NORMAL TIMES At Central State Normal LOCK HAVEN, PA., SEPTEMBER VOLUME 4 School 24,1925 S' Under the direction of Coach Fredericks the Maroon and Grey squad is buckling down to the real work of the season. The flrst week or more was spent in the usual preliminary work of getting the men into the mental as well as the physical shape necessary to produce a great football combination. The last two years Normal has seemingly produced football combinations when even the most ojitomistic of the game followers had become pessemistic over the outcome. This, to a great extent, has been due to the mental attitude which the coaches have instilled in the men. That attitude is still there. The squad will come then. That Coach Fredericks has a problem on his hands, we must admit. The nucleus around which he must build his is smaller than was expected. Only Pomeroy, Ward, McDowell, Fitzsimmons, Ulmer, and Bitner are back from last year's squad. However, there is au abundance of new material. Shuey, formerly of L . H . H. S., will likely take over the key position. He is a player of some note in Central Pennsylvania, and will live up to his reputation. Forsht handled the high school state champs last year and is ready to do the same with a normal state champ team. Taylor comes from Juniata College and is known as a "Holy Terror" iu the line. ColTey, tile grent triple threat man from L. II. II. S„ will likely tiiko care of till' vac.-iiu-y left liy Liiftiis of last year. |)c:iii (liicr, nil all iiii]Misiiig lialfliiick ,'111(1 iMie 1)1' the iiiytliical ;ill stiilc eleven of l;is1 year, will lie on the NUMBER 1 " ^^••••'^^ilBK^-J H ' V • ^^m^ •N^.em • i 1 | ^ - ' i—L_ In Action Tine Coffey Halfback Captain Jake Ward Fullback Noted Schoolmen Attend First venge old scoies. Kniie will be the opSchoolmen's Week ponents Oct. 24. On Xov. 7 and 14, respectively, the team will pla.v at Blooinsliuig and Imlinnn. Both these two are Two Hundred Educators Meet Here— Dr. Haas, Uean Withers, Miss Mabel big gnnies nnd N'orninl must bo in the Carney, Dr. Briggs and Other best of coiiditidu to win them. Notables Lead Discussion Clinch Fredericks is also giving a speS(,ii:i(l. The first Schoolmen's Week for Cencinl clnss in the tlieoiy of footlinll, Willi these tlieii' .'ii'c iiiiiueidiis oth- which meets t ^vice n wi'ok. tinl reiinsylvnnia niieiied its sessions as ers :iN .Miller, .Mr('loskcy, llazeii, Cornell, this issue of Normal Times went to Hair, Slieiklc, (iillil.'iiid, HiiuiiKiu mid Peppy Orchestra Promised jiiess. Well over two hundred schoolBowser. In nil tlicic nre nliout 811 men The Orelu'strn, iiiidef the directinii df men nre in nttendniice, nbout a third (111 the .sc|iinieces. four lunre. Nniinnl uiies to the ensteni Their first n|ipeniniices will be made The list of sjienkers for the general jmit of the stnte to engage the strong ill CliniH'l Imt they nre also preparing sessions iiuliide Dr. John W. Withers, StroudslmiR' eleven there on Oct. 8, re for the ScliiKil Glen's Conference to be Dean of the Grnduate School of Now turning onlv to Imttle JInnsfield and re- held hero the lirst week in October. York r n i v e r s i t y ; Dr. J. M. Glass, exFollowing is a list of those who have pert ill .iunior high school of the State so fnr signed u p : Department of Public Instruction; Dr. 1925 Football Schedule Violins—Colliort Vnriier, Brown Bos- Prnncis B. Haas, State Superintendent Ol tdliel ;5—Kast Stroudsliurg Norsert, Ivan Fritz, .losephiiio Pnul, Edith of Schools; ]Miss Mabel Carney, of Conml , awa.v. Hoy. lumbin ITniversity, nntionally recogO. tdliet" 10—Mansfield Normal, home. Bniijo-Manddlin—Charles Cronk, Regi- nized lender in the inijirovement of 0 ( tdher 17—Open. nald Fitzsiiiiiiidiis, Helen Sheehan, Gwen rural ediicntion; Dr. Tlioiiins II. Briggs, Ot toller 24—Kane High, home. StringfelldW. of Columbia University; Miss .lessie oS:(I0 P. M.