Lock Haven State College Wed., April 3,1914 Placement for Grads The annual placement meeting for prospective 1975 graduates (December, May, or August) will be held Thursday, April 18, at 1 p.m. in Price Auditorium. All prospective 1975 graduates should attend this meeting lo complete information for inclusion in the Prospective Graduate Listing This publication is distributed to the vast majority of 505 school districts in Pennsylvania; additional school districts outside of Pennsylvania including the states of New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland; and to approximately 250 significant business and industry employers. Students planning to graduate next year should be prepared to answer the following questions: Permanent home address during 1974-75; home telephone number; poiential graduation dale; marital status; membership in organizations, offices held, and honors received at Lock Haven State; type of community preferred - urban, suburban, or mral; and preferred geographic areas of employment, in-state or outof-state. Education majors will also be required to indicate their field(s) of certification, grade level preference, sports qualified to coach, and other extrarcurricular activities able to advise. Arts and Science majors will need to indicate their major area of concentration and vocational interests. There will be a special meeting al the end of this session for prospective December graduates and Education majors who will be student teaching during the Fall semester. SCC to discuss budget The 1974-75 SCC budget will be presented Wednesday night, April 3, 1974, at the SCC General Assembly Meeting and at a special budget meeting which will be held Monday, April 8, 1974. One result of the new budget will be a five dollar increase per semester to the Activity Fee. The main reason for the increase to due to' inflationary costs. The Activity Fee has not been raised for four years and as inflation effects the col'-ge itself, il also effects u\e SCC. Total Allocations .ave increased $15,953.00 more from last year's $184,155.00 to this year's total of $200,118.00. The Athletic Allocations having been increased $12,281.04 more with increases occuring in most athletic areas and the addition of a Woman's Synchronized Swimming Team and a Womens Competitive Swimming Team. The total Anticipated revenue has been increased from last years expected $226,450.00 to this year's expected $248,950.00. Fixed Expenses have increased $6,537.00. Copies of the Budget can be obtained at the SCC Executive Office for any persons desiring one. College Singers rehearsing for concert lu oe netu in Auditorium, Thursday at H l\M. trice Technology & Ed. to meet "F'ocus Upon Instfv tional Teohnology in International Lducation" will be the topic of the President's Fourth Annual Invitational Symijosiuni to be held Friday. The daylong symposium, v4iich will held in Ulmer Planetarium, will feature various speakers on this subject. Dr. Aubrey Phillips v411 open the symposium wtih an examination of instructional technoolgy at the llniversity of the British West Indies, Jamaica, vthere he is vice dean and head of teacher education. He will be toiiowed by Dr. Jesse Hartline, director of the Rutgers llniversity "Open University" project . Dr. Hartline will explain the instructional programs ieveloped for the Open University by B.B.C. Television in London anti currently being used at Rutgers. At 11 a.m., Dr. Walter Mars, associate director of Cont. on page 4 LHS II arraigned on April I Eleven Lock Haven State students were arraigned befae Clinton County Judge Carson V. Brown on April 1 for charges stemming from an intensive investigation which culminated wilh a pre-dawn drug raid on Dec, 11. The raid took place on the Lock haven State College campus and in the city of Lock Haven. The eleven students pleaded not guilty to the charges againsi them and are scheduled to .appear for trial April 15. The jyrors should be chosen at this time. A pre-trial has been scheduled for April 8 at 10 p.m. in the court house. This will be closed to the public. At this time each case will be discussed between defendant, lawyer, prosecutor and Judge Brown, Wed.. April 3. 1974 page 2 EAGLE EYE ^^'^^ Haven Statr Collcej John Peregrin to try for 'Hat trick^ by Doug Stoner Stop, You're Killing Me. Nope, that ain't the cry of our bleary eyed editor. Rather, it's the name of a play, or lo be more exact, it's the composite name of three shorl plays. Written by James Leo Herlihy, author of Midnight Cowboy, the plays deal with human loneliness. Each one portrays loneliness at a different level of society. The first play in the triology "Laugh'-s etc.", stars Jan Foster as Gloria, Il deals with a woman suffering from an unhappy marriage. Gloria is the false Amazing Buffalo Revue? By Bill Mahon The weekend of April 19, 20, and 21 will be the Spring Weekend at Lock Haven State. Among thr, feaiures for the weeketxl wilf be "The Amazing Kreskin", "Bob Doyle aixl the Buffalo Chipkickers", "The Earl Scruggs Revue", and "Dylan Day." On Friday evening, April 19, Kreskin will perform a menlalisl-hypnotisl act be has spent