The Spectator pumpkin Ball Is November 25 Nice Going, Red Raiders THE VOICE OF STUDENT OPINION VOL. IX—No. 2 EDINBORO STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE, EDINBORO, PA, Student Government Career of New Conference Held Dean Began at At Millersville Nineteen in West NOVEMBER 12, 1941 LECTURE, FILM ON ALASKA PRESENTED HERE LAST NIGHT Hurriedly elected upo.n Tuesday night in a special meeting of the Student Council, tze delegates to the fourth annual conference of the Co­ operative Association of the State The Queen of the E Club was Teachers Colleges left early Thursl crowned at a pretentious ceremony day morning for Millersville, Pa., | at the club dance last month. with Mr. Offnei as faculty repreLettermen, clad in sweaters of sentative. athletic henors, formed the aisle The two delegates elected to redown which the "E" Queen was to present p^esent the Student Council were walk. Ann Ki'ivonak, the former Alice Sewall and Frank Holowach; queen, walked down the floor to take the two elected from the student her place on the throne which was body were Maiie Allen Smith and brightly decorated in red and white. Chester Eisaman. Mr. OlTner, that The Queen's court, Betsy Vincent, dean of migihty hunters,【provided Ellen Haiston, June Howard, and the transportation and the moral Marjorie Martin, came ( down the suppoi-t. aisle to their places;on either side The drive, which conp.ifed th:、e、 of the throne. They eagerly wel­ hundred and thirty m'l=:s way comed the Queen, Hazel Dennison, was down through the mountains, as she walked to the throne steps. following the scenic routes of 6, Karl Robinson Miss Krivonak graciously handed her 322, and 230. The way lead through a colonial bouquet and relinquished the Pennsylvania State Forest, over The Alaska of today flowed into Dr. Marshall S. Hiskey i the throne to the new monarch. Mr. life under the skillful guiding hands Bald Eagle Mountain, through Laur­ Dr. Mai sr all S. Hiskey, our new Ale and er Rhode, the E Club Presi- and gifted tongue of Karl Robin­ el Run gap and the Lewistown Nar­ The son last night, an Alaska of sunrows, then through Harrisburg and instructor in the Psychological and de-'t, pionaunced her queen. Euucational Measurements Depart- j white E-Club sweater and letter shine, flowers, abundant crops, and (Com nued on I'aue Two) ments, came here from the Uni-, were not given due to national de­ magnificent scenery. | varsity of Nebraska, where hei was fense but promised in the near fuMr. Robinson represented tke sec­ The Queen expressed her full time director of the clinical staff ture. ond feature of the College Enter­ Originally from gratitude and then was escorted in these fields. tainment Coui'se. Augmenting his ;Highland, Kansas. Dr. Hiskey gradu- I back by Mr. Rhode, followed by the talk were his beautiful color motion 1 impressive retinue, the alumni queen, ated f:om :;igh school and junior col­ I bhe court and the E-Club members. pictures of the Alaskan territory lege there. which are regarded by film experts Many of last year's students are Dr. Ii'skey, who is also our Dean as the finest natural color films made spending this term at the Univers­ of Men, became the principal of of Alaska. al y of the United States Civilian j grade sc: ool when nineteen and j The military importance of the A my which is located anywhere served in that capacity for two years, i region was discussed in conjunction from coast to coast. He then earned his Bachelor Degree i with some of the personal experi­ Proof of their loyalty and inter­ at the Kansas State Teachers Col- j ences of the young explorer. est in their alma-mater was shown lege in Em pari a. The ne :t six years | The Freshmen are unlimbering in a recent letter received by Mr. he spent in Derby, Kansas, where | their guns,、poo-ling their resources, H. L. Offner from Scott Field, Ill. \ he acted as the principal of the high I and whipping plans into shape for 1 onziano F. Manning, now in the air school for three years and after-1 tbeir "Pumpkin an annual : corps, requested that the Spectator wards 'as t- e superintendent of event of the Freshman class. Various j