Lock Haven State College Tuesday, March 11 language' conference to be held fhis weekend By BILL FRAZIER Staff Reporier E. HOWARD HUNT ACCUSED OF PARTICIPATING \t^ KENNEDY ASSASSINATION - Last night speaker Dick Gregory officially accused E. Howard Hu'^'t of participating in a ClA conspiracy to ossassinate President John F. K*?nnedy. Gregory spoke of CIA participation in nearly every major American assassination in recent years, Gregory guaranteed last night's audience that within 30 days the truth about Kennedy's assassination would be uncovered (Photo by JOHN VUKOVIC) Ever wonder where that buzz in the cafeteria some people call conversation came from? Ever see a chimp talk using sign language? How do fish communicate? How did language develop? All of these questions artd more will be answered this Friday and Saturday at the "Conference on the Evolution of Language" which will take place in the John Sloan Fine Arts Center on the cainpus of LHS. The coafirence is being sponsored by the Clutural Affairs Coimiittee of the S.C.C. with the, help of Darlene Thomas, Frank Vaughn, Blair Carbaugh and Dr. Kon- At 4 pm Dr. Marshal Becker, (West Chester S.C.) a professor of Anthropology will lecture on The Origin of Man. people from stealing." be replaced is lengthening. At 8 pm a panel on ComMr. Thomas also mentionThis new security system munication in the Lower Aned the fact that a few years is used at many major librarimal Forms will take place. ago, if a book was stolen, it ies, and has had a marked Dr. Herbert Hayes (Shippenscould be replaced instantly. effect in the decrease of burg S.C.) will present "Comstolen articles. It is hoped Now, however, the library munication in Invertebrates," must wait for a couple of years that this will also be the Dr. Samuel j . Ha (MMIerscase at L.H.S. because the line of books to ville S.C.) will present "Sound Production and Communication in Marine Fish," and Dr. Louis Rigley (Wilkes age or require the examination. College) will present "BeBy BILL STERNER The NET is designed to evahavior of Fresh Water pish." Co-Spats Editor luate cognitive knowledge and On Saturday, March 15 The National Teacher Exa- understanding in professional the conference will resume education, general education with Ecology and Evolution minations (NET) will be adand subject field specializa- of Communication by Dr. H. ministered on April 15, 1975. tions totaling 28 in nutiAier. B. Oraves (P.S.U.) a profesSUppery Rock State College Bulletins of Information S'j of Ethology, and an interhas been selected as this detailing registrstion proce- nationally known expert on years lest center. The NET tests are offered dures and Registration Forma animal behavior. A coomentmay be obuined directly from ary will also be presented by to college seniors preparing to teach, to teachers desiring cer> NET. Simply write: NET. Edu- Dr. Edward Bendix (Hunter cational Testing Service. Box College. CUNY) on Relating tification or licensure, and to 911, Ptincton, New Jersey, those seeking poaitions in 08540. school systems which encour> LHS library security tightened By JOHN JAROCKI Staff Reporter The Lock Haven State College Library is implementing and enforcing new security mnaaures. Beginning Monday, March 17 at 8:00 am, a new "inspection system" will go into effect. The purpose for these measures is the curtailment of book and magazine thefts. Inspection of briefcases, gymbags, knapsacks and notebooks will take place at the library check-out by one of the library personnel. According to Mr. Mire Tnomas, Reference Librarian, "This program is not to give people a hard time, but to protect the books we have." He also commented that since the detection device was installed, there has been a slight decrease in the amount of thefts, but "It won't prevent ick. Experts from the fields of psychology, biology and anthropology will gather to discuss the common topic the "Evolution of Language." "LHS is very privileged to have this conference," said Darlene Thomas, one of the chief organizers of the conference. "The origin of language is a very avant-garde subject." The conference on t h e ("Evolution of Language" will begin on Friday, March 14 at 2:00 pm with a film and an Introduction to the topic by four LHS faculty members. Darlene Thomas, John Brendel, Blair Carbaugh, and Charles Newcomer will comment on primate films. Teacher exams held at Rock EAGLE EYE Tuesdsy, March 11. 