over 30 vears devveloping. The 8 pm concert in Thomas Fif-'d House will be $2 with a validated ID and $3 without. Saturday evening will feature the Earl Scruggs and Bob Doyle troupe in Thomas Field House at 8 pm. Tickets for their concert will be $3 wilh ID and $4 without. Rounding out the weekend will be "Dylan Day" April 21 ; at LHS. Two slide shows will be presented of the composer-singer's first tour in several years. The 1:30 pm and 6 pm shows in Ulmer Planetarium are free of charge. jet-set type, trying to be something she's not. She relates her story while getting drunk. The second play, "Terrible Jim Fitch", is about a down and out, hardass crook. The play concerns a confrontation between Fitch and a whore, Sally Wilkins. He is trying lo justify what he's done to her. The play stars Steve Culp as Fitch and Deb Klens as Sally wilkins. "Bad, Bad Jo-Jo" completes the threesome. Il deals with Kayo Hathaway, a rich and famous playwright and creator of the character Jo-Jo. Kayo is leaving the country to live in Switzerland. He is being interviewed by magazine reporters before his departure. Pal Quinn, Gary Robinson and Dave O'Connell star in "Bad, Bad Jo-Jo". Firsi perfonned offbroadway in 1969, Slop, You're Killing Me is now heing directed on the Lock Haven campus by John Peregrim. Preview performance will be April 8 at 8:00. Regular perfomiances will be April 9 and 10 at 8:00. Admission is free. Social^ not energy^ crisis by Cindy Sleigh "An Indian has no protection of his land as long as it's in trust of the American Government." This sentiment was impressed by Coyote, a member of Ihe White Roots of Peace, at the press conference held in Raub 106 Thursday afternoon. The White Roots of Peace discussed the Indian dilemma in the United Stales. The greatest stress of the press conference was a reevaluation of American use of resources. Questioned on the remark, "There is no energy crisis, but rather a social crisis" made at an earlier session, Lillihoquats further explained the need to turn our backs on technology and return to nature. When asked about the incidents of Wounded Knee and the take-over of Alcatraz, members of the group explained that these were not done for attention. The Indians were trying to live on their own land in their own way. Press coverage, they stated, did not always bring out the whole truth of these situations. Besides holding conferences and seminars, the Indians had a continuosly showing rnovie, an arts and crafts display and a tepee set up for student inspection. The day ended with a dance of Thanksgiving held in Bentley Lounge. Indians and students alike participated in ceremonial chants and steps. Dear Editor...letters...letters...letters... Mad Mahon offers rebuttal perspective that were includ- DEAR EDITOR: I would like to afford this opportunity to clarify the Women's Dorm Council's clarification, and correct Paula Rossetlie's corrections. Members of the WDC have written lies; taken statements I have had printed aixl put them in quotes leaving out several words which change the meaning of what I said; desecrated the office they were elected to; and attempted to persuade students to their own side of the issue by redefining the definitions and exaggerating facts. Hence, I will attempt to put the facts in their proper ed in the two letters written by the WDC, First I will go through the four poinis presented by all the members of the Council in the March 27 article. In their first point the WDC explain they ^re " a self supporting group." What do tliev mean? Do they sell cookies door lo door - conduct pop bottle drives or collect old newspapers and sell them to be recycled? No, they don't. Every penny the WDC spends is taken from students in Gross, Russell, Woolridge and McEntire. Il all belongs to students and should be spent in the best interests :>( ali students. In point two of the letter they state the money " i s used to support residence hall programs" and " i t can not be used or donated to other organizations, such as the Women's Swimming Team as staled in the article of March 2 5 . " All i can reply to this is, that it is a lie. I know your money cannot be donated to the Women's Swimming Team, and I never made that statement in my article of March 25. Point three states the purpose of attending the convention was " t o gain ideas to bring back." Well all the Council members had to do for a thousand dollars worth continued or page 4 Wed., April 3, 1974 EAGLE EYE Beyond Masculinity The values of today's society are based primarily on the mas cul ine value system. This statement basically sums up the gist of Warren Farrell's Monday night talk, "Beyond Masculinity". In his lecture, Mr. Farrell described the different values of men and women and the need to change, understand, and share these differences. Men represent success objects of today, according to Farrell. The pressures to keep moving up the social ladder are consistently and constantly pounding them. The speaker believes that men need to share the responsibility of being the "bread winner" with their women or wives. This way, he explained, both can persue their individual