Beat West Chester COLLEGE TIMES State Teachers College, Loch Haven, Pa. All-school! Dance Nov. 23 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1940 Vol. 17 No. 4 LHTC Goes Republican, Nation Democratic Willkie in a Serious Mood THE WINNER! F. D. R.'s Victory Smile Franklin D. Roosevelt h a s been elected President of these United S t a t e s in a pre cedent-setting election. We all know t h a t . We also knowt h a t in Tuesday's straw vote sponsored by The Times Staff Wendell Willkie was elected by a majoriey of eight votes Neither of the above election results is important now, but what is important is t h a t the 133 of us who supported Will kie and the seven who voted I for other scatered candidatey join with the 125 who voted for the President in presenting a solid front of united Americans, ready and willing to defend and preserve the principles America stands for. If all of us can forget any ' campaign bitterness and be ! good enough Americans to fall into step for national unity, ithen neither Roosevelt, nor Willkie nor anyone else has 'won the election . . . AMERICA HAS WON I T ! Schoci Election Results Student Activity Budget Estimate '40-41 Willkie Roosevelt SUNDAY MOVIES 133 125 Yes 174 The student activities budget for the 1940-41 school year, was ap- No proved recently at a special meeting of the Student Cooperative Council. The complete budget follows: Art Club Men's Athletics Artist Course Band and Orchestra W. A. A. Di^matic Club Praeco Shakeapeare Lit Y. W. C. A. _ Y. M. C. A CoMege Times Social Committee Music Compass . Salai-y Supplies Publicity TRANSPORTATION— Athletics ' New York Conf Music 75.00 6173.10 2000.OQ 150.00 530.00 660.00 1350.00 260.00 134.00 157.00 886.00 650.00 375.00 75.00 400.00 50.00 100.00 ;? ' ' ; ' 1150.00 150.00 100.00 1410.00 CONFERENCES— W. A. A Y. W. C. A Y. M. C. A New York Conf. i 1410.00 100.00 85.00 85.00 150.00 420.00 Awai'ds Reserve English Club (Literary Magazine) 75.00 4200.00 2000.00 75.00 200.00 450.00 1400.00 150.00 30.00 30.00 530.00 500.00 300.00 75.00 400.00 50.00 100.00 420.00 lOO.OO 1000.00 100.00 13,595.00 75 Thanksgiving Dance Planned by Social Committee; Campus Owls to Play The annual Thanksgiving dance will be held in the gymnasium on Saturday evening, Novembea- 23, from 8 to 12:30 with the Campus Owls from Penn State providing the music. This dance, which is a semiformal affair, promises to be a r«i jbig event anent wibh any hope were Miss Idessa C. Seyler, Lock gus Mines; and Mae Q. Hartman one were to let out a real yell at one of our games, one of of growth for an alumni associa- Haven, who renewed her $3 sus- of Shoemakerville. those piercing, reverberating jobs you might hear on some tion, if all the duties of the exe- taining membership; Mrs. H. O. living campus, the person next to him would swallow his ci- cutive secretai"y are comple'tely on Smith, 317 East Prospect Avenue,; A HASTY check-up just now, shows that approximately 122 garette, or her lipstick. Why don't we upper classmen set a good example; or if we can't, why don't you Freshmen introduced a motion to have a buzzer installed in the Sign Out Office.!^"'*""' l^^ve joined forces with our paid-up membership plan sine* Such buzzer will be in active service soon. take over, and we'll follow you! it was inaugurated last February, Discouraging, isn't it, cheerleaders ? But you could help Every Wednesday and Friday about ten o'clock We scarcely an overwhelming percentmatters if you would. Don't grow indignant as you read age of the approximately 6,000 have been hearing the most blood-curdling groans. On tracthis, but see if it is not right. You do not give./ Two of graduates, but a heart-warming ing down their source we find them coming from the stuyou lead one yell while a third is pumping his arm on somenucleus, anyhow. The dues money dents at chapel and assembly. They are not always pleased thing else! You have been doing the same dances and mosenit in totals $162, half of which by the menu, it would seem. Wie have two suggestions; tions for so long, your clothes would do them on the wash and possibly a little more, forms first, the chapel and assembly committees should attempt the backbone of the alumni treasline; you lack rhythm and