N. Margaret K. (Mrs. Frank Fait), Lloyd, Verne, Teacher, Starrucca B, J. New London, Conn. Lueder. W. H., Teacher, Wilkes-Barre. Mauser, I. H., (State Cer.) Teacher High School, So. 4th St., Sunbury. McLaughlin, Bridget, Teacher, Freeland. McNinch, Lizzie, Stenographer, 30S 2nd Ave., N. Y. Citv. BfcNulty, Katie, (Mrs. John Hay), Butte City, Mont. Miller, Clarence W., Teacher and Justice of Peace, Seybertsville. Miller, Jennie, Teacher, Selinsgrove. John K., Ill Broadway. New York City. John W., Teacher, Berwick. Miles. Julia. Teacher, Shenandoah. Moran, Lizzie C. (Mrs. J. F. McDonnell), 417 York Ave., Jenkintown. Miller, Miller, Mrs. }•;. \. Benson), Centremoreland. Mumford, Minnie B., Teacher, Starrucca. Nagle, Bdward C, Lawyer, Siegfried. Norms B. (Mrs. Wm, L. Davies), 1419 Lafayette St., Scranton. Donnell, John J., Lawyer, 304 Carey Ave., Wilkes-Barre. O'Neill, Charles H.. Dentist, Tunkhannock. Peifer, Kate (Mrs. h. H. Lenhart), Z2? McKinley Ave.. Canton, Ohio Penman. Minnie G Teacher, Bloomsburg. Pilkay, Mary R Teacher. Harrisburg. < I . . lizabeth, (Fahringer), Bloomsburg. Powell, Martha, Stenographer, Bloomsburg. Redeker, Carrie, Teach" \\ Park Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. . ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. 1893-4 Romberger, Laura A. (Mrs. John Brower, Edna A. (Mrs. Adam Huntzinger), Santee, Jr.) Herndon. 1641 Bailey St., Philadelphia. Shaffer, Grace, Principal Schools, Varden. R. (Mercilliot), Nansen. West Derry, N. H. Sullivan, MaryE., Teacher, Harrisburg. Stroud, Lela M. (Mrs. J. H. Van Loon), 223 Wash. St., Bloomfield, N. J. Thomas, Alfred D., Teacher, 582 Grant St., Hazleton. Thomas, Gwennie (Mrs. J. B. Tobias), Northampton Grant Sts., Shook, Lillie Snively, Myrtle (Hosley;, & Wilkes-Barre. Thomas, Hannah, Teacher, 177 W. Laurel St., Hazleton. Thomas, Maggie, Teacher, Hazleton. Thomas, Richard M., Lieut. Reg. Army, Instructor Military Academy, West Point, N. Y. Titus, Una E., 37 Clinton St., Salamanca, N. Y. Traub, Frank M., Clergyman, Lima, Ohio. Van Fossen, Agnes (Mrs. T. J. Evans), 15 W. Woodland Ave., Youngstown, Ohio. Walkemeyer, Nettie, Teacher, 549 S. Fr3nt St., Harrisburg. Welliver, May (Mrs. H. R. Kahler), Bloomsburg. Weiss, John C, Clerk, Miller St., Shillington. Weiss, Clem R., Lawyer, Bloomsburg. Wendt, Jennie A. (Mrs. R. J. Shuman), 364 Market St., Sunbury. Williams, Burton, Teacher, Centremoreland. Williams, Eleanor (Mrs. Richard Roderick), 20 N. Zarr, Josephine (Mrs. Chas. W. Hess), Benton. CLASS OF Main Ave., Scranton. J894. COLLEGE PREPARATORY. Crobaugh, C. D., Lawyer, Easton. Hubler, Harry C, Lawyer, Scranton. ACADEMIC COURSE. Keiter, George H., Contractor, Bloomsburg. Patterson, J. Howard, Lawyer, Trust Building, Williamsport ELEMENTARY COURSE. Abbott, Florence, Teacher, Pittston. Acherly, Mae (Alexander), Scranton. Ansart, Louis L., Computor, 2024 G. St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Appleman, Lula (Mrs. F. H. Brumstetter), Conyngham. Baylor, Margaret C. (Mrs. H. B. Ross), Factoryville. Beagle, Willits K., Bloomsburg. Beddoe, Warren, Book-keeper, 96 N. Church St., Hazleton. Bell, George H., Farmer, Springfield, O. R. No. 4. Belles, Nellie D. (Mrs. W. H. Heddin), Nanticoke. ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. Teacher, Shenandoah. Jennie a. lira, Dr. Jehu A. Campbel Lizzie $., Teacher, Ridley Park. Bellia, Lizzie, th, erry. Breisch, Cephas C, Lawyer, Ringtown. Bnckwalter, William, 1415 Linden St., Scranton. Cannon, Nettie Clara. 8. J. Moore), 246 Park Ave., Wilkea-Barre. Carr, Teresa G., Teacher, Readington, N. J. .1, Belinda, Teacher, 135 Chapel St., Pittston. Carter, Ifande, Teacher, Ha/.leton. Coffman, Nellie (Mrs. C. EL nfcDermott), South Connellsville. Conner, Martha, Librarian, State College. Conner, Peter, Mail Carrier, Bloomsburg. Oorgan, Genevieve (Barrett), Hazleton. Corrigan, Bssie G., Teacher, Hazleton. Darlington, W. Ramsay, 3928 Poplar St., Phila. Davenport, Blanche, Teacher, 247 E. Main St., Plymouth. Dechant, Harry G., 102 DeKolb St., Norristown. Detrick, Flora, Teacher, Jersey town, R. No. 1. Dieffenderfer, J. P. Kllsworth, Adelaide, Teacher, Centremoreland. Ent, Jessie (Mrs. Ralph G. Phillips), Bloomsburg. Ernest, Sara R. (Mrs. G. B. Snyder), Pittsburg. Bapy, Bertha, Teacher, 612 Bridge St., Towanda. Espy, Mary L. (Mrs. Philip C. Stehle), 1114 Jackson Ave., Bronx Boro., New York City. Evans, William W., Supt. Schools, Columbia County, Bloomsburg. Fisher, Corinda S. (Mayer), Sacramento, Cal. Flanagan, Anna, Teacher, Wilkes-Barre. Foster, Marcia, Teacher, 533 S. Main St., Wilkes-Barre. Frymire, Mary L. (Mrs. Frank Kirk), Watsontown. Gaffikin, Anna, Nanticoke. Garrahan, Margaret, Teacher, St. Mary's Convent, Wilkes-Barre. Gernon, Minnie, Teacher, Dickson City. Gibson, Maude A. (Mrs. C. A. Diefendorfer), Moosic. Green, Euphemia, Teacher, 57 Prospect St., New Briton, Long Island, N. Y. Gregory, H. W., Physician, 5732 Market St., Phila. Griffith, Lottie (Evans), Warrior Run. Grimes, Byron J., County Supt. Schools, Centreville, Md. Haggerty, Mary (Mrs. James Tigue), Ashley. Hardcastle, Kate T. (.Mrs. Win. Albertson), St. John's. Harris, Bertha (Mrs. W. H. Butts), 1644 Scott St., William sport. Hart, David A., Physician, Wapwallopen. Hehl, Minnie (Mrs. J. W. Buck), 251 W. 88th St., N. Y. City. Herring, Clinton, Lawyer, Bloomsburg. Hess, Aaron B., Superintendent City Schools, Madison, S. D. ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST 1894 Hess, Daisy (Mrs. O. Z. Kunze), 59 Farley Ave., Newark, N. J. Hess, Floyd L., Attorney, 24-25-26 Bennett B'ld'g, Wilkes-Barre. Huber, Bertha (Mrs. A. W. Cooper), Frackville. Hughes, Sarah J., Teacher, 371 Summer Ave., Scranton. Johns, Rev. Ben. M., Clergyman, LeRaysville. Johnson, B. R. (State Cer.) Salesman, Lewisburg. Johnson, Bertha L., Teacher, 69 S. Wyoming St., Hazleton. Jones, Hannah, Teacher, Nanticoke. Reiser, Rose (Mrs. R. \. Ward), Wilkes-Barre. Kline, Mary, Teacher, Bloomsburg. Koehler, Lillian (Mrs. A. Milan Bertels), Laurel Lake. Koons, Sue L., Medical Missionary, Tai-An-Fu Shantung, China. Lehe, M. Alice, Teacher, Shenandoah. Lewis, Charles L., Los Angeles, Cal. Lynch, Bessie G. (Mrs. John Redington), Wilkes-Barre. Mahon, Josephine, Teacher, 1302 Mulberry St., Scranton. Mandeville, Mollie E. (Mrs. G. S. Wilsey), Philadelphia. Martz, Elizabeth M., Teacher, Milton. Malick, M. Elmer, Shamokin. Masters, Sarah (Pursel), Bloomsburg. McLaughlin, Anna (Mrs. M. J. Burgess), Washington, D. C. McLaughlin, George, Lawyer, 7 Weitzenkorn Building, Wilkes-Barre. Minnich, Meda E- (Mrs. R. H. Smith), Seybertsville. Monaghan, Mary, Teacher, Shenandoah. Montgomery, Grace (Mrs. Frank Conner), Orangeville. Moore, Arthur J., Dentist, 316 Washington Ave., Scranton. Munroe, Euphemia, Teacher, Hazleton. Nesbit, Edith M., Teacher, Milton. Palmer, Maggie, Teacher, Shenandoah. Patten, Frank E., Traveling Salesman, Bloomsburg. Paul, J. Frank, P. O. Clerk, 46 N. Ithan St., Philadelphia. Pfahler, Geo. E., Physician, 1321 Spruce St., Phila. Quinn, Bridget, Teacher, Indian School, Pryor, Montana. Rassier, Mary, Teacher, Shenandoah. Robison, J. Boyd Jr., Espy. Rosser, Bessie, Teacher, Kingston. Ruddy, Lizzie V., Teacher, Miner's Mills. Ruggles, Lea B. (Mrs. G. S. Connell), Endicott, N. Y. Scanlon, Hannah (Dalton), Shenandoah. Schappert, Carrie (Mrs. P. N. Forve, Jr.) Wilkes-Barre. Smythe, Emma (Mrs. Theo. Kreuger), Norwood. Sterling, Bessie, Teacher, 113 Brown St., Pittston. Sterner, L. P. (State Cer.) Supt. of Schools, Bloomsburg. Straw, Anna M. (Mrs. C. C. Smith), 381 So. River St., Wilkes-Barre. Stroup, D. D., Teacher, Oriental. Sutliff, Fred, Physician, 4419 Germantown Ave., Phila. ALUMNI ADDRESS I LIST. 5 Swank, Katie, Teacher, Bobbie. 7 James Thomas, John J., T< Turner, Bete J. Mrs. St., Hazleton. Thomaf Howell;, Bockhorn. Watson, John i'., Btaotnsbnry. Weary, Andrew, Mine Surveyor, 165 I\. Cameron St., Shamokin. Winner, Laura (Mrs. Howard Smith), 619 w. Diamond Ave., Hazleton. Whaleii, Mary K. (Mrs. J. J. O'Hearn), Shenandoah. Wiant, David, Prin. of Schools, Huntington Mills. Williams, Hthel, Teacher, f>6.s s. Grant St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Williams, Lizzie (Mrs. K. W. Tiffany), Syracuse, X. Y. ward, Grace (Mrs. <). K. McIIenry), Berwick. Yocum, S. C, Supt. of Schools Coal Township, 723 Packer St., Shamokiu. CLASS OF 1895. MUSIC COURSE. Stair, Mame Leas, Music Teacher, 204 Mulberry St., Scranton. COLLEGE PREPARATORY. Foulke, Will T., Callamar. Norman, George, Woodbury, N. J. Shaffer, Grace, Varden. Williams, Ethel, Teacher, 665 S. Grant St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Mining Engineer, 506 Fifth St., Dunmore. Yetter, Alfred E., ELEMENTARY COURSE. Andreas, Margaret (Mrs. Jos. L/indsay), Freeland. Arbogast, Mary, Teacher, Freeburg. Bartholomew, Irvin A., Prin. High School, McEwensville. Beale, B. Frank, Physician, McKees }4 Falls. Beeber, Sadie (Mrs. Ben. Thomas), 56 N. 13th St., Newark, N. J. Birtley, Nettie (Mrs. Emil C. Niemeyer), Mt. Olive, 111. Blakeslee, Josephine A., Teacher, 11 N. 60th St., Phila. Blandford, Jennie (Mrs. John E. Morris), 101 Washington St., Kdwardsville. Bloss, Nathan W., Merchant, Pond Hill. Bobb, A. Cameron, Surveyor, Paxinos. Boyle, Wm. P., Book-keeper, Hazleton. Breisch, Nora, Teacher, Ringtown. Briggs, Gertrude, Bloomsburg. Brown, Mattie, Teacher, Freeland. Buck, Alice M., Teacher, Mary Disston School, Tacony, Philadelphia. Burns, Kate, Teacher, Wanamie. Cadow, Katharine, Teacher, 430 Catharine St., Bloomsburg. Clapp, Bessie, Teacher, 522 Broadway, Milton. Colgate, Hlsie L. (.Mrs. Gustave Hensell), Waverly, N. Y. ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. 1895. Creveling, Karl M., Medical Student, Espy. Davenport, Harry H., Lawyer, Carey Ave., Wilkes-Barre. Dean, S. H. (State Cer.) Supt. Schools, Mt. Carmel. County Supt., Washingtonville. Derr, Charles Derr, Annie F. (Mrs. Benj. Vansant), Feasterville. Detwiler, Mary (Mrs. F. E. Brader), 161 Main St., Phoenixville. Diseroad, Sara, Teacher Business College, 342 Franklin Ave., Scranton. Dolan, Katheryn, Teacher, Wilkes-Barre. Dougher, Lizzie, Assistant Principal, Avoca. Downey, Mame, Teacher, Shenandoah. Dugan, Margaret R., Teacher, Hazleton. Dunston, Grace (Mrs. Dana Downing), 268 S. Curtice St., Littleton, Colo. Durkin, Julia M., Teacher, Hazleton. W , Eckroth, Howard B., Dentist, Quarryville. Evans, May (Mrs. J. S. John), Bloomsburg. Everett, Mary H. (Mrs. E. F. Carpenter), Bloomsburg. Farrell, Margaret, Teacher, Wilkes-Barre. Fassett, Fred E., Merchant, Stevensville. Ferguson, Marie M. (Mrs. G. W. Scott), Mt. Carmel. Follmer, Anna (Mrs. O. G. Hess;, Benton. Foster, Amelia, Teacher, 533 S. Main St., Wilkes-Barre. Foster, Minnie (Rivenburgh), 533 S. Main St., Wilkes-Barre. Furman, Julia H., Trained Nurse, 221 West St., Bloomsburg. Gaffikin, Katherine, Teacher, Nanticoke. Gaffikin, Patrick J., Priest, Susquehanna. Gallagher, Genevieve, Teacher, Pittston. Gallagher, James U., Pittston. Gilbert, Laura, Teacher, Catawissa. Gilpin, Friend, Physician, Philadelphia. Goyne, Minnie (Mrs. Wilbur Singley), Nuremburg. Griffith, May (Mrs. J. W. Briggs), Washington, D. C. Haen, Alice, Hazleton. Heckert, Eli P., Principal of Schools, Schuylkill Haven. Hehl, M. Theresa (Mrs. E. B. Holmes), Bloomsburg. Herron, Mary, Teacher, Freeland. Hoke, George, 112 Weston Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. Houtz, Mary E. (Anderson), Elizabeth City, N. C. Jacobosky, Rosa, Teacher, Wilkes-Barre. Jacobosky, Stella, Teacher, Wilkes-Barre. Jacobs, Ada M. (Mrs. Wm. H. Colley), 97 Union St., Dorranceton. James, William E., Teacher, Gilberton. Johnson, Howard S., Merchant, Mt. Carmel. Jones, Gertrude (Evans), 69 Shawnee Avenue, Plymouth. Jones, Hermie, Teacher, 88 Park Avenue, Wilkes-Barre. Jones, Hattie W. (Mrs. D. John Price), 119 N. Jardin St., Shenandoah. Jones, IdaM., Teacher, Hazleton. S LIST. IS- Mis. tin, B lith (Hi I Keller, Mabel, >bt, ; lewood. H. G . ^43 Market km. S' Kcrlin, Nellie, Teacher, 224 48th St., NcNS}>ort New., Va. BLnauss, Aim.i, Teacher, Ashley. reacher, Bazleton. Koerl Lanbach, Merit L., Snpt. Manual Training, 636 So. 7th St., Terre Haute, Ind. Lcnahaii, A.ii. >, Teacher, Wilkes-Parre. Mr--. Thos. Dunham), 1307 12th Avenue, Altoona. th Leah< A.laiine G. (Mrs. B. P. Reale), McKees ]z Falls. I . Stant Supt. City Hospital, Wilkes-Iiarre. 