PrCSCIltS I 3061, be sent to all Edinboro graduates. schools. During these summers he committees have been appointed | •「土 - .,I Mr. Manning points out that the earned hit Master Degree and start­ which will look after every detail j Dr. John C. Johnson, of the Ed­ It was at this that is entailed by such a large af­ a ‘my provides much time to day ed on E Doctor's, inboro faculty, was present at the dream about college days and ac­ point in his career that our Dean ac- fair as this. eighteenth meeting of the C(infer­ as organizer and sponsor livities. companied November 25 is the date selected ence Upon the Education of Science An incomplete list of Edinboro a high schcol group on an educa­ for the dance, which means that it Teachei's held at Columbia Univers­ part students in the service fol- tional tour in this ........... ... .. of the coun. I will immediately follow the Thanks- ity, New York City, last Friday and iowg: try, visiting Philadelphia, Washing-[.. 汽 . • giving Banquet. The New Training V/allace Skelton, Harley Carpent­ ton, and New York City. He re- School gym will be decorated in ap- Saturday. At this conference, in which eight er, John Bleech, Norman Dilley, Ray- ceived ris Ph. D. at the University pi cpriate style. eastern states are represented, Dr. mond Gallagher, Robert Hahn, Walt- of Nebraska. Will Brydon's 13-piece orchestra Johnson presented a paper on "FuncIn spite of the rapidity of his ads Nissen, Robert Kaufman, Donfrom Warren has been secured for tional Outcomes of Science Educaald Granahan, Raymond Graves, and vance through high school, college, the night. Prices on the advance sale tion in Junior and Senior High ?七 Hahn, Robert Kaufman, Donald and university, Dr Hiskey found of tickets are $1.00, but at the door Schools.” Granahan, Raymond Graves, and time to letter for four years in track, Steve Cunick. Anyone who can add two- letters in basketball, baseball will $1.10. Dr. Van Houten was in Harrist。this list should contact some mem-. and football, and to serve as the Don't miss the horse show today. burg on official business last week. ber of the Spectator staff at once. (Continued on Page Four) Queen Crowned In Fitting Style Lack Addresses Of Men in Service T.T c /Vvcm za •-» . •» io R c d c】Cl* PO" VP a ! Freshman Dance Is November 25th . Dr. J. C. Johnson THE SPKCi'ATOn Page Two Thte Spectator Frank Holowach Editor ............................. Warren Anna zlssistant Editor F. L. La Bounty Faculty Advisor Edward Damits Business Managei* Jack Mensingei* Sports Editor Clinto-n Thomas Feature Writei' Violet Nellis Exchange Editor ....... Caflisch, Carol Davis, Carmon Fiorelli, Repoi,ters: Al Bloch, Margaiet 。 Elaine Hightfield, Natalie Jacobson, Gene Kaminski, Margaret Kingsley, Pat Masterson, Phyllis Myers, Ruth Samkowski, Elinor Sebring. Miss Wilson at Major Production Music Conventiion Scheduled in Dec. This week Miss Esther Wilson Student teaching and graduation be cne of the members at the i will have taken many of the old mem- conveiition held for the entire jfirst state The Dramatic Club. bers of the I by the Pennsylvania Music Assg[ following• new probationary mem- tion v/hich is meeting at Penn State bers look like “good stuff" to fill College and using as its them;: their places, however: Elaine High- "American Unity Through Music.; iield, Bud Rhode, Marion Mack, Kay Miss Wilson will speak Li 1 panel Henderson, Bill Shollenberger, Hazel discussion concerned wit; "ProbTaylor, Elinor Sebring, Merritt Mac| Intosh, Elinor Price, Lois Ann Roon- lems of Ele.nentary School Music Teaching,n espe.ially problems ey, Lucille Marti, Bess Swaney, and rural music and the accomplishments Carol Davis. made through the Rural Festival The .club is planning- a major pvowhich was started by the Edinboro [duction soon, December 6 being the State Teache.s College si.c years ago. in them that tentative date set. The title of t :e obvious flaw College assemblies in general have one Music supervisors from all sections doubt will be one of I play which no co.iicould be corrected without too much trouble, Th:s flaw is that of of the state are e pe-ted to attead billing both