Lock Hoven State College Vol. XVI Ho. 20 Fun, Food-What Else? by Gary Brubaker Come to the Eagle Wing Wednesday evening where the "Elite Meet to ^8t•• and enjoy the Reader's Theatre productiOT of "Gallows Humor." The play, a comedy written by Jack Richardson and directed by Dr. Robert Kidder, will be the first Coffee House production to be seen on campus tfiis year. Starring Nancy Wiener, Joe Nicely, and Ben Aptaker, the reading deals with "Comedy in a Death House," said Dr. Kidder. The play deals with the misfortunes of a prostitute and a condemned man. We have been doing these productions in the Eagle Wing Snack Bar for the past 5 years," Dr. Kidder stated. ••We didn't want to intenupt the food service, so we thought we'd combine Reader's Theatre and the Snack Bar into cne. In past perfamances we split the room by use of the electric doors. Now we'll leave the doors open so that the students can eryoy the production and take advantage of the food facilities as well." "Two readings will be given this evening at 7 pm and 10 pm with each reading expected to last approximately cne hour. So make it a point to visit the Eagle Wing Sneck Bar tonight. Pick up a snack or just sit back and enjoy yourself for an hour. Venus Flytrap Observed On Ulmer Roof by Susan Luke For those students not interested in any aspect of plant life, a guided tour of a greenhouse would soutid extremely dull. However, after walking through the greenhouse on this campus, one could not help but be amazed at the wide variety of plmts grown there. If the word 'insectivorous' means nothing, watch the blade like leaves of a Venus's flytrap close around a stem of grass used to stimulate them. The pitcher plant's leaves are shaped like pitchers and can hold water meant to attract and trap insects. The pitcher plant is also insectivorotis. Another plant is so sensitive to touch that it folds and withers if a finger is brushed along its leaves. Heard of papyrus in a textbook? Once used by the Egyptions for paper, there is a papyrus plant growing in Lock Haven's greenhouse. The plants growing in the greenhouse have not been purchased. They were started from seeds or cuttings or have been part of trades with other colleges. Grown to help botany students by giving them samples of the plants they may be talking about, the greenhouse is also used to start the plants that are part of the campus beautification program. The greenhouse, run by Dr. Settlemyer ana three students: Mike Holter, Steve Bothwell, and Rick Bowman, is located on the top of Ulmer Hall. Why not ask f a a tour sometime? Congatulations to Rfr. Joseph Nagy who celebrated his birthday on Sunday, October 7! Cars Go Over Cliff The horra of a blazitlg fire, students requiring hospital attention, or undesirable characters entering the dwms~how would you cope wdth this? The Administration and the Division of Law Enfacement are very concerned with the security and safety measures Lock Haven provides for the students and they're doing something about it. With increased visitation hours in many of the dams on campus, more efficient desk coverage is being provided. A further improvement is the guest registration fa all ncn-Lock Haven students. This service offers quick access to home ad dresses in case of an emergency, enabling authaities to notify the proper people. To prevent illegal entry into the residence h a l b , the glass in die front doors of the. dorms has been replaced with safety galss. The possibility of having a crash bar on the front doas of dams is even being considered. Presently there are two poorly lit vicinities .on campus: behind Gleimon Infirmary and the parking lot adjacent to the tennis courts. This insufficient lighting problem demands time ccn suming security procedures. Such procedures are far mae necessary in populated areas of the campub. CARS GO OVER WOOLRIDGE CUFF "Many people are unaware ttiat two cars went over the steep hill behind Wool- ridge Hall," statea Carl Nelson, directa of the Law Enfacement Division. He feels there is a definite need fa guard rails to be installed at that spot. In the near future, three phones will be installed on campus f a emergency use. Anyone picking up the phone will be immediately connected to the Law Enforcement Office. FIRE-nRST AID EQUIPMENT LACKING In many respects, fire safety equipment in the residence halls is inferia or lacking. There are no fire blankets a hoses in some of the dams. As a precautionary measure, it has been suggested that all canvas garbage bags be replaced by metal containers. Another proposal is that all maitf tenance employees be trained in fire safety. Still another major concern is the lack of first aid equipment in the residence halls. Simply, there are no stretchers a first aid kits available. Although the Infirmary is closed nights from 11 pm to 7 am, the Law Enfacement Division provides 24-hoiir service in case of a student's sickness a injury. "We call for a great deal of cooperation from the students," commented Nelson. All students requiring hospital attention should call the office and they vrill be token promptly to the Lock Haven Hospitol. Wed., Oct, 10, 1973 »10 2 EAOLE EYE Lock Haven 'TKe Adventures of Super Pusher' '''''""""ANNOUNCEMENTS Hunters. l t « y.