1975 New aspects highlight stu(Jent recruitment By GEORGE MORRISON Staff Reporter This year's recruiting of new students features many new aspects. One of the new additions ia Mr. W. Terrell Jones, Assistant Directa of Admissiona. Mr, Joseph Coldren, Director of Admiaaions; Mr. James Reese, alao Assistant Director of Admissions; and Mr. Jones work together to recruit new atudents for Lock Haven. To do this, they use many types of recruiting. The first type is traditional recruiting, which includes things done year after year to attract atudents to campus. Public and private schools are visited with the objective of meeting with counselors and interested students. In the fall of 1974, 120 high schools were visited, along with an approximately 100 additional schools thia spring. Former student returns to manage student publications The admisaions officera don't only recruit locally. Their recruiting ia done statewide and out of state also. Communily and junior colleges are visited with the idea of recruiting tranafera to the Haven. Last fall, 11 junior and community collegea were visited and plans are being made to visit eight more this spring. College night programs are also a large part of recruiting. The reason for coPsge night progrania is again to meet with parents, intereaied students, and counselors. Veteran's programa are run somewhat like a college night program, only vcterana are the prime target here. Another way of recruiting students is by holding a college fair. The National Association of College Admissions Counselors tporvsors a nunt>er of college fairs. Admissions representatives from all over the United Sutes attend these. Minority recruiting is done by all three admiasions direciors, but Mr. Jones is iMinly responeible in this area. Along with the Admissions ofrice. the Act 101 office beaded by Mr. Retocrt Lynch %: .. -^ikaio^u.. ,_:«.«•''i".: also aids in recruiting minority students. Direct mail recruiting is new this year. A packet made up of an application, admissions issue, and brochure is sent to prospective applicants. Also, an invitation for an interview and a tour of the campus is sent out. Another new program was initiated this year by Dr. Hugh Williamson, Acting Dean of Arts and Science; Dr. Matthew Maetozo, Dean of t4t /y PUBLICATIONS MANAGER -- Evalyn Fisher was reHealth, Physical Education Ceplly hired by the Studen; Publications Board of Lock and Recreation; and Dr. Haven State. (Photo by NICK SPANOS) Harvey Sterns, Acting School of Education Dean. They now send letters of congratulations to all accepted freshmen, encouraging them to consider Lock Haven. she's 23 years old, single, a My JOHN JAROCKI The International Educanative of Washington, Pa,, and Staff Reporter tion Office, headed by Dr. a 1969 graduate of Cedar Marcus Konick, has worked Cliff High School. She Do you remember a few along with the admissions attended Harrisburg Area office with recruiting interyears back when there was a Community College for two national students. So far this student on campus named years and Lock Haven State year we have had 29 interEvalyn Fisher? She graduated College for three years, national studenta on campus. from L.H.S. in 1974, but is graduating in 1974 with a 25% of this year freshman now back in another capacity Bachelor of Arts in English class comes from Clinton the new General Manager of Humanities. County and some bordering Student Publications. While at the "Haven", counties, while 75% came Some of her new duties Miss Fisher participated in other counties and from out include the supervision of the the Nottingham exchange of state. Sfudents from 60 financial records of Student program. She was also the counties, 289 high schools, atxl Publications, hiring and first Chairman of the Student 40 colleges are represented training the technical staff, Publications Board. here at Lock Haven. and general coordinating. From last June to FebThe admissions office Trying to learn the "ins ruary, she worked with the acts as the catalyst in bringand outs" of her new job, Lock Haven Express, and ing students to Lokc Iiaven, gained some valuable experishe ha.s reached some obstahut present studenta also ence which she hopes she can cles. According to Miss Fishplay a part in the process. associate with her new er, "I'm always on the move, "The Itudents are probably hut the chaiis of new surround- position. the best recruiters we have," ings IS subsiding. | guess says Ktr. Coldren, aa the If you should desire to atmosphere encountered by that's hecause everyone is locate the new general manthe prospective students ager, her office is located on helping me. Bul, I do feel here al Lock Haven is most the bottom floor of the PUB very much at home." import* ni. near the S.C.C. F.xecutive For those people who office. don't know llvalyn Fisher, Anyone having ovoilgbU dorm tpoct to ihoro wilh vititing i l u d t n l i for th* Confer• neo on tho Evolution of Longuogo It otkod lo contact Pat Barbarict, • > ! . 