a devotional and entertainment program into one complete ;la:t year's Broadway hits, will be an­ the convention which will last f Oill nounced later. No o-ne can afford to period. The fact that too much is included in orte assembly program bHngs , miss this play, the first one to be Thursday to Saturday. Mus'c v'taii- gtams, Student Government Finan-1 the library is using editions bclongment could be had for it would last longer; and the devotional would gain cial Programs, and The Future of | Eg to s.veial members of the faemore for having- a period all to itself— —with perhaps a guc t mi .istor oc- i the Cooperative Association took up ulty. The rental fees will be used canonally. I the remainder of the morning. to purchase books of a similar naThe fact that other colleges in Pennsylvania have tried and adopted I ture which will themselves be placed I The after.ioon session was inaug ­ this type of divided assembly should speak well for it. The many benefits i by a chapel meeting with wel- 血 the rental collection. When such fo be derived from it should also lend a good deal of weight in its favor. I urated coming remarks made by Dr. Landis bG ,oks have taken in their own value books 1 Tanger, President of Millersville *in rentals they w'll become a part ;State Teachers College. Dr. M. V. of the Aguiar college libi-ary. Marshall, of Franklin and Marshall Some of t;e books which are now Eack in the cob-webbed days of the beginnings of the coCleTe. 1 College,,was 。 。 in this rental collection are "A guest "一― speaker.. … His a ( student was overheard to complain to the wo:Id ii g-enei'il (topic was "Government and Yo'u and ThousanI Shall Fall” by Hans Habe. that “一 I donl't.一like.一 that class: I don't see what it is included in thee curricu-,Me." curricu- ,Me.,' ine panel panel discussions discussions were "This Above All" by Eric Knight, The lum for; and I don't see what good it will ever evei- do me anyway." Si ice I then resumed until 4 00. from which uBerlin Diary" by William Shirer, i that time that same remark has persisted, either in that or seme equiva- fime za panel' upon Student Publics- ! and uOut of the Night” by Jan Vailent form. -I tions was was held held till till 5:00. 5:00. In In con- |I tin. Such attitudes are amazingly easy to form; once fstarted 1 :_.:they 二need …二 nection with the panel upon publi­ The Edinboro College Library i'practically no care to keep going. A reluctance to settle cbwn to wo k cations there was a display of yaar cently received a gift of books and will lead to disinterest in the clas-, dis'ntercst i、the class will lead ';0' books, handbooks, and newspapers art mate* ials fro.n the esiata of t-1J • the lobby. All of late F. F'. Curtse, of Erie. Fr)】n a。active dislike of it, and that dislike will provoke the eternal quos'.ion upon at'' table in of "what good is it anyway?" the publications --------- “3 of the indiv'dual this gift about 150 books ars '' bti'S: Once t/ere was a class in freshman composition that tried to write and schools \ve:e represented and placed placed on the shelves. Many found that the only subjects that could be turned to good use were tho,:e there for looking over. these are history books of unusual Upon Saturday morning there was character; for e ampl? one is Dur­ garnered from their own experiences. Students found t at they could wiitc best about things they knew about, things they h d felt, hn;l seo.i, an Executive Committee Meeting ey's "History o,f Rome” now with election of officers, and follow- out of print. The art niate:ial had heard, had thought. They learned this in a hur:y—or else. 