« 8P»^ ^ J ^ " J l J ^ ' i n V S ^ So uw Ent««I«.t M cWirtlH Office of*. PUB. safety Office while you are At the close of last week's episode we saw Bennie Olson on campus. They may l» dashing into Clark Kent's pad yelling, "Oolly Mr. Kent, the chief just crashed! He wants to talk with the fuzz; he says he is going checked in or out at any to tell them everything if you don't supply him with the Reds." tlfflO. Irrmediately, Mr. Kent put down a new book he was reading "Drugs - Don't Abuse 'Em, Use 'Em" and ran out the door yelling There will be an APO at the top of his filthy drug filled lungs,"(iould be physical pledge ritual at 7:30 p.m. violence!" Bennie Olson, being the anxious, young apprentice pusher in the PUB conference and part'time reporter that he is'yelledout at the speeding Mr. room on Thurs., Oct. 11. Kent "Oolly Mr. Kent, can I come along too?" Members please plan to Mr, Kent stopped dead in his tracks almost as if he had OD'ed. "Holy filthy and obscene language," he said. "/ forgot attend and dress accordall about Mary Jane Lane, and suddenly, almost like a flashingly. back I remembered she is still lying on the parking lot in front of North Hall." "Oolly Mr. Kent, what are you going to do now?" "Good question, Bennie," said Super Pusher. "If / go to North Hall, I might find Mary Jane already dead, and then the chief might fink on us," Then Bennie said, "yes, but if you go after the chief After a month-long you may be letting Miss Lane die,.." struggle, the LHS marching Will Mary Jane survive her bad trip? Will Bennie Olson ever band appears to be returning grow up? Will Clark get the big scoop he so desperately needs? to a competitive level. And will the chief fink on the mysterious goings on around The group dispersed last THE DAILY PLANT offices? For the answers to these and other spring when the college was mind boggling questions make sure you read the further ADVEN- left without a band directa. TURES OP SUPER PUSHER. N*. William Rost, last year's directa, was filling only a tempaary position. Accading to Dr. Russell C. Nelson, Chairman of the Music Department, ••there was no money to add a new band by Renny Miller directa. Not until the end of F a those who enjoyed the sumner was a directa last year's Art in the Elemenable to be hired." tary Grades class projects, The new directa, Mr. Dave Bower of Montoursan even better one is planned Flaentino Caimi, was hired ville, Lock Haven State for this semester. shatly before the start of this Para Wald will be held College brilliant sophomae semester. Despite lost time at the end of October. Teach- quarterback is ranked as the attributed to late aganizing, ing the concept of paro in all third best passer in the nation the band expects to be able uses is one objective," stated after three games in the NCAA to perfam at Homecoming. Myrrl Krieger. Dr. Krieger and (Division HI) accading to the "In fact, we will be at the Kts. Naomi Shuey and their National Collegiate Sports Shippensburg game this SatArt in the Elementary classes Services. urday," said Dr. Nelson. will use the fountain behind However in pass percent"Not to march~we will play Raub f a the display setting. age Bower is number one in from the stands." On the ground level, the country with a mark of parables will be written on .578 on 37 completions of 64 Concerning the Homestones. The plants of paradise attempted. He has passed fa coming weekend. Dr. Nelson and paraphernalia will sur • 349 yards, four touchdowns assured that "the band will round the fountain. The and a completion per-game of be there~but in what capacity fountain will be paradise. 