4 0 1 . All 1974-75 mombort of V a n i t y wrotlling toom plooio ottortd on important loom mooting on Tuot. March 18,1975, ot 4 15 p.m. in T F H . Woighl training progrom will b* d i i cussod by Bob Coltrono, ond nemlnolion for loom owords • I C . will bo mod*. •^mmm: Complete tography Wolfe Camera Shop 'bellefonte Ave. Tuesday, March 11,1975 EAGLE EYE SPORTS page 3 Bits and Pieces By JOE MARRON Staff Columnist Reports have it that spring soccer will be played at the Haven; also, Pitt and Penn State have been added to next year's schedule . . . Our girl's basketball team deserves high praise for an ourstanding year. They took part in the Eastern Regionals this past weekend where they faced the top teams in the nation. Quite an acconplishment when you consider they are playing the Indiana's and UCLA's of the women's hardcourt circuit . . . Dave Bower, L.HS.C.'s fine junior quarterback, appears to be to be well on the way to recovery after a seriot car accident. He may even throw a little in spring ball and should be all set to to BO full speed by next August . . . The 'rack team is already on the run with a four meet indoor schedule. The 55 men competing provide the Haven with depth not seen here in a few years FErJNIS T[_AM RFADIES FOR SEASON -- Junior Craig , . . Women's Lacrosse will be opening in the next two weeks. Shindler prepores for his third season with flio Lock Haven Good luck to Sharon Taylor's charges, and we hope they will continue their excellance of past years . . . Senior Mike Farren Netmen. (Photo by BILL FRAZIf R) will be sorely missed by next year's swim team in both ability and leadership . . . Baseball opened last week with returning lettermen leading the conditioning drills in Coach Eberle's absence . . . Things look good for the men's tennis team with the Kagles take on Kings five of last year's top six returning . . . Wom;n's swim team had By BILL STERNER College at home, and then an excellant year with Becky Elliot and Peg Schaal winning Co-Sports Editor travel to Millersville on everything in sight . . . Team Handball is a slowly growing April 22. sport at the Haven, but it is encouraged by the success of the The netmen will then The netmen of Coach newly formed Hockey Club . . . Senior Barb Collins ends up an Karl Herrmann swing into return home against Shippensexcellant career in basketball with the Eastern Regionals touraction on April 8 for the 1975 burg on Apnl 24. The match nament. Barb was this year's co-captain long with Pat Ogle season. The first match is is slated for a 3 pm start. againsi the Rockets of Slippery Shippensburg i» the last home Rock at 3 pm on the "Rocks" appearance for the Bald . . . Women's Junior Varsity Basketball Team ended up with a home court. The Eagles will Eagles. The remainder of the very credible 8-1 record , . . Next year's football team will season, they are away at have 39 returning letternien, of which only 10-1 2 will be seniors remain on the road against Lycoming College on April 10 Bloomsburg (April 28), East . . . George Way and Jim Schuster deserve a great deal of praise Stroudsburg (April 30), and for finishing first and second respectively at the Easterns over and Indiana University of Pennsylvania on April 12. Mansfield State (May I). The this past weekend, hope they keep up the good work at Nationals The home opener is PSCAC Championship is this weekend . . . Women's gymnastic team and men's show team against Juniata College on registered for May 2 and 3 have done an excellent job both competively and performing at April 14 at 3 pm. On April 18, at HIcMimsburg. various high schools. They are one of the Haven's best greeting cards . . . Nefmen swing info action Intramural basketball leaders battle for final positions By OUY FUESHKO Staff Reporter Action began Wednesday night to crown the Kings of Intramural Basketball. The top two teams in each Division are in this years playoffs. They are; Division 1, Lambda Qii snd Phi Mu Delu (A); Division 2, TKE (A) and Off Campus; Division 3, 1st Gross and lat High; and in Division 4, Playgrounders are the champs artd T-Birds are the runner-ups. OrrCuipus pulled it cut •gfinai Playgrounders in the last minute, 67 to 64. Osborn led the way for the noncampus group with 24 points. TKE (A) played a good defensive game against 1st Gross beating them 52 to 35. Kessler and Raub combined for 30 points in the win. In other action lambda Chi Alpha took on Ist High and came out the victors by the score of 73 to 41, Zarmitz and Schreck combined for 43 points in advancing their team. Phi Mu Delu had to battle hard to win their gsme against a stubborn T-Bird team.Th*l final was 73 to 56. O'brien fired up the hoop* with 30 points. LHS baseball team begins preparation for this season F BILL STERNER Co-Sports Editor The Bald Eagle baseball team of coach Tod Eberle has a rugged 24 game schedule ahead of them for the 1975 season. The diamond-men open the campaign April 10 at home against the Indians fron lt»diana University of Permsylvania. On April 14, they travel to Bloomsburg, and return horae April 16 fcr a len game home sund. The teams include Slippery Rock .