〜M that - a general 1 session in which eluded in the gift is being sorted The peculiar thing about knowledge is that no one knows when it ing will be of use. Whether that knowledge is composed of ready made summaries of the、various panel dis- and some of it is to be placed in experiences absorbed in classrooms or of hand made, home-grown pro- cussioHs were given. Loveland Hall for the use of the The social pprogram for the dele- I art students and teachers. ducts, it is quite certain to be put to the test is some fashion, Maybe — a studio not all of it, maybe only 'a sn?all portion of it, but he will rest better gates included1 a visit to I boadcast of station WGAL in Lan- during- smie of the day on FHday, who knows he possesses it. Friday night and upon 、 Saturday J easter, Hallowe'en Party complete Maybe we are all wrong and there are nocompositio ( ..:::、, nclasscs out「以艾顼匕七 morning. It was not until Satu-d^Y j.witr underground tunnel and spooks of school. Maybe there aren't any Chinamen in China,,eith-i. M.iyja ! unlimited, and dinner speakers: —could — settle that the delegates ~ noon f ...but it's taking an awful chance. themselves for the ten-hour diive Rain fell in unmarked quantities home. Assembly Programs Delegates Attend Con. Rental System Placed in Use As We See It 、、、 w*4 4- V 1.1. - 一 - . i . * Page Th Till: SPEC;AT。R POTPOURRI By Sally Wilson Here am I, marooned at mid-sea- ill st te 4 .1 son, with a lot of things to say, and none of tnem relevant to any of the rest of them. If I can ever ihink of more than two sentences to same subject, I will sayy £about the ibably write;a book. Until that pre ▼time, I shall keep such scattei-ed no1tions to myself except when YE Ed. and from thence comes the following: W. A. A. Edinboro Loses Ait Fraternity By Jean OfFner Initiates Five Heartbreaker to End Fine Season At a formal initiation service Did you know that the horse show Horse Show ? eld in Loveland Hall Sunday ,No- at Edinboi'o on the twelfth of No­ Edinboro's Red Raiders ended vembet* 8, five pledges became ac­ vember is going to be a really big tive members of the national art fra­ event? There will be twenty-seven their most successful season in re­ ternity, Delta Phi Delta. The in­ cent years last Saturday when they itiates were Domonick Fanani, Don­ Edinboro- riders participating and competing for numerous ribbons and dropped a close decisicn to Slippery ald Clute, Ridr.ard Rockwell, Pa­ one tropthy to be presented to the Rock by the score of 12-6. With tricia Masterson, Wilbur Sloan. Pre­ best horseman. The show will fea­ this loss, their average dropped to vious to the ceremony, the pledges ture horses from Algeria and from .500, as they had previously won and members had dinner together in Culbertson Hills stable, from two, lost one, and tied the other. The Haven Flail. the White Swan Farms, a five-gaited I don't know about you, but I'm Raiders' season was two weeks late At this same time a brief business Badgely horse and a jump pony thinking that the jeune fille trend in o'pen in g because. of the infantile meeting was conducted by Vice from Maggie's Riding Academy, in clothes was carried to an extreme paralysis epidemic but they started pretty good personnel for F resident William Snyder and the Thafs a long time ago. I don't mean that out with albang by dumping Cali- j officers for the year were elected and a horseshow, don't you think? The the care-free stuff, the comfort and fornia 31-0. The following week 1 inducted These are: president, Wil- judge is to be none other than Mrs. casualness, isn:t tops. It's the too they traveled to Indiana where the i bur Sloan; v.°ce president, Richaid Daniel Lanahan, from Belle Valley short, too-full skirts, the pinafores, teams of the larger school defeated [Rockwell; secretary, P'at Master- Farms, who is recognized as being the starry-eyed, beribboned sort of us 33-13. To complete the vicious i son; treasurer, Donald Clute; and the ou standing horsewoman o-f this thing that makes me ill. circle the game at Clarion ended in | histoiian, Domonick Fanani. Fac­ district. None of you will want to I have a mad desire to see some­ a scoreless tie, as a result of a very ulty Advisor A. J. Haller was unani­ miss this event! one wearing a white wool dress un­ wet day. Returning home, the mously re-eketed. Hockey News der a dark fur coat some bitter day Raiders also returned to- the winners | The program for t e year is un­ | And now for t e hockey news. If in December. Why must white column by sinking Alliance 30-0. de? way and the officers hope that i you have been watching the games clothes be restricted to summer ; Last Saturday, after a two weeks' i; v ill