18, Harry J., Postmaster, Trevorton. Lloyd, Catherine, Teacher, Peelv. Mrs. \V. H. P.rower), 337 H. Main St., Bloonisburg. Lowrie, Mary, Teacher, Strawberry Ri i | M Gee, Hugh, Teacher, Beaver Meadow. Mv Henry, Lulu M. Mrs. \V. A. Schlingman), Freeland. Vanhorn), Englewood, N. J. :ie, Ruby (Mrs. Byron G Malum, Alice, Teacher, 1302 Mulberry St., Scranton. Malum, Lilian (Mrs. J. W. Kellog), 94 Laurel Hill, Norwich, Conn. Maize, Boyd P., Insurance Adjuster, Bloomsburg. Maize, Edith, Bloomsburg. Malloy, Bina (Mrs. Edward J. Ryan), 438 W. Pine St., Mahanoy City. Manning, Katie, Teacher, Locust Gap. Marvin, Archie W., Teacher, Milford. Meehan, Nellie R., Teacher, Port Griffith. Meyer, Olive E., Trained Nurse, Hazleton. Meyers, Stella G., Teacher, 553 Locust Street, Hazleton. Morgan, Mamie E., Teacher, 1319 Price St., Scranton. Mover, Sara (Mrs. W. R. Bray), Freeland. Murphy, F)liza, Teacher, Hawley. Irvin B., Teacher, 61 S Chew St., Allentown. Nicholas, Irene (Mrs. L Walter Eisenman), 127 E. Scribner Ave., Du Bois. Nichols, Florence (Mrs. G. F. McGuire), Vandling. O'Donnell, Patrick F., Book-keeper, Washington, D. C. Mrs. W. D. Pulwards), 132SSchlage Boulevard, Scranton. Patten, Robert S., Physician, Washingtonville. Parker. Bertha ( Patterson, J. B., Physician, 1806 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. Pendergast, Mary, Teacher, 651 Boas St., Harrisburg. ing, Harry M., Principal of Schools, Shickshinny. Powell, Anna M., Teacher, Plainsville. Price, Abel, K\. U. S. Custom House, Philadelphia, Harleysville. Calvin P., Teacher, NeSCOpeck, R. P. D. Richards, Anna C. (Mrs. A. G. Isaacs), 1314 Vine St., Scranton. ller, ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. 1895-6. Riley, Minnie F. (Malion), Scranton. Romberger, Martha A (Mrs. Simon Fickinger), Williamstown. Roth, Edward, Farmer, Bloomsburg. Seiler, Jennie, Teacher, Northumberland. Shaffer, Mary V. (Mrs. M. M. Harter), Nescopeck. Shannon, Bruce E. Jr., Teacher, Benton. Sharpless, Julia, Trained Nurse, Bloomsburg. Shaw, Melissa, Teacher, 18 S. Main St., Lewistown. Sheivelhood, William, Teacher, Yordy. Shuping, William A., Miller, Rock, N. C. Sidler, Anna, (Mrs. P. M- Ikeler), Moselle, Miss. Smink, Hattie, Teacher, 713 E Independence St., Shamokin. Smith, Nellie I. (Mrs. J. C. Sweppenheiser), Bloomsburg. Snyder, Adaline B. (Mrs. A. Eugene Cobb), Elmhurst. Snyder, J. Wilson, Sup. Principal, Slatington. Spencer, Alma (Bortree), Preston. Stauffer, Claude M., Music Director, U. S. Industrial School, Carlisle. Stecker, C. Raymond, Merchant, Bloomsburg. Swalm, Florence, Teacher, 1113 Market St, Sunbury. Swank, William W., Teacher, Drums. Tague, Nina (Mrs. Harry Frantz). Thomas, Mame (Mrs. Clem R. Weiss), Bloomsburg. Thomas, Daniel W., Teacher, Benton. Tinkham, Flora (Mrs. A. W. Marvin), Milford. Traub, John F. Receiving and Shipping Acct. A. C. & F. Co., 360 East St., Bloomsburg. Traub, Howard J., Farmer, Bloomsburg. Wagner, Theodore A., Teacher, Trevorton. Weeks, Nellie, Teacher, Huntington, L- I., New York. Wheeler, Emily A., Teacher, 24 Ruth St., Massillon, Ohio. Wolfe, Ada L., Teacher, 26 E. Pittsburg St., Wyoming. Worthington, Wm. R., Ins. Inspector, 26 E Pittsburg St., Greensburg. Zeiders, Henrietta (Mrs. E. Shope), 811 W. 16th St., Harrisburg. , C CLASS OF J896. REGULAR NORMAL COURSE. Evans, Margaret (Mrs. John Emory Eves), Millville. Sharpless, Julia, Trained Nurse, Bloomsburg. COLLEGE PREPARATORY. Crossley, Arthur L-, Teacher, 140 W. 103d St., N. Y. City. Knittle, John, Clergyman, 1056 E. 3rd St., Williamsport. L-utz, Frank, Teacher, Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, N. Y. Maize, Boyd, Insurance Adjuster, Bloomsburg. ALl'MNl ADDKKSS LIST. : :. Chirks \v., Jr.i r. s. Deputy Mineral Surveyor, Needles, del. Miller, Gertrude, Bloomsbnrg. maker, Bertha (Mrs. Wm. lam 5th St., Berwick. I Mervine St., Philadelphia. PIANO POSTS Cut kSK. GeisiiiKer, Delis, Nance, Ethel \'. - Music Teacher, Bs] Mr-. G. Walter Chambers), 638 B. River St., Anderson, S. C. ELEMENTARY COURSE. Andrews, Teacher, Ida. New Columbus, Pa. Arbogsst, Jennie, Teacher, Freeburg. Ashton, Jeannette, Teacher, 52 Shawnee Ave., Plymouth. Atln.rton. Mary (Mrs. Daniel Cornell), Hughes. Barnes, Harry, Civil Engineer. Denver. Colo. Barton. Harry S., Cashier Electric Light Co., Bloomsburg. Bell. Mary P. [ Mrs. \V. K. Perguson), 2023 Geo. St., Logansport, Ind. Benedict, Rose, Teacher, 725 X. I. Main St., Pittston. Sluinan, Teacher, Ilagan, Philippine Islands. P. h. Drum), 415 S. Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre. Boyer, Charles I., Civil Engineer, 1009 7th Ave., Altoona. Brown, Vida, Teacher, Mifflinville. Bowman, Vida (Mrs. Capwell, Minnie (Mrs E. M. Stark), 821 Bushkill Carpenter, Hattie, Teacher, Bloomsburg. St., Easton. Carpenter, Helen, Teacher S. N. S., Bloomsburg. Carr, Clara, Teacher, Wanamie. Carter, Nellie, Teacher, Hazleton. Casey, Tillie (Mrs. P:. J Pursell), Clare, Huntingdon Co. Chase, Marion (Mrs. R. E. Neurneyer), 401 Market St., Bethlehem. Clark, Bridget, Teacher, Inkerman. Cohen, Celia, Teacher, 76 Carey Ave., Wilkes-Barre. Cope, Hettie (Mrs. John A Whitney), Bloomsburg. Cope, Mary, Asst. Post Mistress, Mt. Carmel. Conner, Geraldine (Mrs. Dindley H. Dennis), Northumberland. Culp, Lizzie, Teacher. Sunbury. Davenport, Fred, Physician, 827 Green Ridge St., Scranton. Detwiler, Isaiah, Parmer, Ironbridge. vie Mrs. Richard Cronin), Kingston. i Drum. Nora. Teacher, Drums. Duggan, Nellie, Teacher, Nicholson. •l, J. i ('.able, Mr-- T. Louise, 1". Hetlerman), 27 Carlisle St., Wilkes-Barre. Chicago, 111. Sharpless, Teacher, 517 E. 57th St . . her, Shenandoah, Harry, Teacher, Shenandoah Gallagher, Mary, Teacher, Plymouth. , ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. 1896 Garrison, Gertrude, Teacher, Shickshinny. Gernon, Cora, (Mrs. James A. Wynkoop), 1802 Ridge Row, Scranton. Good, Luella, Teacher, 197 Harrison St., Waterton, N. J. Gribbon, Sadie, 1750 Tioga St., Shamokin. Gruver, Mary, Teacher, Nanticoke. Harding, Nellie, Teacher, Hunlock's. Harris, Mary R., Teacher S. N. S., Bloomsburg. Hart, Peter, Teacher, Hobbie. Hess, Amos, Nashville, Tenn. Hosier, Rush, Wilburton, Indian Territory. Houtz, Alfred, Elizabeth City, N. C. Hughes, Edward, Lawyer, 753 N. Main Avenue, Scranton. Hughes, Stella M., Teacher, Plymouth. Johnson, Bartlett H., Bloomsburg. Jones, Martha, (Mrs. S. F. Saums), 122 Linden St., West Pittston. Keefer, Charles M., Y. M. C. A. Secretary, 816 E. Market St., Sunbury. Kisner, Minnie, Teacher, Millville. Kistner, Charlotte, 413 N. Front St., Milton. Kitchen, Florence (Mrs. Clinton Follmer), Rocky Ford, Colo. Knox, Elizabeth S., (State Cer.) Teacher, 259 Boas St., Harrisburg, Lamoreaux, Bertha, Teacher, Huntsville. Latshaw, Lauretta, Teacher, Mifflinburg. Lindsay, Janet, Teacher, 311 Phila. Ave., West Pittston.. Lins, Florence (Mrs. D. W. Arndt), Phoenixville. Lodge, Margaret, Teacher, Mifflinburg. Love, Lizzie, Teacher, Jerseytown, R. No. 1. Love, Mary, Teacher, Jerseytown, R. No. 1. Lynch, Lavina, Teacher, Harrisburg. McAlarney, Maude, Book-keeper, 106 Gaylord Ave., Plymouth; McCarville, Mame, Teacher, Harrisburg. McLaughlin, Grace, Teacher, 1801 N. 2nd St., Harrisburg. McKane, Elizabeth, Teacher, 214 Warren St., West McKinney, Martha, Berwick. McNiff, Anna (Mrs. M. P. Johnson), Steelton. Mauser, May, W. C. (State Cer. Inez, Teacher, 98 S. Miller, Ida, (Mrs. W. C ) Pittston. Teacher, Bloomsburg. Main St., Mahanoy City. Masteller), Bloomsburg. Miller, Elizabeth, (Mrs. Frank Eyer), 439 53rd St., Philadelphia. Monahan, Rose, Teacher, 52 cor. Arch and McLean St., Wilkes-Barre. Moore, Moran, Morse, Moyer, Moyer, Moyer, Mamie V., Teacher, Marysville. Julia C. (Mrs. Will Gritman), 128 S. Gertrude (Mrs. Frank H. Strouss), Alvin, Teacher, Hobbie. Ezra, Teacher, Hobbie. Mira, Bloomsburg. 5 Grant W. 3rd St., St., Wilkes-Barre. Mt. Carmel. ALUMNI ADDKKSS LIST I896 Mundie, M 1917 N. 23rd St., Philadelphia. Muir, All Muir, Gertrud Chestnut Shaniokin. . :. Norria, St., Shaniokin. rton. Teacher, 9 Oxford St., Wilkes-Barre. O'Brien, Ella, Teacher, Pittaton. er, Gertrude Mr-. Ed. Sanma), Wilkes-Barre. I O'Malley, May S., Teacher, 1318 Capooae Avenue, Bcr autou . O'Malley, Mary (Mrs. Prank Sullivan), Plaina. Oman, CI. iatant Surgeon, V. S. Navy. Perley, Mabel (Mr-.. H. R. Cramton), E. Berkshire, Vt. Powell, Henry, Teacher, Plains Powell, Bather (Mrs. John H. Williams), Plymouth. Quick, Eleanor, Teacher, 1214 Scott St., Little Rock, Ark. Reea, Gertrude (Mrs. Ray W. Hartman), Berwick. Reimensnyder, Daisy (Mrs. I. R. Titsworth), Bear Gap. Robins, Selena A. (Mrs. Chas. A. Bear), 217 Peffer St. Harrisburg. Rosser, Jennie, Teacher, 26 Pierce St., Kingston. Ruugles, Emma, Teacher, 83 Union St., Dorranceton. Seely, Millie (Mrs. John W. Thomas), Beach Haven. Shea, Margaret, Teacher, Pringle. Shemorry, W. H., Teacher, Northumberland. Sherwood, Maude, Room 1400 Land Title Building, Philadelphia. , Shuman, Warren, Teacher, Catawissa. Smethers, A. L-, Physician, 1344 South Main St., Anderson, S C. Smith, Crawford C Com. Clerk, 381 S. River St., Wilkes-Barre. Smith, Mida D. Teacher, Lawrenceville. Snyder. Daniel J., Teacher, Orangeville. Stark, Lottie, Teacher, Wilkes-Barre. Sutliff, Jennie M. (Mrs. W. H. Rush), 188 S. Nicholas Ave., New York, N. Y. , , rto, Myrtle, Hallstead. Teple, James, Insurance Agent, Room 21, 217 W. 125th S New York City. Terwilliger, Minnie, Teacher, Bloomsburg. Thielke, Etta, (Mrs. Lafayette Killam), 347 55th St , Brooklyn, N. Y. Thompson, Maude, Teacher, Nanticoke. Trevaskis, Anna, Teacher, Beaver Meadow. Van. Mrs. Willis M. DeMott), Millville. Van Loan, Lenora, Teacher, Nepera Park, N. Y. >n, Millie (Mrs. C. D. Yost), Chalfont. Georgia, Teacher, 20 Swallow St., Pittston. !kt. Hawley. Wert, Anne U. (State Cer.) Teacher, 912 N. 2nd St., Harrisburg. ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. 1896-7 Wilson, Jessie, Teacher, 723 6th St., Harrisburg. Winter, Rachel (Mrs. S. T. Pratt), Cor. Broad and Chest Streets, Nanticoke, Yohe, Stella (Mrs. H. Arthur Gavitte), 1001 Fairfield St., Scranton. Yost, Mabel G. (Mrs'. G. Herbert Hall), 251 Butler St., Pittston. Zehner, S. Elizabeth, Teacher, Mountain Grove. Zeiders, Katharine (State Cer.) Teacher, Harrisburg. CLASS OF J 897. REGULAR NORMAL COURSE. Bevan, T. W., '76, Shippensburg, Salesman, Campground, Pa. Cope, Hettie M., '96, (Mrs. John A. Whitney), Bloomsburg. Detrick, Flora B. '94, Teacher, Jerseytown, R. No. 1. Fox, J. Sharpless, '96, Teacher, 317 E. 57 St., Chicago, 111. Grimes, Byron J., '94, Co. Supt. of Schools, Centreville, Md. Hess, Amos, '96, Teacher, Nashville, Tenn. Ragen, CeliaJ.. '82, Teacher, Thompsontown. Ruggles, Emma, '96, Teacher, Dorranceton. Ruggles, Lea B., '94 (Mrs. G. S. Connell), Mountain Top. Stark, Lottie, '96, Teacher, Wilkes-Barre. Swartz, Myrtle, '96, Hallstead. Traub, Howard J., '95, Farmer, Bloomsburg. Wiant, David, '94, Principal Schools, Dorranceton, COLLEGE PREPARATORY. Currin, Will C, Lawyer, Williamspsrt. Dorster, Von, Herbert R., Journalist, Catawissa. Houtz, Alfred B., Orangeville. McLinn, Ada M. (Mrs. Robert D. Clare), 705 W. Market Ohl, Arthur C, Bloomsburg. Stevens, Douglas M., Northford, Conn. Thompson, W. E., 526 S. Second St., Philadelphia. St., York. ELEMENTARY COURSE. Andreas, Margaret, Teacher, Drums. Appleman, Charles O., Prof. Biology, Lombard College, Galesburg, 111. Banner, Jonathan E., Clerg} man, Palmyra. Beishline, Amy V. (Mrs. W. F. Thomas), 597 James St., Hazleton. Benedict, Ella, Teacher, Duryea. Bonner, Jas. J. (State Cer.) Teacher, 126 S. Church St., Hazleton. Bodmer, Susan B., Grant Street School, Wilkes-Barre. Brace, John S., Lawyer, Suttee. Broadbent, Millicent (Mrs. Clarence M. Myers), 7th Ward, New Castle. T Brown, Ernest. Brown, Harry A., Physician, Lehman. Brugler, Martha T. (Mrs. Harry Creasy), Bloomsburg. AXUMNI AD] 1ST. 1897. Hums, Butler, Ctrl, Northumberl ft W. R. R Amherst Ave, Wilkei Barre, H. Marks ,103 Franklin St., Plymouth, c. Timber h Ruth 'Mrs \v. C. \v. Jamie s. (Mrs. c. D. L. Parrel! I, , 33 Caaaidy, Gertrude, (Mrs. p. s. Bldadale), Wilkes-Barre. Croaaley, Arthur, [uatrUCtor in Stuyvesant II. S. 140 W. 103d St., N. V. City. Cult-, Thomas ]-;., Teacher, 329 X. Lincoln Ave., Scranton. Dailey, Lizzie (Mrs. Geo. Currant), 41 Gaylonl Ave, Plymouth. readier, Wilket-Barre. Dietrich, S. P. (State Cer.) Dix, Vertie K. (Mrs. James II. Fuller), 1020 Delaware St., Scranton. Dockey, B. L-, Teacher, Walters Park. Bckroth, May B., Teacher, Mifflinville. Ivlmunds, Miriam (Mrs. C. H. Rohlands), Drifton. Edwards, Anna (Mrs. P. H. Conner), Bloomsburg. J. Fred, No. 4 Coal Exchange Building, Scranton. Eves, Phoebe (State Cer.) Ass't Principal, Newtown. Freeman, Gertrude, Teacher, 744 S. Main Ave., Scranton. Gelatt, Winifred (State Cer.) Teacher, 24 Cedar St., Binghamton, X. V. Gelnett, Harvey, Teacher, Meisersville. Gilchrist, Jessie, Teacher, 88 N. Laurel St., Hazleton. Good, Mary, Teacher, S. N. S., Bloomsburg. Headings, Amy (Mrs. W. J. McNitt), Milroy. Hess, D. M., Physician, Rohrsburg. Huber, Dora I. (Mrs. Wm. F. Ely), Lansford. Houck, Geo. W., Teacher, Ashley. James, Anna, Teacher, 185 S. Meade St., Wilkes-Barre. James, Hattie R., Teacher, Gilberton. James, Lizzie, Teacher, 122 E. Main St., Plymouth. Johnson, Josiah F., Civil Engineer, Pittsburg. Johnson, Louie H., Teacher, Northumberland. Jones, Mary E., Teacher, 25 Hill St., Newark, N. J. Jones, Maude. Jordan, Katie D., Teacher, 1637 N. Main Avenue, Scranton. Judge, Nellie, Teacher, 109 Broad St., Pittston. Kahler, Anna Isabella, Teacher, Susquehanna University, Hughesville. Kane Annie, Teacher, Shenandoah. Kauffman, Lee, Nurse, Danville. Keyser, Maud, Teacher, Shenandoah. Kelly, Bertha, Teacher, 907 W. Elm St., Scranton. Kern, Jessie, (State Certificate), Teacher, 312 12th Avenue, Scranton. Klock, Harvey, Pittsburg. S., Teacher, Bloomsburg. Kreisher, C. E., Lawyer, Catawissa. Kressler, Samuel, Book-keeper, Berwick. Knapp, Mary Laudis, John B., Berwick. ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. 1897. La wall, Helen, (Mrs. L. h. Bentley), Park Place, Beaver Layman, Frank, Teacher, Greencastle. Leaw, Grace Paul, Teacher S. N. S., Bloomsburg. Falls. MaryE., (Barrett). Lendrum, Grace, Teacher, 480 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre. LeVan, Anna L., (Mrs. D. M. Montgomery), 237 W. Broad St., Hazleton Lindermuth, Oscar, Physician, 320 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. Lechtleitner, Lloyd, Carrie B., Teacher, Starrucca. Low, Zerbin, Grain and Coal, Orangeville. Lowrie, Blanche, Teacher, Jerseytown. S. Meat Inspector, Sunbury, R. No. 1. MacFarlane, Margaret, Teacher, 163 Ga3 lord Avenue, Plymouth. Marsden, Maude, Teacher, Mt. Carmel. Martin, Eva, Teacher, 235 Diamond Avenue, Hazleton. McCollough, Emily, Teacher, 57 Susquehanna St., Wilkes-Barre. McNertney, John, Teacher, Milnesville. Meixell, Mae, Teacher, Beach Haven. Menzies, Jean, (Mrs. Frank L. Scott), 164 West Ross St., Wilkes-Barre. Miller, James M., Editor, Wellsboro. Milnes, Mary, (Mrs. Geo. W. Roberts), Atlanta, Ga. Moran, John, Centralia. Mover, Calvin E., Teacher, Wapwallopen. Mover, Elizabeth, (Mrs. H. R. Kreider), Baltimore, Md. Mover, Mabel, Teacher, Bloomsburg. Lyons Harvey E., U. T Munroe, Foster C, Bank Clerk, Hazleton. Myers, Hattie, (Mrs. H. M. Macomber), Port Dickinson, N. Y. Nevin, M. Ella, Teacher, Newfoundland, Pa. Nicely, Josephine, Teacher, Hatboro. Nye, Blanche U., Teacher, Dewart. Oplinger, A. B., Stenographer, Nanticoke, Oplinger, Chas. A., Teacher, Glen Lyon. Pettibone, Lenora L., Teacher, Forty Fort. Price, W. A., Teacher. Prutzman, Minnie E., Teacher, Siegfried. Quick, Charles, Station Agent, Rupert. Rawlings, Bess, (Francis) 3419 N. 19th St., Philadelphia. Richards, Kiler, Farmer, Alderson. Riffo, Marion B., 1327 N. 57th St., Philadelphia. Robison, Bessie, Graduate Nurse, 1622 Summer St., Philadelphia. Rollison, Ora, Teacher, Hawley, Pa. Rosser, Richard, Kingston. Ruckle, Belle, Teacher, Espy. Rude, Judson, White's Valley. Sands, Ralph W., Hawley. Savidge, Mary E., (Mrs. Abram E. Colvin), 4th and Lincoln Sts., Milton. Schlager, Annie C, Teacher, 413 Boas St., Harrisburg. ALUMNI AD] 7-8« I manton . .•., J. in ). D. Harding, Teacher, 1. B. 7th Bhultz, H H., m. Milton. State Certifi Ave.. Pocatello, Idaho ah. Smith, Belle, Teacher, 114 W. Avenue, Mt. Carmel. >36 N. Marshall St., Philadelphia. Stanton, Nora M., Swank. Martin J., Clergyman, St. Join i., (Mrs. John B. Waters), C I . It. Supt. C. ft M. ivlec. msburg. Rail* tead, Nora, Helen, Teacher, Bloomsbnrg. :., (Mrs. Thos. 334 K. Him St., Hazleton. Walli/.e, Win. S., Standard Steel Works, 316 S. Main St., Lewistown. Ma M., Teacher, 12.5 X. 4th St., Harrisburg. leralice, . . Wellirer, Curtis, Mining Engineer, 11 Walnut St., Wilkes-Barre. Welliver, Theodocia, (Mrs. J. Hurst Hackett), Sunbury. Wetteran, Matilda, (Mrs. James Peddington), Drifton. C, Journalist, Times Union, Jacksonville, Fla. Mary B., (Mrs. J. P. Lawrence), Hunters, Wash. Williams, Mary J., (Mrs. Ivhvard S. Gethittg), 139E. Broad St. Nanticoke Wilbur, Harry Wiiliains, Williams, Ruth, Teacher, Gilberton. Wilson, Elsie, Teacher, Hartleton. CLASS OF 1898. REGULAR NORMAL COURSE. Applernan, Charles, Teacher of Biology, Lombard College, Galesburg, Bobb, A. Cameron, Surveyor, Paxinos. Bray, Wm. R., Teacher, Freeland. 111. head, L. B., Old F< Derr, Chaa. W., County Supt., Washinurtonville. W. Hemlock C, Teacher, Wilkes-Barre. Gilchrist, Jessie, Teacher, 27 Hart, John r, St., Hazleton. Charles M., V. M. C. A. Secretary, 816 B. Market St., Klock, liarvi-y. Pittsburg. Cnapp, Mary, Teacher, Bloomsbur.tr. Mover, Sara, (Mrs. Win. R. Bray, Freeland. Rilto, Marion. 1327 N. 57th St., Philadelphia. on, Martha, S. S. Field Secretary, Bspy. Wilbur, Harry C, Journalist, Tinu S-Union, Jacksonville, Fla. COLLEGE PREPARATORY. Conner, Frances R.. 1216 17th Avenue, Altoona. . St., Chicago, 111. Sunbury. ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. Graydon, Esther M., Cor. 9th Avenue and Ann St., Homestead. Grimes, Byron J., County Superintendent, Centreville, Md. Milheim, Elmer M., 3502 N. Broad St., Philadelphia. Mover, Martha, (Mrs. C. F. Altmiller), Bloomsburg. Rude, Judson R., White's Valley. Seesholtz, Sarah, (Mrs. C. B. Metzger), Shamokin. Shuman, Warren, Teacher, Catavvissa. Wilbur, Harry C, Journalist, Times-Union, Jacksonville, Fla. MUSIC. Brader, Laura Adaline, (Mrs. Chas. J. Shaffer), Berwick, R. F. D. No. 3 Hicks, Elsie Ethel, Music Teacher, Espy. ELEMENTARY COURSE, Aldinger, Harry E., Teacher, 155 W. 65th St., N. Y. Armstrong, Margaret A., Teacher, McKeesport. Armstrong, Margaret B., (Mrs. D. R. Daniels), Truckville, R. No. Bachman, Florence E., Teacher, 327 Kidder St., Wilkes-Barre. Balliett, Blanche P., Teacher, 127 Market St., Williamsport. Barley, Maud C, Teacher, 1319 Swataran St., Harrisburg. Barrett, Margaret, Teacher, Carlisle St., Wilkes-Barre. Barrett, Nora, Teacher, Archbald. Bashore, Charles F Civil Engineer, Cresson. Bennetts, Katharine Ivey, Teacher, 418 Bloom St., Danville. Bentzel, Flora Bell, Teacher, 925 N. 2nd St., Harrisburg. Bernhard, Lillian M., 330 Madison Avenue, Scrauton. Brennan, Eugene A., Teacher, Edwardsdale. , Brenneman, Harriet. Broadbent, Henry, Washington, D. C. Ximena E., Teacher, Sterling Run. Brown, Anna A., Teacher, 57 E. Market St., Wilkes-Barre. Brooks, Burke, Margaret, Teacher, Shenandoah. Henry T., Lawyer, Plains. Butts, Callandar, Asa, Clergyman, Vestal, N. Y. Cherrington, Ira C, Teacher, Eiizabethville. Coleman, Katherine L., Teacher, 114 Herr Collins, Margaret, Teacher, 5 E. Pine St.. Corcoran, M. Rachael, (Mrs. Harry St., Harrisburg. Mahanoy City. C. Ostler), Mill City, Nevada. Coxe, Geo. W., (State Cer.) Principal Schools, Wanamie. Cross, Magdeline, Teacher, Wanamie. Cunningham, Bridget M., Teacher, Plymouth. Dawson, Blanche G., Teacher, Mt. Carmel. Davis, Hannah E., Teacher, 316 W. Cherry St., Shenandoah. Deets, Bessie C, Teacher, Askam. DeLong, Eudora, Teacher, 212 S. 2nd St., Lewisburg. Derr, Mont., Teacher, White Hall. 2. AU'M.M ADDRESS LIST. [898. DieffenbftCher, Dillon, I). X., (StetC Cttr.) Principal of readier, White i'.< Donghertj E Danville. M icber, Shetland Hotel Nash, Bcranton. Bvana, Martha D., Teacher, 546 N. Vine St., Hazleton. . • lier, u ;' Poreamas th Bmmi echer, Miiiviiie. C, Teacher, Allenwood. Alta, Teacher. Forsyth, Jane Curry, Teacher, Northumberland. Frederickaon, Blam A., Physician Electric Co., Lxm Angeles, Cal. Geist, Verda, fifre. W. M. Eiaai vine St., Mt. Carmel. Gibbons, Ague. • r, Avoca. afaude, Teacher, 189 N. Laurel St., Hazleton. Goodman, Theresa, Teacher, 91 Williams St., Pittston. hke, Anna M. Teacher, 94 High St., Wilkes-Barre. nbuch, Netta Blctha, (Mrs. Byron J. Grimes), Centreville, lid. Hankee, Nora Bliaabeth, (Mrs. John McGuffie), Pittston. Harman, Henry L., Bank Teller, Hazleton. Mary M., Teacher, 209 Green Lane, Manayunk. Hawke, Mabel Lucile, (Mrs. W. R. Anthony), Glen Lyon. Hayward, William H., Teacher, Plymouth. Heffernan, Mary E., Teacher, Goldsboro. Herrold, Thomas G., Merchant, Port Trevorton. Hartline, Hilbert, Fred P., Machinist, Plains. Hill, Mary Hostetter, Professional Nurse, 614 W. Diamond Avenue, Hazleton. M., (State Cer.) Sup. Principal, Trevorton. J., J. Howarth, John, 236 N. Washington St., Wilkes-Barre. Hower, John S., 5515 Wyalusing Avenue, Philadelphia. Ikeler, Irma, (Mrs. Frank Steadman), 222 South St., Harrisburg. Jewett, Elizabeth E., Teacher, 433 Edwin St., Williamsport. Mary Monica, Teacher, 1637 N. Main Avenue, Scranton. Jordan, Kass, Charles L. A., Salesman, Marysville. Kelly, Margaret V., Teacher, Dunmore. Kempfer, Amelia, Teacher, Beaver Springs. Kimble, Eleanor Sears. (Mrs. B. H. Dittrich,) 701 Main St., Honesdale. Klutz, R. Daisy, (Mrs. L. H. Brown), Silverspriug, Md. Knauss, Walter M., Teacher, Sheppton. Kreisher, Oren, Brick Manufacturing Co., Lewisburg. Krum, Grace, 530 East St., Bloomsburg. Lamoreux, Louise M., (Mrs. Sherman L. Richards), Dallas. Landis, Laura B., Teacher, Rock Glen. nee, B. Grace, Teacher, Laporte. Levan, Palmer, Farmer, Catawissa, R. F. D. No. 3. Lewis, Deborah M., Teacher, Wilkes-Barre. Lvnch, Ruth A., Teacher, 177 Moyallen St., Wilkes-Barre. McArt, Mary, Teacher, 67 Railroad St., Pittston. ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. 1898 Maue, Gertrude, Teacher, Hazleton. Edith (Mrs. N. Karl Crawford), 476 So. Franklin Miller, St., Wilkes-Barre. Bloomsburg. Miller, Oliver P., Proprietor Laundry, Lewisburg. Millington, Bessie A Teacher, Alden. Morgain, U. Grant, Bakery, Bloomsburg. Mulherin, Daniel A., Teacher, Glen Lyon. Munroe, Edna A., Teacher, Philadelphia. Nicely, Ralph A., Telephone Co., Phoneton, Ohio. Miller, Gertrude, , Nichols, Carrie A., Teacher, Wilkes-Barre. Noss, Gertrude L- (Mrs. Chas. E. Austin), 404 Delaware Ave., West Pittston. Oplinger, Galen L., Nanticoke. Parfitt, Oliver A., Teacher, Nanticoke. Pealer, Samuel Robert Jr., Asst. Pay Master, A. C & F. Co., Berwick. Penman, Mary S. (Mrs. W. H. Neely), Williamsport. Poole, Anna B. (Low), 306 S. Hyde Park Avenue, Scranton. Pursel, Josephine, Teacher, Bloomsburg. Eva R. Osman (Mrs. E. C Ammerman),1711 Linden St., Scranton. Redeker, Lillian A. (Mrs. M. B. Riffo), 1327 N. 57th St., Phila. Reed, Clara A. (Mrs. W. H. Webster), 6716 Quimby Ave., Cleveland, O. Reynolds, Nellie M., Teacher, 504 Hazel Avenue Wilkes-Barre. Rabinovitch, Rechel, Lillian Richards, John H., Teacher, 317 E. Market St., Wilkes-Barre. Rinker, Gertrude M., Teacher, Bloomsburg. Robbins, Auber Rorer, Mary J., Lawyer, Bloomsburg. Louise, Teacher, Wyncote. Russell, Sarah H., Teacher, Watsontown. Seaman, Anna G., Teacher, Honesdale. Seely, Bertha Viola, Teacher, Beach Haven, R. 1, Box 1. Sheehy, Kathleen Patricia, N. JordonSt., Shenandoah. Shepherd, Minnie M., Teacher, 207 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre. Shipe, Amos E., Railway Postal Clerk, Sunbury. Simon, Anna, Teacher, 141 West 138 St., New York City. Smith, Laura Ellen, Teacher, Drums. Smith, Stuart Samuel, Insurance Agent, Northumberland. Snyder, Harlan R., Teacher, Berwick. Snyder, Laura Jane (Mrs. U. G. Morgain), Bloomsburg. Steinbach, Mabel B. (Mrs. G. E- Kennedy), San Jose, California. Stevens, Benjamin M., New Columbus. Stumpf, Catharine A., Teacher, Hazleton. Styer, George R., Teacher, 1100 Orange St., Berwick. Swank, Clara M., Supt. Hospital, Harrisburg. Taylor, Edward S., Merchant, Duncannon. ALUMNI ADDRKSS LIST 1898-9 Mrs. 1\ The::. I). Burgess;, 611 N. Church St., Hazleton. ThoHUM, John M., IvlwanKville. Tobin, Ifarj Beatrice, Teacher, 206 Hillside Avenue, Bdwardadale. Trnckenmiller, Mary, Teacher, Allen wood. Tucker, James C, Mechanical Engineer, 31 New Park St., West Lynn, Mass. Weaver, Charlef H.. Teacher, 515 S River St., Wilkes-Barre. :. Henrietta (Mrs James P. Langan), 384 N. Main St., Pittston. WhitakCT, Mary R., Teacher, 215 N. 20th St., Philadelphia. Wilcox, Howard J., Philadelphia. Williams, Joyce, Teacher, Edwardsdale. Williams, Watkins H., Teacher, 1206 Academy St., Scranton. Wintersteen, Nancy, Teacher, Plains. Withers, Samuel C, Teacher, 233 Apeley St., Germantown. Wolf, Edith, Teacher, New York City. Wylie, Arthur L-, Railway Postal Clerk, Cresson. CLASS OF J899. SCIENTIFIC COURSE. Broadhead, L. B. r Old Forge. 