—(b'uernl Session. note could call them within a few feet ty. Trniniiig Tenchers for K n r n 1 Auditorium 17. What should lie the extra curriof my post. This was on May 9 to 13, Schools. Clininiian: J. Herbert Kelley, Execu- cula program of a junior high school? 1925. On May 31, I took another t r i p A. P. Akeley, Supt. of Potter Cduii- tive Secretnry P. S. E. A. IS. Whnt kind of examination is best to their home, and found the nest just ty. The Ynlue of n Definite Course of Eiitertninment furnished by the Norfor the cdunty certification to high ns I bust saw it, but the birds were not Study for Rural Scliools. innl Scliool. around. Between those dates I came sclidol ? .\(blress—lessie (irny. President of 9:.30 A. M.—City nnd Borough Superinacross a pair of gnatcatchers in a large the Pe!iiisylv:iiiin Stnte Education As10. What is the answer for tho poortendeuts—Piqiers and Discussions. onk tree at some distance from their sdcintidii, Pliilndelpliin. ly trnined one-room school teacher? I'rice Hall original nesting-place. At the time I .\dilicss—Thdinas H. Briggs, Teachers' Chniininn: George Zcrfoss, Suiit. 20. How can the State Dep.artment of was puzzled as to whether this was anCdllcgc, ('dliiinliia L^niversit.v. Clonrfield Borough. Public Instruction best help in the in- other p.'iir hunting a nesting-place or CnrI .\Iilwnrd, Principal of .Miltiiii terpretation of the course of study? the same p.air I had watched nesting. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1925 High School, Milton. Trnining of TeachJune 10 I made another trip, and to my Auditdriiiiii 21. Whnt is the relationship that ers in Service. great surprise not a trace of the nest should exist between the public high George Schilling, Principal H i g h 0:(1(I td 1il;(MI A. M.—(Teueral Session. could I flnd. Apparently the birds had school and college? Clinii iiinii : Supt. F. S. Jackson, PunxSchool, Bradford. Trnining Clnss Accarried the material from their flrst siit:iwiiev. tiviti'S. 22. What changes must take place in nest to another which I have not yet Address—Physical Education and Ath- the curriculum in order that we may Charles Lose, Montoursville. The Rediscovered." letics—Sii]it. R. E. Lnramy, Altoona. wards of Teacliing. renlize the fundamental objectives of Mrs. Trembath is very much interAddress — .Mnbel Carne.v, Columbia secondary education? Nelson P. Benson, Sujit. of Schools, ested in birds, and has a long list of Lock Haven. Diagnosing the Fitness of University. 23. What changes must take place in comnidii and uncommon birds each year. Pupils for the Various Trades and Pro- 0:00 to 11:00 A. JL—Section Meetings. the curriculum in order that we may Slie hikes a great deal, and with a pair I'biglisli-Cliairinan: L a u r a Arnold, fessions. renlize the fundamental objectives of of fleld-glnsses and a telescope she can Kidgwny. Room 24. 11:00 A. M.—General Session. see more than the average person can Mntliematics and Science—Chairman: primar,y education? Normal School Auditoriiiin (icdigo W. Willianis, Altoonn. Room 23. 24. How' may we put into successful observe. Chairman: Guy C. Brosius, Supt. Foreign Lnngungs—Margaret Quig- operation ;eK and Disadvantjt^es of Crain- After College. AVhat? minsDevetopiuK Coneenfration aud Efticleney. ete., ete., ete., ele.. etc., etc., etc., etc. Why You Need This Guide "It is safe to siiy that f.Tiloru to cuidc and direct study is the weak iidint ia the wliole educatiiuiiil aiiu'liinc."—I'rol'. (J. M. Wliiijpli', Universit.v of .Micliiyaii. ''Tile sm-ci'ssful men in (•(lile^c do nut seem to be ver.v happy. Jlost of theiu, cspcchilly (IIP alhlctcs, nre (pvcTwc)rl