contain many more exhibits jj faithfully (as I t:ust you have been) wear? ! you kn O'W that the Phis won all three | breathing period, the team traveled c f student work. of the Phi-Delt games. Two games Don't you think that people have! to Slippery Rock, and after scoring Slippery Rock scored in the sec- were won by the upperclassman I know a ; in the opening period, and then holdseasonal personalities? c”d quarter to knot the score at 6- players and one by the freshman lot of folks who change, come win- ing the Rockets to six points durall. From then on the game seeter, and again at the advent of | ing the remaining three peiiods un- i awed back and forth till the final versus freshman t It. Another in:ter-se': ool match was the JuniorAutumn personalities are til, with only thirty seconds to- play, spring. minute of play. ! Sophomore game which was won de­ awfully nice but not really very ex- a partially blocked pass landed in the With about a minute and a half' cisively by the powerful Junior team. hands of a Slippery Rock player in citing. the end zone and the Raiders finally I left, the Rockets intercepted an Ed- Our vanity hockey squad this5 year I inbazo pass on the Raiders 36. Ten is doing very well by itself. As you In a little shop, in a little town, lost 12-6. I line plays car.iej them to the four will all doubtlessly know, they won not far from here, you can find a In the dressing room after t :e I yard ]ne where they lost the ball on the Mercyhurst game by a score of wickedly demure note in Earclings. Just two flowers, one at either end game, there was a gloom thicker jI and the Raiders took over, 7-0. T. at's mighty fine playing and of a curved hook-like piece of wire, than one (ca:se? by losing the game, I shollenbeige:- kicking- out on the first they are to be congratulated on their that curves around the back of your for many of the fellows were tak- j {.lay to his cwn 38. Slippery Rock magnificent teamwork. There was a ear. Result: a tiny flower, looking ing off their football uniforms for j tried three passes, all of w/.ich fell game without an indiv:dual star but over the top of your ear, and a larg­ the last time. These senior mem- incomplete, and then they kicked to- with a perfectly coordinated team. er one peering out from under your bers of the squad, namely Bill Bohn, Edinboro's 8. Again Sholly kicked The Mercyhurst team was also good Dominick Fanani, Howard Springer, on the first down, and th's time the arcl deserves the best of commendaear. Roy Christensen, and Don Walbridge 3a】l going to the 44 yard li e. Again tion for their fine sportsmanship. Have you ever not-ccd w?at unw were outstanding players throughout Slippery Rock passed, and t: is time The b:g news in the hockey divi­ approachable prices are usually at­ the season, and they will be missed it was complete, Cottrell to Ganley tached to most of the things listed next year, All of t.:ese fellows on the 12. A penalty put the ball sion is the forthcoming battle of those deadly rivals, Lake Erie Col­ under the heading, "For Average or played on Edinboro teams which back on the 17, but on the next play, Lake Less Than Average Incomes?”? were defeated, some of them badly, Cottrell t: rew a pass into the end lege and your alma mater. Erie is one of the oldest women's There's something mighty in- but they were always ready for the :;one which Williams partially colleges in the United States and is triguing about these new plunge next game, and this season with its blocked This tap on t】ie ball was located in. Painesville, Ohio. necklines, but, quite frankly, I've victories despite the small numb it 5 .st enough to knock it into the seen some advertised that lo'ok more ; on the squad will stand as a tribute I hands of DeLonga of Slippery Rock. Patronize the Advertisers—they to them and the part they played to The game ended 12-6. if they had just fallen away. patronize us make it such a success. Because they can be so handsome】y equipped with accessories of your ONE MINUTE TOO MANY Own choice and mood, basic dresses Edinborc received the kickoff on (as you can read in any fashion ad) their own 20, and ran back