(April 16), Kings College, (April 11), Yvk College, (April 19), Juniau College, (April 21), artd the Scots frcm Edinboro, (April 26). The home tund is 'it- % a rugged five doubleheaders in ten days. The Hald Fagles then travel un the road to Clarion State, (May I), Mansfield Stale, (May 3), and the yulcans from California State, (May 4). OrKe again, the F.agles play the diamond six times in a short four days. Eberle's baseballers will close the 1975 season at home. On May 7, they will face the East Stroudsburg nme, and then cloae the season on May 10 against Susquehsnna University. All home ganes are played at Koolrich field. The starting line fa all the gaacs IS IK)0, and each game ia a double dtp senas. EAOLE EYE page 4 Tuesday, March n , 1975 Two Lock Haven students gain exper ence as interns cept responsibility in a situation that is less secure .thsD a college enviornment." Kieman, who hopes to make a career of writing, says her work in the Governor's Council on Drug and Alcohol Abuse in Harrisburg is giving her "a good amount of responsibility and 1 etijoy the challenge." The Department of Education's Intern Program was MacArthur, whoae outside sUrted in January 1973, as a interests include theatre and pilot project to develope a dancing, says her work in the j odel for public service internGovernor's Council on Drug ships for students enrolled in and Alcohol Abuse in HarrisCommonwealth four-year instiburg allows her to see how tutions. "government decisions are 'The program, designed to made and how all the little and make education mere relevant big divisions fihtn to work to integrate theory and prac^ together." tice, and to utilize colleges Another Lock Haven ii> human resources, is operated tern this semester is Mary out of the department's Office Kieman, of Wi liamsport. An of Special Programs. Two 16English major, she saya that week internship programs are the internship "is a very reoffered each year for graduate warding experience that enaV and undergraduate students. les one the freedom to mative, Interns receive a stipend and gain independence and to ac- ^ college creditl Helayne MacArthur, of Malvern, is presently participating in the PennsyKania Department of Education's Intern Program. A Mathematics-Con^ put^r Science major at Lock Haven State College, she feels :hat the internship provides " a great opportunity to get working experience in my tnalor field while still earning school credits." SCULPTOR PRtSENTS WORKS -- Winslow Eaves began sculpting " i n first grade when I made my first ash troy. Some ot the pieces he has made since that time are appearing in Sloan Gallery for the next two weeks. Eaves will present a slide show and lecture tonight in Sloan Theatre at 8 pm. (Photo by '^Q^^ SPANOS) 'language conference ' CONT. r n o M P A S S i the ComponenU of NonHuman Animal Communication to Human Language. After lunch at 12, the conference will resume at 1:30 with the presentation of the film Teaching Sign Language to the Chim.ianzee." Comnentary on the film will be provided by Charles Newcomer. At 3:00 pm a panel on The Origin of Language will be presented. Mr. Stephen Wont to goto FLORIDA over Spring Break?! March 2 2 - 2 9 Harnad (Princeton University), also associated with the Department of Psychiatry at Rutgers Medical School, Dr. Gordon Hewes (University of Colorado) a professor of Anthropology, Dr. Duane Rumbaugh (Georgia State University) and Dr. Horst Steklis (Rutgers University) a professor of Anthropology will all speak. A receptiondiscussion will follow this panel in the lobby of Sloan. Classified advertisements .05 (? c me Smoll Ketnge Refrigerators For IBM Selectric Typewriters Rent. $24.00 14.00 3 mos.. For Rent. Single, dual J36.00 6 mos., U2.00 pitch, and correcting. 9 mos.. $48.00 vear. $40.00 per month and up. Unlimited Rent-alls, 140 Unlimited Rent-alls, 140 iNorth Atherton Street, State TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS MADE BY North Atherton Street, College. 814-238-3037. INTER-COLLEGIATE HOLIDAYS Stote College. 814-238LOST: Gold-rimmed sun3037. glasses. Reward offered . Contact General Moryoger, 6iookstore Sale: A special fiQNJAfil SpoosoreU cooperatively ^tudent Publications. sale table has been set up Betsy Woolridge Car for Sale: Plymouth in the Campus Bookstore by USNAS, C^lS. SCC SCC Offices Gran Sedan - 1973. Excellnext to the record rack. ent condition, 21,000 miles. Items will be placed on Will trade for comparable thia table doily. Thete are TR-6. Contact General all bargains reducmd to Hmmger of Student Publi- coat or beloiw.Sale beginc THE W I N G S OF rVlAN JIbodav. Morch 10. . cations far information. Package flight from Phila.; includes hotel accommodation in Miami: |22I PUB 0 f E A S T E R N ixt283