interests and careers within moderation. Unfortunately, a man's success is measured mainly in external rewards - money, certificates, degrees, and titles. Fatrell pointed out that there needs to be an Badminton Coach Mike Parker was crowned Men's Intermural Badminton ciiampio" of LHSC Monday nighl as he defeated Mark Intoccia of Beech House for the Intermural Championship. The tournament was held in Zimmerii Gymnasium. There were 45 entries in the tournament but as usual, forfiets marred what could have been a higher calibre of competitive play. Soccer Coach Karl Herrmann garnered third place in the tournament with Ron Vance capturing fourth. intermingling with a woman's kind of success. This is usually measured by internal rewards such as the inward satisfaction gained from being a good parent to the children, and from understanding and helning her mate. Vi'ith all the pressures man allows to be piled on top of him, he needs the woman to build up his ego. As Farrell puts it, woman are like jock straps - always supporting, bul nol showing too much. Farrell wenl on to say that the sex barriers need to be broken down. It should not be considered masculine to climb the ladder of success, nor should doing housework be considered femine. Men need to learn how to personalize, not only intellectualize. And according to Mr. Farrell, men need to learn how to love. Questions and discussions followed Mr. Farrell's 1ecture. SoHbatt According to Coach Brad Black, Men's Intramural Director, the Men's Intramural Softball program will try to get "off and running" this Monday, April 8 at 5:30 pm. This season will not start with the makeup games from Monday, April 1, and Wednesday, April 3, but will go according as planned for the teams scheduled to play this coming Monday, April 8. The contests which were "snowed out" this week, will, according to Coach Black, "hopefully be re-scheduled at a later date." More information will be provided in upcoming issues of the Eagle Eye. Ananda Luigi's 52h rear E. Church St. 748 - 6573 Try our double or triple burger special Marga Society- free Yoga and Meditation Lock Haven State College What's page 3 Hoppenifl' Thanks are extended to all who helped in making the visit of the "White Roots of Peace" such a success. Special thanks to the wood supplier, haulers and cutters, tlie guides, publicity people, atid the faculty members who sponsored discussions in their classes. Dave Arseneault PIE C O N T E S T ; The sisters of Delta Zeta w i l l hold their annual this 1 Pie-Eating Thursday, p.m. in Contest April 4, Bentley Lounge. Come support favorite fraternity or at Hall your Men's residence hall representotive. PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: The Bureau of Employment Se-^ curity wi II conduct interviews on Thursday, April 4, 1974, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m., to assist college students seeking parttime employment in the Lock Hoven area. You must sign up for an interview in the Plocement Office, Bentley for practicing Yoga positions. AMtRICAN FAMILY PLANNING IS A HOSPITAL AFULIATED ORGANIZA TION OFFERING VOU ALL ALTERNA MVES TO AN UNWANTED PREGNAN CY FOR INFORMATION IN YOUR AREA CALL AMtRICAN FAMILY PLANNING .1 MetliLdiScmlwHflp You NORML- National Organiza- tion for the Reform of Marijuana Laws w i l l meet in the For the best in s e r v i c e . . . Music Room of the PUB Wed. April 3 at 8:30. Officers w i l l be elected and a constitution w i l l be set up. New member' welcomed. A l l members of the campus interested In suggesting films for next year's Humanities F i l m series are invited to meet on Thursday, April 4, at 1:00 p.m. In Raub 309. ^iBnafiioBS •^fcoa AlfCO corner of Bellefonte & Cor»imerce KELLY and SPRINGFIELD I C o o d r i d ; ; TIRES 7-9 pm Gross Hall lounge. necessary; bring blanket UNWANTED^ PREGNANCY? Cdll (2151449-2006 Hall. classes, Thurs., April 4, No previous experience Anyone interested in applying for the position ot editor of the Eagle Eye should submit a letter of application containing a list of qualifications and a statement of goals and aims. The letter of application should be accompanied by three seconding letters, preferably from people on the present Eagle Eye staff or people in the fields of English or Communication who have knowledge of your ability. Letters should be submitted to Ms. Monlen A. Clemmer, Coordinator of Student Publications, Parsons Union Building, L.H.S.C. by April 11, 1974. PADDLEBALL- Tournament pairings have U ' ^ posted in Zimmerii. F!i.i.i rofjnd mutt be completed l: • Friday. S4L nagc 4 EAGLE EYE Cont. trom page i Mad Mahon Conl. from page 2 01 Ideas wo.-^ tu see Hau a Rossettic. In Miss Rossetlie's April Fools letter (il wa.s not clear, bul 1 think she intended to attack me in that leller) she cited several very g(X)d r e a s o n ' s why the trip to Vj->uisiana should not have been made. Miss Rossettic supported me (uninlenlially) when she staled the recreation room of Russell Hall " c o a s i s t s of old furniture in front ot a working half-thc-time TV s e t , and a run-down fold-up p i n t pong tabic." The WDC did nol have Ir, send three women bulf-wav acros.s tho Cduntiy lo find ihul oul. I'm sure Miss Rosseltie would have been able to tell them wluit to do with the $1,000, free .