Lock Havtn State College fuition increase of $50 expected forprograms January are other pressures Another $50. tuition increase for Pennsylvania State students must learn to cope College students is anticipated with. " Obviously the Governby Commonwealth Association or is not concerned with the of Students' Executive Direct- quality of education in our or,Eugene T. Carroll. cont. on page 4 Based on current trends, the director believes that the Shapp Administration will impose another tuition hike on students, effective in January, 1976. "The state college system is currentiy operating with The International Club, a a $16.6 million budget deficit, new organization on campus, and even if the Supplemental will meet for the second time Appropriations Bill is passed, this Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in a deficit of $11.6 million to Bentiey Hall Lounge. Planned FIRST PRIZE WINNERS - The International Club took SI3.6 million will still exist. events feature a slide presentby John Winter, infirst prize In yesterday'activities fair held in Bentley Hall With these facts in mind, ation dependent exchange student another increase is likely," to promote campus and local organizations. [Photo by Don from Durham, England, and stated Carroll. discussion of the club's constiD'Innocenzo] According to the director, tution. state college students are Formed by Shelly Robinson already overburdened with the and Susan Craig, both par$800. yeariy tuition fee they ticipants in last fail's Notimgmust now pay. Increases in ham exchange, the club is an Service and Family Planning class size, abandonment of outgrowth of their hope that By CATHIE KEENAN Center were also present. The new educational programs, the international students on Staff Reporter main purpose for their partici- , and cutbacks in work-study campus be brought into closer oont. on page 4 Just formed at the begincont. on page 4 Mrrri. v f i f,n