92, REGULAR NORMAL COURSE. Giles, Maude, '98, Rinker, Gertrude, Traub, John F., Teacher, Hazleton. Teacher, Bloomsburg. Receiving and Shipping Acc't A. C. '9S, '95, & F. Co., Bloomsburg. ELEMENTARY COURSE. Albertson, Hattie, Teacher, Dallas. Armstrong, Thos. E Teacher. McKeesport. Aunspach, Clarence J., Postal Clerk, 6642 Musgrave , St., Philadelphia. Beardsley, Charlotte, Teacher, Wilkes-Barre. Bowman, Emory I., 40 S. 2nd St, Shamokin. Brent, Kdward F., Post Office Clerk, Lewistown. Buckalew, Harriet (Mrs. Fred Hagenbuch), Benton. Burns, Benjamin F., D. L- & W. Tie and Lumber Inspector, East Stroudsburg. Carpenter, Perry, Teacher, Genesee Wesleyan Sem., Lima, N. Y. Church, Lillian, (Mrs. Sydney Dearborn), 312 Madison Avenue, Scranton. Clayberger, Henry, Teacher, Shamokin. Oonnole, Mary, Teacher, Plymouth. Coyle, Philip, Teacher, 1353 Pike St., Philadelphia. v, Chas., Parmer, Catawissa. Creveling. Bessie, Teacher, Bloomsburg. Curtis, Edith, Teacher, Susquehanna. Curtis, Louise, Teacher, Susquehanna. ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. 1899 Conlan, Veronica, Teacher, Wilkes-Barre. Deitrick, Edna, 403 9th St., N. E. Washington, D. C. Davis, Arthur, Teacher, Scran ton. Dennis, Lindley H., Teacher, Northumberland. Dodson, Martha, Teacher, Berwick. Doherty, Elizabeth, Teacher, Olyphant. Duddy, Nellie, Teacher, Plains. Echternach, Joseph P., Dentist, 1216 52nd St., Philadelphia. Ellsworth, Emma J., Teacher, Centremoreland. Ellsworth, Minnie, 4035 Parish St., West Philadelphia. Evans, Edna D. (Oswald), 511 S. Main Ave Scranton. Fineran, Margaret, Teacher, Carbondale. Flick, Carrie (Mrs. J. C. Redline), Mifflinville. Fortune, Arthur, Bloomsburg. Fortune, Margaret (Mrs. C. LaRue Eves;, Millville. Fowler, Lottie (Mrs. Percy F. Best), Lewisburg R. F. D. No. 3. Fritz, F. Herman, Student Bucknell University, Bloomsburg. Fry, E. Blanche (Mrs. W. S. Keiter), Medford, N. J. Frear, Gertrude, Teacher, Beaumont. Gager, E. Prosper, Correspondence School, 1434 Penn Ave., Scranton. Gass, Hilda S., Teacher, 47 10th St., Sunbury. Gates, Marilla (Mrs. Lewis C. Emory), 129 Chestnut St., Oneonta, N. Y. Gill, D. Eleanor, Teacher. Gold, Guy D., Civil Engineer, Pittsburg. Grebey, Harry F., Teacher, 456 W. Broad St., Hazleton. Grier, Lenora, Teacher, Priceburg. Griffith, Essie, Teacher, Alden. Griffith, Nellie, Teacher, 330 N. Maple Ave., Kingston. Hadtner, Florence A., Teacher, Williamsport. Hammond, Elizabeth, Teacher, New Haven, Indiana. Hammond, Josie, Teacher, 70 Pierce St., Plymouth. Hankee, Mae E., Teacher, 10 Charles St., Pittston. Harman, Marie E. (Mrs. M. Schwartz), 131 N. Church St., Hazleton. Harrison, Minnie (Mrs. E. P. Gager), 1434 Penn Ave Scranton. Hart, Lloyd, Teacher, Hobbie. Heist, Mabel, Teacher, Bloomsburg. Hess, Oliver P., Teacher, 403 Title Trust Building, Connellsville. Hewitt, Gertrude (Mrs. Chas. Hopkin), Alden. Hidlay, Lillian, Bloomsburg. Higgins, Belinda (Mrs. M. J. Murphy), Forest City. Hines, Lillian, Teacher, Great Bend. Hollopeter, Cunia (Mrs. H. M. Persing), Shickshinny. Houseknecht, Freeman, Teacher, Conyngham. Hughes, Laura, Teacher, 371 N. Summer St., Scranton. Jackson, John S., Teacher, Ripple. Jones, Margery, Teacher, Edwardsdale. , , . ALUMNI ADDRESS I. 1899. Dton. defer, Chat., 1231 Franklin Ave, Station Kinsman, Edward Kohi . 1. K., Teach< ber, . I)., Pittsburg. Die. White Haven. Mrs. j. }•;. Pidler), Leaden, Wy. Latimer, Emily, Teacher, Wilkea-Barre. ch, John, 22.^ Siege! St., Philadelphia. . Rfttfm. Teacher, 440 Quincy Ave., Scranton. 302 So. Elmer Ave., Seyre. Linderman, Philip C , Teacher, 133 Derr St., Harrisburg. 0, Marvin G., Teacher, Carlisle. Maue, Harry, Teacher, Hazleton. Jennie MrCt.i, [da B., Mrs. Chas. J. Kuschke), 128 Gaylord Ave. , Plymouth. McHenry, Arthur, A. C. & F. Clerk, Berwick. McMenamin, Annie, Teacher, Shenandoah. Miller, Gertrude (State Cer.) (Mrs. Golenclay) 439 N. 53rd St., Phila. Milsom, Mabel (Mrs. Jas. S. Stillman), 6th & Walnut Sts., Catasauqua. Moore, Elizabeth V. (Mrs. F. W. Lindner), Pottsgrove. Moore, Lawrence C, 1778 East Grand Boulevard, Detroit, Mich. More, Fred C, Census Bureau, Washington, D. C. Morris, Gertrude, Teacher, Taylor. Morton, Jennie E-, Teacher, 78 Pringle St., Kingston Morton, William, Teacher, Spokane, Washington. Mulliner, Beulah A., Teacher, 556 E. 3rd St., Williamsport. Mary A., 811 Diamond St., Williamsport. Nyce, Emma S. (State Cer.) (Mrs. C. C. Ellis), Perkiomenville. Old field, Sarah E., Teacher, Hawley. Oler, A. Esther, M. Clementine Order of Sisters of Charity, Seton Hill, Greensburg, Pa. Olver, E- Grace (Fox), Harpursville, N. Y. O'Neill, Francis, Contractor, 272 N. Main Ave., Wilkes-Barre. O'Malley, Sadie, Teacher, DunmoreSt., Olyphant. Pace, James W., Teacher, Askam. Pettebone, Elizabeth H. (Mrs. E- B. Gregorey), Pittston. Ptahler, Mary A. (Mrs. Calvin E- Keefer,)125 Fairmount Ave., Sunbury. Price, J. Herbert, Insurance, 2417 Germantown Ave., Phila. Quick, William J. Palmerton. Redline, John C, Merchant, Mifflinville. Reilly, Michael E., Book-keeper, Shenandoah. Rohr, Allie M. (State Cer.) Teacher, Moorestown, N. J. Reynolds, Bessie, Teacher, South Gibson. Is, Ray, (Mrs. Thos. P. Flanagan), Germantown, Pa. Richards, Eugene K., Teacher, Elysburg. Severance), Bloomsburg. Roberts, Emma (Mrs. B Roberts, Ira, Merchant, Berwick. Rohr, Bfyra, Teacher, Dolington. Mitchell, C ALUMNI ADDRESS I LIST. 899-I 900. Sandoe, Anna, Teacher, 1421 N. 6th St. Harrisburg. Seely, Fred, Teacher, Beach Kaven. Shaffer, Rush, Bloomsburg. Shepperson, Kathrine, Teacher, Danville. Shoemaker, Anna W., Teacher, 188 Academy St., Wilkes-Barre. Smith, Jennie C, Teacher. 81 N. Meade St., Wilkes-Barre. Smith, Mary E., (Mrs. S. B. Slusser), Nescopeck. Stackhouse, Bertha, (Mrs. Chas. L. Lewis), Los Angeles, Cal. Scull, Mary N. (State Cer.) Teacher, Green Grove. Stewart, Bertha (Mrs. Win. S. DeCoursey), 1705 Mulberry St. Scranton. Stitzel, Mary K. (Mrs. Wayland Palmer), Hollidaysburg. Sullivan, Hannah, Bloomsburg. Thomas, D. T., Teacher, 27 Storrs Ave., Scranton. Vallade, Julia H., Teacher, 1514 8th St., Altoona. Wallace, Margaret, Teacher, Beach Haven. Waltz, Pierce, Teacher, Elimsport. Welliver, Edna (Mrs. Burton Fortner), Catawissa. Williams, Irene, Teacher, 333 W. Mahanoy Ave., Mahanoy City. Williams, Mabel A., Teacher, Binghamton, N. Y. Williams, Richard M., Teacher, Taylor. Williams, Sarah D., Philadelphia. Yearick, Harry F., Teacher, Woodward. Zeigler, Ira Alkana, Teacher, Rebersburg. , COLLEGE PREPARATORY. Appleman, Chas. O., Teacher of Biology, Lombard College, Galesburg, Davison, Alfred Paul, Physician, 1212 Marion St., Scranton. Fredrickson, Elam A., Physician Electric Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Harman, Henry L., Hazleton. Marks, C. Hayes, Lawyer, 78 E. Main St., Plymouth. Mulliner, Beulah A., Williamsport. Preston, Warren W., Physician, Montrose. Robbins, Auber J., Lawyer, Bloomsburg. MUSIC. Hicks, Elsie, Espy. Cope, Hettie M. (Mrs. John Whitney), Bloomsburg. Fowler, Lillian (Mrs. Geo. W. Wright), Bloomsburg. Miller, Lulu, Catawissa. Shuman, Mathilda, Bloomsburg. CLASS OF J900. REGULAR NORMAL COURSE. Hines, Lillian, Teacher, Great Bend. Moore, Lawrence C, Teacher, Marysville. 111. AH UNI ADDRESS LIST. I9OO. J A lam--, M.ti\ 1*., lith ozeller, Armeto I.MI.NTARY COUKSK. I.: Teacher, Blootnabnrg. M. (Mrs. Win. B. Talbott), Sliickshinny. Bmily, Teacher, Baal Blanch Chunk. 'r A. i-;. Smith), Bronxville, N. Y. Teacher, 127 Park Street, Nantio . ry, le, Jennie, Bloomabnrg'. Beiawinger, Minnie (Mrs. John B. Armstrong), 64 Wood St., Wilkes-Barre. , Maud, Nurse Moses-Taylor Hospital, Scranton. Elbert Bird, Robert C, Teacher, IlagBJI, Isahela, C, Engineer, Weatherly. Blizzard, Prudence, Teacher, 351 S. rt, Bontx, P. Mulberry I. St., Danville. Frederica D., Teacher, Huntington Mills. Edna (Mrs. Ralph Hauley), N. Boyle, Mae, Teacher, 15 E. Elm St., 11th St., Allentown. Hazleton. Brandon, W. Clair, Colliery, Hawthorne. Buck, Louisa, Teacher, Hawley. Bnrgeaa, Lottie, Teacher, 513 W. Diamond Ave., Hazleton. Burke, Annie, Teacher, 154 W. Green St., Nanticoke. Burke, Sara G., Teacher, Shenandoah. Burns, Anna Laura (Mrs. W. H. Aughey), Huntingdon. Walnut St., lit. Carmel. By water, Anna, Teacher, 254 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre. Cardin, Sadie A., Teacher, Shenandoah. Carl, Geo. W., Teacher, 244 E. Maple St, Mt. Carmel. Carpenter. Verna M., Teacher, Plainfield R No. 1. Carr, Bessie M. (Mrs. J. E. Nelson \ 218 S. 4th St., Philadelphia. Clark, Elizabeth B., Teacher, 1519 Gibson St., Scranton. Clark, Mary J., Teacher, Penn's Park. Confer, Clyde, Watsontown. Butts, Ida, Teacher, 41 N. Connors, Stella, Teacher, 132 Elizabeth St., Pittston. P., Teacher, Sliickshinny. Corcoran, Margaret, Teacher, Torrey. Oorrell, Verda H. Bloomsburg. Cortright, Lawrence, 2902 Diamond Ave., Philadelphia. tello, Michael, Teacher, 157S Tioga St., Shamokin. ley, Bertha M., Teacher, 140 W. 103d St., New York. Cnnina, Anna, Teacher, Drums. Cnmminga, Joeephine M., Teacher, 22$ Crescent St., Harrisburg. Davis, Beaaie B. (Mrs. Robert H. Carson), 326 W. llyd^ Park Ave., Scranton. Deitrick, Charlotte Idella, Teacher, 215 S. Maple St.. Mt. Carmel. Devera, Sallie V., Teacher, 223 K. Coal St., Shenandoah. Drennan, Mary A., Teacher, L18 Belmont St., Carbondale. Bdwarda, Helena M. (Mrs. Henry c. Hoffman), Mt. Cobb. Cope, A. ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. I9OO. Edwards, Thomas H., Teacher, Manila, P. I. Ent, Minnie E., Teacher, 11 Roseville Ave., Newark, N. J. Evans, Elizabeth (Mrs. Arthur Eves), Millville. Evans, Winifred, Teacher, 528 E. Front St., Danville. Fausold, Grace (Mrs. Bert Daniels), Latrobe R. F. D. No. 1. Feidt, Alice, Teacher, Millersburg. Ferry, Sophia M., Teacher, 688 Hazle St., Wilkes-Barre. Finnigan, Katie I. Teacher, 20 S. Gilbert St., Shenandoah. Follmer, G. Elmer, Teacher, Rohrsburg. , Franey, Martha V., Shenandoah. Fuller, Jennie Mae, Teacher, Huntsville. Furman, Clora Gallagher, W. G., Teacher, Bloomsburg. Paul, City Editor, Wilkes-Barre. Geary, Ada, (Mrs. Edward N. Zern), Lehighton. Geddes, Laura (Mrs. J. Edward Weir), Williamsport. Gernert, J. H., Lawyer, Atoka, Ind. Terr. Gloman, Caroline, Teacher, 110 Parish St., Wilkes-Barre. Gordner, Lillian M., Teacher, Unityville. Gorrey, Katherine, Teacher, Bloomsburg. Griesmer, Anna M., Teacher, 29 William St., Wilkes-Barre. Giffith, Bessie, Teacher, 13 S. Meade St., Wilkes-Barre. Harris, Frank C. Fruit Grower, Light Street, R. F. D. No. 1. Harris, Sara, Teacher, Bloomsburg, R. F. D. No. 1. Hartung, Elizabeth, Teacher, 138 Salem Ave., Carbondale. Harvey, Ellen, Teacher, 580 N. Vine Street, Hazleton. Hassler, Blanche, Teacher, 239 S. Canal St., Wilkes-Barre. Henderson, Carolyn (Mrs. John A. Hourigan), N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre. Henning, Harry R., Teacher, North Mehoopany. Hoffman, Katharine (State Cer.) Teacher, 538 N. 9th St., Lebanon. Holderman, Bertha A., Teacher, 112 N. Main St., Shenandoah. Hoopes, Martha J., Teacher, East Salem. Houseknecht, Claud E.> Teacher, 424 W. Oak St., Hazleton. Howel, Z. R., Teacher, Centremoreland. Hoyt, Mae, Teacher, Shickshinny R. F. D. No. 3. Hughes, Mary O., Teacher, 231 Montgomery St., West Pittston. Isaacs, Albert G., Teacher, Dallas. Jones, Besse, Teacher, 178 South Meade St., Wilkes Barre. Jones, Elsie E., Teacher, 6 South Grant St., Wilkes-Barre. Jones, Helen, Teacher, 63 Frothingham St., Pittston. Jones, Walter H., Bank Teller, 1622 Jackson St., Scranton. John, Mary A. (State Cer.) (Heritage), Mickleton, N. J. Johnson, Anna C. (Mrs. Melvin D. Caster), Newburgh, N. Y. Joseph, Alice, Teacher, 171 ParrishSt., Wilkes-Barre. Kashner, Benj. F., Book-keeper, 1108 5th Ave., Seattle, Washington. Kehler, J. Grant, Teacher, Mt, Carmel. A!.! "MM ADDR1 SS LIST. I900. I . Harry, Lime Ridge. Kennedy, Emily, Teacher, Wyalnaing R No. 39. Mary, Colorado Springs, Colo. Kilmer, liilet, Civil Bngineer, Btonchebnrg. Kirk, Julia, Teacher, 20 Sontta limerick St., Shenandoah. Kitchen, Lena If., Teacher, afillville R. No. 3. Klingeri Beasie, Teacher, 39 x. Maple St., Mount Carmel. r, Klingaman, J. Ed Teacher, Heaver Valley. Kramer, Hinnia, L. (Mrs. Walter Andrews), Slatin.^ton. Kmm, Isaiah, Bloomabnrg. Knhna, Branson B., Teacher, West Milton. Lams, Magdaline S., Teacher, 379 Maple Ave., Kingston. , I. an. lis, S. B., Teacher, Rock Glen. Lendrum. Helen, Teacher, 480 North Main St., Wilkes-Barre. Letaon, Blanche, Teacher, S. N. S., Bloomsburg. Lewis, Edna, Teacher. 716 South Main Ave., Scranton. Lewis, Katharine, (Mrs. Sterling E. W. Eyer), 164 West River St., Wilkes-Barre. Lewis, G. Ed., P. O. Clerk, Bloomsburg. Lewis, Olive, Teacher, 16 N. Sherman Lins, Olive A., Book-keeper, 2123 St., Wilkes-Barre. Brandywine Lowrie, Anna, Teacher, Jersey town. Lueder, Mattie, M., Teacher, 11 Academy St., St., Philadelphia. Wilkes-Barre. MacCrory, Louise, Teacher, Dunmore. MacFarlane, Mary, Teacher, 52 Rockwell Ave., Long Branch, X. J. Maust, Lydia (,Mrs. Wm. Ludwig), Xew York. McCollum, Harry H., Lawyer, 226 Madison St., Wilkes-Barre. McConnell, Elsie, Teacher, 21 Ross St., Ashley. McDonald, Nellie B., Teacher. 