=cdcriiks bed with five other brothers. a beating he never forgot. Soul i s , . . .applying for a job Six years later Douglass was sent to a slave breaker, . with a college degree and getting head janitor's job. Soul is hut one day the youth refused . . . .being choked to the throat to allow the overseer to strike and neat to the feel. Soul is . . . him. His defiant courage was playing it cool and talking jive. an inspiration lo the other Soul i s . . . .completing four s l a v e s . Douglass was then a p years of athletic eligibility and prenticed to a caulker in Balgetting no college degree. timore where he was able to - Soul is B.S.U. disguise himself a s a sailor Soul " l i n g o " and escape to New York. ///( on - To make a request, e s Later he married and moved pecially for love making. to Massachusetts. When DougHome boy - Person from o n e ' s l a s s made an impromptu speech home town (Southern). before an anti-slavery convenGig - originally a jazzman's tion in 1841, he was invited to job; later it came to mean any join the abolition movement. kind of job. Despite a growing reputation a s Bread - money. one of the most effective reBlack Roogaloo - a rhythm, a presentative .sof the Anti-Slavery d a n c e , the feeling of blackMovement, Douglass was one of ness. ten abused and attacked. T h e Bat - old woman interested in fugitive slave laws soon forced young men. Douglass to flee to England, Make tracks - to leave; to run; where his firey speeches aroused to go away in a hurry. the sympathy of the British peoTo conclude, here are reaple. They raised funds for him dings from the Blacklist (a bibto purchase his freedom and liography of readings and authors) passage to New York where he The Death of Bessie Smith • published the famous North Star Albee, a white playwright, rewith $2,500 of the funds. creates the scene in 1937, when As the tension in the naa famous biues singer bled to tion reached a feverish pitch, death after being refused enDouglass met secretly with trance to a segregated hospital John Brown and pleaded with in M i s s i s s i p p i . him to abandon his planned atThe Algiers Motel Incident tack on Harper's F e r r y . When The death of three Detroit the Civil War broke out, DougBlacks in a sniper battle at the lass advised President Lincoln Algiers Motel led to the indictto make use of the Black solment of three policemen when it dier in the Union c a u s e . was learned that the victims had After the war, Douglass no guns. - By John Hersey. served a s a member of the LeListen to the Lambs - What i t ' s gislative Council of the Dislike - a Black man in the land trict of Columbia, and was apof Mister Charlie - by one white pointed secreatry to a comman who has lived it, and wants mission to Santo Domingo by the white world to know it. - By President Ulysses S. Grant. DurJohnny O t i s . ing these y e a r s , Douglass was On F e b . 17th, 18th, 19th the given many honors and duties, B.S.U. of Lock Haven State yet he remained active in c a u s e s will present a Black arts festiespecially women's sufferage. val. This festival will consist He often attended their conferof Black Cultural Arts, lectures, ences and openly expressed his movies, a Black Gospel group, views. and book l i s t s and d a n c e s . There Until h i s death in 1895, will also be records playing conDouglass' heart was always otinuously in the P U B . pen to the people. Frederick Come and dig on what's Douglass, a man who courahappening. geously broke the bonds of s l a RIGHT ON! very, stands as the foremost D. Elby and T. Reed black American of the I9th century. FIghl Cancer with a checkup and a check American Cancer Society I LOW COST, SAFE, LEGAL ABORTION IN NEW YORK SCHEDULED IMMEDIATELY (212)490-3600 j PROFESSIONAL SCHEDULING SERVICE, lnc.| 545 Fifth Ave., New York City 10017 | Ttiere is a fee for our service. i FOR THE COLLEGE chacka cashed eharga aceoinu ^ Mali Strtai MAN