Experience in Black Music With 'Cannonball' Adderly Lock Haven had an experience in Black Music by one of the foremost authorities on the subject, Julian Cannonball Adderly was on campus two d a y s , explaining and demonstrating how Black Music, particularly j a z z , originated. He explained and demonstrated the chronological development of Black Music before a tuU house in each of his seminar talks. Mr. Adderly pointed out one of the most improtant a s p e c t s in the e a r l y development of Black Music was the wandering minstrels. These the black s l a v e s who when traded or sold to another plantation woiid communicate with the s l a v e s in an expression the masters didn't -Mr. Adderly clarified the myth about black people being the only ones who can play j a z z . He stated that anyone who h a s m u s i c a l talent can learn to play jazz b e c a u s e music doesn't have color. 'Cannonball' also explained how rock music originated from jazz. He then terminated each seminar with a question—answer period. Mr. Adderly concluded his t w o day program with a dynamic concert. The best way to sum up h i s program is to mention that Mr. Adderly is not just a great educated musician but is also a great entertainer who Tue. Feb. 24,1970 LEEYE LOCK NAVEN STATE COLLECE LHS Cymnists Now The gymnastics exhibition team of Lock Haven State College opened its s e a s o n on February 18 witli a morning performance at Bellefonte Jianior High •ind an afternoon performance