Heimlich New Faculty at Lock Haven Si e CoHf-ge are, from left to right, Mr. William Host, music; Dr. Hu-hsun Tsai, sociology, Mr. John Washburn, social science, Mr. John Brendel, psychology; Mr. Richard Taylor, health and phyr.ical education; Mr. Trafton Buchanan, psychology; Dr. Charles Hayes, German; Mr. MichasI Parder, health and physical education; Mr. Louis Rumbalski, art; Mr. Robert Dixon, communications and technology; Miss Jean Lundholm, health and physical education; Dr. Paul Stanton, dean of teacher education; Miss Maralyn Heimlich, assistant dean of student life; Miss Sharon Taylor, health and physical education; Miss Catherine Sheridan, Akeley School; Dr. Harvey Sterns, director of elementary education; and Mr. David Arseneault, coordinator of campus activities. Stern, Former Principal, Replaces Gross as Elem. Head Dr. Harvey Stern, a man with a wealth of experience in the Elementary Education field, is the new Director of Elementary Education a t Lock Haven Stale. Dr. Stern replaces Lydia Gross who retired last spring. Receiving his education at s u c h institutions as Syracuse University and Wayne State, Dr. Stern obtained his Doctorate at the University of Michigan. For the past 3Vi years he served as the Director of Elementary Education at Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia and consultant in team teaching and non-graded schools in Charleston, W. Va. A former elementary school principal. Dr. Stern spent five years working in overseas dependent s c h o o l s . While he was there, his 17 year old daughter, Robin, was born. Robin was a contributing factor in Dr. Stern's d e c i s i o n to accept the position at LHS a s s h e is enrolled at the college a s a freshman this F a l l . Dr. Stern described LHS as having a nice atmosphere of friendliness and co-operation. In reference to his own department, he s t a t e d that there e x i s t s a strong, e x c e l l e n t , and proficient staff among which a concern for the individual student is present. The new director views one of the major myths of teacher education today as being that the program should equip one person to t e a c h all s u b j e c t s . This generalistic policy, he feels, is unfair to the child. Looking to a futuristic goal. Dr. Stern advocates replacing the 'self-contained teacher' with a number of s p e c i a l i z e d persons constituting a 'self-controlled school.' This 'co-operative team' would result in a more opened, less structured approach to teaching. v/iio leave to marry or raise children. He s t r e s s e d that the applicant will have to go where the job is and persons in the specialized fields, for example, special education, early childhood, library s c i e n c e , and remedial reading, will have more positions opening up to them. Attention: All students must have their ID cards embossed with their social security number. PUB Basement MWF 8-11 Tues. 11-3 Thurs. 1-3 Dean Found For Teacher Ed Revkhns Siarted The quality of the program at Lock Haven is a s good or better than varioiis programs I have observed, or been involved i n , " s t a t e d Dr. Paul Stanton in reference to the current Teacher Education program. Coming to Lock Haven from the University of Pittsburg, Dr. Stanton replaces Dr. Irene Russel as Dean of Teacher Education. Although he has only reveiwed the program superfically. Dr. Stanton feels it has the potential for becoming a model program of f E Occupies Lock Haven is rpplacing tiic old und bringing in the new. Miss H e i m l i c h , the A s s i s t a n t Dean for Student L i ' e , has first hand l must also report to the Office of Academic Affairs after registration. During the year^if an address change occurs the Veterans Administration and the Post Office should both be notified. Likewise, if their course load is reduced, the VA must be notified of any dependency changes due to marriage, divorce, births or deaths. As a final reminder, veterans must remember to return promptly the certificate of attendance card which will be received from the VA near the end of their enrollment period. House for Rent: Five rooms a«d a bath, two stories. Located on Fredrick St. in Flemington. contact: Wm. Grove, 726-4353. TERM PAPERS Send for your descriptive, up-to-date, 128-page, mail ordpr catalog of 2,300 quality termpapers. Enclose $1.00 to cover postage and handling. WE ALSO WRITE CUSTOM MADE PAPERS Termpaper Arsenal, Inc. 519 GLENROCK AVE, SUITE 203 LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90024 (213)477-8474 • 477-5493 "We need a local salesman" ERROR-FREE TYPINB ERRORITE BOOKSTORE