THREE DOWN <- ^-^—-^ COLLEGE TIMES FOUR TO (;o State Teachers College, Lock Haven, Penna. VOL. VIII.—NO. 6. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1930 5 Cents Per Copy Millersville Teachers are Prey to Morgan^s Raiders in Third Consecutive Victory Local Gridders Score Twice in 2d Period To Win, 1 4 - 0 UPPER-CLASS WOMEN GRANTED PRIVELEGES WINNING MARKERS And Keep Later Hours Mr. Patterson Attends a Gym is Scene of W. A. A. I Third and Fourth Year Students HART AND KACHICK SCORE Conference at Temple U. Hobo Convention on Friday! May Have More Nights Out Mr. A. D. Patterson, supervisor ofi On Friday evening, October 17th, New privileges for third and fourth Lc:k Haven T. C. Millersville T. C. the Junior High School of our Col- the Women's Athletic Association year college dormitory girls are to be Baker R. E Dissinger , lege, attended the Sixth Annual Con- staged a unique hobo party in the given a trial, accordiug to a recent Dettrey R. T Kraft ] ference on Secondary Education Oc- gymnasium. The members, dressed in arrangement. The new rules, which Hammaker . . . R. G Derstein tober 17 and 18 at Temple University, anything from pajamas, knickers, or were drawn up by the Dean of WoJ.Smith C. Jacobs Philadelphia, Pa. The theme of the discarded masculine clothing, were men and a group of students, provide Poole L. G Emerick Conference was "Creative Activity in welcomed at the door by a reception that the junior women of the four committee of fellow hobos as soon as year college course are to be permitBos serf (Capt.) L. T Willis Secondary Education." There were two general Confer- they would disclose their road-names ted to sign out in the office until eight Poust L. E Witmer Weipsic Q. B Sanders ences and each was followed by group and residence. After all the gang o'clock on the list provided by the Hart R. H. B. Saurina meetings in which discussions were reached their meeting place, they Dean of Women for this purpose, and R.Smith L. H. B. Weaver held relating to the address given by danced around their camp-fire and that they may be granted four adBurd F. B. Zabloski(Capt.) the speaker of the previous confer- finally settled down to be entertained ditional night privileges each month by talented members. Helen Hartman with ten o'clock as the time limit for 1st 2d 3d 4th To. ence. Friday evening Dr. James M. Glass, and Cora Beck were given prizes for returning; while the senior women of Lock Haven T. C. . 0 14 0 0 14 Millersville T. C. 0 0 0 0 0 State Department of Education in having the bummiest costumes. Irene the four year college course are to be I Pennsylvania, gave an address on the 1 Russell, the chief of the gang, told permitted to sign out until nine o'Touchdowns: Kachik, Hart. Points after Touchdown: Hart 2. ! theme "Activities in the School i the purpose of the Association and clock, and are to be granted four adSubst'.tut'ons: Lock Haven—Robb [ Room." He talked about the necessity \ pledged the new members into it. The ditional night privileges each month for J. Smith; Kachik for Weipsic; i for reorganizing high school proced- \ hobos were then each given a stick! with eleven o'clock as, the time limit Gunderman for Burd; Weipsic for ure to make use of the interests of i v/ith a bandana handkerchief tied on I for returning. Kachik; Hatter for Weipsic; Kachik boys and girls and to enable them to I the end of it; opening the handker- Twenty-five women are affected by for Hatter; Renninger for Hart; do things, as well as to learn, while | chieves the hobos found their snack. the new ruling. Their names follow; Plummer for Kachik; McCall for in sehool. He protested against the Seniors—Anna Mary Gibson, EvePoole; Achenbach for Hammaker; stuffing of facts alone into the minds lyn Bosworth, Irene Russell, Margarj of the children. Shively for Poust. et R. Beeson, Alice M. Read, Iva L. JOIN MISS DANIEL'S LITMillersville—Eddy for Willis; Gish j Saturday morning Dr. Goodwin \ Thompson, Sara E. Wilson, Elizabeth Watson, of the Teachers College, Coi ' ' ERARY FORUM — MEETS for Jacobs; Peale for