^f charge. As far as poinl four goes: A. anybody could name Nov. 14-18 Women's Week- you don't need lo spend $1,000 to think of that. B. Bill Miller taught his self defense course al Bucknell and Penn Slate long helore he came lo | ock Iiaven. That's much closer than Louis ianna. Concerning Miss R o s s e t l i e ' s compulsion lo speak oul, 1 think most readers were confused as lo what she was speaking aboul. She begins by attacking me; then c i l c s several g(xid r e a s o n s why the Council members should not go to the convent i o n ' ( r u n down fold-up ping pong table and a working h.'ilf-the-tiinc TV s e t ) : and then takes a rather cheap shot hy jumping up and yelling sex descrimination. she Wed., Aoril 3 , 1 9 7 4 Lock Haven State College Miss R o s s e t t i e states writes her letter to " c o r r e c t the numerous false statements made by Mr. Mahon." To this my reply is that I stand behind everything I said in my What's In article except the one correction I promptly made, on my own accrjrd in the next days i s s u e . It was pointed out to me that the WDC does not receive il's funds- fK^m activities but it is included in the SCC hudget. I made that correcticiii before anyone from WDC approached me. " D o n ' t tell me about managing money and benifitiiig students! Surprised?" I would nol call it surprise Miss R o s s e t t i e , it is more like confusion. You use two rt^a.sotis for not taking that trip to explain why the trip •siiould be taken. Concer ning the exlra tLSO thai was needed lo send the three girls, you quote me as saying something which 1 did not s a y . True, the tjuote is very close to what I s a i d , bul the few words you left oul of that sentence just happen lo cliange the meaning. After taking a s t a t e m e n t I said and makin:: it appear as if I'm attacking the WDC because they are all women. Miss R o s s e t t i e explains that il was a " c r a s s and thoughtless s t a t e m e n t . " I was attacking all student funded organizations which spend the most money for the fewest s l u d e n t s . It was also hard to understand your Slalement that the campus is "predominately women." There arc approximately 11 women on campus or every len males, I don'l think that can be called "predominately women." Sch.- • ?':.., VaUcy Forge, Dul^e, Rudv.eise-, and Other Favorite Complete Shasta Line, Other Ice ond Party 12.5 Hsgan Blvd. Michelob Brands Favorite Scit Drinks, Snacks Phone 748 4073 B The afternoon s e s s i o n will feature Dr. Robert Murray speaking on instructional technology in the Territory of Guam. Also speaking in the afternoon wil! oe professor John" Whetton who will d i s c u s s teacher education in Great Britain. The conference wili be concluded by Dr. Russell Milliken, formerly a s s o c i a t e dean of Ohio University's College of Education and now administrative vice president of Lock Haven Slate. Sincerely, Bill MaKbn Symposium cuoiuiualor is Mr. Arthur Reardon, LHS director of learning r e s o u r c e s Get into the swim Coach Bradley Black, Men's Intramural Swimming Championships will be held this Thuisday night, April 4 , in Zimmerii Pool. Swimmers must be at the pool by 6 pm sharp. Swimmers will sign-up for the events in which they are planning lo participate with the tournament getting under way at approximately 6:15- 6:30 pm. No individual will be permitted to participate in more than 4 total e v e n t s . He may swim in 3 individual events and 1 relay or 2 relays and 2 individual events but may not swim in more than 3 individual events or 2 relays. Teamwise, a team is not permitted to enter more than 1 leam per relay, nor may they enter more than 3 contestants per individual event. The order of individual events will run a s follows: 200 free, 200 breast, 50 free, 50 back, 50 breast, 100 free, 100 breast, and 100 back. R e l a y s will start with the 100 medley relay followed by the 100 free relay, 100 breast relay, and the 200 freestyle relay. The 50 yard Butterfly event will be included in the list of events if enough contestants are entered. SOPHOMORES an BUY YOUR CLASS RIHG NOW !!!!! jX'. A W G u n d l a c h & SonsI Four Severs fi Shoppinq Center the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, will lecture on the question " I s the Cart Before the Horse in Internationa] Education?" You fail to r e a l i z e , or at least explain to your reade r s , the very existence of t h e 100 men who live in Gross Hall. One hundred men who the Council r e p r e s e n t s , and the Council is nol an all female organization. Please do not write anoiher annoying letter until you are prepared to deal with the facts, or at least make your own corrections. The S.pt'hro n fT Hh:r..u st: YOL'RE SOT A SEMOR YET l)l)H:i\'T \lf:A\ rot C.iS'T RKIVRARISG )UiR n.Ass Ri\G. coif: i\ TODAY .A\D LOOK OVER IHR Fl\r SELECTIO\ Of GOLD LASCE CLASS RI\GS. .IT OCR STORE. YOi r.lV DO IT SOW SOT TWO YE.iRS FROM \0\\. DROP IS TOOi) "E'RE CL.iSS Rl\G IIE.ADQi.ARTERS. ' ' MAILMAN JEWELERS 118 E. Main St.