12.3. I am not yet sure." He hopes Parokeets will fly above the The top ranked passer in that the group will be ready to fountain, and the entire para- completions per contest is march both in the parade and world will be topped with a Bob Lockett of Colaado Mines at the game. giant parachute. with 14.3 and second is Doug Ihese goals are realistic "Ttiere is a lot of prob- Dickey of Wooster College at despite a number of obstacles 13.0. Rounding out the top related to the late start. lem solving," said Mrs. Shuey, including expansion and five are Bower, Lock Haven "We usually are aganized Duesenberg, North park, Illi- and playing befae classes contraction of bricks which rule out the use of tope, and nois, and Hanna, Southwestern, start in the fall," explains Dr. Nelson. "This year we how to support the giant para- Tenn. Last week in Lock Haven's weren't aganized until seven chute. . upset 25*14 win over Cal- to ten days after the semester The students, who will ifania State College, Bower had started." receive a project grade, are The biggesit problem went 14-fa24, 154 yards and planning para-world mostly iflvolves the inability of all without the help of instructas. three touchdowns. Cteoki will l e cashed only hetween the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. daily beginning Monday, Oct. 15, 1973' Homecoming tickets for Peter Nero, Todd RiMlifeii and the Harlem Globeh-otters are available In the Secretary's office in the Student Union. Caimi Inspires Band Para World Parables, Bower Parakeets.... Ranked Third Nationally the bandsmen to meet at a given time. "When the band was cancelled last spring," says Dr. Nelson, "the band members arranged their schedules for this semester, not giving allowance f a a band practice tim*. "Now we can't (^t fverybody together at (tie same time. It is hard f a the BMBbers to calculate how far apart they are to stand in a famation v*en they are practicing with ghosts. '•The physical problems are worse than most people realize," continued Dr. Nelson. •'In addition, we are having problems finding a suitable place to practice." The most accomodating practice site is the high school stadium. But its use is being restricted because of the addition of a new turf. The only other field marked off by yard lines is Hubert Jack Stadium. But as the days are becoming shorter, darkness sets in early on the new, lightless stadium. Niiht practices, therefae, have been conducted inside, in such restricted places as Price Auditaium. Marching precision is hampered severely by the M l i of space—and time. Dr. Nelson indicated that the band may put on a concert, probably in December. "But," he added, "We're not making any commitments we can't keep, "The situation is only tempaary," concluded Dr. Nelson. "I am optimistic that the band will come back." Wed., Oct. 10,1973 EAOLE EYE Karen Benton - Elementary Special Education I Junior TKE Sweetheart Patti Dengler - Social Welfare Senior KDR Sweetheart page 3 Lock Haven SUte College Georgette Rolley - Elementary Ed, Senior HOMECOMING PREVIEW The 1973 Homecoming Court Elect a Queen Vote Oct, 18 Karen Rothermel - French Sophomore PM) Sweetheart Chris Schleiker - Health PE Special Education Junior LCA Sweetheart EAOLE EYE I»igd4 i^' w d!^ H A. IQf Hft^^lHM Hi^E What's The Story Jerry Whats the story Jerry? Well I'll tell you what the story is. Are yoi; a member of a club or organization or any group at all? Well If you are then have I got a deal for you. We, the Fublicotions photographers wiH take yearbook pictures ot your informal group at any reasonable place or time (this does not mean the standard group yearbook pictures). A l l you have to do is contact us at the Publications Office, Ext. 456 by Oct. 2 1 , 1973 and you are in. t—' Needed: Someone to come in and clean my opartffl*nt. Am willing to pay $3.00/kr. Would like someone eilher WED., THURS., or Fri. 'Oct. 10, n . Of ! 2 ) . C o n toct Buck Ewing at 7489241 boforo 5 p.m. Luigi's 52V2 rear E, Church St. 748 - 6573 Try our deubU or tripl* burger *p«cial «%d., Oct. 10, 1973 Lock Haven State Colleie Are yoe tired of liavirtg yocr picture taken in front of that same old drab PUB cinder block wall? Well this is you chonce! You come up with the idea and we'll photograph it.' Friends olso signify a group. Imagine your group sitting on a mushroom smoking beer and drinking grass. Can't be done? Try U«l This is your yearbook! Make it a great one! Any clubs, orgonizotion, or group of students who ofp tired of having your /earbook pictures ' taken in front of that same old block wall in the PUB, contact us, Publications photographs. Yes, nov^ your group con have pictures taken anywhere 'within reason'. Any pBTSon commitinK to Willjamsport the first nine weeks of spring semester, '74, please centact Sally Tenie, Higli Hall, rm. 321. Malt or female room mate nooded to fill thr«« man aportmtnt. Good location, five minutes from campus Nice clean apartmentprivacy guaranteed. (Could possibly squeeze two people in if so desired.) Any combination! Phone 748-7881 after dinner or phone ARENA during the day 7485313 and inquire about apartment. )f 4 Rap Corner by Ezell Monts Leaders Are Made, Not Born by Kathy Scully A Leadership Wakshop is being held at the Sieg Conference Center, Sunday, October 14, 1973. Beginning with registration at 10 a.m. the wakshop will last until 5 p