COLLEGE TIMES State Teachers College, Lock Haven, Penna. VOL. 10. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 15, 1933 No. 4. ^^East is West^^ Selected for Junior Class Play W. A. A. TO SPONSOR STUNT NIGHT TONIGHT The Women's Athletic Association will hold Stunt Night in the auditorium this evening, Wednesday, February 15, at eight o'clock. Practically every organization in the College responded to the invitation to participate in this program of wit and originality. BUCKNELL STUDENT WILL ADDRESS COLLEGE GROUP On Sunday evening, February 19, Miss Elizabeth Hylbert, a sophomore at Bucknell University, will speak at the Vesper Service. The occasion is a Day of Prayer for colleges. She will arrive in Lock Haven on Saturday and will stay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Ulmer. It is hoped that informal groups can be arranged for her to address. TRYOUTS FOR JUNIOR Faculty Member Speaks On Value of College CLASS PLAY BEING HELD An address on the crisis facing the Miss Mabel-Louise Arey Will Direct Performance to Take Place schools of the state through business In March conditions and a strong plea for support to defeat the proposal to close four Teachers Colleges, was the " is West" is the selection theme of an address by A. D. Pat- made by Miss Mabel-Louise Arey for terson, Director of the Junior High the annual Junior Play. This play was Sehool, at a meeting of the Voters' first made important by P^ay Bainter, League of Bald Eagle Township, Feb. who played the role of Ming Ooy, a The following program has been Chinese girl. The play this year will Miss Hylbert's range of experience 2, 1933. arranged by Miss Margaret Gardiner, come early in March rather than in is very wide. She was reared in Mr. Patterson stated that taxPresident of the W. A. A.: Shanghai, China, where her father is payers had now come to a crisis the middle of the second semester as Class Room Procedure . . . . A. C. E. stationed as a missionary for the where something must be done to re- in former years. Sonny Boy D. R. B. Baptist Chui'ch. She attended the duce the amount of money used for Miss Arey is planning to use underAmerican school in Shanghai from highway purposes, for education, or studies for the principal parts. The Technocracy's High School Education Club whieh she graduated with honoi-s. wars, past, present, and future. Much understudy will receive the same tuTwo years ago when she was coming of this could be remedied by earnest tor as the principal, but will not apThe Call of the Wild, Naturalist Club pear in the finished production unless to America to enter Bucknell, which work of the Taxpayers' League. Upsetting Exercise, Alpha Sigma Tau i" Iho Alma Mater of both her fasome mishap occui's. This will be the In defense of the Teachers College first time that such a scheme has been ther and mother, she spent some time Scene in a Barber Shop at Lock Haven, Mr. Patterson deBoys' Glee Club in the Holy Land and she has also scribed its value to the community used in this college. However, the three cast arrangement, as used in been around the world. Strange Interlude A. C. D. and the young people. He explained "The Merchant of Venice," was an the purpose of the Teachers College experiment in the use of more than By the Fireside Y. W. C. A. fully, and the value of their work in one student for a main characterizaA Toy Shop Window, Beta Sigma Chi p.ieparing trained teachers. tion. .^ ,, _. • _«_ .^ •• . Rhoads, Jane Rhinehuls, Louise Rob- mittee with the assistance of Miss sistin.g of Marie Gehron, IMarian Y. W. PLANNING MARTHA ertson, Dale Smith, Betty Stevenson, Lyndall Fox. A false ceiling made liarsch, UfU'vi'.i'et Sampson, Ruth EmWASHINGTON FETE ON 25th Anna Stolcol, Carl Stutzman, Charles with white crepe paper was festooned ery, Oif.',-." l!:. Tt>nm