precision. Our yells are as old to make their programs more interesting; secondly, the uiy. The rest is earmerked for as the hills that would echo them—if we yejled loud enough. student body should learn to enjoy a program with an edschool funds in payment for subThey should have rhythm and rhyme and should roll out of ucational aim as well as pure entertainment. scriptions to The Times and sporits our mouths with ease. Why, the rhythmic pattern of some admissions. of those squeaks is A, B, C, D, X, Y, Z. By the way, you people who have been asking the Dramatics We were able to mail shortly And music! If we are not large enough to have a col- Club for a comedy, it will be worth your time just to see Dale Olm- before homecoming this year a lege band, let's have a little one; a little German—excuse stead's expuisite legs (minus pants) as he struts around in a Roman small alumni news bulletin which tunic. Olmstead's version of the Discus Thrower is bound to be a please—a little American band. Play what you like, the was sent to approximately 2500 it didn't graduaites, and distributed here at v,ay vou ike it If " '•'• -'•''""• make — ' ' music it sure would make panic. the college to a number more atnoiseYes, it's easy to sit back and say what should be done Oft' heard lament: "Oh! for the good old days of the social tending the P. S. E. A. convenroom." tion sessions. There's no doubt (fun too). But after three years of stooging for the ventriloquist who threw his voice so far it never returned, I m Well, our picture finally appeared at *he Campus Corner but we our whole organization would benready for anything. So let's have a little life in there, stu- almost didn't collect. By some mean trick the candid camera snap- efit from a regularly published alumni news-sheet, but for the dents ! per caught us in a studious attitude and we almost didn't reco(gnize time being we're going to have to ourself. use this Times column for our We understand that there is an attempt being made to have news. If you have any, send it to enough intra-mural sports on campus (for our physical well being) the editor, Martha Zeigler, The Express, Lock Haven, Pit. so that everyone will find something to his liking and will particiBy RICHARD F. HARTZELL pate. We are beginning to get worried. To date we haven't been / ^ U R congratulations to Margarable to find out who is organizing the pinochle squad. We hope you ^ et Beid Bailey, '31, and her We feel like a heel as we sit down to write this latest chapter are reading the minutes of the Student Council meetings that are be- husband. Bill Bailey, on the arrivin the history of this alleged column. We missed the last issue after ing posted within 24 hours after every meeting. al of William Alex Bailey, who promising not to. * We should be branded a traitor to humanity, bewas born Oct. 21 at Williamsport. That's about all for this time, excepting, you hadn't better crit- The Baileys live at 2600 Grand cause we just know how badly you missed our very timely observations the last time. In the interim, however, we feel that we have done icize us too severely or Yehudi will get you. And if you think that's Avenue, Newberry, Pa. This ia their first child. our bit for the community. At the last Student Council meeting we a laughing matter, ask your Egyptian friend. H Lock Haven Merry-Go-Round > THE COLLEGE TIMES COLLEGE SPORTS Eagles Lose At Cortland Despite Outplat/ing Rivals Physical Ed. Department To Sponsor Weekly Sports Night Program Maroons Underdogs j ^ ^ W C S t C l i e S t e r Tonight Under Lights Due to a growing interest in sports, the Physical Education De- '• partment has decided to start a j ports night for mixed groups. Tonight under the arc lights in jiWalt Marusiak and Stan Daley, Dragon Off-tackle Play Tonight following danc- West Chester, the Green Mountain Soccer Team Breaks Who replaced Dom Sagolla later, ing class will be its initiation. Catches Maroons Napping !I outbooted Boys from Lock Haven State the Cortland kickers, Even in 3-Day Invasion Twice for Scores I They averaged 36 yards to the The time—7:30 to 8:30. I t has Teachers College will stack up ' against the powerful West Chester not been definitely decided whethOf Eastern Pennsylvania j Drag