to their 1 cLzzQv should be your very first loves. own forty only to fumble and have ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA Despite the hue and cry for the Slippery Rock recover. The Rockets slinky, --- clinging, _ ― siren type of eve- lost on the pext two plays, and then ning gewn, I'll still wager that a kicked out of bounds on tne 20. A ?ale, floating gown of debutantish penalty put the Raiders back on the Rub-dub ___hold fii'st place - j will__still 15, ai.d after an unsuccessful line hi the heart of most any stag-line. play, Shollenbergei1 kicked out to the 30 yard line, a f 55" yard' 1 TAILORED OF SERGEWAY Spot news this year is leopard skin....Conspicuous along this line, on punt. The hosts took over, and ALSO TECA AND SPUN RAYON our very own campas i; a subtly drove down to Edinbore's 43, where ?°phisticatqd black with a they punted, only to have the kick broadly lapeled collar of leopard. As bounce back to their own 49. The Two Patch Pockets Zipper Pocket farr as that goes, however, our wo- Raiders started to roll, three line — men (and, for that matter, our plays took them up to the 36, and Sportsmaster Neckline Harmonious Buttons men, upon occasion) are as well- from here Williams threw a short Perfect for All Day Wear Novelty Sport Belt dressed as any students on almost pass to Griffin who went about 30 any campus. Agree? yards to scoie standing up. ! i TRASK PRESCOTT & RICHARDSON CO. “All Sports” DRESS $3.98 i; the spectator Page Four Phi Sig Sez: Haven Ravin's (PHI SIGMA PI) By Elaine Harshman Lost: one column, c------ , for want of By Warren Anna other On October 27, Phi Sigma Pi held a little inside information on folas people's affairs....Desci'iption its formal initiation for the members lows: length, varied according to The impressive pledged last spring. ceremony was held in the Little The­ noseing ability at the time....width, atre of Loveland Hall. Those for­ you measure it....material, if we mally taken into the fraternity were could only print it!....value, we won't Jack ]Bonnett, James Parker, Frank go into that....No reward offered. Found: a few subjects rather Holowach, Harold Powers, and Pete mangled almost beyond recognition Demiankow. A great many of the fellows went by frequent bull sessions (by the hunting over the week-end. By the way Masterson, “hear you have a looks of the slaughter, game, of one sweet tooth— Bait, —!n) ....unquote, kind or another, is _plentiful. Otis we don't know nothin'....Information White and Jack Bonnett were hosts lacking on the following..Thayto groups of members and alumni at er's Don”....that convention repo-rt hunting parties at their homes. 、t A. SewalFs got up her sleeve Plans are under way for the pro­ ....that the male element on campus fessional meetings of the fraternity with Florian Florek heading the com­ ire now being rated as to "strength" mittee. The committee has contact- (for further detail in re-ra^ds to ed several of this section's leading 「s, see Miss Lois AnnRooney).... educators for speakers at these meet­ "'at more than confusing Williams, Williams at Williams ...why for conings. The fraternity recently received a ?.nyoTie would make the suggestion letter from its latest contribution to that the coke machine be moved for for conven­ the United States Service, Norm Dil­ convenience's sake! ley. Noim, last year's fraternity ience^ sake? especially when the president and senior class president, Rec Room is such an interesting (?) is now stationed in Camp Lee, Vir- place. The Kappas had a hay ride....that's ginia. The Phi Sigs are having a week- all very well, except for the fact end party for faculty members, al- i that neithei- S. Sack nor E. Sebring umni and student members at the seem to believe in the tradition of Henry's Bend Cottage on the Alle- j the "red ear".…切。