Dissinger; StenDalby, Nancy Galbraith, Marcella son for Witmer. j lumbia University, spoke on the i EVERY THURSDAY, 3.00 TO Burt, Katherine Anderson, MarguerOfficials—Referee, O'Brien, Mexi-! theme of "Creative Activity." He ad- j 4.00 P. M. — NO DUES — N O ite Gschwendtner, Grace Farran, Marco; Umpire, May, F. and M.; Head-i vocated the scrapping of traditional! garet Lundy, and Hazel J. McKay. linesman, Showalter, F. and M. \ subjects taught in school and substi- I INITIATION—NO REQUIRED Juniors—V. Grace Harpster, Jantuting for them broad flelds of inter- ' ATTENDANCE—ROOM R-21. ice Sharpe, Sara Jane Mangus, Florest that would include many subjects. \ Coach Morgan's twin-cylinder var-! ence M. Bonner, Beryle Kling, Mary sity scored another victory, msking it' In the group conference which fol-1 Lessko, Kathleen Noll, Elizabeth three in a row, when they defeated lowed the general meeting the var- j Crain, Pauline Hamilton and Anna the fast Millersville T. C. eleven by a ious ways in which the child's creative Inspiring Talk Given on Vujcich. score of 14-0 last Saturday af-' ability could be utilized in the classroom were brought out. ternoon on the Millersville field. This Sunday by Miss Daniel demorstration must be recognized as Miss Daniel and Group of final proof that the dust of defeat is Many Students Plan to Miss Daniel had charge of the vesGirls Discuss Poetry Thurs. permanently shaken from the local ' Attend Hallowe'en Dance^'^ services Sunday evening. The vesgridmen and that their playing is' w«»^ ^ »»vc. , pgj, (,j,Q,y^ which has recently been orworthy to be matched with that of the i Last Thursday afternoon Miss Dani ganized and is directed by Miss Laramost powerful opponent. I Jui5t a reminder everyone—don't i bee, added greatly to the services, iel and a number of poetry enthusiasts The Lock Havenites were on the! forget the Hallowe en Dance! To date i Miss Daniel gave a very interesting —Martha Zeigler, Irene Russell, alert throughout the game and were 180 couples have made known their j a^d inspiring talk on "Giving One's Julia Silagyi, June Breining, Marion able to take advantage of the breaks i I."„"!.'.'!"^._.'!,.. 1"^..^.'"'^?*^"'^ ^"'', 'f iSelf Away." She showed us that we | Francisco, Faye Bittner, Sara Wilson of the game to such extent that they you are among the missing you had arc continually giving ourselves away i and Relda Haagan climbed the hill pushed across two touchdowns in the better start planning to go immed- in some way or other. Our behavior, j behind the Dormitory and found second quarter. Lock Haven's terri- iately. The sending of invitations for our language, our attitude toward a place where they read and discussed tory was entered past the forty yard the dance is in charge of Miss Holo- others and our inward values deter-; poetry. Among other poems. Miss line but twice during the entire game. way and Dr. Weber, while Miss Ath- mine for us our character. We should Daniel read "Motherhood," by Agnes The Mansfield game of the prev- [ erton is working with a committee on be sincere in our behavior; that is, we Lee; Edwin A. Robinson's "Flamious week proved to be of much ser-1 the decorations and Miss Bentley is should appear neither worse than we monde," "Richard Cory," and "Minvice in our third win, as the bad spots | in charge of refreshments. The com-; really are" Vor"'better'tha"n we "are"! iver Cheevy;" and Rupert Brooke's were for the most part checked up mittee on faculty dance programs is [ Language is something we use every "Kindiness." and remedied. headed by Janice Sharpe and if you day and consequently it is important The group decided to meet again Stars were as hard to pick in the 1want a dance with a favorite teacher ; that we use correct diction and re- this Thursday. If the weather is ungame as they are to count at night, i see her or Elsie Bostley, Louise Mc- j frain from slang expressions and pro- favorable. Miss Daniel's room in the Cann, Kitten Wagner, and Marty ] ^ ^ ^ ^ r , - ^ , ^ ^ . . - ^ . - ^ . r . . . ^ . . , , . . . ^ training school will be used instead of (('nntiniK-ll on piiKi' 2) /leigler. j (coniiiiiKMi <>•• ICIKO :!I the hill. COLLEGE TIMES Junior High School Pupils MILLERSVILLE TEACHERS i Publish Weekly Newspaper ARE VICTIMS OF RAIDERS Susquehanna J. V. game. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Arnold announce the marriage of their daughter, Dorothy Marguerite, to Frederick (Coiitiiiiii-il from pa^e 1) Richard Klingberg, of Lock Haven, The Junior High School pupils of -——»-—•—~—-———•——— on Saturday, October 4, Mrs. KlingGet Busy the Training School are receiving j;.jj.j, ^,,„ played so well and each each week a paper called "The Broad signal was carried out so perfectly berg was a member of the '30 class AN AUTUMN LYRIC ea.ster" which is published by a staff ^^jj^ the game seemed like a football and Mr. Klingberg was connected of ninth grade boys. The first issue , pij^y^j.-^ jream. In both offense and with the Pennsylvania Power and By UNCLE BILLY was distributed on October 16, at the defense plays the team functioned I Light Company. The couple will be at assembly period, where an interest- splendidly. [Mr. William Weaver, of the class | home after October 10 at La Jenn ing program was presented by the The Millersville coach and his team . ^. , „ of 1889, who is better known as Uncle j Apartments, 1331 Albany Street, Los staff. The staff consists of these mem- aggregation '*l".?^"^-'!.°"Ai".. . ' ' P i ' i f ^ ° f . , ° " r Billy, remembers the students fre-1 Angeles, California. and its coach. He picked bers: out Bossert and Dettrey as being one quently during the year by sending Ono Lantz, Ann Groban, Marian Editor—Charles Haney of the best pairs of tackles in the one of his poems. Also, every year at Puckey, and Leona Douglas were in Business Manager—Kurtz Henry. Colleges of the State. the Alumni Banquet he recites a poem Lock Haven to see the Altoona game Asst't. Editors-Fred Wetzell, Boyd Poust showed skill in pass-receiv- he has composed. The following is one on Saturday. Ona, Ann, and Marian Brumgard, Forrest Cross, Vincent ing and was a great aid in placing the recently received:] teach in Altoona, but Leona teaches Bowes. ball in a position for a score. Hist! The autumn leaves are falling. in Snowshoe. The first issue of "The BroadcastHammaker and Poole were the 1926 er" gives a brief summary of the ! faithful guards whose strategy held Birds are on their southward way. work the Junior High School has been the Millersville men to a goose-egg Winter's chilling blasts are crawling. Mrs. Hazel (Moose) McFeeders, of Nearer to us, day by day. doing this year. On October 6, the pu- score. Johnstown, visited at S. T. C. on Sunpils installed the new r.^.cmbers of the Kachik, Hart and R. Smith were When the frost o'ertakes the pump- day. Student Council. On September 25, the local men who gave the excited 1925 and 1928 kin, seven clubs were organized, in which rooters all the thrills that are exCatherine Morris (25) and Violet each student was permitted to choose pected at a Yale-Harvard affair. And the fodder gets a shock, Morris (28) visited their sister, Mara club which interested him. The Weipsic proved a big source of wor- 'Tis a t'me for doing something: tha, and Mrs. Wilson Poorman (30) clubs organized were: Travel Club, ry for the Millersville Profs when he Get your topcoat out of hock. over the week-end. Mrs. Poorman was Sewing Club, Glee Club, Hiking Club, scampered down the field with 185 Peg Heylmun before her marriage. Split the kindling wood for winter. Boy Scouts and the Dramatic Club. pounds of interference. See that bins are fllled with coal. The Junior High School pupils have The field of action was an uphill Do not idly sit and whimper— an exeellent attendance record for CHARIVARI last month, an average attendance of affair and the Lock Haven gridmen It will leave you in the hole. could not climb the hill against a 98.3%. WALPOLE, HUGH: HANS FROST. hard wind in the first quarter, but If the potato bin is empty. Doubleday, Doran ^><»*^KH>£^m>«K«HJ^ '^^''" ^^"^ ^"f^^ ''"'";*'''• "'^'^t^ts ap-1 Have it filled without delay. |OW<»Wi>CH>«K>