237 E. Lloyd St., Shenandoah. McHenry, L. E., Teacher, Bloomsburg. Michael, George W., Clerk Pa. R. R., W ilkes-Barre. Miller, M. Alice, Teacher, Ishpenig, Mich. Miller, Bessie S., 1541 Norwegian St., Pottsville. Miller, Mary M. Teacher, 16 Johnson St., Pittston. Miller, Samuel, Teller, Lime Ridge. Miller, A. Gertrude (Mrs. I. S. Ditzler), 359 Atlantic Ave., York. Monahan, Margaret, Assistant Principal, IS Spring St., Ashley. Monahan, Nora A., Teacher, Arch and McLean Sts., Wilkes-Barre. an, Emily G.. (Mrs. Kmra Wright), Vernon. M-.wery, Irvin, Teacher, Nescopeck. T , Mowrey, Gny A., Teacher, Grorania. Moyer, Ulyaaefl A., Teacher, Selinsgrove. Murray, Henry T Teacher, Askam Newberry, A. Mae, Teacher, Beaumont. , Newfaonaer, Bertha G., Teacher, 217 K. Capitol St., Washington, D. C. Anna D., Teacher, 93 Dana St., Wilkes-Barre. O'Brien, ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. I90O O'Brien, Katie, Teacher, Exeter. O'Donnell, W. C, Swift & Co., Book-keeper, 2323 N. 17th St., Phila. Hayden, Lawyer, 1317 Hampton St., Scranton. Oplinger, Harry F., Book-keeper, Waycross, Ga. Plummer, Mabel (Mrs. J. B. Reese), Peckville. Powell, Emma, Teacher, 125 S. West St., Shenandoah. Purdy, Mabel A., Teacher, Dalton. Rarick, Daniel, Book-keeper National Bank, Hazleton. Rauch, Ethel (Mrs. Arthur A. Oehlart), Scranton. Reckhow, Edith, Teacher, Great Bend. Redeker, Anna M. (Mrs. P. H. Erisman), Philadelphia. Ritchie, Nellie, Teacher, Cor. Madison & Beaumont Sts. Wilkes-Barre. Robert, Jane, Teacher, 327 Hanover St., Nanticoke. Saxton, Edith E- (Mrs. Sam Harman), Noxen. Schmidt, Mary M., Teacher, Shenandoah. Oliver, Joseph Seesholtz, Leona, Teacher, Orangeville. Shuman, Ada, Teacher, Lime Ridge. Shuman, Stella, Teacher, Beaver Valley. Smith, Laura, Teacher, 325 South St., Mauch Chunk. Snyder, Ianthe (Mrs. Palmer P. Wiand), 626 Lycoming St., Williamsport. Snyder, Glenmore N., 50 S. Main St., Wilkes-Barre. Snyder, Ollie (Mrs. Chas. H. Wolfe), Pikes Creek. Solomon, Anna, Teacher, E. Mauch Chunk. Speaker, Grace G., Teacher, 426 Park Ave., Williamsport. Strawinski, Carrie, Teacher, 114 Church St, Huntingdon. Stump, Florence E- (Mrs. Geo. W. Reed), Mt. Airy, Philadelphia. Swainbank, Lillian B. (Mrs. Geo. H. Powell), 1730 Madison Ave., Scranton. Teple, Nettie, Teacher, Catawissa. Thompson, Jean D. (Mrs. Sam. G. Houghton), Sterling, N. Y. Tierney. Jennie, Teacher, Ashley. Tobias, Raymond D., Lawyer, 33-35 E. Third St., Mt. Carmel. Treon, Carrie, Teacher, 337 W. 3d St., Mt. Carmel. Turner, Geo. W., Teacher, Alden. Vance, G. Bernard, Book-keeper, Berwick. Vincent, Elizabeth L., Teacher, Watsontown. Wallace, Carolyn Peard (Mrs. Henry Harman), Hazleton. Watkins, William H., Teacher, Beaver Meadow. Weil, Rae, Teacher, 64 Mallory Place, Wilkes-Barre. Welliver, Irene, Teacher, Bloomsburg. Whitaker, James B., Teacher, Shenandoah. White, A. W., Teacher, Shickshinny. White, Bess (Mrs. Amos H. Oman), 43 N. 61st., Philadelphia. Wightman, Phoebe, Teacher, 44 West Third St.. Mt. Carmel. Wilbur, G. Elmer, Teacher, 52 W. 4th St., Jacksonville, Fla. ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST I9-I Wildrick, Harry, Teacher, CentremorelaiicL Williams, David, Teacher, 824 3. Main Ave, Srranton. Williams, Mary, Teacher, 514 Front St., Danville. •.. .tin Tucker), afbrganza. Prancei B., (Mrs. Zehner, bydia, Teacher, Mountain Grove. 1 1 1 : COLLEGE PREPARATORY. Bliss, Latin Scientific, 4134 Chestnut Ave., Philadelphia. Conner, Blanche McCahe, Classical, 1216 17th Ave., Altoona. Neuberger, G. Mord., Physician Jewish Hospital, Philadelphia. Wilbur, G. Klmer, Classical, 52 West 4th St., Jacksonville, Pla. Withers, Samuel C, Moses-Brown Schools, Providence, R. I. Carpenter, P. MUSIC. Albert Mary E. (Mrs. J. Y. Glenn), 348 Grosvenor Ave., Westmont, Montreal, Canada. Bogenrief, Mary, Pianoforte, Mifflinburg. Conner, Blanche McCabe, Pianoforte, Altoona. Cope, Hettie M. (Mrs. John Whitney), Voice, Bloomsburg. Evans, Margaret S. (Mrs. John Emory Eves), Pianoforte, Millville. Hartman, Ethel, Pianoforte, Millville. Housel, Grace G., Pianoforte, Bloomsburg. CLASS OF J90L MUSIC. Letson, Blanche E., Teacher, S. N. S., Bloomsburg. ELEMENTARY COURSE. Abbott, Esther, Stenographer, Catawissa. Aikman, H. B., Bank Clerk, Lime Ridge. Albert, Keller B., Bloomsburg. Albert, Mary E- (Mrs. J. Y. Glenn), 348 Grosvenor Ave., Westmont, Montreal, Canada. Albertson, E- Joe, Teacher, Puerto Princesa Palawan, Philippine Island. Altmiller, Adele G., Teacher, 111 S. Cedar St., Hazleton. Appleman, Bertha, Trained Nurse, 2021 Wallace St., Philadelphia. Arnold, Odesta, Teacher, Hallstead. Baker, Gerdon, Teacher, Harry Hillman Academy, Wilkes-Barre. Bayley, Jennie, Teacher, 435 Lincoln St., York. Belig, Mary G., Book-keeper, Bloomsburg. Belles, Charles T., Bank Organizer, Benton. Bittenbender, Harriet, Teacher, Nescopeck. Bravin, Susan, Teacher, 43 Willow St.. Plymouth. Brennan, John P., Railway Clerk, St. Cloud Hotel, Washington, N. Brigga, H. A. (State Cer .) Teacher, Nescopeck. Brobst, Lucy II, (Mrs. Chas. Kline), Bloomsburg. J. ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. igOI Burke, Anna, Teacher, 336 W. Centre St., Shenandoah. Burns, Genevieve, Teacher, 9th and Reily Sts., Harrisburg, Challenger, Mary (Mrs. John W. Griffith), Nanticoke. Creveling, Evelyn, Teacher, Espy. Collier, Regina, Teacher, 102 Butler St., Pittston. Conaton, Mary, Teacher, 130 S. Main St., Carbondale. Cook, Freda, Teacher, Renova. Czechowicz, Mary, Teacher, Alden. Davis, Clarence J., 1617 Pine St., San Francisco, California. Davies, Martha, Teacher, 179 Green Ave., Edwardsdale. Deibler, John O., Miller, County Line, Dennis, John A., Teacher, Gastonville. Dieffenderfer, Maud, Teacher, Allensville. Dreisbach, Martha, Teacher, Bloomsburg. Dunkerly, Cora (Mrs. Harry Moachmer), Freeland. Ebner, Mary C, Teacher, 615 Muench Street, Harrisburg. Eggleston, Daisy F., Teacher, 256 N. Washington St., Wilkes-Barre. Everett, Rae, Teacher, Town Hill. Fagan, Peter E., Teacher, Milnesville. Flanagan, Mary R., Teacher, 205 Blackman St., Wilkes-Barre. Follmer, Gertrude M., Teacher, 332 E. Front St., Berwick. Fourl, Chas. W., Teacher, Catasauqua. Funk, Margaret M., Teacher, 1419 N. 6th St., Harrisburg. Gannon, Lizzie, Teacher, Inkerman. N. Locust St., Hazleton. Gormley, Margaret, Teacher, Hazleton. Griffith, Edward, Book-keeper, 334 E. Market St., Wilkes-Barre. Hague, Rebecca, Teacher, Plymouth. Hamlin, Sara, Teacher, Catawissa. Hanawalt, J. R. (State Cer.) Teacher, Lewistown. Harley, Jacob J. (State Cer. ) Teacher, Vernfield. Harrison, Minnie M., Teacher, Ardmore. Henkleman, Augusta B., Teacher, Briarcreek. Henry, Nellie, Teacher, Wilkes-Barre. Hill, Emily, Teacher, 614 W. Diamond Ave., Hazleton. Jacobs, Mary, Teacher, Plymouth. Jones, Martha, Bloomsburg. Gilbert, Ida, Teacher, 620 Kastrupps, Anna (Mrs. Geo. A. Cassidy), Syracuse, N. Y. Keller, Edith E., Teacher, Bloomsburg. Kingsley, Jeannette F., Teacher, Olyphant. Kintner, Ruth C, Teacher, 900 Franklin Ave., Wilkinsburg. Kocher, Cora A. (Mrs. C. D. Fenstermaker), Nescopeck. Kurtz, Elizabeth W., Teacher, New York City. Lams, William R., Teacher, Kingston. Larrabee, Louise, Teacher, Bloomsburg. Laubach, Frank C, Teacher, Benton. AXUMN1 ADDRESS [9OI LIST. • Ltwrrmr. K, Teacher, Laporte. Bloomebnrg. Leaner, Helen G. (Mrs. David Frederick), Milton, R. P. i> N Low, c. Zehnder, 292 B< Maiden St., Washington. Lynch, Kathryn, Teacher! 149 K. Main St., Plymouth. MacFarlane, Mary, Teacher, 140 S. Cedar St., Hazleton. McOonrty, Nellie, Teacher, Wilkes-Barre. McLaughlin, Hannah C Teacher, Preeland. Mane, Philip, Mining Engineer, 466 W. Broad St., Hazleton. Manst, J. H., Bloomabnrg. Mayer, Blizabeth, Teacher, Hazleton. Mengle, Orahel, Teacher, Barnesville. Merrell, Chas., Clerk, Farmers National Bank, Bloomsburg. Merrell, Krnest, Teacher, Light Street. I\\a Ren. 1 L., , Biillette, Arleine, Teacher, 1011 Clearview St., Scranton. Mitterling, Stephen, Teacher, Philadelphia. Mordan, Myron D., Teacher, Bloomsburg, R. F. D. No. Morgan, Gertrude, Teacher, Northumberland. Moss, Claude L., 526 S. River St., Wilkes-Barre. Mover, Rebecca J. (Mrs. Ed. Allen Siegler), 1906 3rd 3. N. W., St., Washington, D. C. Murray, Stella G., Teacher, 1123 W. Locust St , Scranton. Oberholtzer, F. K., Teacher, Harleysville. O'Donnell, Maisy, Teacher, Brooklyn, N. Y. Oliver, Alice, Teacher, Wilkes-Barre. Owen, Minnie B., Teacher, 4S. Walnut St., Mt. Carmel. Palmer, Simon N., Teacher, Maple Grove, Wis. Pennington, Mabel T. (Mrs. W. S. Wieland), 31 N. Spring St., Bellefonte. Price, A. A., Teacher, Harleysville. J. Paul, Teacher, Centre Hall. Reed, Anna P., Teacher, 18 Green St., Pittston. Ridge, Wm. W., Centralia. Ronemus, Rollin A., R. R. Postal Clerk, 816 Capital Ru.nh, Bessie, Teacher, Bolivar. Shaffer, Cora M., Teacher, Plymouth. Sharpless, Warren, Lawyer, Catawissa. Sherman, W. A., Teacher, Nescopeck. Sheriff, Nellie, Teacher, Wilkes-Barre. Shoemaker, Mary, Teacher, Wilkes-Barre. Shultz, Lela M., Teacher, Shickshinny. Silvenjuiet, Elizabeth, (Rubinoff), New York. Rearick, St., Harrisburg. Snyder, Clark, Teacher, Numidia. Strickland* Blizabeth, Teacher, 214 South St., Harrisburg. Taylor, Annie E., Teacher, Pottsville, R. F. D. No. 1. Templetou, Arthur, Teacher, Wilkes-Barre. ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. IQOI-2. Thomas, Charles H., Teacher, 607 James St., Hazleton. Thomas, Kathryn, Teacher, 177 N. Laurel St., Hazleton. Thomas, Mary A., Teacher, 167 S. Empire St., Wilkes-Barre. Trevorrow, Wm, O., Shipper, 727 W. 4th St., Hazleton. Turner, Sue, Teacher, Hazleton. Vought, Virginia E., Teacher, Elysburg. Weighley, Lizzie, Teacher, Stouchsburg. White, Estelle G., Teacher, 22 N. Poplar St., Hazleton. Will, LeAnna, Teacher, Arnold. Williams, Elizabeth, Teacher, 824 S. Main Ave., Scranton. Williams, George W., Teacher, Echvardsdale. Williams, J. R., Teacher, Davenport, Wis. r illiains, Olwen, Teacher, 21 Rutter St., Kingston. Young, Helen, Nurse, 37 E. 71st St., New York. Zerbe, Anna L., Teacher, Buck Glen. W REGULAR NORMAL COURSE^ Cope, A. P., '00, Edwards, T. H., Killmer, Miles, Teacher, Shickshinny. '00, '00, Teacher, Cagayande, Mindanao, P, Stouchsburg. I. COLLEGE PREPARATORY. Briggs, Herman A., Classical, Punk, N. El well, Latin Nescopeck. Scientific, 548 So. 49th St., Philadelphia, Lowrie, W. J., Classical, Jerseytown. Smith, Ralph E.. Classical, Bloomsburg. Townend, May E., Classical, 85 W. Union CLASS OF St., Wilkes-Barre. J902. ELEMENTARY COURSE. Austin, E. Mauch Chunk. M. Blanche, Teacher, Fishingcreek. Bailey, Marie M., Teacher, Fairmount Springs, R. No. Appenzeller, Edith Baker, Geo. Balliett, C, Teacher, C, Teacher, 1. Stull. Hadassa, Teacher, 127 Market St., Williamsport. Boyer, Lois, Teacher, 34 Church St., Plymouth. Bradbury, Grace, Teacher, Espy. Bradigan, Margaret, Teacher, Shenandoah. Breisch, Lulu, Teacher, Ringtown. Brennan, Agnes V. (State Cer.) Teacher, 209 Dundaff St., Carbondale. Bubb, Genevieve, Teacher, 707 Packer St., Williamsport. Cannon, Grace, Teacher, Hazleton. Clark, Mame E-, 815 Walnut St., Wilkinsburg. Close, Mary A., Teacher, Tioga. Edwin E., Banker, 231 Academy Cobleigh, Collins, John, Teacher, 316 Vine St., St., Wilkes-Barre. Plymouth. ALUMNI ADIJRKSS LIST. I902. Ootner, David, Book-keeper, 121 N. Bromley Ave., Scranton. Mary Mis. Win. J. Pairchild), Berwick. < r, Liverpool. Curtis, Prethynia, Teacher, 310 State 8t. f Nanticokc. Caechowica, Helen, Teacher, Aldeu Station. Dewey, Florence, Stenographer, 174 Carey Ave., Wilkee-Barre. Diem, Marie I,., Teacher. 3>-2 PrcaCOtt Ave., Scranton. Drees, Gertrude, Teacherf 233 Briggs St., Harrisburg. Drumlieller, Pred, Teacher, Aaherton. Dudley, Mabel (Mrs. Iv I!. Hunt;, Couemau.uh. Bdwarda, Margaret Elder, Parr, J., Teacher, Bdwardeville. 