bad boys.,..better gheny over the week-end of No vein- i luck next time, you just ber 15-16. The frat so far expects doesn't seem fair, does it ...especial­ to have about twenty-five of its ! ly when some people don't even need a red ear! Take, for e •aivip]e....we members there. Phi Sigma Pi fraternity extends repeat: we don't know '■oth:n,! Look what we picked up: Fresh­ sincere sympathy to Miss Nancy Sophomore....dumps; Saey, a member of Alpha Delta Sor­ man....bumps; Junior ....slumps; Senior.... grumps. ority, in bhe death of her mother. That, believe it or not came from Kay Davis....the rain must be getting her down, but waifll Spring! Black Cats, Cider Headline Party Dr. Hiskey .,. Kappa Komment Reeder's Digest By Jack Aiton We, The People Squeak!!! And1 so it gees with your truly, commenta­ _ _ of the Reeder Rogues, alias, The tor Wolves. Believe me, all that goes on is not told. If you only knew— Well! But let us go on with that which is not classified as unmentionable. It seems, according to- all reports, that some of the "Wolfesses" of that noted joint, Haven Hall, are not abiding by all f e Good rules of etiquette wwhen on dates. The story goes something like th is-two wolves and two little wolfesses went down to do all the hot spots, namely, Jolley's, Coffee Shop, and Williams*. The girls, due to preliminary discus­ Of sion, were to treat the boys, course, the little dears weren't hungry, the girls, so they ordered hot chocolate and the boys ordered a coke. The bill was received and the females refused to pay, the p kers. Regardless, the gentlerne i paid, and started to take the Wolfessas hone, where up o', i they demanded a i de. The fellows were at a loss as to what to do, so the girls started thumb­ ing; the fellows came home alone, and th? girls al::o walked T'va mor?I is, never oblige a gi.l to walk home from a elate. Clintc-1 Stubbe, at lete and gashcr, has been having trouble with his laund: y of late. It seems that his white shirts have a habit of turning red around the collars after he wears them on a date. Could it be rouge, or lipstick, or possibly Shirky?? Say—* hat Freshman fl as'-, “Ronny" McCoy, doesn't waste any time with the women. It seems that he has some mystic power ovei, th3 members of the opposite sex. not exceptionally tall, he doesn't have the tiaditio -al tan, hut boy, oh boy, —he must be plenty terr fic. If you want to know, ask a certain deepvc-iced blond bo-mb-shell. Well, enough is enough. Gee, a:n't this di t a te •: iblc thing? After all though, what else would you readers want than some di/t o i the fellows or girl next door? Edinboro students spent the eve(Continued from Pare One) ning of October 31 in a good old president of his class for four con­ fashioned manner with dancing, ap­ secutive yeais. He also found time ple-bobbing, clammy hand shakes and while at Kansas State Teachers Col­ fortune telling at the Sophomore lege to meet and woo. a young lady Hallowe'en Party. v/ho subsequently became Mrs. H:s The Sophomores had decorated key a'd who- resides with him in the Old Gym with much orange and Reeder Hall. Mrs. Hiskey is herself a school black crepe paper, black cats, owls and witches, and cornstalks, The teacher and has had experience in . entrance was spooky with clinging- service. She, with the assistance of cobwebs and blood-curdling screams. Miss Ruth Samkowski, an Edinboro At 10:30 the '密eed Your Face I student, has made and standardized Shop" served cider and donuts to a performance test of intelligence The materials all. Dancing continued until 11:30. for deaf children. 1'or this test are constructed right Because of 'the change in regis­ here in Edinboro and the te:t is di“ tration date, due to paralysis, quart­ tributed by The Psychological Cor­ er fees are due on Nevember 24 and poration of Ntw York City. 25 instead of November 11 and 12. +・— (Kjappa Delta Phi) By Jack Mensinger Burton Laub's stories of c ■ crime and related subjects are now re. placed by tales of the U. S. lavy as a ]result of our visitors of night. Mr. Laub, '•T ""v the f r Present Erie County 匚District -', Attorney, ,-,was the first of our guest speakers. Carry, ing on last night was the recruiting officer for the U. S. Navy, wj; showed some interesting ' pictures of the Navy in addition to telling the fellows some unusual facts about our first line of defense. Last Saturday evening, the annual This year, an hayride was held. added attraction was a corn husk­ ing bee on the farm