S. R. NOSES VICTORY FROM GROVE CITY (Continued from Page 1) goal, and Goldberg succeeded in arabbing three others in the same way. If you'll add those, you'll find they total 22. Allen of Grove referee. City was the Girls Win and Lose The girls’ basketball team started off with a rush this year, winning the first two games with ease. In the first game, with Franklin High, played here, the varsity walked away with the game, winning by a score of 43-6. The West Liberty Normal School, from West Virginia, invaded our camp on January 15, and again the Slippery Rock girls won, 33-5. On Friday evening, January 18, the first and second teams journeyed to Franklin for a return game with that high school. The second team started the game and managed to keep the lead for the first half. How- ever, they were not equal to the task, and during the last quarter the mem- bers of the first team were put in, Franklin having a three-point lead. The obstacles were too great, theugh, and the final score stood 17-15 in Iranklin’s favor. The next game is with Indiana on Saturday evening, January 26. This game is one of the most important of all this season and must be won. If our girls are to have a chaice at the normal school championship, they must take over Indiana. Get oul there and put fight into them! Got on your job! Johnnie’s Boys Once More Captain Komora’s team has b2en winning easily thus far, but a hard game is forecast with Californio, to be played here on February 9. Re- game is forecast with California ,to football? Let’s get on our toes now, and take them over again! e e ——————— Mr. Roberts recently educated a cat. He “led it out” (of the room). Miss McClymonds—If that is clear to “Smoke,” it ought to be clear to . the rest of you » . - L et 0 . % A . THE SLIPPERY ROCKET ALUMNI NEWS Mr. Calvin Hogg, of the class of 1908, has been appointed Assistant Superintendent of the schools of Dut- ler County:. Dr. Roscoe T. Kline, a former resident of Evans City, died last Sat- urday at his residence, 3472 Perrys- ville Avenue, North Side, Pittsburgh, after an illness from influenza and pneumonia. He was a graduate of the Slippery Rock State Normal Qehool in the class of 1910. Mr. Kline while a student at the normal was among the foremost in all the activi- ties of the school. Especially was he prominent in the work of the liter- ary societies. His school work was always the best, and he stood well with the student body and the facul- ty. After leaving the Normal he en- tered the medical school of the Uni- versity of Pittsburgh. Miss Myrtle Dimit, '21, now Mrs. Paul McFate, has moved to Fort Col- lins, Colorado. The first oil well in Colorado was struck near their place. Her husband is a worker in the oil fields. Friends of Miss Flora N. Dunka received the announcement of her marriage to Dr. Nikola John Radeff, December 22, 1923, at Gary, Indrana. Both Dr. and Mrs. Radeff have been engaged in social service work at Gary for some time and expect to continue their work there. Miss Helen Jones, class of 23, visited Marjorie Jamison the week- end of January 18. Miss Wilda Knox, who is teaching in Woodlawn, was a week-end visitor. Miss Anna V. Brown, ex-'23, writes that she has a school of thirty pupils of all grades from one to eight, at West Sunbury. She says that she is greatly enjoying her work. Miss Alda Henry writes that she was too easy with her third grade pupils during the early weeks of the year, with the result that they tried to run away wit her. Then she took off her gloves and handled them “yough” for a few days, with the re- sult that peace reigns. The mistake she made is frequent with young teachers. Don’t make it. “Chinning” in your neighbor’s room never won a game of basket- semester, MISS HENRY HONORED Dr. Heinmiller thinks so highly of the project “story” which appeared in our last issue and which was writ- ten by Miss Alda Henry, of the Car- negie schools, that he has written asking her for permission to include it in a discussion of the project which will appear in an article he is writing. Congratulations, Alda. We all thought that was an exceptionally interesting and helpful article. MUSIC APPRECIATION music appreciation January 31, During the hour next Thursday, Ralph Reynolds will sing “Celeste Aida” from Verdi’s opera “Aida,” and “Caprice Viennois,” Kreisler, will be played. The following Thurs- day, February 7, there will be a ren- dition of Liszt’s “Hungarian Rhap- sody No. 2.” Both programs promise to be of unusual interest. - You Don’t Have To Be Hungry 1 —To Eat At— JIM’S PLACE Where Particular People Eat MEALS - LUNCHES - SODAS - CANDY - CIGARS ; James B. Topley — Proprietors — Mrs. J. H. Wellh“ FRIEDMAN & ALPER “The Right Meat Market” GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES Slippery Rock, Penn’a. The Buttertly Tea Room 1 COME RIGHT IN FOLKS AND TRY Dur Delicious Special Sundaes Sandwiches, Cooling Drinks Appetizing Salads Home-made Pies Home-made Cake | DR. W. A. SPROULL DENTIST Slippery Rock, Penn’a. - W. J. MAYBURY DRUGGIST E Slippery Rock, Penn’a. o> - ' J. L. Friedman & Bro. DRY GOODS, MEN’S AND LADIES’ CLOTHING Closed on Saturday | Slippery Rock, - - - SHOES Penn’a.