1631 N. 3d St., Harrisburg. Edna L-, Teacher, Maude C, Teacher, 147 K. 5th St., Plainfield, X. J. line. Bertha, Teacher, Nanticoke. Poreamau, Helen S. (Mrs. 11. P. Dietrick), Shickahinny. Frames, Mary E., Teacher, Taylor. Prita, P. P., Teacher, Fargo, Ga. Ash St., Danville. Teacher, Peeley. Gay, Eleanor, Teacher, Mehoopany. Gildea, Anna, Teacher, Wilkes-Barre. Fry, Harriet, Teacher, 213 Gaughan, Henry J., Giles, Mame, Teacher, Wanamie. Good, William, Teacher, Hobbie. Gottfried, Bess, Teacher, 7220 Hermitage St., Pittsburg. Graybill, Clair N. (State Cer.) Teacher, Tompsontown. Guest, Alice, Teacher, Danville. Hadsall, Camilla, Teacher, Forty Fort. Hall, Ruth, Teacher, 254 Rutter Ave., Kingston. Harris, Jennie, Teacher, Taylor. Harrison, Adah D., Teacher, 288 Clifton Ave., Newark, X. Heiss, Chas. A., Teacher, Catawissa. Heller, Charlotte V., Teacher, 17 Ross St., Williamsport. Hiatt, Beth, Teacher, 18 Hirlinger, Etta N. Vine M. (Mrs. Alfred St., Mt. Carmel. Keller), Orangeville. Hoffa, Margaret, Teacher, Dushore. Hollopeter, Essene, Teacher, Shiekshinny. Hovt, 1-:. Bruce, Merchant, Pond Hill. John, Rebecca A. (State Cer.) Teacher, Elysburg. Johnson, Marion, Teacher, Northumberland. Judge, Helen (State Cer. J Teacher, Carbondale. Keating, Helen C, Teacher, 45 William St., Pittston. Kehoe, Margaret, Teacher, 123 N. Vine St. Mt. Carmel. Keiber, A. B.i Student Lafayette College, Drums. Keim, Martha, Teacher, 36 Vine St., Danville. Kianer, Helen, Student Dickinson, Carlisle. Knelly, Sue M., Teacher, Oonyngham. , J. ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. 1902. Krell, Catherine, Teacher, 575 N. Church St., Hazleton. Kuntz, Edith, Teacher, Freeland. Landis, David B., Teacher, Rock Glen. Lawrence, Elsie, Teacher, Dushore. Leighow, Estella M., Teacher, Northumberland. Leighow, Lourissa, Teacher, Northumberland. Leighow, Robert B., National Tube Co., Pittsburg. Leighow, Sallie, Teacher, Northumberland. Long, Besse, Teacher, Catawissa. Lueder, Anna B., Teacher, 11 Academy St., Wilkes-Barre. McCarty, Mary, Teacher, 149 W. Line St., Shenandoah. McGourty, Mary, Teacher, 54 S. Washington St., Wilkes-Barre. Melvin, Alice, Teacher, Forest City. Menhennett, Grace, Teacher, Forest City. Metcalf, Hortense, Teacher, Askam. Newton, Albert E., Wilkes-Barre. Ormsby, Sallie, Teacher, Shenandoah. Palm, M. Blanche, Teacher, Honey Grove. Patterson, Madge, Teacher, Factoryville. Pickering, Byron J., Teacher, E. Lenox. Pollock, Elizabeth, Teacher, Osceola Mills. Rausch, Edith, Teacher, 81 N. Laurel St., Hazleton. Rawson, Gertrude, Teacher, Minooka. Regan, Matilda, Teacher, Steelton. Reice, Helen, Teacher, Bloomsburg. Reichard, Mae, Teacher, 96 Dana St., Wilkes-Barre. Reilly, Genevieve, Teacher, 245 S. Main St., Pittston. Rhodomoyer, Mae, Bloomsburg. Rissel, Luther B., Teacher, Pottsgrove. Roberts, Evalyn, Teacher, 359 N. Garfield Ave., Scranton. Robinson, F. E Cashier, Bolivar. Rosenstock, Jennie (Mrs. H. B. Young), Middletown, N. J. Rumbel, Grace L-, Teacher, Ringtown. Seesholtz, S. J., Teacher, Orangeville. Shelhimer, Catherine, Teacher, 418 Walnut St., Luzerne. Shields, Rose I., Teacher, Shenandoah. Smethers, Amy B., Teacher, 301 E. 11th St., Berwick. Smigelsky, Julia, Teacher, 319 S. Maple St., Mt. Carmel. Smith, Rachel, Teacher, Luzerne. Smoczynski, Mary, Teacher, Catawissa. Snyder, Paul C, Student, Lewisburg. Sophia, Louise, Teacher, New Mil ford. Space, Carolyn V., Teacher, Wyoming. Spear, Eunice, Teacher, Light Street, R. No. 3. Streater, Elsie (Mrs. H. G. Crawford), Pleasantville Station, N. Y. Thomas, Jennie, Teacher, Scranton. , AI.TMNI ADDRESS LIST. I902-3. Turner, Anna, Teacher, Nantieoke. Vance, Bffie, Teacher, Bloomsburg, R. No. Walker, Ifae, Teacher, Hamlinton. Welsh, Mary, Teacher, Danville. Williams, Evan J.. Teacher, Nantieoke. 3. Williama, Jennie E., Teacher, Drums. Worthington, W. 8., Commercial Dep't High School, Bangor. Bessie, Teacher, Plymouth. Yetter, Bessie (Mrs. Howard B. Bckroth), Quarryville. MUSIC. Baldy, Helen, Catawissa. Creasy, Anna, Bloomsburg. Eiymire, Martha, Bloomsburg. Hicks, Jennie (Mrs. J. A. Fenstermaker), Portland, Oregon. Moyer, Laura, Bloomsburg. Neal, Mabel (Mrs. Dwight Carey), Chester, Pa. Rentschler, Bessie, Ringtown. REGULAR NORMAL COURSE. Larrabee, Louise, Teacher, Bloomsburg. Will, LeAuna, Teacher, Arnold. COLLEGE PREPARATORY COURSE. Cohen, Jos., Physician, Berwick. Jacobs, Harry, Scientific, 773 State St., Schenectady, N. Y. Larrabee, Louise, Latin Scientific, Bloomsburg. Seely, Leslie B., Latin Scientific, Beach Haven. Spencer, Henry J., Scientific. Wagner, C. C, Scientific, Ottawa. Will, LeAuna, Latin Scientific, Arnold. CLASS OF 1903. REGULAR COURSE. Albert, Charles L., Student, Lafayette College, Bloomsburg. Barnett, Elmer B., Principal Schools, 52 Rockwell Ave., Long Branch, N. Berkenstock, Frank, Teacher, Dewart. Burke, Delia, Teacher, Shenandoah. Correll, Mary (Mrs. Ralph Keller), Bloomsburg. Cooke. Susie, Teacher, 428 K. Main St., Nantieoke. nport, Mary, Teacher, 351 E. Market St., Wilkes-Barre. Del/mg, William, Teacher, Orangeville. Praney, Ella, Teacher, Shenandoah. Good, Mary A., Teacher, S. N. S., Bloomsburg. Gresh, Bdith, Teacher, 417 Broadway, Milton. J. ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. I903 Hagenbuch, Rea, Bloomsburg. 154 Willow Hawk, Ray, Teacher, St.. Plymouth. Hayes, Mary, Teacher, Freeland. Hetherington, Florence, Teacher, Netcong, N. J. Hicks, Carrie, Teacher, 253 N. Maple Ave., Kingston. Hosking, Elizabeth, Teacher, Wilkes-Barre. Hottenstein, Ellen (Mrs. Elmer D. Schnuer), Milton, R. F. D. No. Housel, Grace, Bloomsburg. Houtz, Howard, Book. keeper, 636 Adams Ave,, Scranton. Humphreys, Frank, Inspector of Steel, Ensley, Ala. James, Kathryn, Teacher, 36 Storris St., Scranton. Jameison, Harold, Teacher, 122 Rebecca Ave., Scranton. Kaufhold, Edith, Teacher, 1116 Linden St., Scranton. Kelley, Mary, Teacher, West Pittston. Kierstead, Irene (Mrs. Irvin Ruebenkaum), Jamison. Koerner, Dora, Teacher, 43 Hillside St., Wilkes-Barre. Kramer, Rosetta, Teacher, Rohrsburg. Krum, Mildred (Mrs. Irving Barndt), care of Presston Ap'ts, 1. Atlantic City, N. J. Landis, Laura B., Teacher, Rock Glen. Lowe, Emma (Mrs. D. M. Picket), Plymouth. MacFarlane, Laura, Teacher, 1654 Capouse Ave., Scranton. McCullough, Elizabeth, Teacher, Wilkes-Barre. McGowen, Winifred, Teacher, Ashley. May, Minerva, Schuylkill Haven. Mengle, Ella (Mrs. H. R. Heim), Barnesville. Miller, J. R., Teacher, 615 Quincy Ave., Scranton. Moran, Mollie, 342 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre. Morgans, Thomas, Teacher, 45 Shawnee Ave., Plymouth. O'Boyle, Lucy, Teacher, 1636 N. Main Ave., Scranton. Patten, Anna, Teacher, Olyphant. Patterson, Edith, Teacher, Orangeville. Poad, Carrie, Teacher, Wilkes-Barre. Rarick, Abraham, Clerk, Conyngham. Raup, Jessie, Teacher, Matawan, N. J. Redeker, Laura, Teacher, 2026 N. Park Ave., Philadelphia. Reid, Ella, Teacher, Laflin. Riland, H. W.. 305 N. 2nd St., Pottsville. Roberts, Elbert, Teacher, Rupert. Robison, Jean, Teacher, Espy. Schatzle, Etta (Mrs. W. H. Horlacher), Weatherly. Silvius, Mabel, Teacher, 38 S. Welles St., Wilkes-Barre, Snyder, W. D., Supervisor Drawing, Box 468, Bound Brook, N. J. VanBuskirk, Mary (State Cer .) Teacher, Taylor. Waring, Elizabeth (Mrs. Leon Colvin), 2915 Mulberry St., Scranton. 8 ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST I903-4 Welsh, Prederk B w, , Btai tfarj B.i Teacher, Plains. COURSE IN Burr, Belle 1'IANo ! (»KTK. Knox, Watsontown. Mildred, Mfllvflle. Planing, Ora, Music Teacher, Picture Rock3. Pollmer, Gertrude M., Teacher, Berwick. Dceler, Jessie, Music Teacher, Millville. Jordan, Reginald L., Philadelphia. Bloomsburg. Thomas, Plymouth. L.trrabee, Beatrice, ns, Rundle, Flossie M., Scranton. vSwcppenheiser, Nellie, Music Teacher, Espy. PREPARATORY COLLEGIATE Adams, C. J., Stull. Albert, Charles L., Bloomsburg. Creasy, Anna, Bloomsburg. Dailey, Thomas, Plymouth. Dillon, Max G., Bloomsburg. Harrison, Minnie M., Town Line. Howell, Z. R., Centremoreland. Kentmerer, Arthur E., Factory ville. Landis, Laura B., Rock Glen. Neal, Mabel, (Mrs. Dwight Carey), Chester, Pa. Roberts, Elbert A., Rupert. Stump, Florence E., Stouchsburg. Welsh, Frederic S., State College. CLASS OF P904. REGULAR COURSE. Herman H- Hess), Surprise, Neb. Andres, Daisy, Teacher, Bloomsburg. Baldy, Lucy C, Teacher, Catawissa. Berry, Emma, Teacher, 110 Dorrance St., Dorranceton. Black, Matilda, Teacher, Centralia. Bonham, May, Teacher, Hunlock's Creek. Boyer, Jessie M. (Mrs. G. L- Howell), Trucksville. Brandon, Pearl E-, Teacher, McCormiok. Brogan, Margaret P., Teacher, Shenandoah. Bnckalew, Lillian B., Teacher, 26 W. 1st St Bloomsburg. Buddinger, Sara E., Teacher, 17 North Oak St., Bit. Csrmel. Burns, Margaret A., Teacher, 9th and Reillv Sts., Harrisburg. Carl, Thomas, Teacher, 639 Schuyler Ave., Dorranceton. Albertson, Elizabeth H. (Mrs. , ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. 1904 Challis, Anna E-, Teacher Physical Culture, 392 Market St., Wilkes-Barre Margaret V., Teacher, Arlington Hotel, Scranton. Cogswell, Irvin, Farmer, Meshoppen. Cook, EdithS., Teacher, Danville. Crossley, Pearl A., Teacher (Garfield, N. J.) 140 W. 103d St., N. Y. Cryder, Harold C, A. C. & F. Co., Willow Springs. Davenport, Alvirda, Teacher, 127 W. Main St., Plymouth. Davis, Griselda, Teacher, Kingston. Davis, Maude, Teacher, Taylor. Clair, Derr, Bessie, Teacher, Milton. Eister, Allen B Teacher, Seven Points. , Fetherolf, Nellie, Teacher, Miminburg. Fineran, Minnie V., Teacher, Carbondale. Flaherty, Margaret A., Teacher, 430 W. Oak St., Shenandoah. Fletcher, Esther R., Teacher, The Irving, Passaic, N. J. Gildea, James J., Teacher, 6 Rider St., Wilkes-Barre. Goldsmith, Aimee, Teacher, Mt Carmel. Goodale, Bessie E- Teacher, 26 Madison St., Wilkes-Barre. Goyituey, Anna (Mrs. Fred W. Canfield), Zuni, N. Mexico. Halloran, Emma, Teacher, Avoca. Hammond, Theresa M., Teacher, 1201 Fairfield Ave., Fort Wayne, Ind. Hartman, C. N., Principal, Pennington, N. J. Hartzel, Blanche (Mrs. H. N. Barton), Bloomsburg. Hayman, Adda, Teacher, Turbotville. Hess, Palmer E., Teacher, Hobbie. Hinkel, Henrietta, Teacher, 26 N. Maple St., Mount Carmel. Hinkley, Emma S., Book-keeper, Teacher Stenographer, 313 Pine St., , Tamaqua. Hitchcock, Harriet M., Teacher, Forkston. Howell, G. L Teacher, Trucksville. , Ikeler, Irene H., Teacher, Millville. Jayne, Mabel H., Teacher, 832 Green Ridge, Scranton. John, Rosa A., Teacher, Mainville. Jordan, R. L-, Teacher, 46 W. Chelton Ave., Germantown. Keely, N. C, Teacher, Seybertsville. Kelminski, Emma, Teacher, 203 S. Vine St., Mount Carmel. Kester, Leona A. (Mrs. Roland Lawton), Millville. Killmer, Aaron A., Surveying Corps, Stouchsburg. Knorr, Kimber H., Teacher, Catawissa, R. No. Krommas, Lulu M., Teacher, Upper Lehigh. Lanning, Hattie L. (Mrs. J. W. Bonham), 3. Wilkes-Barre, R. F. D. No. Box Malone, James M., Teacher, Shenandoah. Maust, Emma D. (Mrs. John Hause), Jerseytown, R. F. D. No. Meixell, Bessie E., Teacher, Beach Haven. 1. 1 155. ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. I904. Mertz, Mabel Teacher, Northumberland. i-:., Teacher, 211 Garfield Art., Scran: Miller, Gertrude M., Teacher, Northumberland. Morris, Blanche J., Teacher, Millville Moss, Claude L.. Teacher, s. River St., WOkee-Barre. Millard, 1., Hannah Murriu, M.irv, Teacher, 1<>6 River St., Carbondale. Muth, Carrie 1. .. Teacher, 110 Rice St., Wttl Ark. O'Donnell, Catherine, Teacher, 37 s. Wyoming St., Hazleton. anell, Daniel L., Teacher, Andah Mary C (State Cer. ) Teacher, 219 Broad St., Harri.sburg. Parker. Mabel H. (Mrs. Clark Kitchen), Millville. Reily, JuleS., Teacher, 708 Ilazle Ave., Wilkes-Barre. Orth, Rentachler, Gny II., 142 Second Ave., E. Roselle, N. J. Richart, Bessie, Trained Nurse, 61 H. Third St., Bloomsburg. Rider, Harry K-, Teacher, Bloomsburg. Riley, Tillie, Teacher, 565 Hazle Ave., Ashley. Mary A., Teacher, Light Street, R. F. D. No. 1. Robison, Emily, Teacher, Espy. Rogers, Louise, Teacher, Mahnomen, Minnesota. Ruloff, Clarence F., Teacher, 1147 Turner St., Allentown. Robfatna, Seely, Margaret, Teacher, Beach Haven, R. F. D. No. Seesholtz, Hervey W., Teacher, Rock port. 1. Sholenberger, Wells A., Berwick. Smethers, Margaret, Teacher, Beach Haven. Smith, Margaret If., Teacher, Bloomsburg. Specht, Elizabeth E., Teacher, 225 W. 2nd Eugene R., Teacher, Beaver Valley. Sterner, Mary E., Teacher, Bloomsburg. St., Hazleton. Stead, Snyder, Vere H., Teacher, Miffliuville. Thomas, Margaret, Teacher, 354 E. Main St., Nanticoke. Tibbetts, Luzenia (Mrs. Wm. G. Isham), Reserve, Wis. Trathen, Harry G., Teacher, 338 Centre St., Ashland. Turner, Ruth T., Stanford Uni., Box 128, California. With, Lewis, Teacher, Ebensburg. Wagner, Virginia, Teacher, Prichard. White, June, Teacher, Light Street. Wilson, Martha, Teacher, 3625 MervineSt., Philadelphia. Wolfe, Raymond, Teacher, Huntington Mills. Womeldorf, Kffie, Teacher, Williamsport. SUPPLEMENTARY COURSE. I layman, Adda, Teacher, Turbotville. CX)URSE IN PIANO-FORTE. Briggt, Edna, Bloomsburg. DeWitt, Lois, Bloomsburg. ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. I904-5Jenkins, Margaret E., Bloonisburg. Rosenthal, Libbie, Wilkes-Barre. PREPARATORY COLLEGIATE. Boyer, John B., Mandata. Bradbury, Robert, Espy. Creasy, Martha, Bloonisburg. Dollman, Harry, Orangeville. Hartman, Ethel, Millville. Helwig, W. Ray, Minneapolis, Minn. Henrie, H. Clare, Bloonisburg. Herring, Laura, Sunbury. Kelly, Martin, Minersville. Kisner, Helen, Carlisle. Kitchen, Clark E., Bloomsburg, R. F. D. No. Moses, William E., South Gibson. Rooke, Wm. 3. 1308 Oneida St., Shamokin. J., PHYSICAL TRAINING COURSE. Aldinger, Albert K., 155 W. 6th St., New York City. Aldinger, Harry E., 155 W. 65th St., New York City. Baldwin, Maude E., Teacher, S. N. S., Shippensburg. Messersmith, Palace E., York. Putnam, Stewart L., Towanda. Rawlinson, Herbert E., Sales Manager for Wm. Westmooreland Publishing Co., 400 Dolph Building, 3014 Morgan St., St. Louis, Mo. CLASS OF J905. REGULAR NORMAL COURSE. Allen, Bertha, Teacher, 3509 Burke Ave., Seattle, Arnold, Edna, L-, Teacher, Peckville. Baker, Geo. C, Noxey, R. F. D. No. Wash. 1. Madge H., Teacher, Lenoxville. Bergstresser, Clara, Teacher, 133 N. Oak St., Mt. Carmel. Bennett, Glenn (Student Syracuse), Susquehanna. Bradigan, Agnes, Teacher, 215 N. Main St., Shenandoah. Brady, Lulu C, Teacher, Elysburg, R. No. 1, Blaisdell, J. Brown, W. Earle, Teacher, Catawissa. Burgess, Lee W. Teacher, Forkston. Clark, Carrie, Teacher, Boyd's Mills. Colvin, Mary E., Teacher, Clark's Summit. Comstock, Fannie B., Teacher, Bloomsburg. , Conarton, Jos. L., Teacher, 130 S. Main St., Carbondale. Conlan, Anna, Teacher, 570 Hazle Ave., Wilkes-Barre. Conway, Nellie, Teacher, Cortright, Emma, Shenandoah. Teacher, 131 Barnes St., Wilkes-Barre. A I.I I905. I Teacher, ie, 31 I 3rd Ave., Scranton. Hughe! St., Luzerne. msbnrg. her, Dailey, Miry ( hrangeville. Teacher, Plymouth. B., her, Bloomabnrg Anna A Teach Middle Drum, Warren N., Teacher, Bloomsborg. r. , St., Hanover. Bahleman, Marguerite, Teacher, Bloomsburg. Anna M., Teacher, Harwood Ml . Pahl, Helene, Teacher, 1X29 Broad w.iy, Camden, X. J. Farnsworth, W. Jay, Teacher, Tine Summit. Fiah, Nellie C, Teacher, Lynn. lizabeth, Teacher, 23 E. Line St., Shenandoah. 18, Martha, Teacher, Taylor. Grimes, Bessie K., Teacher, Catawissa. r, Ezra, Teacher, Mainville. Ilarman, Edna, Teacher, 131 N. Church St., Hazleton. Harris, Sarah J., Teacher, 687 Northampton St Wilkes-Barre. Hartman, Blanche L., Teacher, Bloomsburg. Hartman, Gertrude, Teacher, Rohrsburg. IK acock, Frances L,., Teacher, 41 E. 6th St., Bloomsburg. Hemingway, Vera, Teacher, Bloomsburg. Higgins, Gregory, Teacher, Carbondale. Hi ins. Julia M., Teacher, 311 W. Cherry St., Shenandoah. Horn, Lulu C, Teacher, Hellertown. House, Mae B Bloomsburg. Howell, A. Margaret, Teacher, Lightstreet. Huber, Hazel, Teacher, Mt. Carmel. Jenkins, Win G., Teacher, Edwardsdale. Jolly, Raymond G., Student Lafayette College, Orangeville. Kerrigan, Mary E., Teacher, 11 S. Gilbert St., Shenandoah. Eintner, Win., Teacher, Lemon. Kirkendall, Mary K. (Mrs. Pierce Hagenbuch), Lightstreet. Krumm, Kathryn, Teacher, Turbotville. Larrabee, Beatrice, Teacher, Bloomsburg. Laubach, Sarah, Teacher, Fairmount Springs. , — , •ice, Leibensj Manila S., len, Teacher, Sunbury, R. F. D. No. Teacher, 134 S- 1. 8th St., Allentown. Teacher, Orangeville. MacAlpine, Ethel, Teacher, Northumberland. Marsden, Agnes, Teacher, Mt. Carmel. rer, Lorenzo G., Beach Haven. Mcrt/, Adclia A., Teacher, Northumberland. Mertz, M. Elizabeth, Teacher, Northumberland. Miller, Blanche 1'., Teacher, Muncy Valley. ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. 1905. Mary A., Teacher, 203 N. Emerick St., Shenandoah. Morgan, Olive, Teacher, Beaumont. Mowrer, Chas. L., Teacher, Strawberry Ridge. Myers, Irma G., Teacher, 185 S. Hancock St., Wilkes-Barre. Olmstead, Kate D Teacher, Taylor. Ormsby, Mary, Teacher, 304 E. Centre St., Shenandoah. Mitchell, , Peiffer, Lillian, Teacher, Phillips, Wintersville. Anna, Teacher, Taylor. Phillips, Caroline, Teacher, 1205 Jackson St., Scranton. Pooley, Paul, Reporter, Bloomsburg. Ransom, Belle I., Teacher, Dorranceton. Redeker, Florence, Teacher, 2435 N. 29th St., Philadelphia. Robbins, Inez, Teacher, Millville. Robbins, Myrtle M., Teacher, Benton. Roberts, Dora M., Teacher, 74 S. Meade St., Wilkes-Barre. Roberts, Grace, Teacher, Espy. Rowe, Gertrude, Teacher, 127 S. Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre. Scholvin, Claire E., Teacher, Northumberland. Shambach, Jesse Y., Teacher, S. N. S., Bloomsburg. Shambach, Thos. F., Teacher, Bloomsburg. Shirk, W. Wayne, Teacher, Mohr's Store. Shook, Stella, Teacher, Stull. Sippel, Kathryn, Teacher, Freeland. Sitler, Ida, Teacher, Mauch Chunk. Smith, Anna E-, Teacher, Summit Hill. Smith, Emma, Teacher, 5 W. Broad St., West Hazleton. Smull, Alice, Teacher, Danville. Swank, Ethel M., Teacher, Catawissa. Thomas, Anna, Teacher, 106 Wash. St., Edwardsville. Thomas, Susan, Teacher, Luzerne. Tiffany, Lee J., Teacher, Tingley. Traxler, Wm. E., Rohrsburg. Walters, Edna L., Teacher, 536 Grant St., Hazleton. Webber, Geo. H., Teacher, Elloree, S. C. Wenner, Herbert C, Teacher, Drums. White, Ora (Mrs. Ed. Campbell), Almedia. Wilkins, Katherine, Teacher, Sugar Notch. Williams, Maud, Teacher, 112 E. 4th St., Mt. Carmel. Winter, Laura M., Teacher, Freeland. Witman, Eleanor, Teacher, Jerseyshare. Wolfe, Mae H., Teacher, 130 N. Shamokin St., Shamokin. Yergey, Agnes A. (Mrs. Frank Fry), 77 Greenfield St., Tiffin, Ohio. PREPARATORY COU,EGIATE. Armstrong, Joseph W., Bloomsburg. Brooke, Walter S., Bloomsburg. AM'MNI ADUKl SS I.IST. I9O5 :i. r, G. Bdward, Btoomsbnrg, Student Trinity Colleg "t Syracuse Fnive: Clau Le Hemingway, Rowland, Jolly, Raymond Bloomstrai 6., grille, Student Lafayette Coll W'alur v., Scranton. Keiber, Arthur Iv., Drums. . Kit, -hen. Florence B. (Mrs, Clinton Follmer), Milleisen, Sara 1$., ock, Clarissa, Rarig, Howard ion, Rocky Ford, Colo. Bloomsburg. Bloomsburg. R., Catawissa. Bmily, Bspy. Traxler, Win. B., Rohrsburg. Vorks, Milton K., Bloomsburg, Student Lafayette College. COURSE IN PIANO-FORTEPlisbie, Katharine, Bloomsburg. Gunton, Jean, Bloomsburg. Imboden, Nell, Bloomsburg. Robbins, La Vere, Bloomsburg. Smith, Ida, Bloomsburg. COMMERCIAL COURSE. Hagenbuch, Wm. H., Light Street. Englehart, Nevin T., Bookkeeper, Almedia. SUPPLEMENTARY COURSE. Harris, Mary R., Teacher, Allentown. CLASS OF 1906. REGULAR COURSE. Albert, R. Bruce, Teacher, Bloomsburg. Albertson, Phoebe, Teacher, Benton, R. No. 2. Allen, Caroline, Teacher, 3509 Burke Ave., Seattle, Washington. Allen, Hazel, Teacher, Christopher. Allen, Otis, Teacher, Sweet Valley. Aurand, Laura, Teacher, Averill, K lna II., New Berlin. Teacher, Catawissa. Barr, Anna, Teacher, Parsons. Becker, Mary L., Teacher, 42 Gaylord Ave., Plymouth. Bohan, Anna, Teacher, 56 Regent St., Wilkes-Barre. Bonham, Grace C, Teacher, Forty Fort. Shamokin Dam. Boust, Maud, Teacher, Brennan, Nellie, Teacher, Pleasant Mount. C, Teacher, Catawissa, R. No. 5. Bdddinger, Lulu, Teacher, 17 N. Oak St., Mt. Carmel. Brofee, Ferdinand ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. 1906 Butt, Mary, Teacher, Benton. Callender, George W., Prin. High School, Huntsville, Wash. Cantlin, Abbie, Teacher, 229 E. Lloyd St., Shenandoah. Conrad, Lottie, Teacher, 390 Lightstreet Road, Bloomsburg. Conser, H. N. (State Cer.) Teacher, Sunbury. Cosper, Isabel N., Teacher, 508 Wyoming Ave., Coughlin, Clara, Teacher, Luzerne. Creasy, Byron H., Teacher, Rock Glen. Creasy, Raymond C, Teacher, West Pittston. Rock Glen. Culkin, Margaret, Teacher, 905 Capouse Ave., Scranton. DeWan, Kathryn, Teacher, Rummerfield. DeWitt, Helen (Mrs. Reber Terwilliger), Bloomsburg. Durbin, Nellie, Teacher, 38Jeannette St., Plymouth. Erdley, Florence, Teacher, New Berlin. Essick, Laura L. (Mrs. John D. Mattson), Philadelphia. Evans, Maud, Teacher, Taylor. Evans, Nellie, Teacher, Moosic. Evans, Stella, Teacher, 436 S. Main Ave., Scranton. Evert, Raymond, Teacher, 123 W. Ave., Mt. Carmel. Farley, Mabel R., Teacher, White Deer. Fegley, IdaM., Teacher, 433 E. Ave., Mt. Carmel. Fenstermacher, M. Grace, Teacher, Beach Haven. Fenstermaker, Helen, Teacher, Ringtown. Fortune, Anna, Teacher, Parsons. Franc, Grace, Teacher, Hamilton. Frey, Winnie A., Teacher, Catawissa. Gaffney, Honora M., Teacher, 114 N. Second St., Steelton. Groff, Marion M., Stouchsburg. Gruver, Fred C, Teacher, Bloomsburg. Gruver, Martin, Teacher, Mainville. Hamlin, Norma L., Teacher, Catawissa. Hartline, Catharine, Teacher, 641 N. 37th St., Philadelphia. Hartzell, Maybel L. (Mrs. Frank Zarr;, Bloomsburg. Hayman, Ila M., Teacher, Rohrsburg. Henry, Ethel M., Teacher, 250 Chestnut St., Sunbury. Hering. Helen A., Teacher, Dewart. Hindson, Mae G., Teacher, Peckville. Hortman, Lillie, Teacher, Berwick, R. No. 3. Hourigan, Sadie, Teacher, 361 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre. Hughes, Elizabeth L., Teacher, 201 Ridge Ave., Kingston. Hunter, Etta, Teacher, Meshoppen, R. No. 4. Jenkins, Margaret E., Bloomsburg. Kelchner, Ethel, Teacher, Shickshinny. Kelley, MaryE., Teacher, Parsons. Kester, Rennay, Teacher, Bloomsburg, R. No. 1. Kinney, James, A., Teacher, Harwood. 9 . ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST I906 . Mary, Teacher, [rfCmpkc, :;, Lewit, Emma, Am\, Anna I 'niondale Teacher, Pleasant Mount. '1'. Iv., Teacher, 716 S. V Main Ave., Scranton. Longenberger, Myrtle, Teacher, Mainville. :uin, Helen, Teacher, Catawissa. Hasten, Christells T., Teacher, 216 West St., Bloomsburg. Maxwell, Ethel, Teacher, Wilkes-Iiarre, R. 1, Box 62. Mellet, Kathryn, Teacher, Shenandoah. Miles, Bessie V., Teacher, 31 N. Main St., Shenandoah. Miller, Lillie A., Teacher, Zenith. Mitchell, Mary P., Teacher, 113 S. West Murphy, Rose, Teacher, Carbondale. St., Shenandoah. O'Donnell, Mary, Teacher. 77 N. Wyoming St., Hazleton. O'Horo, Ethel, Teacher, Taylor. Oliver, Fannie, Teacher, Hunlocks Creek. Olmstead, Nina, Teacher, Taylor. Osuna, Jose, Teacher, Caguas, P. R. Owen, Anna E., Teacher, 188 Bloomfield Ave., Passaic, N. J. Owen, Cordelia, Teacher, Maple Ave., Kingston. Owen, Hazel, Teacher, Mt. Carmel. Panco, Mary, Teacher, Harwood. Parry, Gertrude M., Teacher, Pennypacker St., Scranton. Patterson, Vivian A., Teacher, Factory ville. Pealer, Blanche, Teacher, Asbury. Ramage, Margaret H., Teacher, 4 S. Walnut St., Mt. Carmel. Raup, Jennie, Teacher, Aristes. Rayos, Susie, Teacher, Saguna, N. Mex. Roadarmel, Ada, Teacher, 115 N. Hickory St., Mt. Carmel. Ruhl, Gladys, Teacher, Bloomsburg. Russell, Margaret, Teacher, Carbondale. Ryan, Elizabeth U., Teacher, 82 N. Wyoming St., Hazleton. Ryan, Mary G., Teacher, 333 E. Diamond Ave., Hazleton. Santaella, Marie A., Teacher, Coamo, P. R. Scanlan, Kathryn, Teacher, Shenandoah. Shambach, JohnE., Teacher, Bloomsburg. Shuman, Clyde S., Teacher, Mainville. Shaman, Edith, Teacher, 354 Catharine St., Bloomsburg. Snyder, Homer II., Teacher, Mifllinville. Stiiier, Elizabeth, Teacher, 90 N. Iron St., Bloomsburg. Thomas, Zella, (Mrs. Chas. E. Mericle), Jerseytown, R. No. 2. Thompson, Marie, Teacher, 632 N. Church St., Hazleton. Titus, Ethel, Teacher, Hop Bottom. Wall, Grace, Teacher, Boyd's Mills. r, Cottie, Teacher, Asherton. Weiser. Laura, Teacher, Asherton. ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. I9C6-7 Welsh, Mayme C, Teacher, 606 N. Vine St., Hazleton. Williams, Adeline, Teacher, 68 Archbald St., Scranton. Williams, Myrtle, Teacher, Shickshinny. Witman, Mary C, Teacher, Jersey Shore. Zemitis, Vanda, Teacher, 305 S. Jardin St., Shenandoah. COLLEGE PREPARATORY COURSE. Andres, Harry, Medical, Bloomsburg. Booth, Edwin, Scientific, Dallas, R. F. D. 2. Breisch, Lulu, Scientific, Ringtown. Champlin, Carrol D., Classical, Walters Park. Demaree, Mary, Scientific, Bloomsburg. Dietrick, El well, Scientific, Scranton. Gorman, Peter Jones, W. Inkerman. J. Scientific, E., Classical, Nanticoke. Milnes, Susanna, Medical (Mrs. Harry White), Berwick. Piszczek, Stanley R., Scientific, Student Gettysburg, Plymouth. Robbins, LaVere, Scientific, Bloomsburg. Turner, Thomas, Scientific, Stanford University, Cal. MUSIC COURSE. Anstock, Warren S., Bloomsburg. Bomboy, Aleta, Espy. Bacon, Bertha H., 4018 Lancaster Ave., Philadelphia. Jillson, Lulu, Orwell. Landis, Florence B., Rock Glen. Stout, Nellie, Hawley. Vollrath, Rosa E., 610 E. Fulton St, Lancaster. Zehner, Maude, Nescopeck. BUSINESS Cleaver, Leon AND SHORT HAND COURSES. P., Catawissa. Doty, Edith, Bloomsburg. Edgar, Flossy, 218 E. Ohio Girton, St., Raymond, accountant Chicago, 111. New York, Watkins, N. Y. care International Salt Co. of Moyer, Carlotta, Bloomsburg. Tinker, Margaret (Mrs. David Young), Curtiston, Etowah Co., Ala. SHORT HAND COURSE. Bradbury, Robert W., Espy. CLASS OF J907. NORMAL COURSE. Allabach, C. Millard, Teacher, Orangeville. Anstock, Pearl D., Teacher, Bloomsburg. ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. I 18 Lancattcr Ave., Philadelphia. Bertha H., T Teacher, Shickahinny. Barrett, Roae, Teacher, Archbald. Barrow, afame, Teacher, Ringtown. BUa a.. Teacher, Carley Brooke. Morton II., Teacher, Wananue. •. Car r it- af., Teacher, Kingston. Brooke, Margaret C, Teacher, Bloomsburg. Brundage, Edna J., Teacher, Peckville. Buck, Olga b., Teacher, Hawley. Burrows, Ethel, Teacher, 414 Luzerne Ave., West Pittston. Bush, Artemesia M., Teacher, Bloomsburg. Campaie, Edith, Teacher, East Mauch Chunk. Chamberlin, Anna J., Teacher, Olyphant. Clancy, Elizabeth V., Teacher, 419 N. 3rd St., Steelton. Cogswell, Bessie E., Teacher, Lynn. Conner, Helen Teacher, Bloomsburg. Conrad, Helen L., Teacher, Shickshinny. Coolbaugh, Ruth, Teacher, 140 Madison St., Wilkes- Barre. C ^rby, Florence, Teacher, Larksville. Cramer, Cora E., Teacher, Chrome, N. J. Dailey, Margaret G., Teacher, 19 Walnut St., Steelton. Dean, Alice, Teacher, Winton. Delaney, Kathryn, Teacher, Alden. Dever, Margaret, Teacher, McAdoo. DcWire, Harry, Teacher, Lewisburg. DeWitt, M. Lois, Teacher, Bloomsburg. r, Mabel A., Teacher, 726 High St., Honesdale. Dino, John, Teacher, Vandling. Dino, Michael, Teacher, Vandling. Dodson, Harry A., Teacher, Bloomsburg. Edythe A., Teacher, Town Hill. Dreibelbis, Elizabeth V., Teacher, Bloomsburg. ick, Laura R., Teacher, Jerseytown. Evans, Virgie, Teacher, 734 Hazel St., Wilkes-Barre. as, Elizabeth P., Teacher, 915 Eynon St., Scranton. Kirnsworth, Margaret, Teacher, Pine Summit. Plynn, Evalyn M. J., Teacher, Bloomsburg. By, Irene, Teacher, Shenandoah. Gorrey, Helen, Teacher, Bloomsburg. Gregg, Elizabeth, Teacher, Hawley. Griffeth, Rae E., Teacher, 295 E. Northampton St., Wilkes-Barre. Hamlin, Rose J., Teacher, Catawissa. Harris, John, Teacher, Bloomsburg. :er, Grace D., Teacher. Nuremberg. Henkelttian, Gussie, Teacher, Berwick. ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. I907. Hess, Deri, Teacher, Benton. Hess, Harriet, Teacher, Goble, Col. Co., Oregon. Hess, MaryE., Teacher, Alinedia. Higgins, Marie C, Teacher, 156 S. 2nd St.. Steelton. Hoppe, Blanche, Teacher, Hop Bottom. Howard, Mae L., Teacher, Bloomsburg. James, Lysod H., Teacher, 36 Storrs Ave., Scranton. James, Susan W., Teacher, 164 Nottingham St., Plymouth. Jenkins, Charlotte M., Teacher, 53 Gaylord Ave., Plymouth. Johns, Norma A., Teacher, Taylor. Johns, S. Blanche, Teacher, Shickshiuny. Jolly, E- Louise, Teacher, Orangeville. Jones, Miram E-, Teacher, Edwardsville. Kelley, Mary A., Teacher, 902 Capouse Ave., Scranton. Kitchen, Arvilla, Teacher, Bloomsburg. Kline, Jennie I., Teacher, Orangeville. Kline, Pearl, Teacher, Bloomsburg. Knauss, Daisy, Teacher, Zions Grove. Kocher, Hazel C, Teacher, Bloomsburg. Lamoreux, Ruth, Teacher, Huntsville. Lazarus, Edwin, Teacher, Mount Carmel. Lehman, Geo. M., Teacher, Miminville. Lesser, Lulu L-, Teacher, Upper Lehigh. Lesser, Nellie E., Teacher, Upper Lehigh. Levan, Wm. C, Teacher, Catawissa. Llewellyn, L. N., Teacher, 405 Packer St., Shamokin. Lloyd, Justin, Teacher, Starrucca. Lovering, Bertha, Teacher, Moosic. Marcy, Clarence A., Teacher, 45 Eley St., Dorranceton. Marcy, Howard N., Teacher, 45 Eley St., Dorranceton. Masteller, Helen, Teacher, Bloomsburg. Mauser, Helen B., Teacher, Bloomsburg. Maxey, Mae R., Teacher, Forest City. Meisberger, David T., Teacher, Shamokin. Miller, Elda, Teacher, Farmingdale, Nassau Co., L. I. Mitchell, Ada, Teacher, 303 N. Washington St., Wilkes-Barre. Morgan, Mary, Teacher, Beaumont. Mover, Sadie R., Teacher, Catawissa. Mullahey, Belle, Teacher, 301 Cherry St., Shenandoah. Noble, Alma G., Teacher, Calkins. O'Brien, Margaret, Teacher, Glen Summit. Pritchard, Marjorie V., Teacher, Bramwell, W. Va. Quick, Reba H., Teacher, Scranton. Riegel, Lulu A., Teacher, Catawissa. Rittenhouse, Laura, Teacher, Berwick. Roat, Helen L., Teacher, Kingston. ALUMNI ADDRKSS LIST. I907. Rodriques, Anton:-), San Jiuui, Box 225, P. R. Schwartman, RvaT., Teacher, s. 141 Laurel St., Hazleton. Shaffer, Alice B., Teacher, Briarcri Shaw, Stella, Teacher, 224 N. Hyde Park Ave Scranton. , Shnltz, Horton, K., Teacher, Pairmonnt Sprinj Smith, Miriam I., Teacher, Middleburg. Sterner, Bertha 1., Teacher, Bloomsburg. Todd) Genevieve, Teacher, SOJeanette St., Plymouth. Tucker, Nellie, Teacher, Susquehanna. Vance, J. Gertmde, Teacher, Bloomsburg. Wallace, Allies P., Teacher, 139 N. Dorrance St., Dorranceton. Walters, Edith, Teacher, 128 Willow St., Plymouth. Wanich. Myrtle C, Teacher, Light Street. Wanlell. Helen L., Teacher, 587 Grant St., Hazleton. Weaver, Mary K., Teacher, 11 OS W. Elm St., Scranton. Wells, Howard L., Teacher, Klksdale. Welsh, Mabel, Teacher, Orangeville. Wendt, Lillian, Teacher, Shamokin Dam. Westbrooke, Blanche, Teacher, Blooming Grove. Whitebread, Florence, Teacher, Mountain Top Wingert, Blanche P., Teacher, 22S Lincoln St., Steelton. Wolfe, Anna, Teacher, Rock Glen. Wolfe, Esther A., Teacher, Dallas. Wolfert, Emma D., Teacher, Forest City. Zang, Minnie, Teacher, 560 N. Church St., Hazleton. COTXEGK PREPARATORY. Conner, Stanley, Scientific, Willow- Springs. Dino, John, Scientific, Vandling. l'risbie, Katharine, Classical, Bloomsburg. Fritz, Charles C, Scientific, Bloomsburg. Gross, Gertrude, Scientific, Bloomsburg. Landis, Wm. B., Scientific, McCreary, Frank Rock Glen. B., Scientific, Hallstead. Merrill, Ernest, Classical, Light Street. Mover, Helen, Scientific, Bloomsburg. Mover, William, Scientific, Bloomsburg. White, Joseph, Scientific, Light Street. JCT, Clark, Medical, Plymouth. BUSINESS AND SHORT HAND. Aspi a/u, Kusebio S., Cienfuegos, Cuba. Bnglehart, Paul H., Almedia. Laubach, Murray, Guava. Reimard, Irene, Bloomsburg. ALUMNI ADDRESS LIST. 1907-8. SHORT HAND. Robison, Eugene, Bspy. MUSIC. Cousart, Josephine, Danville. CLASS OF J908. REGULAR COURSE. Appleman, Rebeca, Teacher, Danville. Arnold, Ina A., Teacher, 732 Bennett St., Luzerne. Baldy, Sara H., Teacher, Catawissa. Barnes, Margaret, Teacher, Elmhurst. Beddall, Florence G., Teacher, Tamaqua. Beddall, Joanna, Teacher, Tamaqua. Benscoter, Laura M., Teacher, Hunlocks Creek. Billings, Ella M., Teacher, Nicholson. Bogart, Nellie, Teacher, Danville. Boone, Laura E-, Teacher, 317 E. 5th St., Berwick. Brandon, Adda M., Teacher, Huntington Mills. Breisch, Reba, Teacher, Ringtown. Burke, Agnes J.. Teacher, 9 Pike St., Carbondale. Callender. E. Mae, Teacher, Sweet Valley. Campion, Reba, Teacher, 13 Darte Ave., Carbondale. Clark, Mabel P., Teacher, Wyoming. Conrad, Eme M., Teacher, Bloomsburg. Cool, Mertie M., Teacher, 88 South 10th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Cox, Nell, Teacher, Fort Sill, Okla. Coyle, Margaret D., Teacher, 247 E. 4th St., Mt. Carmel. Cummings, James E., Teacher, 232 N. Chestnut St., Shenandoah. Deeths, Anna R., Teacher, 545 James St., Hazleton. Deighmiller, Ellie R., Teacher, Bloomsburg, R. No. 1. Deighmiller, Nellie M., Teacher, Bloomsburg, R. No. 1. Dreibelbis, Ida M., Teacher, Bloomsburg, R. No. 3. Faust, Sara C, Teacher, Barnesville. Fegley, Mary I., Teacher, Catawissa. Finn, Ruth M., Teacher, 653 W. Shawnee Ave., Plymouth. Francis, Thomas, Teacher, 1516 Olive St., Scranton. Geisdorf, Charlotta, Teacher, Linley, Montana. Gray, Carrie M., Teacher, Montrose, R. No. 1. Handley, Alberta M., Teacher, 441 N. 9th St., Scranton. Hartman, Sadie L-, Teacher, 852 S. Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre. Henrie, Ethel L-, Teacher, Bloomsburg. Herring, Martha E-, Teacher, Bloomsburg. Hill, Helen R., Teacher, 614 W. Diamond Ave., Hazleton. Hull, Edith A., Teacher, Honesdale, R. No. James, Martha V., Teacher, 920 W. Elm St., 1. Scranton. AI.l'MM AD] LIST. 1908. Teacher, 72 Academj St., Plymouth. Blaie H Johnson, Margaret J-. Teacher. 78 K. Walnut St., Preeland. Teacher, Bloomabtirg ECahler, [rene G nbader, Stella, Teacher, Milton, K. No. 4. , , Emm, Carol, Teacher, Danville. Major, OIItc a., Teacher, Forty Fort. Maurer, Charles U, Teacher, Paxinoa, R. No. M.aner, Darwin B Miller, 1 , 12. Teacher, Kehler iora M., Teacher, Glen Lyon. Miller, Harriet, Teacher, Reserve, Wis. Moore, Mary Louise Teacher, 1613 Vine St., Scranton. Morgan, Daniel W., Teacher, Beaumont. Morgan, Laura W. Teacher, Bloomsburg. Morris, Mary I'.., Teacher, 96 Washington St., Edwardsville. Morrow, Mary L., Teacher, Schultzville. Mulligan, Mayetta, Teacher, Carey St., Plains. Peck, M. Bvelyn, Teacher, Susquehanna. Petrilli, Francesco S. L-, Teacher, 104 Centre St., Freeland. Piekarski, Eleanor M., Teacher, US Market St., Xanticoke. Piatt, Eugene W., Teacher, Broadway, R. No. 1. Piatt, John E., Teacher, Broadway, R. No. 1. Plank, Thomas H., Teacher, Morgantown. Rarick, William, Teacher, Conyngham. Rhodes, Adda, Teacher, 227 Iron St., Berwick. Rosser, Olwen, Teacher, 33 Atlantic Ave., Edwardsdale. Row, Hazel F., Teacher, Bloomsburg. Ruth, Bessie M., Teacher, 533 W. Diamond Ave., Hazleton. Sanders, Clyde, Teacher, Northumberland. Seasholtz, Helen, Teacher, 28 W. Centre St., Danville. Shifter, Anna M., Teacher, Hudson. Shovlin, Joseph A., Teacher, Wilburton. Sitler, J. Wesley, Teacher, Lehighton. Slocum, A. Louise, Teacher, Rendham. Smith, Marion C, Teacher, Conyngham. Southwoo.l, Mary, Teacher, 34 X. Walnut St., Mt. Carmel. Sturdevant, Edith, Teacher, Meshoppen. Tucker, Mabel L.. Teacher, Susquehanna. Tuaar, Julia C, Teacher, Forest City. Wallace, Elizabeth F., Teacher, Clifton Heights. Wardan, Helen L., Teacher, Dallas. Watkins, William I)., Teacher, Catawissa. Wells, Grace P., Teacher, Hallstead. Wilkinson, Mabel W.. Teacher, 1 N. Walnut St., Mt. Carmel. Williams, Mae, Teacher. 126 B. Noble St., Nanticoke. Williams. Rhea L., Teacher, Falls, R. Xo. 1. Williams, Sarah I-:.. Teacher, 106 W. Main St., Xanticoke. , ALUMNI ADDRESS I LIST. 90S Yeager, Lillian R., Teacher, Reboboth, Del. Yoder, Jennie M., Teacher, West Ave., Mt. Carmel. Zimmerman, Verna, Teacher, Ringtown. COLLEGE PREPARATORY. Grimes, Jay H., Medical, Millville. Mercer, Irene, Classical, Bloomsburg. Smith, Merrill W., Latin Scientific, Bloomsburg. Turek, Fredrick, Latin Scientific, Glen Lyon. Watkins, Wm. D., Latin Scientific, Catawissa. Yorks, Elsie, Classical, Bloomsburg. BOOK-KEEPING AND SHORTHAND. Churm, Stella, Danville. Dreisbach, Ida, Bloomsburg. Heberling, Pearl, Grovania. Oman, Ernest, Bloomsburg. Richards, Horace D., Light Street. Sneidman, Bruce, Almedia. Wiegand, Adam, Wilkes-Barre. Woods, Margaret, Bloomsburg. MUSIC. Christian, Lucretia, Bloomsburg. Dent, Bessie, Catawissa. Major, Olive, Forty Fort. DEATHS REPORTED SINCE JULY Jst, 1907. Ed. McGeehan) 1881. Breslin, Bridget (Mrs. Dr. 1888. H. Trumble, R. Beele (Replogle) Lynch, Mame A. McGinty, Katie. Eves, Edna (Mrs. J. W. Biddle). Stearns, Laura G., (Mrs. T. S. Tucker). Cantlin, Agnes. 1891. 1892. 1894. 1895. 1895. 1897. Bates, Chas. CLASS SECRETARIES. 1871. J. M. Garman. 1875. Lorena G. Evans. 1876. Mary J. Hunt. D. Andreas. 1878. C. 1880. Celeste Kitchen (Prutzman). 1883. G. J. Clark, ALUMNI ADDRKSS LIST 1887. Mary 1\ Sheep. 1890. Helen Barton John. Lulu M. McAlarney. 1891. C. C. Major. 1892. Anna I-. Slair. Eva K. Dintinger (Mrs. E. D. Frick). Mary Detwiler (Mrs. K. E. Brader). 1893. 1895. 1896. Florence Kitchen (Mrs. C. Fullmer). 1897. Susan 1898. Clara M. Swank. 1899. 1901. Ira A. Zeigler. Esther Abbott. 19' i2 Harriet, Fry. 1903. B. Bodmer. Mollie Moran. Davis' 1904. Maud 1905. Lee J Tiffany. Mabel Hartzell (Zarr). 1906. 1907. 1908. Bertha H. Bacon. Marion Smith. Index. Alumni List 59 41 37 33 39 33 Appropriations, State Athletic Association Auditorium, The Eoxes from Home Buildings Calendar Courses of Study 2 7 Damages 41 Departments. Professional College Preparatory 15 16 17, 29 19 13, Music Physical Culture Art Science English Commercial Diplomas Discipline Elevator, Passenger Expenses The Gymnasium, The Laundry Regulations Lecture Course, The Students Library, The Faculty, Literary Societies Location Medical Preparatory Model School, The _ Outfits Orchestra , 20 20 23 24, 28 13 38 36 42 5, 39 ... 35 41 37 35 37 33 26 16 40 19 Programs 11 Religion and Morals Science Hall Scholarships School Periodical Special Students 38 36 44 37 25 41 9 35 46 58 12 40 32 3 4 State Aid State Examinations, Rules for Students' Rooms Students. List of Students, Summary of Teachers, Classes for Teachers, Application for Text Books Trustees, Board of Standing Committees of Vocal Course Going Home Young Men's Christian Association Visiting and Young Women's Christian Association 31 39 38 38